Mohsen Saeedi
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Concluding the results, reveal that no extreme contamination of sediments were observed in the area having in mind that sediments of central part of the southern Caspian is being enriched by some metals and hydrocarbons which highlights the need for more detailed and extensive researches on the nature of contaminant sources and trend of pollution in sediments of the southern part of the Caspian Sea. Need for determining the background concentration of metals in sediments and historical changes of metal contents through core sediment sampling and analyses is also noticeable.
Concluding the results, reveal that no extreme contamination of sediments were observed in the area having in mind that sediments of central part of the southern Caspian is being enriched by some metals and hydrocarbons which highlights the need for more detailed and extensive researches on the nature of contaminant sources and trend of pollution in sediments of the southern part of the Caspian Sea. Need for determining the background concentration of metals in sediments and historical changes of metal contents through core sediment sampling and analyses is also noticeable.