El-Qist: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB)
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana peran Mandiri Entrepreneur Center (M... more Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana peran Mandiri Entrepreneur Center (MEC) Surabaya dalam mencetak wirausahawan dan proses apa saja yang mendukung dan menghambat Mandiri Entrepreneur Center (MEC) Surabaya dalam mencetak wirausahawan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa peran yang dilakukan Mandiri Entrepreneur Center (MEC) Surabaya dalam mencetak wirausahawan yaitu dengan menjalankan pendidikan kewirausahaan antara lain Entrepreneur Camp, Entrepreneur Session, Entrepreneur Motivation dan Entrepreneur Challenge. Selain itu pihak manajemen juga sangat totalitas dalam mendidik peserta didik. Sedangkan untuk proses yang mendukung Mandiri Entrepreneur Center (MEC) Surabaya dalam mencetak wirausahawan diantaranya adalah fasilitas sarana dan prasarana, support dari beberapa pihak seperti manajemen, pengajar dan warga sekitar, selain itu ada pula faktor pendukung utama yaitu karakter dan kemauan dari dalam diri peserta didik serta orang tua. Namun karakter dari d...
International journal of business, economics & management
This study discusses marketing understanding and strategy as well as value creation in business i... more This study discusses marketing understanding and strategy as well as value creation in business in an era full of competition. To discuss this study, we get support from various publications about marketing and new strategies and products so that a company can compete and make it one of the companies that can survive in an era where competition is—obtaining data through a google school search on literature which is scientific evidence of how business marketing currently has a strategy and creates new value for businesses to compete. After the data is collected, we analyze it under a phenomenological approach, an attempt to get data evidence to answer phenomenal problems on the validity and reliability of findings. Where the business is very competitive, of course, the strategy has one concept and can create value in marketing by following various trends that will occur in the following year; likewise, the marketing strategy has components and planning that follow the characteristics...
This research aims to examine the effect of brand image, celebrity endorser, country of origin an... more This research aims to examine the effect of brand image, celebrity endorser, country of origin and electronic word of mouth on buying interest in Korean beauty products (K-Beauty). The method used is quantitative associative. The sampling technique used is accidental sampling as many as 108 respondents. Data was collected by distributing online questionnaires via google form. The collected data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) which consists of two stages, namely the measurement model and the structural model with IBM SPSS AMOS software version 20 and index number analysis as descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis show that brand image has a positive and significant effect on buying interest in Korean beauty products (K-Beauty), celebrity endorser has a positive and insignificant effect on buying interest in Korean beauty products (K-Beauty), while country of origin and electronic word of mouth have a negative and insignificant effect on buying intere...
Abstrak: Pokok masalah yang diteliti dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah: Bagaimanakah gaya kepemi... more Abstrak: Pokok masalah yang diteliti dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah: Bagaimanakah gaya kepemimpinan Dahlan Iskan ketika menjadi Menteri BUMN Republik Indonesia dan bagaimanakah gaya kepemimpinan Dahlan Iskan ketika menjadi Menteri BUMN Republik Indonesia ditelaah dengan nilai-nilai Islam? Dengan mengambil subyek Dahlan Iskan ketika menjadi Menteri BUMN, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kepustakaan dengan teknik Trianggulasi. Adapun sumber data penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Pelaksanaan analisis data sudah mulai dilakukan oleh peneliti ketika mengumpulkan data di lapangan. Dengan cara mengelompokkan data. Dalam tahap ini juga dilakukan reduksi (pengurangan) data-data yang tidak diperlukan. Selanjutnya peneliti mengkorelasikan antara temuan di lapangan dengan teori, hal ini dilakukan untuk menguatkan teori yang ada berdasarkan data yang ditemukan di lapangan atau menolak teori yang ada dan melahirkan asumsi-asumsi baru untuk kelahiran ...
