forensic science by Mudaser H Abbasi

To determine the variation of fingerprinting pattern in Hypertensive patients and to support the ... more To determine the variation of fingerprinting pattern in Hypertensive patients and to support the evidence of court of law regarding identification of persons. Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of April, 2012 to June, 2012. A total of 113 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data was analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, Sex, and Blood groups were recorded on the Proforma. Results: The majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i.e., sixty five 65% where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was twenty eight 28% and pattern of composite was five 5% only and no any patient of arch pattern was found. Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least pattern was composite.
To determine the variation of Dermatoglyphics pattern in Hypertensive patients and to support the... more To determine the variation of Dermatoglyphics pattern in Hypertensive patients and to support the evidence of court of law regarding identification of persons. Results: The majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i.e., Sixty seven (67%) where as the number of patients belonging to loop pattern was twenty eight (28%) and pattern of composite was five (5%) only and no any patient of arch pattern was found. Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least pattern was composite.

Aim: To determine the frequency of alcohol consumption cases among the area and determine the dif... more Aim: To determine the frequency of alcohol consumption cases among the area and determine the different age groups and clinical criteria of persons who are accused of being under the intoxicating effect of alcohol brought to Medicolegal Department of Sandeman (Prov) Hospital Quetta.
Study design: Observational cross sectional study Place of study: Data were collected from medico legal department of Sandeman provincial Hospital Quetta and study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore. Duration of the study: 01-January-2000 to 31-December 2000 Methods: A total of 64 alcohol consumption cases brought by police to medico legal department have been taken. Most of them at the time of examination were showing visible clinical evidence of alcoholic intake. Examination was conducted on the request of police. A proforma was designed to record the date, age, sex, and clinical examination of accused that were brought to department. Results: Data were analyzed on using SPSS version 20.Alcohol consumption cases results showed, out of 64 cases majority of the victims were males 62(96.9%)and only 2(3.1%) females. The most frequent cases of alcohol consumption were found at the age of 31-40 yrs, 20(31.3%) and the most common occupation of victims were Labourers 20(31.3%).
Conclusion: Alcohol is a drug of addiction and is responsible for many socio-economic problems, crimes, morbidity and mortality.

Aim: To determine the variation of fingerprinting pattern in Hypertensive patients and to suppor... more Aim: To determine the variation of fingerprinting pattern in Hypertensive patients and to support the evidence of court of law regarding identification of persons.
Study Design: Observational Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012.
Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of April, 2012 to June, 2012. A total of 113 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data was analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, Sex, and Blood groups were recorded on the Proforma.
Results: The majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i.e., sixty five 65% where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was twenty eight 28% and pattern of composite was five 5% only and no any patient of arch pattern was found.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least pattern was composite.
Keywords: Hypertension, fingerprinting, court of law

Aim: To describe the gender variation of finger prints pattern in Coronary Heart Disease patients... more Aim: To describe the gender variation of finger prints pattern in Coronary Heart Disease patients, and to support the evidence of court of law regarding identification of persons.
Study design: Descriptive Study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012
Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of 1 April, 2012 to 15 June, 2012. A total of 140 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, and Sex, were recorded on the proforma.
Results: Out of these one hundred and forty patients in males the most common pattern the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints 37.9%, where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was 27%. The third common pattern was composite, 5%, and very least pattern was arch only 1%.. In females most common pattern was Whorl 27% and the second most common pattern was Loop 5.7% and third pattern was composite only 1,and no any arch pattern was found .
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least patterns were Arch and composite.
Keywords: Finger print, coronary heart disease, gender variation

Aim: To study the different pattern variation of firearm injuries in firearm deaths brought to th... more Aim: To study the different pattern variation of firearm injuries in firearm deaths brought to the mortuary of Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore.
Design: Observational descriptive study
Duration of study: One year
Methods: The study was conducted in Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College, Lahore and data of all firearm fatalities, were collected from the mortuary of the Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore and data collected during the period from January 2010 to December 2010.
Results: 100 firearm fatalities autopsied taken during the period January 2010-December 2010 were studied. 80% were victims of homicidal attacks, 10 cases (10%) had history of accidental firearm injuries obtained; and in 5 cases (5%) fatalities were suicidal and in the remaining 5(5%) the cause(s) of firearm injuries were dacoits.
Conclusion: The firearm injury is more frequent in 21-30 years age group. The Young males are more commonly affected and must be targeted for lifestyle adjustments such as training to refrain from anger or disputes. The most common site of injury is Thorax and frequently injured organs are lungs.
Keywords: Firearm injury, autopsy

Aim: To determine association of lip prints pattern among the male female MBBS 3rd year students.... more Aim: To determine association of lip prints pattern among the male female MBBS 3rd year students.
Study design: Cross sectional study
Place and duration of study: The present study was conducted in the Avicenna Medical College Lahore in the department of Forensic medicine and Toxicology from to April 2012.
Methods: Lip prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of February-April 2012. A total of 100 MBBS, 3rd year students of the Avicenna Medical College Lahore participated in the study. Lip prints were recorded on a white paper and each lip print was assigned by their serial numbers and roll no. of student. Patterns of lip prints were classified according to Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classification.
Results: The most common pattern among the students was Type-I or long vertical grooves (60%), and 2nd most common pattern was Type-II or Branching grooves(20%), 3rd common pattern was Type –II short vertical grooves (8%) was found. The least common lip print patterns Type-III and type-IV were found and very least pattern of lip print was other type grooves or type-V.
Conclusion: Lip print pattern is unique for each of the examined individual. This finding is hoped to be useful in the identification process, both in civil and criminal cases. The most common pattern of lip prints was long Vertical groove or Type-I , and the second common pattern was the Type-II Branching grooves. Second least common pattern which were found to the type-III and type-IV and Very least pattern of lip print were found to be other type grooves or type-V. There is no any significant association of lip prints between males and females was found.
.Keywords: Cheiloscopic variation, lip prints, tsuchihashi classification

