Papers by Mahmudah Noorhayati
Occidentalism is basically oriented to deal with westernization with highly intense influence not... more Occidentalism is basically oriented to deal with westernization with highly intense influence not merely on our conception and culture (Eastern), but also on the freedom of Eastern human with individual faith. Hassan Hanafi, an outstanding intellectual Muslim who created genial and analytical ideas, attempted to analyze and disclosure silent ideology of Western over Islam. By behalf of the Eastern people through Occidentalism, Hanafi succesffully indicate a racial and ideological conspiration behind Western academic works with the high claim of being more civilized. However, Hanafi’s Occidentalism is not intended to make coup de etat over the Orientalism. For him, the simple aim of the Occidentalism is making self-freedom of the other in order to get the equilibrium between Islamic/Eastern and European/Western worlds in general.
This research was based on an academic concern regarding the dissolution of Hizbut Tahrir Indones... more This research was based on an academic concern regarding the dissolution of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) on July 19, 2017 through Perppu (Enactment of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law) Number 2 of 2017 concerning Community Organizations. This Perppu has changed the map of the HTI’s da'wah and political movements which were previously massive and dominant in various media and became silent at once. Previously known as the 411, the 212, and the 505 Muslim Movements which were led HTI people, then after the HTI dissolution, this organization seemed to be in suspended animation and vanished without a trace. Even HTI’s preaching movements on various online media under the organization’s guidance have been difficult to find. Based on this concern, the formulation of the problem in this study is as follows: first , what is the doctrine and anatomy of the HTI movement? Second , how was the HTI da’wah movement since the New Order until the issuance of Perrpu Number 2 of 2017? Third ...
Berbagai pola dan hubungan dalam pemberdayaan perempuan telah dilakukan oleh nyai di Pondok Pesan... more Berbagai pola dan hubungan dalam pemberdayaan perempuan telah dilakukan oleh nyai di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid agar masyarakat di sekitar pesantren memiliki tingkat kesetaraan antara laki-laki dan perempuan dan terbebas dari sistem patriarkhi dan dominasi peran laki-laki. Oleh sebab itu, maka pertanyaan yang muncul, yaitu: bagaimanakah polaketerlibatan nyai dalam pemberdayaan perempuan di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid? Simpulan dari tulisan ini menyatakan bahwa pola keterlibatan Nyai dalam pemberdayaan perempuan terdiri dari lima aspek: bidang pendidikan; bidang sosial; bidang ekonomi; bidang politik; bidang keagamaan; dan bidang kesehatan.
Selama ini, seorang istri kerap identik dengan seorang wanita yang penuh dengan kewajiban-kewajib... more Selama ini, seorang istri kerap identik dengan seorang wanita yang penuh dengan kewajiban-kewajiban penghambaan kepada para suami mereka. Dengan begitu, istri berada di bawah hegemoni dan superioritas para suami hingga diperkuat dengan dalih-dalih keagamaan. Apabila demikian adanya, maka keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah dan penuh rahmat tidak akan tercapai. Padahal di balik itu semua, ayat-ayat al-Qur'an dan hadis-hadis Nabi Muhammad saw. menjelaskan bahwa para suami sebagai manusia pada umumnya sebenarnya memiliki kewajiban-kewajiban pula yang harus ditunaikan kepada lawan jenisnya (istri). Berangkat dari asumsi tersebut, maka penulis sangat tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian tentang kewajiban suami terhadap istri dengan hanya memotret dan memahami beberapa hadis-hadis tentangnya serta upaya kontekstualisasinya dengan kehidupan masa kini. Di sini terdapat problem akademis yang muncul, yaitu: Pertama, bagaimana pemahaman terhadap hadis-hadis tentang kewajiban suami terhadap istr...
Secularism and Challenges of Contemporary Islamic Thought. Renaissance in the West comes with sci... more Secularism and Challenges of Contemporary Islamic Thought. Renaissance in the West comes with scientific paradigm that emphasizes the ratio aspect and denies the transcendental aspect. Cartesian Newtonian paradigm resulted in progress to the West to secularistically, materialistically and positivistically, so it’s not unfriendly to the existence of religions. Religion is removed from the public and private spheres. This article examines the history, character and characteristics of Western secularism and its impact on world religions and human beings, especially Islam. This study is focused on the aspects of Western secular scientific paradigm, because behind the scientific aspects of this paradigm is the foundation of civilization. The results of this paper prove that modern Western science offered to non-Western societies is not neutral and full of values. Western science is not value-free (value free), but is full with value (value laden). Therefore,it is expected that the commun...
Multicultural-Based Education in Pesantren (An Effort to Stem Radicalism in Indonesia). This stud... more Multicultural-Based Education in Pesantren (An Effort to Stem Radicalism in Indonesia). This study examines the role of pesantren in stemming radicalism. This is due to the wave of Islamic radicalism that keeps popping up on one side and terrorism on the other hand. It has disrupted the existence of pesantren. There is even a stigma that pesantren is a hotbed of terrorism and always fosters radicalism. Based on this fact, the conclusion of this study emphasizes the role of pesantren in stemming radicalism, that must be institutionally responsive and emphasize belief and morality. Pesantren education should be multicultural based, including an understanding of religious reality. As a religious education institution capable of processing and gathering all local wisdom in the face of Islam Nusantara, it is expected to deny the world’s perception on Islam that is always identified with the religion of terror and hatred.
