Papers by Manfred Cierpka
Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde, 2008
PloS one, 2014
Neurobiological models of depression posit limbic hyperactivity that should normalize after succe... more Neurobiological models of depression posit limbic hyperactivity that should normalize after successful treatment. For psychotherapy, though, brain changes in patients with depression show substantial variability. Two critical issues in relevant studies concern the use of unspecific stimulation experiments and relatively short treatment protocols. Therefore changes in brain reactions to individualized stimuli were studied in patients with depression after eight months of psychodynamic psychotherapy. 18 unmedicated patients with recurrent major depressive disorder were confronted with individualized and clinically derived content in a functional MRI experiment before (T1) and after eight months (T2) of psychodynamic therapy. A control group of 17 healthy subjects was also tested twice without intervention. The experimental stimuli were sentences describing each participant's dysfunctional interpersonal relationship patterns derived from clinical interviews based on Operationalized...
Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, 2010
This explorative study examines differences and similarities in parental sensitivity by mothers a... more This explorative study examines differences and similarities in parental sensitivity by mothers and fathers in particularly strained families with infants in the prevention project"Nobody slips through the cracks" ("Keiner fällt durchs Netz"). By means of the CARE index, parental sensitivity of both parents is determined, as well as relations to the factors parental stress, postpartum depression, attachment style, and parents' sense of coherence. An association between maternal and paternal sensitivity is shown. In addition an association between maternal, but not paternal sensitivity and familial stress is reported. Furthermore, a clear difference between mothers' and fathers' sense of coherence is shown. Overall, the CARE index proves to be an adequate instrument for research in the context of early prevention and intervention projects as well as the inclusion of fathers in researching parental sensitivity. Finally, practical implications of these r...
Psychology and psychotherapy, 2003
The influence of the family on the development and the maintenance of bulimia nervosa can be seen... more The influence of the family on the development and the maintenance of bulimia nervosa can be seen both biologically and psychosocially. Genetic influences are discussed, but their effects do not explain the aetiology exclusively. Clinical observations and research findings support the role of family dynamics, family environment, and family functioning. In particular, a low level of cohesion, a lower degree of expressiveness, and more conflicts seem to characterize the family of patients with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa. The present study addresses the question of how patients suffering from bulimia differ from other patients in psychotherapy and from non-clinical control subjects in the way they perceive their ongoing and their past family relationships. The Core Conflictual Relationship Theme method is applied to narrative material from patients belonging to these three groups. Results show expected differences between patients and normal control subjects and virtually no differ...
Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie, 2002
This study, carried out at three different university centers contributes to validating the valen... more This study, carried out at three different university centers contributes to validating the valence dimension of the CCRT-method. Working on the state of the CCRT-research on affective evaluation of relationship narratives, the connection between the valence dimension of the responses from others (RO), responses of the self (RS) and the severity of the psychic disorder has been analysed with the help of two different samples (n = 266 resp. n = 32) taken from female patients. Both, therapists as well as patients themselves, evaluated the severity of the impairment similarly. The more the patients were impaired, the more negatively they describes both their own reactions and those of their interaction partners as shown in the relationship episodes.
"Beziehung im Fokus" lautete das Leitthema in der ersten Woche der Lindauer Psychotherapiewochen ... more "Beziehung im Fokus" lautete das Leitthema in der ersten Woche der Lindauer Psychotherapiewochen 1992. Im Brennpunkt stand die "Arzt-Patient-Beziehung" als einer der zentralen Aspekte unseres therapeutischen Handelns in der tiefenpsychologisch orientierten Psychotherapie, aber auch die Relevanz der Beziehungen der Patienten auf verschiedenen Ebenen: zum Partner, zur Familie, zu Cliquen, im Krankenhaus etc. Das Beziehungsverhalten des Patienten außerhalb der therapeutischen Situation wiederholt sich innerhalb des therapeutischen Rahmens. Es ist die Aufgabe des Therapeuten diese beiden Konfliktbereiche miteinander in Verbindung zu bringen. In den einzelnen Kapiteln im ersten Teil dieses Buches werden diese Verbindungslinien entsprechend herausgestellt.
Psychotherapy, 1999
Experiences of current and career professional development were surveyed for about 3,900 psychoth... more Experiences of current and career professional development were surveyed for about 3,900 psychotherapists at all career stages in several western countries. Participants included psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health practitioners representing a broad range of theoretical orientations. Measures of experienced development were consistent across professional and demographic categories. As expected, perceived therapeutic mastery increased with increasing years in practice, but
Psychotherapeut, 2007
Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel werden nach der Definition der Begriffe ätiologische Ansätze z... more Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel werden nach der Definition der Begriffe ätiologische Ansätze zur Entstehung von Gewalt referiert. Zur Frage der Ursachen gewalttätigen Verhaltens liegen umfangreiche Untersuchungen in den Sozialwissenschaften, der Psychologie, der Psychotherapie und der (Neuro-)Biologie bzw. Physiologie vor, ohne dass die jeweiligen Forschungsergebnisse und die daraus resultierenden Erkenntnisse bislang zusammengeführt und zu einem Gesamtbild vereinigt werden konnten. Der aktuelle Kenntnisstand
Psychotherapy Research, 1999
This study, carried out at three different university centers contributes to validating the valen... more This study, carried out at three different university centers contributes to validating the valence dimension of the CCRT-method. Working on the state of the CCRT-research on affective evaluation of relationship narratives,' the connection between the valence dimension of the responses from others (RO), responses of the self (RS) and the severity of the psychological disorder has been analyzed with the help of a sample taken from 266 female patients. Both therapists as well as patients themselves evaluate the severity of the impairment similarly. The more the patients are impaired, the more negatively they describe both their own reactions and those of their interaction partners as shown in the relationship episodes.
