Papers by Muhammad Asri Nasir
Tradisi pra-Islam yang ada di Sulawesi-Selatan sangat melekat pada diri orang-orang yang ada di S... more Tradisi pra-Islam yang ada di Sulawesi-Selatan sangat melekat pada diri orang-orang yang ada di Sulawesi Selatan khususnya orang-orang suku Bugis yang menganut agama lokal. Budaya yang ada di kalangan masyarakat Bugis sangat melekat denga tradisi keagamaan loka masyarakat Bugis yang mempercayai adanya kekuatan besar yang mengatur segala sesuatu di bumi. Namun setelah Islam datang banya tradisi yang mulai digeser atau terjadi perpaduan antara tradisi budaya lokal deng unsur-unsur Agama Islam. salah satu tradisi yang bertahan hingga sekarang dan telah mengalami proses perpaduan dengan Agama Islam adalah tradisi “mabbarasanji”. Tradisi tersebut merupakan tradisi yang telah melalui proses Islamisasi sejak Islam masuk di Sulawesi Selatan pada awal abad ke-17 M. Pada penelitian ini penulis menitik fokuskan pada tradisi mabbarasanji di kalangan masyarakat Bugis yang ada di kelurahan Ujung, Kecamatan Lilirilau, Kabupaten Soppeng, Sulawesi Selatan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan 3 ...
Aqlam: Journal of Islam and Plurality, 2021
The orientalist debate about the authenticity of the hadith was highlighted by Herbert Berg who h... more The orientalist debate about the authenticity of the hadith was highlighted by Herbert Berg who he specifically described in his work entitled The Development of Exegesis in Early Islam. In the book, Berg made a classification of orientalist thinking models on hadith. Based on this, this article aims to discuss the classification and mention Berg's reasons for placing the orientalists and also explain the implications of Berg's classification in the study of hadith. In this article, the researcher uses descriptive-analytical method by obtaining the following findings: First, there are four models of orientalist thought in Herbert Berg's hadith perspective, namely Early Western Scepticism, Reaction Against Scepticism, Middle Ground, and Renewed Scepticism. Although, as the finding of the research, it was found that from the four models, there are only two models that are relevant to the facts, namely the skeptical and non-skeptic groups. Second, Berg divides the model of thought based on the attitude of the orienalists to hadith. Third, Berg's classification has at least two implications, namely as a method of reading orientalist thinking models on hadith and the creation of a new method in determining the authenticity of hadith, namely the Sanguine Approach and the Skeptical Approach by Berg..
Papers by Muhammad Asri Nasir