Papers by Mary Griffith Bourn
HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades
This study highlights an innovative educational project entitled ‘Dynamic Teaching through Commun... more This study highlights an innovative educational project entitled ‘Dynamic Teaching through Communication Skills’ as well as forming part of joint initiative for Erasmus + Communities and Students Together (CaST) 2019-1-UK01-KA203-061463. The pilot study shows that there are many ways to approach teaching across the disciplines with Engaged Learning. The proposal includes discussions on the practical methodologyof integrated content and language in higher education. While bringing real worldproblem solving into the Health Engineering degree, the chapter underscores aspects of persuasion and pitch development within the paradigm of English as a LinguaFranca.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 2007
The paper reports on an investigation into the 1998–2003 Phase 1 of the information and communica... more The paper reports on an investigation into the 1998–2003 Phase 1 of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) component of the Basic Education Program, a major project jointly funded by the Turkish Ministry of National Education (MONE) and the World Bank designed to integrate ICT into the national primary school system. The study involved a search of the literature regarding ICT integration in primary schools, an analysis of MONE and World Bank documentation and face‐to‐face interviews and a questionnaire survey to gauge the experiences and views of the administrators and computer coordinators involved in the project. The findings revealed major shortcomings in the project, and the paper concludes with recommendations for addressing these shortcomings in Phase 2 of the project, which is now under way, again under the aegis of MONE and the World Bank.
Habilidades comunicativas y didáctica de la L2.
También disponible por la canal de la Facultad more También disponible por la canal de la Facultad study deals with the professional development of Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and the specific implications for professors at the university level. Many universities find themselves in a puzzling situation: An educational institution in which teacher training plays a small role. Undoubtedly, there are some specific considerations related to professionals in higher education, their needs and their expectations. Without the practical element, professional development in education is detached from the setting and the real challenges professors face every day. This study explored the question of whether participatory action research can provide meaningful experiences that add to good teaching practice.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
This paper presents specific reference tools which continues the line started on the article publ... more This paper presents specific reference tools which continues the line started on the article published last year in 2nd International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAD ‘16) (Barrios, López-Gutiérrez & Lechuga, 2016), where we found that neither institutional language integrated support nor a specific language plan was being provided by the bilingual programme. This runs counter to experts’ opinion calling for the need of such a plan: “The English-taught degree programme requires a language plan of its own, which will be complementary to the larger university policy and plan… it is a necessity for ensuring a smooth and collaborative transition into English medium” (Marsh et al., 2013, p. 15). While studies show the importance of language support in bilingual instruction, they rarely address specific content professors' needs, tending to remain distant from real teaching contexts. The educational Innovation Project (PIE 15-100) provides professional development for subjects like Gender Art included in Social Sciences Education taught through the medium of English in the Primary Education degree at the University of Málaga. The title “Support for students and professors” means moving into the reality of the classrooms to address specific needs of this unique academic scenario. Firstly, the paper acknowledges a trend towards English Medium Instruction (EMI) in Higher Education while at the same time distinguishes EMI from adjunct CLIL (Brinton, Snow & Wesche, 2011) suggesting that more explicit language integration is needed. With this in mind, we present a professional development project for instructors which we will call the CLIL eye (Griffith, 2015). Secondly, we examine how language support has a dual focus that includes both students and instructors. Outlining these actions, the innovation project focuses on collaborative work, language support, and collective training in aspects related to a systematic monitoring of the experience. Finally, we will use a case study in which a glossary is integrated into a lecture and an external observer will provide assessment for the instructor on ways to improve discourse. The results indicate how, with this task design, language is supported as not only the language of learning, and as language through learning (Coyle, et al., 2010), but more specifically as the language for teaching. The paper concludes with a reflection on interdisciplinary innovation projects that provide professors with the tools they need to ensure the quality of bilingual programmes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Datos comparativos entre las facultades de Turismo e Informatica de sus programas bilingues
The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies, 2019
TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review /Revista Internacional de Tecnología, Ciencia y Sociedad
Este estudio visibiliza el Aprendizaje Comprometido en las aulas del Grado de Educación Primaria ... more Este estudio visibiliza el Aprendizaje Comprometido en las aulas del Grado de Educación Primaria con contenidos en Inglés, atendiendo al Patrimonio Cultural del entorno del alumnado, según la UNESCO. Promueve el Legado Transversal en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales con el uso de Metodologías de Investigación Visual y entrevistas a mayores y personas cercanas, con el fin de explorar y finalmente analizar necesidades existentes en la comunidad o entrono próximo. Consecuentemente, pretende la participación de la Universidad en temas sociales -localizar y buscar soluciones- dando voz al estudiantado y a la ciudadanía, incidiendo en la internacionalización y legados identitarios.