Buku yang sedang anda baca ini merupakan bagian penting dari ikhtiar SILE/LLD project untuk menga... more Buku yang sedang anda baca ini merupakan bagian penting dari ikhtiar SILE/LLD project untuk mengabadikan dan menyebarluaskan berbagai hasil-hasil yang telah diperolehnya. Sebagai sebuah project yang tidak membangun fisik, tentu kehadiran semacam buku dan rekaman peristiwa tertulis menjadi sesuatu yang cukup berharga. Mengingat kadar ingatan kita terhadap nonfisik jauh berbeda dengan mengingat sesuatu yang fisik. Apa yang tak tampak secara fisik umumnya mudah terlupakan dan mudah diputarbalikkan. Mungkindisinilah posisi lain dari hadirnya buku ini. Menjadi penanda peristiwa bahwa kita semua pernah belajar dalam bingkai SILE/LLD. Penulisan buku ini dimulai dari kegiatan KM Arisan Tulisan. KM adalah kepanjangan dari knowledge management, merupakan salah satu cross-cutting issues dalam project ini. Arisan tulisan menjadi salah satu kegiatan diseminasi hasil project dengan tujuan membukukan tulisan-tulisan yang berasal dari pengalaman belajar bersama SILE/LLD. Arisan tulisan adalah model...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap makna peran kepemimpinan wirausahaan (entrepreneurial l... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap makna peran kepemimpinan wirausahaan (entrepreneurial leadership) Kiai Abdul Ghofur dalam mengembang kan semangat kewirausahaan di Pondok Pesantren Sunan Drajat (PPSD) dan sekitarnya. Peran yang dieksplorasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peran kepemimpinan, karakter kewirausahaan dan strategi yang digunakan dalam mengembangkan semangat kewirausahaan di Pondok Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan paradigma interpretif dan desain etnografi. Informan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 58 informan yang diperoleh dengan cara purposive dan snowballing. Data dikumpulkan melalui cara partisipasi observasi dan wawancara mendalam, dianalisis dengan pendekatan etnografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Peran kepemimpinan wirausaha Kiai Abdul Ghofur telah berkontribusi dalam proses pengembangan kewirausahaan di PPSD. Kiai Abdul Ghofur telah mengubah pandangan tentang arti penting kemandiri...
Abstract. This study aims to determine whether there is influence on recruitment system, training... more Abstract. This study aims to determine whether there is influence on recruitment system, training and spiritual values cultivation on employee productivity at sharia Retail Unit of Hidayatullah Sharia Kopontren As-Sakinah Keputih Surabaya. In addition, this study also aims to examine whether training and cultivation of spiritual values moderates relationship between recruitment system and working productivity of employees in Retail Unit of Hidayatullah Sharia Kopontren As-Sakinah Keputih Surabaya. The research sample was 62 respondents with respondence rate of 79%. Multiple linear regression and Moderate Regression Analysis through residual test approach were used to analyze the data. The finding indicates that there are no partial effect between recruitment system (X 1) and training (X 2) on employee productivity. On the other hand, cultivation of spiritual values (X 3) positively and significantlyaffect employee productivity. Variable of training moderator (X 2) and cultivation ...
This quantitative research aimed to determine the factors influencing students’ decisions to inve... more This quantitative research aimed to determine the factors influencing students’ decisions to invest with intention as an intervening variable using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method through the smartPLS 3.0. The population in this study was UINSA students who already had accounts in GIS UINSA. The research sample of 110 respondents was selected using purposive sampling techniques. The results showed that intention influences students’ investment decisions. Returns and technological advancements influence their investment decision through intention, both directly and indirectly.Conversely, knowledge, motivation, and capital market training do not affect that, either directly or indirectly. Therefore, knowledge and Islamic capital market training need more attention. It can be done by optimizing the socialization and education about the Islamic capital market by holding seminars, training, webinar and providing facilities and tools that promote the motivation to invest in the Isla...
