Karsa : Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Keislaman, Dec 1, 2015
This article describes government policies toward pesantren which has been existing from the earl... more This article describes government policies toward pesantren which has been existing from the early Independence of Indonesia period to present times, and its implications on the progresses of pesantren. This study uses library research on related documents of government policies and the result shows that the government policies tend to indicate to be a positive development. In the beginning of Old and New Orders, government policies were simply in form of unofficial claim above the role of pesantren in accelerating the nation intelligence. Since the release of decree of Education Act 2/1989 pesantren has been approved and legitimated as the subsystem of national education, though, pesantren keeps and maintains its characterisitc. As Education Act 20/2003 legitimated and followed by relating policies-especilally Government Regulation 55/1997, Regulation of Ministry of Religious Affairs 13/2014, and Regulation of Ministry of Religious Affairs 18/2014pesantren has been totally awarded as part of national educational system, in turn, such of the institution has more freedom in portraying Islamic values by enhancing its characteristic as the institution focusing on tafaqquh fî al-dîn (an attempt to a totally Islamic understandings) and developing the other competences based on the characteristic of each pesantren.
Since Indonesia's independence in 1945, policies related to Islamic education have undergone a sh... more Since Indonesia's independence in 1945, policies related to Islamic education have undergone a shift from a domestication approach to an accommodation approach. This paper aims to examine the forms of government policies that have regulated Islamic education during this time period, and to analyze the underlying factors and consequences of these policies on Islamic education. This research employs a qualitative, historical approach, relying on a literature review for data. The findings indicate that the origins of the domestication policy can be traced to differences in views between the government and Muslims concerning the role of religion in state affairs, as well as the slow modernization of madrasas (Islamic schools) and pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), which led to a weak position for Islamic education within the national education system. On the other hand, the accommodative policy was influenced by a variety of factors, including the New Order regime's efforts to strictly and consistently implement Pancasila as the state ideology; the need to maintain power by appealing to the majority Muslim population; the intellectual transformation of a new generation of Muslim political thinkers and activists towards a more harmonious relationship between Islam and the state, allowing for Islamic ideas to be more easily accepted; and the increased social, educational, economic, and political mobilization of Muslims, which allowed for more educated Muslims to be involved in policymaking.
: The environment education (PLH) material has almost no place in the Islamic Religious Educati... more : The environment education (PLH) material has almost no place in the Islamic Religious Education and character (PAI-BP) textbooks for senior high school levels. Evidently, in the textbooks for grades 10, 11, and 12, none of the chapters specifically contains PLH. Even if there is PLH material, it is integrated into certain chapters with very limited descriptions. In contrast, the environment is one of the important aspects of Islamic teachings, especially in human relations with other creatures and the natural surroundings. Therefore, preserving in an Islamic perspective, the environment is not only a noble act but also rewarding worship. On the other hand, destroying the environment is not just an act of violation but also a sin that is threatened with punishment. For this reason, the government needs to revise the curriculum in order to adequately increase the content of PLH material in PAI-BP lessons. This, in the short term, aims to overcome the shortage of PLH materials, PA...
Violence on children has become a big unsolvable problem in Indonesian education. In fact, the go... more Violence on children has become a big unsolvable problem in Indonesian education. In fact, the government has ratified some Laws to protect them from any form of violence. Likely, Islam as the mostly followed religion in the country does the same through its mission called rahmatan li al-alamin or blessing for all. This research relies on a question on how far the Indonesian rules and Islamic law concern on this issue by protecting children from any violence. Using qualitative method in the law research and documentary analysis, it is found that the Indonesian Laws have been sufficient for that purpose as they prohibit all forms of violence against students. Along with it, the perpetrators deserve for punishment due to the mistakes level while the victims deserve for recovery and trauma healing to grow their optimism. In line with that, Islamic law also prohibits any violence because it breaks the purpose of shariah, namely enforcing the goodness (maslahah) and avoiding the harm (mu...
