Papers by Marcela Hurtado

International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2018
Building survey is an essential data-collection procedure to feed large-scale seismic vulnerabili... more Building survey is an essential data-collection procedure to feed large-scale seismic vulnerability assessment. The available strategies usually consider survey forms to gather information about the urban buildings. The application of the available survey forms poses important challenges for the case of the heterogeneous urban centers including different structural typologies. This work proposes four specific survey forms for traditional structural typologies constructed with masonry, reinforced concrete, mixed steel-reinforced concrete and timber. The proposed forms request essential information on the parameters necessary for seismic vulnerability assessment, by evaluating the lateral-load resistant system, regularity, condition of conservation, and existing damages. The survey forms were applied to the study of 111 buildings of the historical center of Valparaíso, Chile. The proposed methodology was complemented with the use of Geographic Information Systems to obtain a complete database with the structural characterization of the most representative typologies for future works of large-scale seismic vulnerability assessment.

Arquitecturas del Sur, 2018
El presente artículo expone la metodología y los resultados asociados a estrategias de rehabilita... more El presente artículo expone la metodología y los resultados asociados a estrategias de rehabilitación arquitectónica sostenible en un conjunto de palafitos de la ciudad de Castro. Junto al concepto de "rehabilitación arquitectónica sostenible" se abordan aspectos ambientales, sociales y económicos, además de arquitectónicos, evaluados cualitativa y cuantitativamente, en el entendido que todos ellos concurren a reafirmar valor e identidad de una cultura. El caso escogido-palafitos de Castro del sector denominado Pedro Montt 2-plantea la oportunidad de analizar el devenir de piezas frágiles de valor patrimonial, destinadas a cambiar de uso o adaptarse a las transformaciones que ha experimentado la ciudad y la sociedad en las últimas décadas. Tras recoger datos e inspeccionar bajo tres variables (ambiental, física y socioeconómica) diversas unidades de palafitos, se plantean propuestas de intervención que, rescatando los valores y atributos del lugar, abren oportunidades de mejorar las condiciones sociales y económicas para sus habitantes.

This chapter analyzes the case of forest fires at a world heritage site: the Rapa Nui National Pa... more This chapter analyzes the case of forest fires at a world heritage site: the Rapa Nui National Park. These fires have caused significant damage in recent years, affecting its valuable cultural heritage. Considering the insular condition of the site, the capacity to respond to an emergency was evaluated, headed by the new administration of the park: the Ma’u Henua indigenous group. The social, cultural, and environmental contexts were taken into consideration to evaluate their relationship and integrate them into the proposed mitigation strategies. The case of the devastating fire of September 2017, which affected about 300 ha, was analyzed. It was demonstrated that, despite the existing protocols, the community could not adequately face the emergency. Finally, strategies to reduce the risk of forest fires are proposed with an attempt to integrate aspects of the Rapanui culture through its customs and practices, as well as the new administration of the Rapa Nui National Park, validat...
Revista a C, Aug 25, 2012

This research aims to contribute to the field of construction history in Chile, specifically in t... more This research aims to contribute to the field of construction history in Chile, specifically in the seaport city of Valparaiso, in the period between the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which was a time of great economic and urban development. The work of Esteban Orlando Harrington—a renowned Chilean engineer and architect who designed more than 20 buildings (mostly masonry structures) in the Valparaiso port—was studied. This type of construction is analyzed according to the materials, building systems, and structural criteria used. A review is carried out on historic information and documents, and an inspection of five buildings with the goal of understanding how they were constructively conceived is done. Here the most significant case is presented for its architectural, historical, and structural characteristics and values: the former Royal Hotel. The results of this research reveal aspects of Valparaiso’s construction history through the work of a professional who adapted foreign techniques to local conditions, with results that are valued for their architectural quality and good seismic behavior.