Objective: To determine the frequency of sexual assault cases including Rape, Zina and Sodomy.
... more Objective: To determine the frequency of sexual assault cases including Rape, Zina and Sodomy.
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Head of Medicolegal Department and Surgeon Medicolegal of provincial Hospital Quetta, Jan 1991 to Jan 1992.
Materials and methods: Data were collected from the Head of Medicolegal Department of Provincial Hospital Quetta after obtaining their informed consent for period commences from Jan, 1991 to Jan 1992. A total of 115 sexually assaulted victims, accused subjects were selected. Data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Data were recorded on a proforma and each proforma was assigned by their name, age, sex, province, date of examination and pattern of injuries and expert opinion about the case were recorded on the Proforma.
Results: Out of 15 cases maximum cases forty seven no of cases were of sodomy (40%) followed by Zina which were 31(31%) and third variety of cases were of rape cases 32(27%).
Conclusion: The most common sexual assault cases were of Sodomy in such areas followed by Zina and rape. The active sodomy cases were 26(23%), followed by passive sodomy cases which were 21(18%), whereas accused rape cases were 17(15%), and victimized rape cases were 15(13%), and zina cases reported were 36(31%).
Keywords: Sodomy, sexual assault, zina

Aim: To determine the variation of finger prints pattern among Diabetic patients and to support t... more Aim: To determine the variation of finger prints pattern among Diabetic patients and to support the evidence of court of law regarding identification of persons.
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the department of Medicine of Avicenna Hospital, Lahore.
Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of June 2013-October, 2013. A total of 100 diagnosed patients of Diabetes Mellitus were selected from the OPD of Avicenna Medical College, Lahore, and data was analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, Sex, and Blood groups were recorded on the Proforma. Results: The majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i-e. fifty 50% where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was forty five 45%, composite was only 2,2%, and no any particular patient belonging to Arch pattern.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least pattern was composite.
Keywords: Diabetes, finger prints,

Objective: To determine the variation of Dermatoglyphics pattern in Hypertensive patients and to ... more Objective: To determine the variation of Dermatoglyphics pattern in Hypertensive patients and to support the evidence of court of law regarding identification of persons.
Study design: Observational Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data were collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent from month of April 2012 to June 2012. A total of 100 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, Sex, and Blood groups recorded on the Proforma. Ethical clearance and permission was obtained from the institutional Ethical Committee of Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and Medical Superintendent of Punjab Institute of Cardiology.
Results: The majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i.e., Sixty seven (67%) where as the number of patients belonging to loop pattern was twenty eight (28%) and pattern of composite was five (5%) only and no any patient of arch pattern was found.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least pattern was composite.
Key words: Hypertension, dermatoglyphics,

Objective: To determine the distribution pattern among the students of Avicenna Medical College i... more Objective: To determine the distribution pattern among the students of Avicenna Medical College in relation to ABO blood groups.
Study design: Cross sectional study
Place and duration of study: Avicenna Medical College Lahore from 1-12-2011 to 29-02-2012.
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of 1 December, 2011 to 29 February, 2012. A total of 100 MBBS, 3rd year students of the Avicenna Medical College Lahore participated in the study. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their serial numbers and roll no. of student. The Name and general information of the students like Age, Sex and Blood groups were recorded on the Proforma. All the subjects were in the age range of 19-25 years consisting of 30 male and 70 female students. Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional Ethical Committee.
Results: Out of hundred participants majority were showed the trend and most common pattern belonging to Loop pattern 50%, followed by whorl pattern which was 42%, a very small proportion belonging to Arch pattern which was only 8%. The most common blood group pattern was B +ve 48% which showed commonality and community trend followed by O+ve which were 28%. Participants belonging to A+ve were 15%. Blood groups AB +ve were 6% and B-ve was 2% whereas A-ve was very uncommon 1% only. Maximum no were B+ve whereas least common was A –ve. relationship of different finger printing pattern with different blood groups but when we applied Chi-squared test at P-value ≤ 0.05 with 8 degree of freedom. It came out to be 7.89 which is much less than the cut off value at 0.05 which was 15.51 which revealed that the association was not found to be significant statistically at this level but this finger print pattern might be associated with blood groups , biologically which is still to be proved.
Conclusion: Loops are the most commonly occurring finger-print pattern and Arches are the least common. Blood group B positive is the most common and A negative is the rarest. Loops are predominant in blood group A +ve, B +ve and O+ve in individuals. Whorls are more common in blood group B+ve and O+ve and A+ve and least common in A-ve, and B-ve. Loops and Whorls are maximum seen in blood group B+ve while whorls are more common in blood group B+ve and O+ve