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam, 2020
This article discusses intersection between dakwah and politics in contemporary Indonesia. It dem... more This article discusses intersection between dakwah and politics in contemporary Indonesia. It demonstrates the use of dakwah as political vehicle in electoral politics by looking at dakwah actors and their methods. Examining valuable sources, mainly online data, the article further concludes that the 2019 presidential election had led to the division within the dakwah actors. They are divided along the lines of presidential candidates and this division resonates clearly though their dakwah activism. From ideological perspectives, this article further finds out that dakwah actors and institutions with Islamist ideology inclines to vote for Prabowo Subijanto, whereas his rival as well as incumbent president Joko Widodo gains a significant support from the traditionalist Nahdlatul Ulama and the so-called “moderate Islam” had been central issue dividing the two.
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education Studies), May 2, 2017
Sebagaimana telah jamak diketahui bahwa salah satu bagian dari pesantren adalah nilai-nilai atau ... more Sebagaimana telah jamak diketahui bahwa salah satu bagian dari pesantren adalah nilai-nilai atau sikap pendirian dari seorang kiai yang sangat dominan dalam membentuk identitas santrinya. Nilai-nilai tersebut tidaklah cukup disampaikan secara jalur penyampaian pengajaran lisan, tetapi juga harus diaktualisasikan, didesain ulang, dan diimplementasikan dalam ruang proses yang lebih luas. Artikel ini membahas tentang pencapaian dibalik penanaman nilai, pemodelan dan indoktrinasi dalam pesantren, utamanya dalam hal pendirian kiai dalam sikap toleransi dan keberagaman budaya. Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi di lapangan, data yang didapatkan dianalisa dalam bingkai kerja teori konstruktivisme Peter L. Berger. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid membangun nilai-nilai toleransi dan penghargaan keberagaman budaya melalui pandangan sufisme dan disampaikan melalui pemodelan pandangan kiai dalam aktifitas sehari-hari dan kejadian-kejadian yang tidak direncanakan.
Al-Albab, 2018
This article explores the new trends of Islamic radicalism through missionary jihad against a bla... more This article explores the new trends of Islamic radicalism through missionary jihad against a blasphemer (Ahok) as part of the jihad for the NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia). The trend of radical dakwah in online media is interesting to research, regardless of the interest of the local election, or Caliphate and NKRI sharia on the other hand. The purpose of this research is to find out the trend of radical dakwah in online media by calling jihad against a blasphemer as part of the NKRI jihad and its implication. The questions in this study will be examined using the theory of domination of interests (hegemony), given the position of the radicals is to seize the hegemony of society through online viral media. In conclusion, the use of the term Jihad against a blasphemer, and political branding that radical groups still maintain the integrity of the NKRI is a hegemonic form to defeat the cultural power of the moderate, tolerant, and plural Muslims. These radicals, tog...
ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2018
To build the idea of Islamic inclusiveness, Nurcholish Madjid made Ibn Taymiyah a reference. The ... more To build the idea of Islamic inclusiveness, Nurcholish Madjid made Ibn Taymiyah a reference. The definition of “Islam” as al-inqiyad, al-istislam, and al-ikhlash by Ibn Taymiyah became the foundation for Madjid to propagate the ideology of religious unity of the prophets, in the form of monotheism or submission only to Allah. But on the other hand there are many scholars who viewed the contrary, that Ibn Taymiyah was not an inclusive thinker. Instead he was the source of inspiration for the contemporary Islamic radicalism. This paper attempts to probe the religious ideas of Ibn Taymiyah. The focus of this paper is on the thought of Ibn Taymiyah on Islam and other religions, especially Judaism and Christianity. Research on some of his works showed that it is not quite right to conclude that Ibn Taymiyah was an inclusive thinker. There are, in fact, some of his ideas that seem to be inclusive as Madjid referred to. However, in-depth study on his thought showed that he had exclusive vi...
KONSELING RELIGI Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 2017
termanifestasikan dalam realitas interaksi sosial, bila keberadaan individu memiliki kematangan f... more termanifestasikan dalam realitas interaksi sosial, bila keberadaan individu memiliki kematangan falsafah yang tampak melalui spiritual dan sosialnya secara berimbang.
Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura, 2019
This article will explore new trends of Islamic radicalism dakwah trough Jihad against penista ag... more This article will explore new trends of Islamic radicalism dakwah trough Jihad against penista agama (Ahok) as part of jihad NKRI. Trend of radical dakwah in online viral media is interesting researched, regardless of the importance of the election, or Khilafah and NKRI bersyariah on the other side. The purpose of this research is to know the trend of radical dakwah in online viral media by calling jihad against penista agama as part of jihad NKRI and how the implication of this dakwah. Questions from this study will be studied using the theory of domination of interests (hegemony), given the war of position of the radicals is to seize the hegemony of society through viral online media. In the conclusion, the use of the term Jihad against penista agama, as well as political branding that radical groups maintain the integrity of the NKRI is a hegemonic form to defeat the moderate, tolerant, and plural cultural power of Muslims. Those with the intellectual actors behind them, realizin...
Papers by Mahmudah Noorhayati