RESUMEN El presente artículo plantea que, frente a la potencialidad que significa el turismo cult... more RESUMEN El presente artículo plantea que, frente a la potencialidad que significa el turismo cultural en los Sitios Patrimonio Mundial (SPM), deben considerarse todos los actores involucrados con papeles activos, contri-buyendo así a la conservación de sus Valores Universales Excepcionales (VUE). Los sitios están, no obstante, afectos a una serie de amenazas específicas que se derivan del potencial turístico que surge tras la inscripción de los mismos en la Lista de Patrimonio Mundial. Siendo las comunidades y los actores asociados a los sitios — stakeholders— una preocupación central de la UNESCO, se busca explicitar su papel en el contexto del turismo cultural. Asimismo, vista esta actividad como una potencial amenaza, se discute acerca de las afectaciones que podrían incidir sobre la integridad y/o autenticidad de los mismos sitios, y cómo contribuirían estos mismos actores en las potenciales mitigaciones. PALABRAS CLAVE turismo cultural, sitios patrimonio mundial (SPM) Cultural tourism in World Heritage Sites (WHS): the role of stakeholders ABSTRACT This article raises that, against the potential meaning of cultural tourism in world heritage sites (WHS), it should be considered all actors involved with active roles, thus contributing to the conservation of its outstanding XQLYHUVDOO YDOXHVV 289 6LWHVV DUH KRZHYHU VXEMHFWW WR D QXPEHUU RII VSHFLÀFF WKUHDWVV DULVLQJJ IURPP WKHH WRXULVPP potential that arises after the inscription on the World Heritage list. Communities and stakeholders associated with the sites, a central concern of UNESCO, seeks to explain its role in the context of cultural tourism. Also, to view this activity as a potential threat, discusses the effects that could affect the integrity or authenticity of the same sites, and how to contribute these same actors in the potential mitigations. KEYWORDS cultural tourism, world heritage sites (WHS) LOS DERECHOS Y OBLIGACIONES DE DIFERENTES ACTORES El turismo cultural ha pasado a ser una actividad que excede el interés de grupos reducidos vinculados a las diversas manifesta-ciones artísticas o culturales, para convertirse en una actividad con una fuerte incidencia en la economía de los países. Desde la llamada industria turística —y las expectativas que ésta genera— ORVV HVWDGRVV SODQLÀFDQQ XQDD VHULHH GHH SURJUDPDVV TXHH YDQQ GHVGHH ODD HVFDODDWHUULWRULDOODDODDGHOOHGLÀFLRFRQQHOOFRQVLJXLHQWHHLPSDFWRRHQQODVV comunidades y en los procesos históricos de un espacio cultural determinado. Cuando un lugar se convierte en un polo atractivo para un grupo, más allá de la propia comunidad local, entonces se producirán cambios y alteraciones que impactarán este espacio cultural, representado por sus habitantes, infraestructura física, dinámicas sociales o económicas. Este sería el caso de los sitios inscritos en la Lista de Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO los cuales pasan a ser destinos frecuenta-dos por grupos de visitantes, hecho frente al cual se debiera estar preparado, en términos de facilidades de acceso, correcta interpre-tación, equipamiento, entre otros, se ha llevado a cabo a través de XQDDHÀFLHQWHHSODQLÀFDFLyQQ\\JHVWLyQQ3HGHUVHQ
Conference Presentations by Marcela Hurtado

Traditional Chilean architecture tends to respond to the variety of climates and the seismic cond... more Traditional Chilean architecture tends to respond to the variety of climates and the seismic conditions. For the first one, Chile extends from the Atacama Desert, known as the driest desert in the world, to Patagonia. Chile has a length of 4,270k between latitudes 17° and 56°S and it is located on the Nazca plate, being constantly stroke by strong earthquakes, which determined its architectural and urban history. The traditional architecture of these areas is a good example of the adaption of foreign techniques and forms to its specific context, which constitutes our architectural heritage. For the rehabilitation and conserva-tion process these features should be seen as values to be preserved to the future. This paper depicts the methodology proposed for heritage architecture and climate studios, which com-bines assessment and analysis of traditional architecture, from its vernacular condition with the experience and analysis of extreme climate in situ. Student’s intervention strategies for proposals need to give special value to these conditions.
Papers by Marcela Hurtado
Conference Presentations by Marcela Hurtado