Objective: To describe the association of Dermatoglyphic pattern with poliomyelitis patients and ... more Objective: To describe the association of Dermatoglyphic pattern with poliomyelitis patients and to support the evidence of court of law regarding identification of persons.
Study design: Observational descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Medical OPD of Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health Ferozpur Road Lahore
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent from month of November 2011 to August 2012. A total of 100 diagnosed patients were selected from the Medical OPD of Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health, Ferozpur Road Lahore and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and same was assigned by their Name, Age, and Sex, for purposive sampling were recorded on the Proforma. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Ethical Committee.
Results: One hundred patients participated in these studies which were all known cases of poliomyelitis. Out of these one hundred patients the majority of the patients were belonging to Loop pattern of finger prints i-e. fifty , 50% where as the number of patients belonging to Whorl pattern was thirty ,30% pattern of composite and Arch pattern ere ten 10% only.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to Loop pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Whorl pattern and the least patterns were composite followed by Arch pattern.
Keywords: Dermatoglyphic, poliomyelitis, finger prints

Objective: Objective of study was to evaluate common pattern of lip prints among the MBBS 3rd
yea... more Objective: Objective of study was to evaluate common pattern of lip prints among the MBBS 3rd
year students
Study design: Observational Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: The present study was conducted in the Avicenna Medical
College Lahore in the department of Forensic medicine and Toxicology from February 2012 to
April 2012
Materials and methods: Lip prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their
informed consent in the month of February-April 2012. A total of 100 MBBS, 3rd year students of
the Avicenna Medical College Lahore participated in the study. Lip prints were recorded on a
white paper and each lip print was assigned by their serial numbers and roll no. of student. The
Name and general information of the students like Age, Sex and Blood groups and Ethnicity
were recorded on the Proforma. Patterns of lip prints were classified according to Suzuki and
Tsuchihashi classification. All the subjects were in the age range of 19-25 years consisting of 30
male and 70 female students. Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional Ethical
Results: The most common pattern of lip prints was long Vertical groove or Type-I ,sixty
students (60%),Second common pattern was the Type-II Branching grooves, twenty
(20%),Type-II of short vertical grooves were only eight (8%),Second least common pattern
which were found to the type-III and type-IV each group was consisting of five students
(5%),Very least pattern of lip print was found to be Other type grooves or type-V ,only two (2%)
students were found to be belonging to this group.
Conclusion: Lip print pattern is unique for each of the examined individual. This finding is
hoped to be useful in the identification process, both in civil and criminal cases.
Key words: Cheiloscopic Variation, lip prints, Tsuchihashi classification

Objective: To describe the association of Dermatoglyphics with Coronary Heart Disease and to supp... more Objective: To describe the association of Dermatoglyphics with Coronary Heart Disease and to support the evidence of court of law regarding identification of persons.
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012.
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of 1 April, 2012 to 15 June, 2012. A total of 140 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, and Sex, were recorded on the Proforma.
Results: .A total of one hundred and forty patients participated in this study which was all known case of Coronary Heart disease patients. Out of these one hundred and forty patients the majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i.e., 90(57%) where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was 40(29%) pattern of Arch and composite was same i.e.,10(7%) each.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least patterns were Arch and composite.
Key words: Coronary heart disease, dermatoglyphics, court of law.
Biochemistry by Mudaser H Abbasi

Aim: To produce biosurfactants from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using agricultural resource and to pr... more Aim: To produce biosurfactants from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using agricultural resource and to produce Biosurfactants using low cost materials.
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in University of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Methods: The volume of sample taken are 3ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of District Kasoor and flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5cm deep from soil surface aseptically. Samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h, culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results: Surface tension was 66.1, 63.2, 48.2 and 45.7 mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 3ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.23, 0.82, 1.75 and 1.98g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.2, 0.18, 0.22 and 0.4 g/L respectively.
Conclusion: After optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved.
Keywords: Biosurfactant, pseudomonas aeruginosa, inoculum

Aim: To produce biosurfactants from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using agricultural resource and to pr... more Aim: To produce biosurfactants from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using agricultural resource and to produce Biosurfactants using low cost materials.
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of molecular biology and biotechnology in university of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Methods: The volume of sample taken are 4ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of District Kasoor and flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5 cm deep from the soil surface aseptically. The samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h the culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results:-. surface tension was 64.3, 62.1, 49.8 and 46.4mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 4ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.15, 0.4, 0.76 and 0.8 g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.3, 0.33, 0.26 and 0.28 g/L respectively
Conclusion: After optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved.
Keywords: Biosurfactant, pseudomonas aeruginosa, incolation

Objective: To produce biosurfactants from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using agricultural re... more ABSTRACT
Objective: To produce biosurfactants from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using agricultural resource and to produce Biosurfactants using low cost materials.
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of molecular biology and biotechnology in university of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Materials and methods: The volume of sample taken are 1ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosawas isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of district kasoorand flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5cm deep from the soil surface aseptically. The samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h the culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results:-Surface tension was 61.8, 48.1, 33.7 and 31.9mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 1ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.61, 1.24, 2.13 and 2.74 g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.28, 0.38, 0.7 and 1.0g/L respectively. And the effect of inoculum size was also evaluated by the production of rhamnolipid as it is evident that at 1ml inoculum size 2.74g/L rhamnolipid was obtained after 96 hours .
Conclusion: Optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved using 0.25g molasses with 1ml inoculum size.
Keywords: Biosurfactants, molases, pseudomonas aeruginosa