AILA Review, 2012
Introducing the topic The research developments of the last 15 years are a good indicator that Co... more Introducing the topic The research developments of the last 15 years are a good indicator that Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has established itself as a widely used research framework for applied linguistic interests into educational undertakings that use a foreign or additional language for the teaching of curricular content. While content areas, such as geography, accounting, agriculture or aerodynamics, are highly diverse, the common denominator of CLIL scenarios is that the respective learners are engaged in a joint learning practice of subject matter and foreign language (e.g. Coyle, Hood and Marsh 2010; Dalton-Puffer 2011; Marsh & Wolff 2007). In view of the growing realities of such teaching and learning settings that distinguish themselves from foreign language educational practices (where the main focus is reaching proficiency in the target language), CLIL has shown wide applicability across regional and national contexts as well as all educational levels (e.g. Dafouz & Guerrini 2009; Dalton-Puffer, Nikula & Smit 2010; Ruiz de Zarobe, Sierra & Gallardo del Puerto 2011). Initiated in Europe and stimulated by the European Union's general policy to enhance individual and societal multilingualism (e.g. European Commission 2012), CLIL, or mainstream education in a foreign or additional language, has rapidly gained in popularity in many countries with a tradition of exclusively using the dominant or national language(s) for educational purposes. Whether this recent trend towards enlarging the circle of medium languages will finally result in a paradigm shift away from what Gogolin (1994) fittingly called the 'monolingual habitus' of formal education towards a bi/multilingual one is too early to say, not least because the language chosen for instruction is first and foremost English. In any case, CLIL education raises questions about immutable principles and established practices in formal education. Given the novelty and urgency of these educational changes, a vibrant research scene has established itself, for which CLIL seems to function well as an umbrella term for a myriad of bi/multilingual educational settings that nevertheless partially reflect different contextual parameters and are approached from diverse research interests (Dalton-Puffer 2007; Llinares, Morton & Whittaker 2012; Ruiz de Zarobe, Sierra & Gallardo del Puerto 2011; Smit 2010a). While the resulting conceptual openness might be in need of clarification, it reflects the dynamic developments of this recent phenomenon and, furthermore, provides researchers with a common point of reference in analysing their specific educational scenarios.
The central aim of this proposal will be to advance our knowledge and understanding of engaged le... more The central aim of this proposal will be to advance our knowledge and understanding of engaged learning and to develop and pilot a programme which enables community-based engaged learning for students to work on real world societal challenges and co-produce knowledge with and for the community. (...) It is our goal to incorporate communication strategies into the project based learning so as to better prepare our students for the work place as they search for answers to real-world problems. This case study integrates activities specifically presented in English as a foreign language in subjects otherwise taught in Spanish.(…). We will present some of the preliminary findings in this proposal.(…)UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA, PIE 19-00
Uno de los grandes retos de la formación inicial del profesorado es conseguir que los estudiantes... more Uno de los grandes retos de la formación inicial del profesorado es conseguir que los estudiantes sean capaces de llevar a la práctica en los centros escolares los conocimientos adquiridos a nivel teórico. En el marco del proyecto Erasmus+ KA203 “Communities and Students Together” (CaST), el cual pretende fomentar que desde las instituciones de educación superior europeas se contribuya a la resolución de problemas públicos, se llevó a cabo una experiencia piloto en el Máster en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria de la Universidad de Málaga con el objetivo de integrar el aprendizaje-servicio a nivel curricular. A lo largo de la comunicación se presentará un estudio de caso en el que participan 13 estudiantes de una asignatura del módulo específico de lengua extranjera (francés) durante el curso 2020/2021. En primer lugar, se mostrarán cuáles son las fases en las que se divide un trabajo que implica el aprendizaje-servicio en el que se espera que el beneficio sea mutuo para el alumna...