Several studies found the weakness of using conventional performance measurement tools such as CA... more Several studies found the weakness of using conventional performance measurement tools such as CAMELS and RGEC in Islamic banking and the lack of performance measurement tools following the characteristics of Islamic banks. The findings showed the need for a performance measurement system that integrates the objectives of sharia and the business objectives of sharia banking. This study explored the application of Maqashid shariah values in Islamic banking and initiated a Sharia Integrated Performance Measurement (SIPM) structure. The researchers used Grounded Theory and library research. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with practitioners, experts, and academics of Islamic banking, while secondary data was taken from the literature and previous research that discussed the measurement of Islamic banking performance. The data were analyzed through several stages: data reduction, data display, and concluding with the help of the Atlas.ti application version 8. This study...
This research applies a meta-synthesis of research articles on financial and maqasid sharia perfo... more This research applies a meta-synthesis of research articles on financial and maqasid sharia performance from three dimensions: Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB), and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The meta-synthesis was carried out on 50 articles from Scopus-indexed international (Q4-Q1) and Sinta-accredited national (S5-S1) journals published between 2000 and 2020. The meta-synthesis is used as a qualitative systematic review method, which has not been used in similar studies. The results show an inconsistent influence of exogenous variables (GCG, SSB, and CSR) on endogenous variables (financial performance and maqasid sharia performance). The inconsistency is likely due to differences in various and incomprehensive uses of variables and measurement indicators. The optimal implementation of GCG, SSB, and CSR can affect financial performance.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menguji tingkat kesehatan Bank Syariah BUMN yang akan di merger, yait... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menguji tingkat kesehatan Bank Syariah BUMN yang akan di merger, yaitu BRI Syariah, Bank Syariah Mandiri dan BNI Syariah. Data sekunder diperoleh dari laporan keuangan masing-masing bank pada triwulan ketiga tahun 2020. Indikator yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah faktor risk profile, rentabilitas dan Capital. Rasio yang dibandingkan adalah rasio Non Performing Financing (NPF), Financing to Deposit Ratio, Net Operating Margin (NOM), Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE), Beban Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) dan Kecukupan Pemenuhan Modal Minimum(KPMM). Rasio-rasio kinerja yang dibandingkan dinilai dengan peringkat sesuai dengan kodifikasi peraturan Bank Indonesia tentang penilaian tingkat kesehatan bank. Dari analisis data yang dilakukan, BRI Syariah memiliki rasio keuangan yang lebih lemah dibandingkan dengan dua bank syariah lainnya. BSM lebih unggul pada rasio NPF, ROA, ROE, NOM dan BOPO, sedangkan BNI Syariah Unggul p...
The response to the conference call was great and the conference featured about 57 participants w... more The response to the conference call was great and the conference featured about 57 participants who presented their current research work in the management and business science. Ten best papers were selected to appear in the 2014 APMBA Journal edition in order to give broader impact to the academic society. The editor appreciated the work of all reviewers of the received submissions particularly for their thorough and constructive comments and for their willingness to review the papers. The conference featured two keynote speakers. The first keynote speaker echoing a title of "Low Level Inference and Management Research: Leveraging the consultant's perspective" was presented by Dr.
