Papers by Magdalena Nozdrzykowska
Autobusy – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, Dec 21, 2018

Advances in intelligent systems and computing, May 31, 2017
The authors present their own models for estimating the execution time of program loops in parall... more The authors present their own models for estimating the execution time of program loops in parallel systems with message transmission (Open MPI) along with an analysis of the significance of the parameters used for the estimation and for proving the correctness of these models, which is the main goal of this article. The significance analysis proposed by the authors of the models was based on measurements of actual performance of test loops from the NAS Parallel Benchmarks, which provides sets of test loops in the field of numerical problem solving. By applying the significance analysis, we demonstrate the accuracy of selected parameters as relevant parameters of the presented models. The significance analysis was based on soft reduction of conditional attributes using the relative probability of rules useful in the theory of rough sets.

This paper presents an analysis of the possibility of determining the geometric deviations of lar... more This paper presents an analysis of the possibility of determining the geometric deviations of large crankshafts of engines using both conventional and alternative fuels. Experimental tests were carried out on a test stand adapted to measure crankshafts seated with their main journals on a set of fixed supports with the possibility of height positioning and using a reference measuring system. A comparative assessment of the results was made for a selected crankshaft using the intercorrelation factor ρ, whose value ranged from 0.8982 to 0.9751. It was concluded that the proposed procedures can be useful in assessing of the geometric condition of the crankshafts with axial position deviations and with limited possibilities of their detection resulting from the adopted support conditions with a set of supports positioned at different heights. Experimental tests were supplemented with FE-analyses of the crankshaft supported at multiple locations and loaded with deviations in the position...

W artykule autorzy przedstawiają modele szacowania czasow wykonywania sie petli programowych zgod... more W artykule autorzy przedstawiają modele szacowania czasow wykonywania sie petli programowych zgodnych z modelem FAN nieposiadającym zalezności lub posiadającym zalezności, ale tylko w ciele petli, ktore wykonywane mogą byc przez centralne jednostki obliczeniowe CPU jak i multiprocesory strumieniowe zwane rdzeniami kart graficznych GPU. Zaprezentowane w niniejszym artykule modele szacowania czasow wykonywania tych petli pozwolą na określanie tego, czy obliczenia w zastanym środowisku obliczeniowym warto wykonywac z uzyciem posiadanego procesora CPU czy korzystniejsze bedzie wykorzystanie do obliczen posiadanej, czesto nowoczesnej, karty graficznej z wydajną jednostką GPU i bardzo szybką pamiecią stosowaną we wspolczesnych kartach graficznych. Wraz z zaprezentowanymi modelami przedstawiono takze testy potwierdzające poprawnośc opracowanych modeli szacowania czasu. Celem powstania tych modeli jest dostarczenie metod przyspieszania dzialania aplikacji realizujących rozne zadania, w tym ...

Advances in Dependability Engineering of Complex Systems, 2017
The authors present their own models for estimating the execution time of program loops in parall... more The authors present their own models for estimating the execution time of program loops in parallel systems with message transmission (Open MPI) along with an analysis of the significance of the parameters used for the estimation and for proving the correctness of these models, which is the main goal of this article. The significance analysis proposed by the authors of the models was based on measurements of actual performance of test loops from the NAS Parallel Benchmarks, which provides sets of test loops in the field of numerical problem solving. By applying the significance analysis, we demonstrate the accuracy of selected parameters as relevant parameters of the presented models. The significance analysis was based on soft reduction of conditional attributes using the relative probability of rules useful in the theory of rough sets.
Theory and Engineering of Dependable Computer Systems and Networks, 2021
Theory and Engineering of Dependable Computer Systems and Networks, 2021

AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 2018
The authors present models for estimating the time of execution of program loops compliant with t... more The authors present models for estimating the time of execution of program loops compliant with the FAN model with no data dependencies or with data dependencies only within the body programming loop, which can be executed either by CPUs or by stream multiprocessors referred to as GPU cores. The models presented will make it possible to determine whether it would be more efficient to execute computation in the existing environment using the CPU (Central Pro-cessing Unit) or a state-of-the-art graphics card with a high-performance GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) and super-fast memory, of-ten implemented in modern graphics cards. Validity checks confirming the developed time estimation model for GPU are presented. The purpose of these models is to provide methods for accelerating the performance of applications performing various tasks, including transport tasks, such as accelerated solution searching, searching paths in graphs, or accelerating image processing algorithms in vision sys...

Energies, 2023
This paper presents an analysis of the possibility of determining the geometric deviations of lar... more This paper presents an analysis of the possibility of determining the geometric deviations of large crankshafts of engines using both conventional and alternative fuels. Experimental tests were carried out on a test stand adapted to measure crankshafts seated with their main journals on a set of fixed supports with the possibility of height positioning and using a reference measuring system. A comparative assessment of the results was made for a selected crankshaft using the intercorrelation factor ρ, whose value ranged from 0.8982 to 0.9751. It was concluded that the proposed procedures can be useful in assessing of the geometric condition of the crankshafts with axial position deviations and with limited possibilities of their detection resulting from the adopted support conditions with a set of supports positioned at different heights. Experimental tests were supplemented with FE-analyses of the crankshaft supported at multiple locations and loaded with deviations in the position of the main journal axes.
Papers by Magdalena Nozdrzykowska