Sufism is one of the branch of Islamic disciplines that grows significantly and becomes an insepe... more Sufism is one of the branch of Islamic disciplines that grows significantly and becomes an inseperable subject of Islamic scholarship. Sufism is personal spiritual experience that emphasises more on feeling than logic. Therefore it is often named as a knowledge of taste (dwauq). Such emphasize on inner dimension of human faculties often creates tension between sufism and modern life which venerates materials, competition, intrigue, deception, greedy, and attachment of worldly life. The tension occurs mainly because sufism do stress on humble and modest life, escape from worldly life, all of which are relevant to traditional society rather than rational and modern ones. However, in contrast to such widely presumed tension, sufism remains urgent for modern life because it becomes spiritual injection for human matters related to modern life and helps resolve problems of materialistically secular, individual and hedonistic life.
Character education is a planned effort in helping someone to understand, care, and act based on ... more Character education is a planned effort in helping someone to understand, care, and act based on ethical values / moral principles adopted. This paper seeks review of character education which is currently a major issue of national education. Several important issues are studied in this paper is about the meaning of character and character education, the reasons why education is important characters are developed, the foundation and source of character education, character values that need to be developed either in the form of universal values and the values unearthed a typical nation of religious values, Pancasila, the nation's cultural and national education goals. This paper also describes the implementation of character education strategy needs to be done in a systematic, holistic, and sustainable within the family, school and wider community. Kata-kata kuncikarakter, pendidikan karakter, tujuan pendidikan nasional
This article explains that the teacher education system in pesantren, in the colonial period (esp... more This article explains that the teacher education system in pesantren, in the colonial period (especially the Dutch colonialism), and in the independence era (especially in 1950-1969 and during the Pre-service PPG which began in 2018), was strictly carried out starting from the selection of prospective students to the educational process, thus producing quality teacher candidates. Prospective students are strictly selected from academic and moral aspects. During education, the students must live in a dormitory so that the development of academic, teacher and moral aspects takes place optimally. After graduating, they are appointed as teachers with adequate salaries. Except for pesantren graduates who are not prepared as formal employees, but as teachers of community guidance in the non-formal sector.
Ilmu pengetahuan dalam Islam memiliki karakteristik khas yang berbeda secara fundamental dengan i... more Ilmu pengetahuan dalam Islam memiliki karakteristik khas yang berbeda secara fundamental dengan ilmu-ilmu yang dikembangkan di Barat, baik landasan, sumber, sarana, dan metodologinya. Dalam Islam, ilmu pengetahuan memiliki landasan yang kokoh melalui al-Qur’ān dan Sunnah; bersumber dari alam fisik dan alam metafisik; diperoleh melalui indra, akal, dan hati/intuitif. Cakupan ilmunya sangat luas, tidak hanya menyangkut persoalan-persoalan duniawi, namun juga terkait dengan permasalahan ukhrāwi.
Sufism is one of the branch of Islamic disciplines that grows significantly and becomes an insepe... more Sufism is one of the branch of Islamic disciplines that grows significantly and becomes an inseperable subject of Islamic scholarship. Sufism is personal spiritual experience that emphasises more on feeling than logic. Therefore it is often named as a knowledge of taste (dwauq). Such emphasize on inner dimension of human faculties often creates tension between sufism and modern life which venerates materials, competition, intrigue, deception, greedy, and attachment of worldly life. The tension occurs mainly because sufism do stress on humble and modest life, escape from worldly life, all of which are relevant to traditional society rather than rational and modern ones. However, in contrast to such widely presumed tension, sufism remains urgent for modern life because it becomes spiritual injection for human matters related to modern life and helps resolve problems of materialistically secular, individual and hedonistic life.