BAGIAN PERTAMA<br> Manajemen Bisnis di Korporasi Media 1. Arsitektur Corporate University d... more BAGIAN PERTAMA<br> Manajemen Bisnis di Korporasi Media 1. Arsitektur Corporate University di Perusahaan Media: Inovasi Pemutakhiran Program Training and Development<br> Aun Falestien Faletehan 2. Manajemen Pemasaran Media<br> Airlangga Bramayudha 3. Ketika EL, KM, dan AI Bertemu<br> Muhamad Ahsan 4. Manajemen Kultur untuk Menciptakan Learning Organisation<br> Aun Falestien Faletehan 5. Manajemen Deradikalisasi Dunia Maya dalam Fenomena Industri Media Cyber Society<br> Muchammad Ismail BAGIAN KEDUA<br> Komunikasi Bisnis di Industri Media 1. Kajian Statistika Bahasa Iklan<br> Lukman Fahmi 2. Intervensi Media dalam Pergerakan Mata Uang Asing<br> Advan Navis Zubaidi 3. Komodifikasi Media dalam Dakwah<br> M. Anis Bachtiar 4. Strukturasi Media: Mengungkap Relasi Kuasa di Balik Media Online<br> A.M. Moefad
International Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Research, 2021
This article aims to provide an overview of the development of research on the measurement of Isl... more This article aims to provide an overview of the development of research on the measurement of Islamic banking performance over the past 20 years from 89 selected papers with Scopus-indexed journals ranked Q4 to Q1 or accredited with Sinta 2 to Sinta 1. This study used a qual-quantitative meta-analysis approach using the Mendeley citation application. The distribution of the topic and the depth of research in paper samples based on keywords in publications were analyzed using the VOSviewer application. The results of the analysis showed that the research trend of Islamic banking performance in reputable journals is increasing in recent years. Most of the studies performed in the last two decades have focused on the practice and corporate governance of Islamic banks and comparisons between Islamic and conventional banks based on financial performance ratios and aspect of maqasid al-Shariah; Only a few studies that discuss efficiency, social performance on Islamic banks, regulation, in...
This study aims to explore the leadership of Kyai Abdul Ghofur in the development of entrepreneur... more This study aims to explore the leadership of Kyai Abdul Ghofur in the development of entrepreneurial spirit in Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, East Java. Ethnographic approach was choice for exploring the Kyai Abdul Ghofur leadership in developing the entrepreneurial spirit in his pesantren (boarding school). The findings of this study is the concept of Kyai Abdul Ghofur leadership in the development of the entrepreneurial spirit in Pesantren Sunan Drajat has combined the concept of Al-Qur'an letter at Tawbah verses 128, Sunan Drajat philosophy and entrepreneurial leadership.
This study aims to determine the mapping of existing business strategies and develop new business... more This study aims to determine the mapping of existing business strategies and develop new business strategies into a business model canvas. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data were collected through observation, documentation, and interview. The collected data were analyzed using SWOT analysis and the results were elaborated into nine elements of the Business Model Canvas. The results showed that the business strategy obtained from the Business Model Canvas mapping is good enough because each element supports each other to increase revenue. The practical implication is that several strategies must be improvised to increase revenue, including by developing key resources, increasing the cost structure for advertising, and persuading customers to become resellers as key partnerships, customer relationships, and channels.
One of the ways to raise an entrepreneurial spirit through learning processes is the use of game ... more One of the ways to raise an entrepreneurial spirit through learning processes is the use of game simulation. Learning materials delivered using game simulation are expected to improve knowledge, understandings, and insights related to entrepreneurship. This study aimed to examine individual’s understanding of game-based entrepreneurship learning based on the expressions of like and dislike. Data of this study were collected by means of an open-ended questionnaire through a survey conducted for nine years (2011-2019). As many as 441 students participated in the entrepreneurship game called “Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB)” at a university in Indonesia. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively using NVivo 12plus. The results showed that participants liked the game because it could increase their entrepreneurial passions, skills, insights, and mindsets. However, what participants did not like about the game was related to its’ characteristics, the personal issues that it c...
Islamic banking has philanthropy values presented in zakat and other virtue funds as it aims at e... more Islamic banking has philanthropy values presented in zakat and other virtue funds as it aims at enhancing economic growth and prosperity. These philanthropy instruments are one of the differences between Islamic banks and conventional banks. However, the role of zakat and other funds in enhancing people’s welfare needs to be analyzed since the market share of Islamic banks is still growing slowly. This paper is intended to analyze the influence of zakat and the other virtue funds towards the realization of social welfare. In specific, this paper also intends to find a strategy for strengthening welfare through the role of philanthropy of Islamic banks. This study utilizes a quantitative approach that is analyzed using the Spearman correlation test. The results of the paper are: first, zakat has no significant correlation on welfare; second, other virtue funds have a significant correlation with welfare. The strategy proposed is to empower zakat collection agencies funds and establis...