Objective: To produce biosurfactants from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using agricultural resource and ... more Objective: To produce biosurfactants from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using agricultural resource and to produce Biosurfactants using low cost materials.
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of molecular biology and biotechnology in university of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Methods: The volume of sample taken are 2ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of District Kasoor and flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5 cm deep from the soil surface aseptically. The samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h the culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results: Surface tension was 65.8, 52.6, 47.2 and 33.8 mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 2ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.38, 0.97, 1.92 and 2.21 g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.3, 0.65, 0.75 and 0.8 g/L respectively
Conclusion: After optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved .
Keywords: Biosurfactants, Molases, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
forensic science by Mudaser H Abbasi
Study design: Observational cross sectional study Place of study: Data were collected from medico legal department of Sandeman provincial Hospital Quetta and study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore. Duration of the study: 01-January-2000 to 31-December 2000 Methods: A total of 64 alcohol consumption cases brought by police to medico legal department have been taken. Most of them at the time of examination were showing visible clinical evidence of alcoholic intake. Examination was conducted on the request of police. A proforma was designed to record the date, age, sex, and clinical examination of accused that were brought to department. Results: Data were analyzed on using SPSS version 20.Alcohol consumption cases results showed, out of 64 cases majority of the victims were males 62(96.9%)and only 2(3.1%) females. The most frequent cases of alcohol consumption were found at the age of 31-40 yrs, 20(31.3%) and the most common occupation of victims were Labourers 20(31.3%).
Conclusion: Alcohol is a drug of addiction and is responsible for many socio-economic problems, crimes, morbidity and mortality.
Study Design: Observational Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012.
Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of April, 2012 to June, 2012. A total of 113 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data was analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, Sex, and Blood groups were recorded on the Proforma.
Results: The majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i.e., sixty five 65% where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was twenty eight 28% and pattern of composite was five 5% only and no any patient of arch pattern was found.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least pattern was composite.
Keywords: Hypertension, fingerprinting, court of law
Study design: Descriptive Study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012
Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of 1 April, 2012 to 15 June, 2012. A total of 140 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, and Sex, were recorded on the proforma.
Results: Out of these one hundred and forty patients in males the most common pattern the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints 37.9%, where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was 27%. The third common pattern was composite, 5%, and very least pattern was arch only 1%.. In females most common pattern was Whorl 27% and the second most common pattern was Loop 5.7% and third pattern was composite only 1,and no any arch pattern was found .
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least patterns were Arch and composite.
Keywords: Finger print, coronary heart disease, gender variation
Design: Observational descriptive study
Duration of study: One year
Methods: The study was conducted in Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College, Lahore and data of all firearm fatalities, were collected from the mortuary of the Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore and data collected during the period from January 2010 to December 2010.
Results: 100 firearm fatalities autopsied taken during the period January 2010-December 2010 were studied. 80% were victims of homicidal attacks, 10 cases (10%) had history of accidental firearm injuries obtained; and in 5 cases (5%) fatalities were suicidal and in the remaining 5(5%) the cause(s) of firearm injuries were dacoits.
Conclusion: The firearm injury is more frequent in 21-30 years age group. The Young males are more commonly affected and must be targeted for lifestyle adjustments such as training to refrain from anger or disputes. The most common site of injury is Thorax and frequently injured organs are lungs.
Keywords: Firearm injury, autopsy
Study design: Cross sectional study
Place and duration of study: The present study was conducted in the Avicenna Medical College Lahore in the department of Forensic medicine and Toxicology from to April 2012.
Methods: Lip prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of February-April 2012. A total of 100 MBBS, 3rd year students of the Avicenna Medical College Lahore participated in the study. Lip prints were recorded on a white paper and each lip print was assigned by their serial numbers and roll no. of student. Patterns of lip prints were classified according to Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classification.
Results: The most common pattern among the students was Type-I or long vertical grooves (60%), and 2nd most common pattern was Type-II or Branching grooves(20%), 3rd common pattern was Type –II short vertical grooves (8%) was found. The least common lip print patterns Type-III and type-IV were found and very least pattern of lip print was other type grooves or type-V.
Conclusion: Lip print pattern is unique for each of the examined individual. This finding is hoped to be useful in the identification process, both in civil and criminal cases. The most common pattern of lip prints was long Vertical groove or Type-I , and the second common pattern was the Type-II Branching grooves. Second least common pattern which were found to the type-III and type-IV and Very least pattern of lip print were found to be other type grooves or type-V. There is no any significant association of lip prints between males and females was found.
.Keywords: Cheiloscopic variation, lip prints, tsuchihashi classification
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Head of Medicolegal Department and Surgeon Medicolegal of provincial Hospital Quetta, Jan 1991 to Jan 1992.
Materials and methods: Data were collected from the Head of Medicolegal Department of Provincial Hospital Quetta after obtaining their informed consent for period commences from Jan, 1991 to Jan 1992. A total of 115 sexually assaulted victims, accused subjects were selected. Data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Data were recorded on a proforma and each proforma was assigned by their name, age, sex, province, date of examination and pattern of injuries and expert opinion about the case were recorded on the Proforma.
Results: Out of 15 cases maximum cases forty seven no of cases were of sodomy (40%) followed by Zina which were 31(31%) and third variety of cases were of rape cases 32(27%).