Dalam Islam, sosok guru (agama) sangat strategis, di samping mengemban misi keilmuan agar peserta... more Dalam Islam, sosok guru (agama) sangat strategis, di samping mengemban misi keilmuan agar peserta didik menguasai ilmu-ilmu agama, guru juga mengemban tugas suci, misi kenabian, yakni membimbing dan mengarahkan peserta didik menuju jalan Allah SWT. Dengan peran strategis tersebut, tentu tidak mudah menjadi guru agama. Di samping itu, dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, guru agama akan dihadapkan pada tantangan yang tidak ringan, baik tantangan internal (terkait dengan materi agama dan pribadi guru) maupun tantangan eksternal (terkait dengan perhatian orang tua, lingkungan yang tidak kondusif, serta perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang melahirkan efek negatif, di samping dampak positif).
Dalam rentang waktu antara 1948 hingga 1992 Departemen Agama telah menyelenggaraan pendidikan gur... more Dalam rentang waktu antara 1948 hingga 1992 Departemen Agama telah menyelenggaraan pendidikan guru agama jenjang pendidikan menengah. Banyak kebijakan penting yang telah dilakukan departemen ini terkait penyelenggaraan lembaga pendidikan guru jenjang menengah. Uraian berikut akan mendeskripsikan secara kronologis kebijakan-kebijakan dimaksud. Uraiannya dibagi menjadi lima periode dengan mempertimbangkan ada tidaknya kebijakan Departemen Agama dalam suatu periode yang mempengaruhi perkembangan lembaga. Periode dimaksud meliputi; masa perintisan (1948-1950), masa perluasan (1950-1952), masa integrasi (1952-1958), masa pembinaan (1958-1978), serta masa reorganisasi dan alih status (1978-1992).
This writing will describe corruption that up to now still become big problem for a number of cou... more This writing will describe corruption that up to now still become big problem for a number of countries, especially for the poor and developing ones. The negative effect of corruption is both from the material side and immaterial. Therefore, with any reasons, corruption cannot be accepted and must be eliminated. The elimination of corruption must be done repressively and preventively. One of the preventive ways proposed in this writing is trough education anti corruption, especially trough family and school.
Suramadu bridge is like the dream comes true. Muderese must feel delighted since the problem of t... more Suramadu bridge is like the dream comes true. Muderese must feel delighted since the problem of transportation is now resolved. On the other hand, the bridge arises a challenge, as Madura will be an open area with its consequences. Madurese people which have been marginalized by the nasional development agenda, seem are not ready to face a competing challenge. Therefore, the development of human resource of Madurese is urgently ruquired.
Mohammad Kosim (Dosen tetap pada Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Pamekasan, Peserta Program Doktor IAIN Su... more Mohammad Kosim (Dosen tetap pada Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Pamekasan, Peserta Program Doktor IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya) Abstrak : Semula, kerapan sapi diselenggarakan sebagai kesenian rakyat khas Madura yang diadakan setiap selesai panen dalam rangka “pesta panen”. Kini, kerapan sapi telah bergeser jauh dari tradisi aslinya, tercerabut dari akarnya. Bergeser dari yang semula kesenian ke komersialisasi, dari festival ke bullraces. Dengan Perubahan orientasi tersebut, kerapan sapi masa kini mengandung lebih banyak sisi negatif dibanding positifnya. Karena itu, menjadi tidak arif dan tak bijaksana mempertahankan tradisi yang kini cenderung anarkis tersebut, kecuali dikembalikan pada tradisi aslinya. Jika tidak, masih ada tradisi khas Madura lainnya—terkait dengan perlombaan sapi-- yang lebih layak dilestarikan dan lebih cocok dengan karakter orang Madura yang andep asor. Tradisi tersebut adalah kontes sape sono' dan sapi hias.