El-Qist: Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB)
Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana peran Mandiri Entrepreneur Center (M... more Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana peran Mandiri Entrepreneur Center (MEC) Surabaya dalam mencetak wirausahawan dan proses apa saja yang mendukung dan menghambat Mandiri Entrepreneur Center (MEC) Surabaya dalam mencetak wirausahawan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa peran yang dilakukan Mandiri Entrepreneur Center (MEC) Surabaya dalam mencetak wirausahawan yaitu dengan menjalankan pendidikan kewirausahaan antara lain Entrepreneur Camp, Entrepreneur Session, Entrepreneur Motivation dan Entrepreneur Challenge. Selain itu pihak manajemen juga sangat totalitas dalam mendidik peserta didik. Sedangkan untuk proses yang mendukung Mandiri Entrepreneur Center (MEC) Surabaya dalam mencetak wirausahawan diantaranya adalah fasilitas sarana dan prasarana, support dari beberapa pihak seperti manajemen, pengajar dan warga sekitar, selain itu ada pula faktor pendukung utama yaitu karakter dan kemauan dari dalam diri peserta didik serta orang tua. Namun karakter dari d...
International journal of business, economics & management
This study discusses marketing understanding and strategy as well as value creation in business i... more This study discusses marketing understanding and strategy as well as value creation in business in an era full of competition. To discuss this study, we get support from various publications about marketing and new strategies and products so that a company can compete and make it one of the companies that can survive in an era where competition is—obtaining data through a google school search on literature which is scientific evidence of how business marketing currently has a strategy and creates new value for businesses to compete. After the data is collected, we analyze it under a phenomenological approach, an attempt to get data evidence to answer phenomenal problems on the validity and reliability of findings. Where the business is very competitive, of course, the strategy has one concept and can create value in marketing by following various trends that will occur in the following year; likewise, the marketing strategy has components and planning that follow the characteristics...
This research aims to examine the effect of brand image, celebrity endorser, country of origin an... more This research aims to examine the effect of brand image, celebrity endorser, country of origin and electronic word of mouth on buying interest in Korean beauty products (K-Beauty). The method used is quantitative associative. The sampling technique used is accidental sampling as many as 108 respondents. Data was collected by distributing online questionnaires via google form. The collected data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) which consists of two stages, namely the measurement model and the structural model with IBM SPSS AMOS software version 20 and index number analysis as descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis show that brand image has a positive and significant effect on buying interest in Korean beauty products (K-Beauty), celebrity endorser has a positive and insignificant effect on buying interest in Korean beauty products (K-Beauty), while country of origin and electronic word of mouth have a negative and insignificant effect on buying intere...
Abstrak: Pokok masalah yang diteliti dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah: Bagaimanakah gaya kepemi... more Abstrak: Pokok masalah yang diteliti dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah: Bagaimanakah gaya kepemimpinan Dahlan Iskan ketika menjadi Menteri BUMN Republik Indonesia dan bagaimanakah gaya kepemimpinan Dahlan Iskan ketika menjadi Menteri BUMN Republik Indonesia ditelaah dengan nilai-nilai Islam? Dengan mengambil subyek Dahlan Iskan ketika menjadi Menteri BUMN, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kepustakaan dengan teknik Trianggulasi. Adapun sumber data penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Pelaksanaan analisis data sudah mulai dilakukan oleh peneliti ketika mengumpulkan data di lapangan. Dengan cara mengelompokkan data. Dalam tahap ini juga dilakukan reduksi (pengurangan) data-data yang tidak diperlukan. Selanjutnya peneliti mengkorelasikan antara temuan di lapangan dengan teori, hal ini dilakukan untuk menguatkan teori yang ada berdasarkan data yang ditemukan di lapangan atau menolak teori yang ada dan melahirkan asumsi-asumsi baru untuk kelahiran ...