Conclusion: The most common sexual assault cases were of Sodomy in such areas followed by Zina and rape. The active sodomy cases were 26(23%), followed by passive sodomy cases which were 21(18%), whereas accused rape cases were 17(15%), and victimized rape cases were 15(13%), and zina cases reported were 36(31%).
Keywords: Sodomy, sexual assault, zina
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the department of Medicine of Avicenna Hospital, Lahore.
Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of June 2013-October, 2013. A total of 100 diagnosed patients of Diabetes Mellitus were selected from the OPD of Avicenna Medical College, Lahore, and data was analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, Sex, and Blood groups were recorded on the Proforma. Results: The majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i-e. fifty 50% where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was forty five 45%, composite was only 2,2%, and no any particular patient belonging to Arch pattern.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least pattern was composite.
Keywords: Diabetes, finger prints,
Study design: Observational Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data were collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent from month of April 2012 to June 2012. A total of 100 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, Sex, and Blood groups recorded on the Proforma. Ethical clearance and permission was obtained from the institutional Ethical Committee of Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and Medical Superintendent of Punjab Institute of Cardiology.
Results: The majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i.e., Sixty seven (67%) where as the number of patients belonging to loop pattern was twenty eight (28%) and pattern of composite was five (5%) only and no any patient of arch pattern was found.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least pattern was composite.
Key words: Hypertension, dermatoglyphics,
Study design: Cross sectional study
Place and duration of study: Avicenna Medical College Lahore from 1-12-2011 to 29-02-2012.
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of 1 December, 2011 to 29 February, 2012. A total of 100 MBBS, 3rd year students of the Avicenna Medical College Lahore participated in the study. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their serial numbers and roll no. of student. The Name and general information of the students like Age, Sex and Blood groups were recorded on the Proforma. All the subjects were in the age range of 19-25 years consisting of 30 male and 70 female students. Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional Ethical Committee.
Results: Out of hundred participants majority were showed the trend and most common pattern belonging to Loop pattern 50%, followed by whorl pattern which was 42%, a very small proportion belonging to Arch pattern which was only 8%. The most common blood group pattern was B +ve 48% which showed commonality and community trend followed by O+ve which were 28%. Participants belonging to A+ve were 15%. Blood groups AB +ve were 6% and B-ve was 2% whereas A-ve was very uncommon 1% only. Maximum no were B+ve whereas least common was A –ve. relationship of different finger printing pattern with different blood groups but when we applied Chi-squared test at P-value ≤ 0.05 with 8 degree of freedom. It came out to be 7.89 which is much less than the cut off value at 0.05 which was 15.51 which revealed that the association was not found to be significant statistically at this level but this finger print pattern might be associated with blood groups , biologically which is still to be proved.
Conclusion: Loops are the most commonly occurring finger-print pattern and Arches are the least common. Blood group B positive is the most common and A negative is the rarest. Loops are predominant in blood group A +ve, B +ve and O+ve in individuals. Whorls are more common in blood group B+ve and O+ve and A+ve and least common in A-ve, and B-ve. Loops and Whorls are maximum seen in blood group B+ve while whorls are more common in blood group B+ve and O+ve
Study design: Observational descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Medical OPD of Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health Ferozpur Road Lahore
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent from month of November 2011 to August 2012. A total of 100 diagnosed patients were selected from the Medical OPD of Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health, Ferozpur Road Lahore and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and same was assigned by their Name, Age, and Sex, for purposive sampling were recorded on the Proforma. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Ethical Committee.
Results: One hundred patients participated in these studies which were all known cases of poliomyelitis. Out of these one hundred patients the majority of the patients were belonging to Loop pattern of finger prints i-e. fifty , 50% where as the number of patients belonging to Whorl pattern was thirty ,30% pattern of composite and Arch pattern ere ten 10% only.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to Loop pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Whorl pattern and the least patterns were composite followed by Arch pattern.
Keywords: Dermatoglyphic, poliomyelitis, finger prints
year students
Study design: Observational Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: The present study was conducted in the Avicenna Medical
College Lahore in the department of Forensic medicine and Toxicology from February 2012 to
April 2012
Materials and methods: Lip prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their
informed consent in the month of February-April 2012. A total of 100 MBBS, 3rd year students of
the Avicenna Medical College Lahore participated in the study. Lip prints were recorded on a
white paper and each lip print was assigned by their serial numbers and roll no. of student. The
Name and general information of the students like Age, Sex and Blood groups and Ethnicity
were recorded on the Proforma. Patterns of lip prints were classified according to Suzuki and
Tsuchihashi classification. All the subjects were in the age range of 19-25 years consisting of 30
male and 70 female students. Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional Ethical
Results: The most common pattern of lip prints was long Vertical groove or Type-I ,sixty
students (60%),Second common pattern was the Type-II Branching grooves, twenty
(20%),Type-II of short vertical grooves were only eight (8%),Second least common pattern
which were found to the type-III and type-IV each group was consisting of five students
(5%),Very least pattern of lip print was found to be Other type grooves or type-V ,only two (2%)
students were found to be belonging to this group.
Conclusion: Lip print pattern is unique for each of the examined individual. This finding is
hoped to be useful in the identification process, both in civil and criminal cases.
Key words: Cheiloscopic Variation, lip prints, Tsuchihashi classification
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012.
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of 1 April, 2012 to 15 June, 2012. A total of 140 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, and Sex, were recorded on the Proforma.
Results: .A total of one hundred and forty patients participated in this study which was all known case of Coronary Heart disease patients. Out of these one hundred and forty patients the majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i.e., 90(57%) where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was 40(29%) pattern of Arch and composite was same i.e.,10(7%) each.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least patterns were Arch and composite.
