Papers by Muhamad Indrawan
Televisi merupakan media massa yang saat ini banyak digunakan masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan... more Televisi merupakan media massa yang saat ini banyak digunakan masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi. Oleh karenanya, demi memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat, stasiun televisi menyediakan program news yang memberikan informasi mengenai berbagai peristiwa dalam kehidupan masyarakat. ANTV misalnya, dengan salah satu program newsnya, Topik Petang memberikan sajian news yang ringan dan juga beberapa informasi terkini yang terangkum dalam segmen Topik Utama. Pertanyaan yang muncul adalah bagaimana proses produksi berita yang dilakukan redaksi Topik Petang, hingga berita siap ditayangkan? Berita di produksi melalui proses yang bertahap yang meliputi pencarian berita dan pengumpulan bahan-bahan berita. Kemudian bahan berita yang telah diliput, ditulis dalam naskah. Kemudian naskah yang telah rapi akan di dubbing. Setelah itu, dilakukan proses editing dan selanjutnya hasil akhir editing akan diserahkan pada control room untuk di operasikan oleh beberapa crew pada saat live. Saat itulah be...
This study aims to determine whether there is influence of students' perceptions about teache... more This study aims to determine whether there is influence of students' perceptions about teacher pedagogic competence and learning motivation on economic achievement of SMAN 100 Jakarta. The data obtained in the form of questionnaire data and secondary data from relevant agencies. By using path analysis, it is known that there is a direct and indirect influence of students' perceptions about teacher pedagogic competence and student learning motivation on student achievement of SMAN 100 Jakarta. The result shows that there is influence either directly or indirectly between student perception to pedagogic competence of teacher and motivation learn to student achievement class X IPS SMAN 100 Jakarta. Keyword : Student Perception of teacher pedagogic competence, learning motivation, student achievement
Biofarmasi Journal of Natural Product Biochemistry, 2003
Ellagitannin is one of the bioactive groups produced by some of medicinal plants. Ellagitannin is... more Ellagitannin is one of the bioactive groups produced by some of medicinal plants. Ellagitannin is a hydrolysable tannin compound biosynthesized via shikimic acid – gallic acid – pentagalloilglucose pathway. Ellagitannin can be isolated by cascade extraction procedures followed by column chromatography method and preparative HPLC method. The biological activities of ellagitannin are caused by molecular bond between ellagitannin and some other compound, especially protein that makes complex compound and changes physiological processes in cells or tissues of the livingthinks. Biological activities of ellagitannin included anti-diabetic, anti-microbes, anti-viruses, anti-hypertension, antioxidative, and anti-cancer or anti-tumor.
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa Gagasan Tertulis, Jan 29, 2014
Jakarta is area with the highest population density in Indonesia, and acts as a Center for Econom... more Jakarta is area with the highest population density in Indonesia, and acts as a Center for Economic Capital and the State. One factor is the density of population is high urbanization. We put forward the city a model of entry visas as a form of legalization for the urban policies aimed at regulating migration and controlling the number of entrance. Furthermore, the necessary parties supporters to be able to carry out the implementation of the strategic entry visa this city include the establishment of a special body to handle visas entered the city. Eventually we hope to visa entry system the city is able to take control of the number of migrants coming to Jakarta.
Papers by Muhamad Indrawan