Buku yang sedang anda baca ini merupakan bagian penting dari ikhtiar SILE/LLD project untuk menga... more Buku yang sedang anda baca ini merupakan bagian penting dari ikhtiar SILE/LLD project untuk mengabadikan dan menyebarluaskan berbagai hasil-hasil yang telah diperolehnya. Sebagai sebuah project yang tidak membangun fisik, tentu kehadiran semacam buku dan rekaman peristiwa tertulis menjadi sesuatu yang cukup berharga. Mengingat kadar ingatan kita terhadap nonfisik jauh berbeda dengan mengingat sesuatu yang fisik. Apa yang tak tampak secara fisik umumnya mudah terlupakan dan mudah diputarbalikkan. Mungkindisinilah posisi lain dari hadirnya buku ini. Menjadi penanda peristiwa bahwa kita semua pernah belajar dalam bingkai SILE/LLD. Penulisan buku ini dimulai dari kegiatan KM Arisan Tulisan. KM adalah kepanjangan dari knowledge management, merupakan salah satu cross-cutting issues dalam project ini. Arisan tulisan menjadi salah satu kegiatan diseminasi hasil project dengan tujuan membukukan tulisan-tulisan yang berasal dari pengalaman belajar bersama SILE/LLD. Arisan tulisan adalah model...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap makna peran kepemimpinan wirausahaan (entrepreneurial l... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap makna peran kepemimpinan wirausahaan (entrepreneurial leadership) Kiai Abdul Ghofur dalam mengembang kan semangat kewirausahaan di Pondok Pesantren Sunan Drajat (PPSD) dan sekitarnya. Peran yang dieksplorasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peran kepemimpinan, karakter kewirausahaan dan strategi yang digunakan dalam mengembangkan semangat kewirausahaan di Pondok Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan paradigma interpretif dan desain etnografi. Informan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 58 informan yang diperoleh dengan cara purposive dan snowballing. Data dikumpulkan melalui cara partisipasi observasi dan wawancara mendalam, dianalisis dengan pendekatan etnografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Peran kepemimpinan wirausaha Kiai Abdul Ghofur telah berkontribusi dalam proses pengembangan kewirausahaan di PPSD. Kiai Abdul Ghofur telah mengubah pandangan tentang arti penting kemandiri...
Abstract. This study aims to determine whether there is influence on recruitment system, training... more Abstract. This study aims to determine whether there is influence on recruitment system, training and spiritual values cultivation on employee productivity at sharia Retail Unit of Hidayatullah Sharia Kopontren As-Sakinah Keputih Surabaya. In addition, this study also aims to examine whether training and cultivation of spiritual values moderates relationship between recruitment system and working productivity of employees in Retail Unit of Hidayatullah Sharia Kopontren As-Sakinah Keputih Surabaya. The research sample was 62 respondents with respondence rate of 79%. Multiple linear regression and Moderate Regression Analysis through residual test approach were used to analyze the data. The finding indicates that there are no partial effect between recruitment system (X 1) and training (X 2) on employee productivity. On the other hand, cultivation of spiritual values (X 3) positively and significantlyaffect employee productivity. Variable of training moderator (X 2) and cultivation ...
This quantitative research aimed to determine the factors influencing students’ decisions to inve... more This quantitative research aimed to determine the factors influencing students’ decisions to invest with intention as an intervening variable using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method through the smartPLS 3.0. The population in this study was UINSA students who already had accounts in GIS UINSA. The research sample of 110 respondents was selected using purposive sampling techniques. The results showed that intention influences students’ investment decisions. Returns and technological advancements influence their investment decision through intention, both directly and indirectly.Conversely, knowledge, motivation, and capital market training do not affect that, either directly or indirectly. Therefore, knowledge and Islamic capital market training need more attention. It can be done by optimizing the socialization and education about the Islamic capital market by holding seminars, training, webinar and providing facilities and tools that promote the motivation to invest in the Isla...