Key words: Coronary heart disease, dermatoglyphics, court of law.
Biochemistry by Mudaser H Abbasi
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in University of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Methods: The volume of sample taken are 3ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of District Kasoor and flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5cm deep from soil surface aseptically. Samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h, culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results: Surface tension was 66.1, 63.2, 48.2 and 45.7 mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 3ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.23, 0.82, 1.75 and 1.98g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.2, 0.18, 0.22 and 0.4 g/L respectively.
Conclusion: After optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved.
Keywords: Biosurfactant, pseudomonas aeruginosa, inoculum
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of molecular biology and biotechnology in university of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Methods: The volume of sample taken are 4ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of District Kasoor and flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5 cm deep from the soil surface aseptically. The samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h the culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results:-. surface tension was 64.3, 62.1, 49.8 and 46.4mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 4ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.15, 0.4, 0.76 and 0.8 g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.3, 0.33, 0.26 and 0.28 g/L respectively
Conclusion: After optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved.
Keywords: Biosurfactant, pseudomonas aeruginosa, incolation
Objective: To produce biosurfactants from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using agricultural resource and to produce Biosurfactants using low cost materials.
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of molecular biology and biotechnology in university of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Materials and methods: The volume of sample taken are 1ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosawas isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of district kasoorand flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5cm deep from the soil surface aseptically. The samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h the culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results:-Surface tension was 61.8, 48.1, 33.7 and 31.9mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 1ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.61, 1.24, 2.13 and 2.74 g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.28, 0.38, 0.7 and 1.0g/L respectively. And the effect of inoculum size was also evaluated by the production of rhamnolipid as it is evident that at 1ml inoculum size 2.74g/L rhamnolipid was obtained after 96 hours .
Conclusion: Optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved using 0.25g molasses with 1ml inoculum size.
Keywords: Biosurfactants, molases, pseudomonas aeruginosa
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of molecular biology and biotechnology in university of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Methods: The volume of sample taken are 2ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of District Kasoor and flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5 cm deep from the soil surface aseptically. The samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h the culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results: Surface tension was 65.8, 52.6, 47.2 and 33.8 mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 2ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.38, 0.97, 1.92 and 2.21 g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.3, 0.65, 0.75 and 0.8 g/L respectively
Conclusion: After optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved .
Keywords: Biosurfactants, Molases, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Study design: Observational cross sectional study Place of study: Data were collected from medico legal department of Sandeman provincial Hospital Quetta and study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore. Duration of the study: 01-January-2000 to 31-December 2000 Methods: A total of 64 alcohol consumption cases brought by police to medico legal department have been taken. Most of them at the time of examination were showing visible clinical evidence of alcoholic intake. Examination was conducted on the request of police. A proforma was designed to record the date, age, sex, and clinical examination of accused that were brought to department. Results: Data were analyzed on using SPSS version 20.Alcohol consumption cases results showed, out of 64 cases majority of the victims were males 62(96.9%)and only 2(3.1%) females. The most frequent cases of alcohol consumption were found at the age of 31-40 yrs, 20(31.3%) and the most common occupation of victims were Labourers 20(31.3%).
Conclusion: Alcohol is a drug of addiction and is responsible for many socio-economic problems, crimes, morbidity and mortality.
Study Design: Observational Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012.
Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of April, 2012 to June, 2012. A total of 113 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data was analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, Sex, and Blood groups were recorded on the Proforma.
Results: The majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i.e., sixty five 65% where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was twenty eight 28% and pattern of composite was five 5% only and no any patient of arch pattern was found.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least pattern was composite.
Keywords: Hypertension, fingerprinting, court of law
Study design: Descriptive Study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012
Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of 1 April, 2012 to 15 June, 2012. A total of 140 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, and Sex, were recorded on the proforma.
Results: Out of these one hundred and forty patients in males the most common pattern the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints 37.9%, where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was 27%. The third common pattern was composite, 5%, and very least pattern was arch only 1%.. In females most common pattern was Whorl 27% and the second most common pattern was Loop 5.7% and third pattern was composite only 1,and no any arch pattern was found .
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least patterns were Arch and composite.
Keywords: Finger print, coronary heart disease, gender variation
Design: Observational descriptive study
Duration of study: One year
Methods: The study was conducted in Akhtar Saeed Medical & Dental College, Lahore and data of all firearm fatalities, were collected from the mortuary of the Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore and data collected during the period from January 2010 to December 2010.
Results: 100 firearm fatalities autopsied taken during the period January 2010-December 2010 were studied. 80% were victims of homicidal attacks, 10 cases (10%) had history of accidental firearm injuries obtained; and in 5 cases (5%) fatalities were suicidal and in the remaining 5(5%) the cause(s) of firearm injuries were dacoits.