Mohammad Kosim ( Penulis, dosen STAIN Pamekasan, Jl. Raya Panglegur Km. 04 Pamekasan. Kontak pers... more Mohammad Kosim ( Penulis, dosen STAIN Pamekasan, Jl. Raya Panglegur Km. 04 Pamekasan. Kontak person 081330603147, alamat Perumnas Tlanakan Indah Pamekasan ) Abstract Singapore is a small country that makes a go of success in developing its region in shorter time. This country consider itself as modern and authoritative country not more than fifty years from its independence procalamation. Singapore has been changed amazingly from the fisherman village into respected country that economically prosperous due to the seriousness of the government in running the country. The success of organizing education takes this country to be one of educational destination countries in the world. The life of religion is well-maintained. Astonighingly, it becomes the cleanest and lowest curruption rate country in the world . Kata-kata kunci Singapura, Indonesia, Islam, pendidikan
Mohammad Kosim (Penulis adalah dosen tetap pada Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Pamekasan dan peserta prog... more Mohammad Kosim (Penulis adalah dosen tetap pada Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Pamekasan dan peserta program Doktor Studi Islam IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya) Abstrak: Kyai dan blater merupakan dua elite lokal dalam kehidupan sosial politik masyarakat Madura. Kyai merupakan elite utama. Pengaruh kyai cukup beragam tergantung pada asal usul genealogis (keturunan), kedalaman ilmu agama yang dimiliki, kepribadian, kesetiaan menyantuni umat, dan faktor pendukung lainnya. Sedangkan pengaruh blater banyak ditentukan oleh kekuatan/ketangkasan adu fisik, keberanian, kepribadian, kemenangannya dalam setiap pertarungan, dan faktor pendukung lainnya. Kyai dan blater hidup di “dunia” berbeda, keduanya memiliki sumber kekuasaan dan pengaruh berbeda, namun keduanya bisa membangun “relasi”. Tulisan berikut—dengan segala keterbatasannya—akan mengkaji fenomina kyai dan blater sebagai kelompok elite (non-governing elite) dalam kehidupan sosial politik di Madura. Kajiannya berkisar pada; peran yang dimainkan ky...
Langgar (prayer house) is the oldest Islamic education institution in Indonesia that has been gro... more Langgar (prayer house) is the oldest Islamic education institution in Indonesia that has been grown and developed in Islamic communities. It is established earlier than pesantren (Islamic boarding school), conventional school, and madrasah (Islamic school). Langgar has been taking an important role in preparing qur’anic generation, especially junior level, for a long time. In the Indonesian Islamic education cluster, langgar is catagorized as one of non-levelling Islamic educations. It has educational elements that forms langgar’s educational system. The system covers students care, santri (students), materials, method, and evaluation. Nowadays, Langgar has been competing with the similar institution which is considered more modern, such as TK al-Qur’an (Islamic kindergarten studying Qur’an).
Kebijakan diskriminatif pemerintah Hindia Belanda terhadap umat Islam, dalam hal pendidikan, memu... more Kebijakan diskriminatif pemerintah Hindia Belanda terhadap umat Islam, dalam hal pendidikan, memunculkan sikap penolakan umat Islam dengan wujud beragam, defensif dan progresif. Corak defensif ditunjukkan, terutama oleh ulama tradisional, dengan cara menghindari sejauh mungkin pengaruh politik Belanda terhadap sistem pendidikan Islam. Sikap ini terlihat pada sistem pendidikan tradisional pesantren yang mengambil tempat di daerah-daerah pedalaman untuk menghindar dari pengaruh dan pantauan Belanda. Pendekatan progresif dilakukan, terutama dipelopori sejumlah ulama pembaharu, dengan “meniru” pola pendidikan modern ala Belanda tapi berbasis Islam. Melalui pola moderat ini, berdirilah sejumlah madrasah dan sekolah umum berciri khas Islam dengan beberapa corak; Pertama, madrasah dengan dominasi mata pelajaran agama ditambah mata pelajaran umum (madrasah plus). Kedua, sekolah umum model Belanda ditambah mata pelajaran agama (sekolah plus). Ketiga, madrasah dengan bidang kajian sepenuhnya ...