Several studies found the weakness of using conventional performance measurement tools such as CA... more Several studies found the weakness of using conventional performance measurement tools such as CAMELS and RGEC in Islamic banking and the lack of performance measurement tools following the characteristics of Islamic banks. The findings showed the need for a performance measurement system that integrates the objectives of sharia and the business objectives of sharia banking. This study explored the application of Maqashid shariah values in Islamic banking and initiated a Sharia Integrated Performance Measurement (SIPM) structure. The researchers used Grounded Theory and library research. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with practitioners, experts, and academics of Islamic banking, while secondary data was taken from the literature and previous research that discussed the measurement of Islamic banking performance. The data were analyzed through several stages: data reduction, data display, and concluding with the help of the Atlas.ti application version 8. This study...
This research applies a meta-synthesis of research articles on financial and maqasid sharia perfo... more This research applies a meta-synthesis of research articles on financial and maqasid sharia performance from three dimensions: Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Sharia Supervisory Board (SSB), and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The meta-synthesis was carried out on 50 articles from Scopus-indexed international (Q4-Q1) and Sinta-accredited national (S5-S1) journals published between 2000 and 2020. The meta-synthesis is used as a qualitative systematic review method, which has not been used in similar studies. The results show an inconsistent influence of exogenous variables (GCG, SSB, and CSR) on endogenous variables (financial performance and maqasid sharia performance). The inconsistency is likely due to differences in various and incomprehensive uses of variables and measurement indicators. The optimal implementation of GCG, SSB, and CSR can affect financial performance.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menguji tingkat kesehatan Bank Syariah BUMN yang akan di merger, yait... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menguji tingkat kesehatan Bank Syariah BUMN yang akan di merger, yaitu BRI Syariah, Bank Syariah Mandiri dan BNI Syariah. Data sekunder diperoleh dari laporan keuangan masing-masing bank pada triwulan ketiga tahun 2020. Indikator yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah faktor risk profile, rentabilitas dan Capital. Rasio yang dibandingkan adalah rasio Non Performing Financing (NPF), Financing to Deposit Ratio, Net Operating Margin (NOM), Return On Asset (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE), Beban Operasional terhadap Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) dan Kecukupan Pemenuhan Modal Minimum(KPMM). Rasio-rasio kinerja yang dibandingkan dinilai dengan peringkat sesuai dengan kodifikasi peraturan Bank Indonesia tentang penilaian tingkat kesehatan bank. Dari analisis data yang dilakukan, BRI Syariah memiliki rasio keuangan yang lebih lemah dibandingkan dengan dua bank syariah lainnya. BSM lebih unggul pada rasio NPF, ROA, ROE, NOM dan BOPO, sedangkan BNI Syariah Unggul p...
The response to the conference call was great and the conference featured about 57 participants w... more The response to the conference call was great and the conference featured about 57 participants who presented their current research work in the management and business science. Ten best papers were selected to appear in the 2014 APMBA Journal edition in order to give broader impact to the academic society. The editor appreciated the work of all reviewers of the received submissions particularly for their thorough and constructive comments and for their willingness to review the papers. The conference featured two keynote speakers. The first keynote speaker echoing a title of "Low Level Inference and Management Research: Leveraging the consultant's perspective" was presented by Dr.