Conclusion: The firearm injury is more frequent in 21-30 years age group. The Young males are more commonly affected and must be targeted for lifestyle adjustments such as training to refrain from anger or disputes. The most common site of injury is Thorax and frequently injured organs are lungs.
Keywords: Firearm injury, autopsy
Study design: Cross sectional study
Place and duration of study: The present study was conducted in the Avicenna Medical College Lahore in the department of Forensic medicine and Toxicology from to April 2012.
Methods: Lip prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of February-April 2012. A total of 100 MBBS, 3rd year students of the Avicenna Medical College Lahore participated in the study. Lip prints were recorded on a white paper and each lip print was assigned by their serial numbers and roll no. of student. Patterns of lip prints were classified according to Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classification.
Results: The most common pattern among the students was Type-I or long vertical grooves (60%), and 2nd most common pattern was Type-II or Branching grooves(20%), 3rd common pattern was Type –II short vertical grooves (8%) was found. The least common lip print patterns Type-III and type-IV were found and very least pattern of lip print was other type grooves or type-V.
Conclusion: Lip print pattern is unique for each of the examined individual. This finding is hoped to be useful in the identification process, both in civil and criminal cases. The most common pattern of lip prints was long Vertical groove or Type-I , and the second common pattern was the Type-II Branching grooves. Second least common pattern which were found to the type-III and type-IV and Very least pattern of lip print were found to be other type grooves or type-V. There is no any significant association of lip prints between males and females was found.
.Keywords: Cheiloscopic variation, lip prints, tsuchihashi classification
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Head of Medicolegal Department and Surgeon Medicolegal of provincial Hospital Quetta, Jan 1991 to Jan 1992.
Materials and methods: Data were collected from the Head of Medicolegal Department of Provincial Hospital Quetta after obtaining their informed consent for period commences from Jan, 1991 to Jan 1992. A total of 115 sexually assaulted victims, accused subjects were selected. Data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Data were recorded on a proforma and each proforma was assigned by their name, age, sex, province, date of examination and pattern of injuries and expert opinion about the case were recorded on the Proforma.
Results: Out of 15 cases maximum cases forty seven no of cases were of sodomy (40%) followed by Zina which were 31(31%) and third variety of cases were of rape cases 32(27%).
Conclusion: The most common sexual assault cases were of Sodomy in such areas followed by Zina and rape. The active sodomy cases were 26(23%), followed by passive sodomy cases which were 21(18%), whereas accused rape cases were 17(15%), and victimized rape cases were 15(13%), and zina cases reported were 36(31%).
Keywords: Sodomy, sexual assault, zina
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the department of Medicine of Avicenna Hospital, Lahore.
Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of June 2013-October, 2013. A total of 100 diagnosed patients of Diabetes Mellitus were selected from the OPD of Avicenna Medical College, Lahore, and data was analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, Sex, and Blood groups were recorded on the Proforma. Results: The majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i-e. fifty 50% where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was forty five 45%, composite was only 2,2%, and no any particular patient belonging to Arch pattern.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least pattern was composite.
Keywords: Diabetes, finger prints,
Study design: Observational Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data were collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent from month of April 2012 to June 2012. A total of 100 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, Sex, and Blood groups recorded on the Proforma. Ethical clearance and permission was obtained from the institutional Ethical Committee of Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and Medical Superintendent of Punjab Institute of Cardiology.
Results: The majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i.e., Sixty seven (67%) where as the number of patients belonging to loop pattern was twenty eight (28%) and pattern of composite was five (5%) only and no any patient of arch pattern was found.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least pattern was composite.
Key words: Hypertension, dermatoglyphics,
Study design: Cross sectional study
Place and duration of study: Avicenna Medical College Lahore from 1-12-2011 to 29-02-2012.
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of 1 December, 2011 to 29 February, 2012. A total of 100 MBBS, 3rd year students of the Avicenna Medical College Lahore participated in the study. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their serial numbers and roll no. of student. The Name and general information of the students like Age, Sex and Blood groups were recorded on the Proforma. All the subjects were in the age range of 19-25 years consisting of 30 male and 70 female students. Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional Ethical Committee.
Results: Out of hundred participants majority were showed the trend and most common pattern belonging to Loop pattern 50%, followed by whorl pattern which was 42%, a very small proportion belonging to Arch pattern which was only 8%. The most common blood group pattern was B +ve 48% which showed commonality and community trend followed by O+ve which were 28%. Participants belonging to A+ve were 15%. Blood groups AB +ve were 6% and B-ve was 2% whereas A-ve was very uncommon 1% only. Maximum no were B+ve whereas least common was A –ve. relationship of different finger printing pattern with different blood groups but when we applied Chi-squared test at P-value ≤ 0.05 with 8 degree of freedom. It came out to be 7.89 which is much less than the cut off value at 0.05 which was 15.51 which revealed that the association was not found to be significant statistically at this level but this finger print pattern might be associated with blood groups , biologically which is still to be proved.
Conclusion: Loops are the most commonly occurring finger-print pattern and Arches are the least common. Blood group B positive is the most common and A negative is the rarest. Loops are predominant in blood group A +ve, B +ve and O+ve in individuals. Whorls are more common in blood group B+ve and O+ve and A+ve and least common in A-ve, and B-ve. Loops and Whorls are maximum seen in blood group B+ve while whorls are more common in blood group B+ve and O+ve
Study design: Observational descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Medical OPD of Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health Ferozpur Road Lahore
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent from month of November 2011 to August 2012. A total of 100 diagnosed patients were selected from the Medical OPD of Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health, Ferozpur Road Lahore and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and same was assigned by their Name, Age, and Sex, for purposive sampling were recorded on the Proforma. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Ethical Committee.