Karsa : Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Keislaman, Dec 1, 2015
This article describes government policies toward pesantren which has been existing from the earl... more This article describes government policies toward pesantren which has been existing from the early Independence of Indonesia period to present times, and its implications on the progresses of pesantren. This study uses library research on related documents of government policies and the result shows that the government policies tend to indicate to be a positive development. In the beginning of Old and New Orders, government policies were simply in form of unofficial claim above the role of pesantren in accelerating the nation intelligence. Since the release of decree of Education Act 2/1989 pesantren has been approved and legitimated as the subsystem of national education, though, pesantren keeps and maintains its characterisitc. As Education Act 20/2003 legitimated and followed by relating policies-especilally Government Regulation 55/1997, Regulation of Ministry of Religious Affairs 13/2014, and Regulation of Ministry of Religious Affairs 18/2014pesantren has been totally awarded as part of national educational system, in turn, such of the institution has more freedom in portraying Islamic values by enhancing its characteristic as the institution focusing on tafaqquh fî al-dîn (an attempt to a totally Islamic understandings) and developing the other competences based on the characteristic of each pesantren.
Since Indonesia's independence in 1945, policies related to Islamic education have undergone a sh... more Since Indonesia's independence in 1945, policies related to Islamic education have undergone a shift from a domestication approach to an accommodation approach. This paper aims to examine the forms of government policies that have regulated Islamic education during this time period, and to analyze the underlying factors and consequences of these policies on Islamic education. This research employs a qualitative, historical approach, relying on a literature review for data. The findings indicate that the origins of the domestication policy can be traced to differences in views between the government and Muslims concerning the role of religion in state affairs, as well as the slow modernization of madrasas (Islamic schools) and pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), which led to a weak position for Islamic education within the national education system. On the other hand, the accommodative policy was influenced by a variety of factors, including the New Order regime's efforts to strictly and consistently implement Pancasila as the state ideology; the need to maintain power by appealing to the majority Muslim population; the intellectual transformation of a new generation of Muslim political thinkers and activists towards a more harmonious relationship between Islam and the state, allowing for Islamic ideas to be more easily accepted; and the increased social, educational, economic, and political mobilization of Muslims, which allowed for more educated Muslims to be involved in policymaking.
: The environment education (PLH) material has almost no place in the Islamic Religious Educati... more : The environment education (PLH) material has almost no place in the Islamic Religious Education and character (PAI-BP) textbooks for senior high school levels. Evidently, in the textbooks for grades 10, 11, and 12, none of the chapters specifically contains PLH. Even if there is PLH material, it is integrated into certain chapters with very limited descriptions. In contrast, the environment is one of the important aspects of Islamic teachings, especially in human relations with other creatures and the natural surroundings. Therefore, preserving in an Islamic perspective, the environment is not only a noble act but also rewarding worship. On the other hand, destroying the environment is not just an act of violation but also a sin that is threatened with punishment. For this reason, the government needs to revise the curriculum in order to adequately increase the content of PLH material in PAI-BP lessons. This, in the short term, aims to overcome the shortage of PLH materials, PA...
Violence on children has become a big unsolvable problem in Indonesian education. In fact, the go... more Violence on children has become a big unsolvable problem in Indonesian education. In fact, the government has ratified some Laws to protect them from any form of violence. Likely, Islam as the mostly followed religion in the country does the same through its mission called rahmatan li al-alamin or blessing for all. This research relies on a question on how far the Indonesian rules and Islamic law concern on this issue by protecting children from any violence. Using qualitative method in the law research and documentary analysis, it is found that the Indonesian Laws have been sufficient for that purpose as they prohibit all forms of violence against students. Along with it, the perpetrators deserve for punishment due to the mistakes level while the victims deserve for recovery and trauma healing to grow their optimism. In line with that, Islamic law also prohibits any violence because it breaks the purpose of shariah, namely enforcing the goodness (maslahah) and avoiding the harm (mu...
