Papers by Markus Floris Christensen

NyS, Dec 10, 2023
Det sidste i raekken af de seks bind, som udgør Dansk Sproghistorie, har fået titlen Forfatternes... more Det sidste i raekken af de seks bind, som udgør Dansk Sproghistorie, har fået titlen Forfatternes dansk og består af kapitlerne 20. Sprog og stil (kapitel 20 i den fortløbende nummerering i Sproghistoriens forskellige bind) og Forfattersprog (kapitel 21). I kapitel 20 fremsaettes indledningsvist en generel beskrivelse af stilidealer og stilforskydninger fra middelalderen og frem til nutiden. Dette følges op af et afsnit om talesprogets gengivelse i skrevne tekster, og kapitlet afsluttes med en beskrivelse af, hvordan danske oversaettelser af betydningsfulde fremmedsprogede vaerker har påvirket det danske ordforråd. I kapitel 21 kastes der lys over måden, hvorpå 20 danske forfattere fra Anders Sørensen Vedel og frem til Klaus Rifbjerg har arbejdet med sprog og stil i deres vaerker. Bindet er som helhed vurderet et vellykket sprog-og litteraturhistorisk vaerk, som gennem mange fine illustrationer og traeffende eksempler både fremstår appellerende for den alment interesserede laeser samt velegnet til selvstudie og undervisningsbrug. Redaktørerne har gennemført et grundigt arbejde i forhold til at henvise til andre bind i raekken, hvilket kaeder Forfatternes dansk godt sammen med serien som sådan, og i det hele taget baerer bindet praeg af en prisvaerdig redaktionel omhu. Endvidere er det vaerd at fremhaeve det omfattende ekstramateriale, som foreligger på hjemmesiden Her kan man opspore yderligere tekstmateriale fra de enkelte forfatterskaber og få uddybet bestemte sproglige traek, fx "Tegnsaetning og ytringsgraense i Vedels Saxooversaettelse". Alt dette bevirker, at Forfatternes dansk er at betragte som et vaer
Aarhus University Press eBooks, May 26, 2023

Passage: Tidskrift for litteratur og kritik, Feb 14, 2022
This article offers a systematic reading of the representation of anxiety in Inger Christensen’s ... more This article offers a systematic reading of the representation of anxiety in Inger Christensen’s it (1969) by chronologically mapping the development of the theme across the work’s three main sections, Prologos, Logos and Epilogos. Moreover, this article posits a new approach to the material, arguing that, rather than Søren Kierkegaard’s theological-psychological framework, Martin Heidegger’s fundamental ontological concept of anxiety may positively shed light on Christensen’s thematization of anxiety in the work. It is one of the aims of the article to show that Heidegger’s concept of anxiety can advantageously expand the understanding of Christensen’s representation of anxiety, as Heidegger’s confrontation with metaphysics, his In-Frage-stellen of the forgetfulness of Being, seems particularly compatible with Christensen’s poetics of systemic modernism. I examine how anxiety manifests itself in the architecture of the work, and I argue that Heidegger’s fundamental ontological interpretation of the concept may highlight some central features of the representation of anxiety that Kierkegaard’s theory of anxiety does not seem to capture.
European journal of Scandinavian studies, 2017
This article explores and examines the narratological concepts of metalepsis and disclosure as th... more This article explores and examines the narratological concepts of metalepsis and disclosure as they manifest themselves in Karen Blixen's Seven Gothic Tales (1934/1935) and Winter's Tales (1942/1943). At the core of the examination lies the inference that it is possible to trace metaleptic movements in a wideranging selection of Blixen's tales. Furthermore, it becomes evident that metaleptic movements and disclosure functions have the potential to destabilize ontological boundaries between fiction and reality in a way that deepens the literary communication between author, text, and reader.
Scandinavian Studies, Oct 1, 2022
Aarhus University Press eBooks, May 26, 2023
Aarhus University Press eBooks, May 26, 2023
Scandinavian Studies, Oct 1, 2022

Passage - Tidsskrift for litteratur og kritik
This article offers a systematic reading of the representation of anxiety in Inger Christensen’s ... more This article offers a systematic reading of the representation of anxiety in Inger Christensen’s it (1969) by chronologically mapping the development of the theme across the work’s three main sections, Prologos, Logos and Epilogos. Moreover, this article posits a new approach to the material, arguing that, rather than Søren Kierkegaard’s theological-psychological framework, Martin Heidegger’s fundamental ontological concept of anxiety may positively shed light on Christensen’s thematization of anxiety in the work. It is one of the aims of the article to show that Heidegger’s concept of anxiety can advantageously expand the understanding of Christensen’s representation of anxiety, as Heidegger’s confrontation with metaphysics, his In-Frage-stellen of the forgetfulness of Being, seems particularly compatible with Christensen’s poetics of systemic modernism. I examine how anxiety manifests itself in the architecture of the work, and I argue that Heidegger’s fundamental ontological inte...
Nordisk poesi, 2020
Markus Floris Christensen er cand.mag., videnskabelig medarbejder og doktorand ved Europa-Univers... more Markus Floris Christensen er cand.mag., videnskabelig medarbejder og doktorand ved Europa-Universität Flensburg med et projekt om angst i nordisk litteratur. Han har tidligere publiceret artikler om danske forfatterskaber i European Journal of Scandinavian Studies samt Nordica og Danske Studier.
European Journal of Scandinavian Studies, 2017
This article explores and examines the narratological concepts of metalepsis and disclosure as th... more This article explores and examines the narratological concepts of metalepsis and disclosure as they manifest themselves in Karen Blixen’s
Papers by Markus Floris Christensen