Marco Tremari
Archeologo e Topografo, laureato presso l’Università degli Studi di Genova nel 2003, specializzato in Sistemi Informativi Geografici e metodologie e tecniche di rilievo topografico applicati alla progettazione ambientale.
Ha svolto e partecipato a numerosi progetti territoriali in ambito nazionale ed internazionale collaborando con Università, Enti di Ricerca, Soprintendenze, Musei e Società Private svolgendo soprattutto attività di rilievo sul campo con sistemi GNSS ed analisi ed elaborazioni dati in ambiente GIS.
Iscritto all’elenco nazionale dei Professionisti dei Beni Culturali di Prima Fascia, Pilota di droni certificato, si occupa anche di Rilievi Aerofotogrammetrici, Rilievi Laser Scanner, gestione e modellazione del dato 3D per la fornitura di prodotti cartografici, render e multimedia.
Founder and CTO presso 3D SURVEY DRONE SRL
Ha svolto e partecipato a numerosi progetti territoriali in ambito nazionale ed internazionale collaborando con Università, Enti di Ricerca, Soprintendenze, Musei e Società Private svolgendo soprattutto attività di rilievo sul campo con sistemi GNSS ed analisi ed elaborazioni dati in ambiente GIS.
Iscritto all’elenco nazionale dei Professionisti dei Beni Culturali di Prima Fascia, Pilota di droni certificato, si occupa anche di Rilievi Aerofotogrammetrici, Rilievi Laser Scanner, gestione e modellazione del dato 3D per la fornitura di prodotti cartografici, render e multimedia.
Founder and CTO presso 3D SURVEY DRONE SRL
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Videos by Marco Tremari
From the photogrammetric survey in the field to the virtual and three-dimensional reconstruction with Blender.
Papers by Marco Tremari
XV, 2024/Supplemento 2
In a karstic cave on the Cariadeghe plateau (Serle, BS, Italy), a human skeleton dating back to the Italian Iron Age was discovered. The absence of a funerary context raised questions that required the collaboration of an interdisciplinary research group with expertise in anthropological, archaeological, geological, entomological, and forensic medical fields. The initial assessment allowed for determining possible access routes, even in ancient times, to the chamber and formulating hypotheses about the discovery site and taphonomic events affecting the individual. Subsequent laboratory analyses following the recovery of the remains confirmed the hypothesis of a polytrauma by
high-energy impact resulting from the individual’s fall into the chimney connecting the hypogeum to the outside. The diagnosis was supported by comparisons with available clinical and paleopathological literature, as well as through a comparative analysis with forensic traumatology in cases of modern falls examined by the Forensic Medicine group in Varese. In this context, particular attention was given to both the implications of osteoarchaeological remains restoration and the potential limiting effects on future analyses related to perimortem traumatic scenarios. The issue of possible human remains exposure within the local context was also addressed, evaluating the most appropriate methods.
Il sito archeologico di Monte Castelletto, indagato negli ultimi quindici anni grazie alle più aggiornate metodologie della ricerca archeologica unite alla grande passione dei protagonisti della ricerca, promossa e sostenuta dal Parco Monte Barro e condotta da specialisti di diverse discipline sotto la direzione scientifica della Soprintendenza.
L’interesse di questo insediamento fortificato, in posizione strategica
dominante sul corso dell’Adda tra i laghi di Como e di Garlate, è accresciuto dalla sua qualità di testimone dei mutamenti storici e culturali nell’arco dell’intero Medioevo, di cui offre uno spaccato tra l’VIII e la fine del XV secolo.
(a) Underland, Doctormax; (b) 3D Survey Drone Srl
in: Lombardia Ipogea n.0 - "Speciale Ormea "2022" - XXIII Congresso Nazionale di Speleologia" - Rivista della Federazione Speleologica Lombarda, Dicembre 2023
(a) Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Bergamo e Brescia, (b) Underland; (c) SAP s.r.l.
in: Lombardia Ipogea n.0 - "Speciale Ormea "2022" - XXIII Congresso Nazionale di Speleologia" - Rivista della Federazione Speleologica Lombarda, Dicembre 2023
conservata. Dalle indagini effettuate risulta frequentata in un’unica fase all’inizio
dell’antica età del bronzo con un utilizzo ancora da precisare.