Sufism is one of the branch of Islamic disciplines that grows significantly and becomes an insepe... more Sufism is one of the branch of Islamic disciplines that grows significantly and becomes an inseperable subject of Islamic scholarship. Sufism is personal spiritual experience that emphasises more on feeling than logic. Therefore it is often named as a knowledge of taste (dwauq). Such emphasize on inner dimension of human faculties often creates tension between sufism and modern life which venerates materials, competition, intrigue, deception, greedy, and attachment of worldly life. The tension occurs mainly because sufism do stress on humble and modest life, escape from worldly life, all of which are relevant to traditional society rather than rational and modern ones. However, in contrast to such widely presumed tension, sufism remains urgent for modern life because it becomes spiritual injection for human matters related to modern life and helps resolve problems of materialistically secular, individual and hedonistic life.
Character education is a planned effort in helping someone to understand, care, and act based on ... more Character education is a planned effort in helping someone to understand, care, and act based on ethical values / moral principles adopted. This paper seeks review of character education which is currently a major issue of national education. Several important issues are studied in this paper is about the meaning of character and character education, the reasons why education is important characters are developed, the foundation and source of character education, character values that need to be developed either in the form of universal values and the values unearthed a typical nation of religious values, Pancasila, the nation's cultural and national education goals. This paper also describes the implementation of character education strategy needs to be done in a systematic, holistic, and sustainable within the family, school and wider community. Kata-kata kuncikarakter, pendidikan karakter, tujuan pendidikan nasional
This article explains that the teacher education system in pesantren, in the colonial period (esp... more This article explains that the teacher education system in pesantren, in the colonial period (especially the Dutch colonialism), and in the independence era (especially in 1950-1969 and during the Pre-service PPG which began in 2018), was strictly carried out starting from the selection of prospective students to the educational process, thus producing quality teacher candidates. Prospective students are strictly selected from academic and moral aspects. During education, the students must live in a dormitory so that the development of academic, teacher and moral aspects takes place optimally. After graduating, they are appointed as teachers with adequate salaries. Except for pesantren graduates who are not prepared as formal employees, but as teachers of community guidance in the non-formal sector.
Ilmu pengetahuan dalam Islam memiliki karakteristik khas yang berbeda secara fundamental dengan i... more Ilmu pengetahuan dalam Islam memiliki karakteristik khas yang berbeda secara fundamental dengan ilmu-ilmu yang dikembangkan di Barat, baik landasan, sumber, sarana, dan metodologinya. Dalam Islam, ilmu pengetahuan memiliki landasan yang kokoh melalui al-Qur’ān dan Sunnah; bersumber dari alam fisik dan alam metafisik; diperoleh melalui indra, akal, dan hati/intuitif. Cakupan ilmunya sangat luas, tidak hanya menyangkut persoalan-persoalan duniawi, namun juga terkait dengan permasalahan ukhrāwi.
Sufism is one of the branch of Islamic disciplines that grows significantly and becomes an insepe... more Sufism is one of the branch of Islamic disciplines that grows significantly and becomes an inseperable subject of Islamic scholarship. Sufism is personal spiritual experience that emphasises more on feeling than logic. Therefore it is often named as a knowledge of taste (dwauq). Such emphasize on inner dimension of human faculties often creates tension between sufism and modern life which venerates materials, competition, intrigue, deception, greedy, and attachment of worldly life. The tension occurs mainly because sufism do stress on humble and modest life, escape from worldly life, all of which are relevant to traditional society rather than rational and modern ones. However, in contrast to such widely presumed tension, sufism remains urgent for modern life because it becomes spiritual injection for human matters related to modern life and helps resolve problems of materialistically secular, individual and hedonistic life.