Results: One hundred patients participated in these studies which were all known cases of poliomyelitis. Out of these one hundred patients the majority of the patients were belonging to Loop pattern of finger prints i-e. fifty , 50% where as the number of patients belonging to Whorl pattern was thirty ,30% pattern of composite and Arch pattern ere ten 10% only.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to Loop pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Whorl pattern and the least patterns were composite followed by Arch pattern.
Keywords: Dermatoglyphic, poliomyelitis, finger prints
year students
Study design: Observational Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: The present study was conducted in the Avicenna Medical
College Lahore in the department of Forensic medicine and Toxicology from February 2012 to
April 2012
Materials and methods: Lip prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their
informed consent in the month of February-April 2012. A total of 100 MBBS, 3rd year students of
the Avicenna Medical College Lahore participated in the study. Lip prints were recorded on a
white paper and each lip print was assigned by their serial numbers and roll no. of student. The
Name and general information of the students like Age, Sex and Blood groups and Ethnicity
were recorded on the Proforma. Patterns of lip prints were classified according to Suzuki and
Tsuchihashi classification. All the subjects were in the age range of 19-25 years consisting of 30
male and 70 female students. Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional Ethical
Results: The most common pattern of lip prints was long Vertical groove or Type-I ,sixty
students (60%),Second common pattern was the Type-II Branching grooves, twenty
(20%),Type-II of short vertical grooves were only eight (8%),Second least common pattern
which were found to the type-III and type-IV each group was consisting of five students
(5%),Very least pattern of lip print was found to be Other type grooves or type-V ,only two (2%)
students were found to be belonging to this group.
Conclusion: Lip print pattern is unique for each of the examined individual. This finding is
hoped to be useful in the identification process, both in civil and criminal cases.
Key words: Cheiloscopic Variation, lip prints, Tsuchihashi classification
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012.
Materials and methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of 1 April, 2012 to 15 June, 2012. A total of 140 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, and Sex, were recorded on the Proforma.
Results: .A total of one hundred and forty patients participated in this study which was all known case of Coronary Heart disease patients. Out of these one hundred and forty patients the majority of the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints i.e., 90(57%) where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was 40(29%) pattern of Arch and composite was same i.e.,10(7%) each.
Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least patterns were Arch and composite.
Key words: Coronary heart disease, dermatoglyphics, court of law.
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology in University of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Methods: The volume of sample taken are 3ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of District Kasoor and flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5cm deep from soil surface aseptically. Samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h, culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results: Surface tension was 66.1, 63.2, 48.2 and 45.7 mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 3ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.23, 0.82, 1.75 and 1.98g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.2, 0.18, 0.22 and 0.4 g/L respectively.
Conclusion: After optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved.
Keywords: Biosurfactant, pseudomonas aeruginosa, inoculum
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of molecular biology and biotechnology in university of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Methods: The volume of sample taken are 4ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of District Kasoor and flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5 cm deep from the soil surface aseptically. The samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h the culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results:-. surface tension was 64.3, 62.1, 49.8 and 46.4mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 4ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.15, 0.4, 0.76 and 0.8 g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.3, 0.33, 0.26 and 0.28 g/L respectively
Conclusion: After optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved.
Keywords: Biosurfactant, pseudomonas aeruginosa, incolation
Objective: To produce biosurfactants from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using agricultural resource and to produce Biosurfactants using low cost materials.
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of molecular biology and biotechnology in university of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Materials and methods: The volume of sample taken are 1ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosawas isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of district kasoorand flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5cm deep from the soil surface aseptically. The samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h the culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results:-Surface tension was 61.8, 48.1, 33.7 and 31.9mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 1ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.61, 1.24, 2.13 and 2.74 g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.28, 0.38, 0.7 and 1.0g/L respectively. And the effect of inoculum size was also evaluated by the production of rhamnolipid as it is evident that at 1ml inoculum size 2.74g/L rhamnolipid was obtained after 96 hours .
Conclusion: Optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved using 0.25g molasses with 1ml inoculum size.
Keywords: Biosurfactants, molases, pseudomonas aeruginosa
Study design: Descriptive study
Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Institute of molecular biology and biotechnology in university of Lahore. Duration of the study was two years.
Methods: The volume of sample taken are 2ml, of innoculum from growing culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from contaminated soil collected from industrial area of District Kasoor and flasks were then placed into an orbital shaker at speed of 120rpm. The samples were collected in sterile screw capped bottle, 4-5 cm deep from the soil surface aseptically. The samples were stored at 4oC till further use. After every 24h the culture broth from each flask was taken to estimate bacterial cell mass.
Results: Surface tension was 65.8, 52.6, 47.2 and 33.8 mN/m at time 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours respectively at constant temperature of 37°C and molasses used 0.25g with 2ml inoculum size. The rhamnolipid production was 0.38, 0.97, 1.92 and 2.21 g/L respectively. Similarly the bacterial cell mass was 0.3, 0.65, 0.75 and 0.8 g/L respectively
Conclusion: After optimizing various growth and environmental factors a production of rhamnolipid was achieved .
Keywords: Biosurfactants, Molases, Pseudomonas aeruginosa