The archaeological stratigraphy inside Altro Pianet cave were exceptionally well
preserved. The site dates back to one phase of Early Bronze Age, though its use
has yet to be understood
Teglio (SO) is known for the rich presence of Copper Age finds, consisting of stele placed in ceremonial and worship centres, or megalithic sanctuaries, like the ones in the nearby Valle Camonica, so that in literature there is the “camuno-tellino” group. Among the several sites with intact and/or fragmentary stele, Cornal stands out for 5 monuments, whose fragments were reused in the walls of the terraces for agricultural purposes. Two stele (Cornal 1 and 4) are in the archaeological section of Palazzo Besta (also known as Antiquarium Tellinum), while the others were still walled
In October 2016, the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Como, Lecco, Monza and Brianza, Pavia, Sondrio and Varese, with the collaboration of Teglio Municipality, Tellino Culture Center, Valtellinese Archaeological Institute and SAP-Section of Como has carried out the recovery of Cornal 5.
The work, carried out in October 2016, allowed the discovery of a second fragment - always mentioned by Gambarri - and of a third one identified by M. Redaelli during the dismantling of the wall. The fragments, probably part of the same monument, increase the knowledge on the Chalcolithic monuments of Teglio, which have their specific peculiarities, despite the close relationships and iconographic affinities with the Valle Camonica group.
The recovery is also a positive model of collaboration between the Superintendence, the municipality and the cultural institutions of the territory.
La ricostruzione virtuale di un contesto di scavo sta acquistando un'importanza sempre maggiore per facilitare la divulgazione e la trasmissione di dati e conoscenze, spesso di non immediato impatto e comprensione al di fuori della ristretta cerchia degli studiosi e degli addetti ai lavori.
Per la ricostruzione del modello virtuale della villa sono stati utilizzati i normali dati stratigrafici e planimetrici raccolti durante i lavori sul campo, successivamente elaborati e integrati al fine di costruire una resa tridimensionale il più verosimile possibile.
of cold conditions during its formation. Three phases of pedogenesis can be recognized and attributed in time to different periods during the Holocene. Pedogenetic phases were separated by two truncation and
deposition episodes related to the reactivation of slope processes under cold conditions at the onset of the Neoglacial and the Iron Age Cold Epoch, respectively. Micromorphological evidence of frost action in the soil can instead relate to pedogenetic processes acting in the Little Ice Age. The different expression of these three cold periods corresponds to changes in climatic conditions, pointing to the Little Ice Age as a cooler/
drier period in comparison to the preceding ones.
From the photogrammetric survey in the field to the virtual and three-dimensional reconstruction with Blender.
XV, 2024/Supplemento 2
In a karstic cave on the Cariadeghe plateau (Serle, BS, Italy), a human skeleton dating back to the Italian Iron Age was discovered. The absence of a funerary context raised questions that required the collaboration of an interdisciplinary research group with expertise in anthropological, archaeological, geological, entomological, and forensic medical fields. The initial assessment allowed for determining possible access routes, even in ancient times, to the chamber and formulating hypotheses about the discovery site and taphonomic events affecting the individual. Subsequent laboratory analyses following the recovery of the remains confirmed the hypothesis of a polytrauma by
high-energy impact resulting from the individual’s fall into the chimney connecting the hypogeum to the outside. The diagnosis was supported by comparisons with available clinical and paleopathological literature, as well as through a comparative analysis with forensic traumatology in cases of modern falls examined by the Forensic Medicine group in Varese. In this context, particular attention was given to both the implications of osteoarchaeological remains restoration and the potential limiting effects on future analyses related to perimortem traumatic scenarios. The issue of possible human remains exposure within the local context was also addressed, evaluating the most appropriate methods.
Il sito archeologico di Monte Castelletto, indagato negli ultimi quindici anni grazie alle più aggiornate metodologie della ricerca archeologica unite alla grande passione dei protagonisti della ricerca, promossa e sostenuta dal Parco Monte Barro e condotta da specialisti di diverse discipline sotto la direzione scientifica della Soprintendenza.