Dalam Islam, sosok guru (agama) sangat strategis, di samping mengemban misi keilmuan agar peserta... more Dalam Islam, sosok guru (agama) sangat strategis, di samping mengemban misi keilmuan agar peserta didik menguasai ilmu-ilmu agama, guru juga mengemban tugas suci, misi kenabian, yakni membimbing dan mengarahkan peserta didik menuju jalan Allah SWT. Dengan peran strategis tersebut, tentu tidak mudah menjadi guru agama. Di samping itu, dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, guru agama akan dihadapkan pada tantangan yang tidak ringan, baik tantangan internal (terkait dengan materi agama dan pribadi guru) maupun tantangan eksternal (terkait dengan perhatian orang tua, lingkungan yang tidak kondusif, serta perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang melahirkan efek negatif, di samping dampak positif).
Dalam rentang waktu antara 1948 hingga 1992 Departemen Agama telah menyelenggaraan pendidikan gur... more Dalam rentang waktu antara 1948 hingga 1992 Departemen Agama telah menyelenggaraan pendidikan guru agama jenjang pendidikan menengah. Banyak kebijakan penting yang telah dilakukan departemen ini terkait penyelenggaraan lembaga pendidikan guru jenjang menengah. Uraian berikut akan mendeskripsikan secara kronologis kebijakan-kebijakan dimaksud. Uraiannya dibagi menjadi lima periode dengan mempertimbangkan ada tidaknya kebijakan Departemen Agama dalam suatu periode yang mempengaruhi perkembangan lembaga. Periode dimaksud meliputi; masa perintisan (1948-1950), masa perluasan (1950-1952), masa integrasi (1952-1958), masa pembinaan (1958-1978), serta masa reorganisasi dan alih status (1978-1992).
This writing will describe corruption that up to now still become big problem for a number of cou... more This writing will describe corruption that up to now still become big problem for a number of countries, especially for the poor and developing ones. The negative effect of corruption is both from the material side and immaterial. Therefore, with any reasons, corruption cannot be accepted and must be eliminated. The elimination of corruption must be done repressively and preventively. One of the preventive ways proposed in this writing is trough education anti corruption, especially trough family and school.
Suramadu bridge is like the dream comes true. Muderese must feel delighted since the problem of t... more Suramadu bridge is like the dream comes true. Muderese must feel delighted since the problem of transportation is now resolved. On the other hand, the bridge arises a challenge, as Madura will be an open area with its consequences. Madurese people which have been marginalized by the nasional development agenda, seem are not ready to face a competing challenge. Therefore, the development of human resource of Madurese is urgently ruquired.
Mohammad Kosim (Dosen tetap pada Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Pamekasan, Peserta Program Doktor IAIN Su... more Mohammad Kosim (Dosen tetap pada Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Pamekasan, Peserta Program Doktor IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya) Abstrak : Semula, kerapan sapi diselenggarakan sebagai kesenian rakyat khas Madura yang diadakan setiap selesai panen dalam rangka “pesta panen”. Kini, kerapan sapi telah bergeser jauh dari tradisi aslinya, tercerabut dari akarnya. Bergeser dari yang semula kesenian ke komersialisasi, dari festival ke bullraces. Dengan Perubahan orientasi tersebut, kerapan sapi masa kini mengandung lebih banyak sisi negatif dibanding positifnya. Karena itu, menjadi tidak arif dan tak bijaksana mempertahankan tradisi yang kini cenderung anarkis tersebut, kecuali dikembalikan pada tradisi aslinya. Jika tidak, masih ada tradisi khas Madura lainnya—terkait dengan perlombaan sapi-- yang lebih layak dilestarikan dan lebih cocok dengan karakter orang Madura yang andep asor. Tradisi tersebut adalah kontes sape sono' dan sapi hias.
