Revue by Maria AMBROSETTI
Classica et Christiana, 2024
Marco ALMANSA FERNÁNDEZ, Religious crimes in the Acts of the collegium of the fratres arvales / 9... more Marco ALMANSA FERNÁNDEZ, Religious crimes in the Acts of the collegium of the fratres arvales / 9 Maria AMBROSETTI, Historia proxima poetis: osservazioni sul lessico di Sisenna e Accio [Historia proxima poetis: Observations on Sisenna and Accius' Lexicon] / 31 Antonella BRUZZONE, Il "gran finale" del De consulatu Stilichonis di Claudiano [The "gran finale" of Claudian's De consulatu Stilichonis] / 57 Alessandro CAPONE, Il carcere del corpo e la sanità dell'anima nell'Apologeticum di Tertulliano [The prison of the body and the soundness of the soul in Tertullian's Apologeticum] / 77 Alenka CEDILNIK, Dominic MOREAU, How Ulfilas became an Arian Bishop? Contribution (I) to the Christian Prosopography of the Dioecesis Thraciarum / 95 Alenka CEDILNIK, Dominic MOREAU, Demophilus, the Last Arian Bishop of Constantinople? Contribution (II) to the Christian Prosopography of the Dioecesis Thraciarum / 121 Alenka CEDILNIK, Dominic MOREAU, Macedonius of Constantinople, a True Eusebian? Contribution (IV) to the Christian Prosopography of the Dioecesis Thraciarum / 149 Agapie CORBU, Formația clasicistă a unui autor patristic: Evagrie Ponticul [The classical education of a Patristic author: Evagrius Ponticus] / 175 Pierre-Jacques DEHON, Poètes latins et zones climatiques : Heurs et malheurs d'un topos [Latin Poets and Climatic Zones : Ups and Downs of a Topos] / 191 6 SUMAR / INDICE / CONTENTS Iulia DUMITRACHE, Character, Ridiculousness and Shame in the Latin Satire. The Use of Proper Names at Martial / 227 Lee FRATANTUONO, Herodotus' Artemisia and Virgil's Camilla / 245 Antonio IBBA, Tappi fittili da Ibida in Scythia Minor (V-VI sec.): riflessioni su una tipologia poco nota dell'instrumentum inscriptum [Clay plugs from Ibida in Scythia Minor (5 th-6 th century): reflections on a little-known typology of the instrumentum inscriptum] / 267 Anca MEIROȘU, Challenges in the Literary Representations of the Self. Case
Revue by Maria AMBROSETTI