L’interesse di questo insediamento fortificato, in posizione strategica
dominante sul corso dell’Adda tra i laghi di Como e di Garlate, è accresciuto dalla sua qualità di testimone dei mutamenti storici e culturali nell’arco dell’intero Medioevo, di cui offre uno spaccato tra l’VIII e la fine del XV secolo.
(a) Underland, Doctormax; (b) 3D Survey Drone Srl
in: Lombardia Ipogea n.0 - "Speciale Ormea "2022" - XXIII Congresso Nazionale di Speleologia" - Rivista della Federazione Speleologica Lombarda, Dicembre 2023
(a) Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le Province di Bergamo e Brescia, (b) Underland; (c) SAP s.r.l.
in: Lombardia Ipogea n.0 - "Speciale Ormea "2022" - XXIII Congresso Nazionale di Speleologia" - Rivista della Federazione Speleologica Lombarda, Dicembre 2023
conservata. Dalle indagini effettuate risulta frequentata in un’unica fase all’inizio
dell’antica età del bronzo con un utilizzo ancora da precisare.
The archaeological stratigraphy inside Altro Pianet cave were exceptionally well
preserved. The site dates back to one phase of Early Bronze Age, though its use
has yet to be understood
Teglio (SO) is known for the rich presence of Copper Age finds, consisting of stele placed in ceremonial and worship centres, or megalithic sanctuaries, like the ones in the nearby Valle Camonica, so that in literature there is the “camuno-tellino” group. Among the several sites with intact and/or fragmentary stele, Cornal stands out for 5 monuments, whose fragments were reused in the walls of the terraces for agricultural purposes. Two stele (Cornal 1 and 4) are in the archaeological section of Palazzo Besta (also known as Antiquarium Tellinum), while the others were still walled
In October 2016, the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Como, Lecco, Monza and Brianza, Pavia, Sondrio and Varese, with the collaboration of Teglio Municipality, Tellino Culture Center, Valtellinese Archaeological Institute and SAP-Section of Como has carried out the recovery of Cornal 5.
The work, carried out in October 2016, allowed the discovery of a second fragment - always mentioned by Gambarri - and of a third one identified by M. Redaelli during the dismantling of the wall. The fragments, probably part of the same monument, increase the knowledge on the Chalcolithic monuments of Teglio, which have their specific peculiarities, despite the close relationships and iconographic affinities with the Valle Camonica group.
The recovery is also a positive model of collaboration between the Superintendence, the municipality and the cultural institutions of the territory.
La ricostruzione virtuale di un contesto di scavo sta acquistando un'importanza sempre maggiore per facilitare la divulgazione e la trasmissione di dati e conoscenze, spesso di non immediato impatto e comprensione al di fuori della ristretta cerchia degli studiosi e degli addetti ai lavori.
Per la ricostruzione del modello virtuale della villa sono stati utilizzati i normali dati stratigrafici e planimetrici raccolti durante i lavori sul campo, successivamente elaborati e integrati al fine di costruire una resa tridimensionale il più verosimile possibile.
of cold conditions during its formation. Three phases of pedogenesis can be recognized and attributed in time to different periods during the Holocene. Pedogenetic phases were separated by two truncation and
deposition episodes related to the reactivation of slope processes under cold conditions at the onset of the Neoglacial and the Iron Age Cold Epoch, respectively. Micromorphological evidence of frost action in the soil can instead relate to pedogenetic processes acting in the Little Ice Age. The different expression of these three cold periods corresponds to changes in climatic conditions, pointing to the Little Ice Age as a cooler/
drier period in comparison to the preceding ones.
The decision to investigate Mogge di Ertola by an extensive archaeological excavation was made because this method is able to gather, in a systematic way, a considerable amount of data related to the observable stratigraphy, to its content and to the relations between them. The archaeological approach investigated a southeast edge of the bog near by an emissary (erosion channel) where some sub-fossil trunks were exposed by the erosion.