Mohammad Kosim ( Penulis, dosen STAIN Pamekasan, Jl. Raya Panglegur Km. 04 Pamekasan. Kontak pers... more Mohammad Kosim ( Penulis, dosen STAIN Pamekasan, Jl. Raya Panglegur Km. 04 Pamekasan. Kontak person 081330603147, alamat Perumnas Tlanakan Indah Pamekasan ) Abstract Singapore is a small country that makes a go of success in developing its region in shorter time. This country consider itself as modern and authoritative country not more than fifty years from its independence procalamation. Singapore has been changed amazingly from the fisherman village into respected country that economically prosperous due to the seriousness of the government in running the country. The success of organizing education takes this country to be one of educational destination countries in the world. The life of religion is well-maintained. Astonighingly, it becomes the cleanest and lowest curruption rate country in the world . Kata-kata kunci Singapura, Indonesia, Islam, pendidikan
Mohammad Kosim (Penulis adalah dosen tetap pada Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Pamekasan dan peserta prog... more Mohammad Kosim (Penulis adalah dosen tetap pada Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Pamekasan dan peserta program Doktor Studi Islam IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya) Abstrak: Kyai dan blater merupakan dua elite lokal dalam kehidupan sosial politik masyarakat Madura. Kyai merupakan elite utama. Pengaruh kyai cukup beragam tergantung pada asal usul genealogis (keturunan), kedalaman ilmu agama yang dimiliki, kepribadian, kesetiaan menyantuni umat, dan faktor pendukung lainnya. Sedangkan pengaruh blater banyak ditentukan oleh kekuatan/ketangkasan adu fisik, keberanian, kepribadian, kemenangannya dalam setiap pertarungan, dan faktor pendukung lainnya. Kyai dan blater hidup di “dunia” berbeda, keduanya memiliki sumber kekuasaan dan pengaruh berbeda, namun keduanya bisa membangun “relasi”. Tulisan berikut—dengan segala keterbatasannya—akan mengkaji fenomina kyai dan blater sebagai kelompok elite (non-governing elite) dalam kehidupan sosial politik di Madura. Kajiannya berkisar pada; peran yang dimainkan ky...
Langgar (prayer house) is the oldest Islamic education institution in Indonesia that has been gro... more Langgar (prayer house) is the oldest Islamic education institution in Indonesia that has been grown and developed in Islamic communities. It is established earlier than pesantren (Islamic boarding school), conventional school, and madrasah (Islamic school). Langgar has been taking an important role in preparing qur’anic generation, especially junior level, for a long time. In the Indonesian Islamic education cluster, langgar is catagorized as one of non-levelling Islamic educations. It has educational elements that forms langgar’s educational system. The system covers students care, santri (students), materials, method, and evaluation. Nowadays, Langgar has been competing with the similar institution which is considered more modern, such as TK al-Qur’an (Islamic kindergarten studying Qur’an).
Kebijakan diskriminatif pemerintah Hindia Belanda terhadap umat Islam, dalam hal pendidikan, memu... more Kebijakan diskriminatif pemerintah Hindia Belanda terhadap umat Islam, dalam hal pendidikan, memunculkan sikap penolakan umat Islam dengan wujud beragam, defensif dan progresif. Corak defensif ditunjukkan, terutama oleh ulama tradisional, dengan cara menghindari sejauh mungkin pengaruh politik Belanda terhadap sistem pendidikan Islam. Sikap ini terlihat pada sistem pendidikan tradisional pesantren yang mengambil tempat di daerah-daerah pedalaman untuk menghindar dari pengaruh dan pantauan Belanda. Pendekatan progresif dilakukan, terutama dipelopori sejumlah ulama pembaharu, dengan “meniru” pola pendidikan modern ala Belanda tapi berbasis Islam. Melalui pola moderat ini, berdirilah sejumlah madrasah dan sekolah umum berciri khas Islam dengan beberapa corak; Pertama, madrasah dengan dominasi mata pelajaran agama ditambah mata pelajaran umum (madrasah plus). Kedua, sekolah umum model Belanda ditambah mata pelajaran agama (sekolah plus). Ketiga, madrasah dengan bidang kajian sepenuhnya ...
Papers by Mohammad Kosim