BAGIAN PERTAMA<br> Manajemen Bisnis di Korporasi Media 1. Arsitektur Corporate University d... more BAGIAN PERTAMA<br> Manajemen Bisnis di Korporasi Media 1. Arsitektur Corporate University di Perusahaan Media: Inovasi Pemutakhiran Program Training and Development<br> Aun Falestien Faletehan 2. Manajemen Pemasaran Media<br> Airlangga Bramayudha 3. Ketika EL, KM, dan AI Bertemu<br> Muhamad Ahsan 4. Manajemen Kultur untuk Menciptakan Learning Organisation<br> Aun Falestien Faletehan 5. Manajemen Deradikalisasi Dunia Maya dalam Fenomena Industri Media Cyber Society<br> Muchammad Ismail BAGIAN KEDUA<br> Komunikasi Bisnis di Industri Media 1. Kajian Statistika Bahasa Iklan<br> Lukman Fahmi 2. Intervensi Media dalam Pergerakan Mata Uang Asing<br> Advan Navis Zubaidi 3. Komodifikasi Media dalam Dakwah<br> M. Anis Bachtiar 4. Strukturasi Media: Mengungkap Relasi Kuasa di Balik Media Online<br> A.M. Moefad
International Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Research, 2021
This article aims to provide an overview of the development of research on the measurement of Isl... more This article aims to provide an overview of the development of research on the measurement of Islamic banking performance over the past 20 years from 89 selected papers with Scopus-indexed journals ranked Q4 to Q1 or accredited with Sinta 2 to Sinta 1. This study used a qual-quantitative meta-analysis approach using the Mendeley citation application. The distribution of the topic and the depth of research in paper samples based on keywords in publications were analyzed using the VOSviewer application. The results of the analysis showed that the research trend of Islamic banking performance in reputable journals is increasing in recent years. Most of the studies performed in the last two decades have focused on the practice and corporate governance of Islamic banks and comparisons between Islamic and conventional banks based on financial performance ratios and aspect of maqasid al-Shariah; Only a few studies that discuss efficiency, social performance on Islamic banks, regulation, in...
This study aims to explore the leadership of Kyai Abdul Ghofur in the development of entrepreneur... more This study aims to explore the leadership of Kyai Abdul Ghofur in the development of entrepreneurial spirit in Pesantren Sunan Drajat Lamongan, East Java. Ethnographic approach was choice for exploring the Kyai Abdul Ghofur leadership in developing the entrepreneurial spirit in his pesantren (boarding school). The findings of this study is the concept of Kyai Abdul Ghofur leadership in the development of the entrepreneurial spirit in Pesantren Sunan Drajat has combined the concept of Al-Qur'an letter at Tawbah verses 128, Sunan Drajat philosophy and entrepreneurial leadership.
This study aims to determine the mapping of existing business strategies and develop new business... more This study aims to determine the mapping of existing business strategies and develop new business strategies into a business model canvas. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data were collected through observation, documentation, and interview. The collected data were analyzed using SWOT analysis and the results were elaborated into nine elements of the Business Model Canvas. The results showed that the business strategy obtained from the Business Model Canvas mapping is good enough because each element supports each other to increase revenue. The practical implication is that several strategies must be improvised to increase revenue, including by developing key resources, increasing the cost structure for advertising, and persuading customers to become resellers as key partnerships, customer relationships, and channels.
One of the ways to raise an entrepreneurial spirit through learning processes is the use of game ... more One of the ways to raise an entrepreneurial spirit through learning processes is the use of game simulation. Learning materials delivered using game simulation are expected to improve knowledge, understandings, and insights related to entrepreneurship. This study aimed to examine individual’s understanding of game-based entrepreneurship learning based on the expressions of like and dislike. Data of this study were collected by means of an open-ended questionnaire through a survey conducted for nine years (2011-2019). As many as 441 students participated in the entrepreneurship game called “Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB)” at a university in Indonesia. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively using NVivo 12plus. The results showed that participants liked the game because it could increase their entrepreneurial passions, skills, insights, and mindsets. However, what participants did not like about the game was related to its’ characteristics, the personal issues that it c...
Islamic banking has philanthropy values presented in zakat and other virtue funds as it aims at e... more Islamic banking has philanthropy values presented in zakat and other virtue funds as it aims at enhancing economic growth and prosperity. These philanthropy instruments are one of the differences between Islamic banks and conventional banks. However, the role of zakat and other funds in enhancing people’s welfare needs to be analyzed since the market share of Islamic banks is still growing slowly. This paper is intended to analyze the influence of zakat and the other virtue funds towards the realization of social welfare. In specific, this paper also intends to find a strategy for strengthening welfare through the role of philanthropy of Islamic banks. This study utilizes a quantitative approach that is analyzed using the Spearman correlation test. The results of the paper are: first, zakat has no significant correlation on welfare; second, other virtue funds have a significant correlation with welfare. The strategy proposed is to empower zakat collection agencies funds and establis...
Papers by Muhamad Ahsan