Psychotherapy Research, 2002
Research material from a study relating to a central concept of inpatient psychotherapy is presen... more Research material from a study relating to a central concept of inpatient psychotherapy is presented. The purpose of the research program was to investigate the extent to which patients reenact their experience and behavior from relationships outside of ...
Psychotherapy Research, 1995
... Manual zur ZBKT-Methode (iiberset-zung und deutsche iiberarbeitung mit Erg*- zungen der Ulmer... more ... Manual zur ZBKT-Methode (iiberset-zung und deutsche iiberarbeitung mit Erg*- zungen der Ulmer ZBKT-Arbeitsgruppe). Uni-versitat Ulm, Abteilung Psychotherapie. Luborsky, L., & Crits-Christoph, P. (Eds.) (1990). Page 6. 2 36 ZANDER ET AL. Understanding transference. ...
Psychotherapy Research, 1999
and the SPR Collaborative Research Network N N M N M ...• r-o o N
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1998
Background: We explored the relationship between the consistency of relationship patterns and the... more Background: We explored the relationship between the consistency of relationship patterns and the severity of psychopathology. Method: Relationship patterns were assessed by means of Relationship Anecdote Paradigm interviews rated according to the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) method. The repetition of the same type of CCRT components across relationship narratives indicated stereotypical patterns. Results: Subjects treated in an inpatient setting (n = 25) told narratives with more consistent patterns than subjects in an outpatient setting (n = 32). Relationship episodes of normal adults (n = 23) were more flexible compared with the two clinical groups. Especially repetitions of the wish component were closely associated with the severity of psychopathology assessed by SCL-90R. Conclusions: The consistency of relationship patterns seems to be connected with the severity of psychopathology.
Psychotherapeut, 2003
In der Kindheit erfahrene Misshandlung, sexueller und emotionaler Missbrauch und Vernachlässigung... more In der Kindheit erfahrene Misshandlung, sexueller und emotionaler Missbrauch und Vernachlässigung tragen zur Entwicklung von seelischen und körperlichen Erkrankun-gen bei. Maßnahmen gegen die Gewalt un-terstützen insofern die seelische Gesundheit. Das Fördern von sozial-...
Psychotherapeut, 2001
... In vie-len psychosomatischen Kliniken, Sucht-kliniken, universitären Abteilungen für Psychoth... more ... In vie-len psychosomatischen Kliniken, Sucht-kliniken, universitären Abteilungen für Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik wird die OPD in Forschungsprojekten, vereinzelt sogar in der psychotherapeu-tischen Routineversorgung eingesetzt. ...
Psychopathology, 2007
This paper presents a multiaxial system for psychodynamic diagnostic, which has attained wide usa... more This paper presents a multiaxial system for psychodynamic diagnostic, which has attained wide usage in Germany over the last 10 years. Following a description of the four OPD axes defined as experience of illness and prerequisites for treatment , interpersonal relations , conflicts , and structure , their clinical applications is discussed. The formulation of focuses based on the psychodynamic of the patient can be employed with inpatients and with outpatients alike. Studies support a good reliability for OPD in a research context and a fair reliability in clinical applications. Validity examinations of the four OPD axes are summarily discussed according to the subcategories content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity. Results of research studies on the validity of OPD indicate a good validity of the individual axes. Many studies on the OPD suggest areas for further improvement of the system. OPD has, for instance, yet to be made more praticable for clinical application. The operationalisation of psychoanalytic constructs 1 Other members of the OPD-Executive Committee and other authors are: Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 11 Institut für Psychotherapieforschung und Qualitätssicherung, Heidelberg 12 Professor emeritus, Dortmund 13 Universitätsklinikum Eppendorf Hamburg to operationalize conflict formulations [ 41, 42 ] and of constructs of defense mechanisms [ 43 ] has also been attempted. More comprehensive is the approach by Weinryb and Rössel [ 71 ] to build a psychodynamic profile on the basis of operationalised psychoanalytic constructs. The 18 subscales of the Karolinska Psychodynamic profile were formulated with the aim to descriptively grasp, as comprehensively as possible, the mental functions of the patient and his personality characteristics as reflected in his self-perception and in his relationships with others. These subscales are formulated on different levels of abstraction, with the amount of interpretation that is needed for an assessment varying from subscale to subscale. Evidently, psychodynamic operationalisations must go beyond the behavioural level, since intrapsychic conflicts cannot be directly observed, and so some interpretative conclusions must become part of the assessment process. The system of the OPD The OPD was designed to become a diagnostic instrument based on observation and spanning theories of all groups of treatment, able to promote communication within psychoanalysis and with its neighbouring disciplines. For this purpose the OPD group needed to reach agreement as to what extent exactly it would allow final conclusions inferred on the level of the unconscious to enter into the clinical evaluation of behavioural modes. In 1990, a group of psychoanalysts, psychosomatically oriented therapists and psychiatrists in Germany set up a task force that called itself "Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostics" (OPD). It has been the objective of this task force to expand the symptom-based, description-oriented ICD-10 classification of mental disorders by adding some fundamental psychodynamic dimensions. The OPD Task Force developed a diagnostic inventory and, in 1996, made available a manual [ 40 ] for experienced therapists for training purposes and clinical application. The system of the OPD is based on 4 psychodynamically relevant diagnostic axes with categories which suitably complement the ICD-10 classification: Axis I: Experience of illness and prerequisites for treatment. Axis II: Interpersonal Relations. Axis III: Conflicts. Axis IV: Structure. Axis V: Syndromal (in line with chapter V (F) of the ICD 10).
Papers by Manfred Cierpka