PonenciaHay una instrucción implícita de segundo idioma dentro de las universidades en Europa con... more PonenciaHay una instrucción implícita de segundo idioma dentro de las universidades en Europa con un número considerable de profesorado no nativo dando sus clases en inglés a un alumnado no nativo. Aunque el dominio de una segunda lengua parece ser parte de la discusión, es crucial entender que el uso ‘perfecto’ del idioma forma un aspecto menor del impacto comunicativo del discurso académico. En el pasado, una representación ‘no nativa’ indicaba un uso menospreciado. Hoy en día, inglés como una lengua franca se refiere a una forma de uso estandarizado del idioma entre hablantes no nativos (Paradowski, 2008; Griffith, 2021). No es nuevo este fenómeno, pero es importante resaltar que hay más usuarios no nativos de inglés que nativos, y sin duda, la inteligibilidad del acto de habla en ámbitos bilingües merece mayor estudio.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Teoría y práctica en investigación educativa: una perspectiva internacional.
Universidad de Granada, Jun 1, 2019
Effective communication is putting an idea into someone else's head, or conversely, it is each in... more Effective communication is putting an idea into someone else's head, or conversely, it is each individual's ability to capture an idea. In the globalized world today, this interactivity is key. When more than one language interact in speakers with different linguistic profiles, the bilingual mind is constantly encoding and decoding messages. The linguistic phenomena that emerge are far reaching and challenging to define. What happens when there is a discursive clash between the languages? The main objective of this study is to delve into a cross-cultural communicative context. There is something uniquely human about the evolution of knowledge though communication. While this is seemingly a universal concept, our focus will move from what is universal about communication to what is distinctly unique about the way English and Spanish differ in similar contexts. The underlying theories will uncover some of the main ingredients to proper discourse. Grice's cooperative principle will play a role as will the more cognitive roles regarding the relation between discourse and memory (Braddeley, 2007). The study aims to move beyond description to an action research methodology which is clearly grounded in practice and informed by theory. By presenting examples cross linguistically from several different contexts about how language is created in our imperfect, but highly functional bilingual brains, the discussion will challenge listeners to think not only about their message, but how that message is encoded and decoded. Clearly, this happens at both the micro and macro linguistic levels. Discourse analysts study larger chunks of language as they flow together (Tannen, 2012). In the case of this presentation, we hope to illustrate how many things we take for granted when communicating in a second language, in order to shed some light on how language shapes the way we communicate in bilingual settings. Note to organizers: The most direct implications of this research are in the field of language acquisition, language teaching and discourse analysis. I have selected Pragmatics as the topic, but the discussion will clearly overlap into the other categories. I must confess the topic is more about proper communication.
Discourse Studies in Public Communication, 2021
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2017
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is as full of challenges as it is of possibilitie... more Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is as full of challenges as it is of possibilities. We will explore the challenges while seeking realistic solutions as eight Computer Science professors teach their subjects through English for the first time. We hope to gain insights into the bilingual classroom at the university level where teacher training can aid in professional development. Kevin Haines (2017) has posed the question about policies, principles and practice in bilingual settings, suggesting that we still need to address the challenging question: "who will support the teachers?". In this paper we will observe problems and solutions to bilingual teaching from the ethnographic point of view of action research. (...) We hold that research in education must make the move toward a more qualitative assessment. As researchers, perhaps we need to describe less and do more by putting our research into action.
Papers by Mary Griffith Bourn