Papers by Małgorzata Garecka
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 2008
Badaniami objêto utwory serii menilitowo-krooenieñskiej jednostek oel¹skiej i skolskiej wschodnie... more Badaniami objêto utwory serii menilitowo-krooenieñskiej jednostek oel¹skiej i skolskiej wschodniej czêoeci polskich Karpat Zewnêtrznych powy¿ej korelacyjnych poziomów wapienia jasielskiego i/lub wapienia z Zagórza. W jednostce oel¹skiej granica oligocen/miocen przebiega w wy¿szej czêoeci warstw krooenieñskich dolnych, w po³udniowej czêoeci jednostki-w otryckim regionie facjalnym, w wy¿szej czêoeci ³upkowo-piaskowcowej serii nadotryckiej warstw krooenieñskich dolnych, natomiast w po³udniowej czêoeci leskiego regionu facjalnego jednostki oel¹skiej-w obrêbie serii prze³awicaj¹cych siê pakietów grubo³awicowych piaskowców i drobnorytmicznych osadów turbidytowych warstw krooenieñskich dolnych. W bardziej pó³nocnej czêoeci jednostki seria ta jest zastêpowana przez kompleks grubo³awicowych piaskowców facji leskiej i w wy¿szej czêoeci tego wydzielenia stwierdzono obecnooeae gatunków mioceñskich. W jednostce skolskiej, w jej po³udniowej czêoeci, granica przebiega w ni¿szej czêoeci warstw krooenieñskich dolnych, a w bardziej pó³nocnej i zachodniej czêoeci tej jednostki-w obrêbie warstw menilitowych. Jako gatunki wskaŸnikowe dla wyznaczenia granicy oligocen/miocen zaproponowano: Helicosphaera mediterranea Müller, Helicosphaera recta Haq, Helicosphaera scissura Miller, Dictyococcites bisectus (Hay, Mohler et Wade) Bukry et Percival, Zygrhablithus bijugatus Deflandre i Sphenolithus delphix (Bukry).
Przegląd Geologiczny, 1996
Przegląd Geologiczny, 1996
Teren badań jest położony w środkowej części Karpat na SW od Gorlic (ryc. l). Obszar, na którym p... more Teren badań jest położony w środkowej części Karpat na SW od Gorlic (ryc. l). Obszar, na którym prowadzono prace należy do jednostki magurskiej-ne potwierdziły występowanie warstw z Gładyszowa na obszarze zaznaczonym na mapie (ryc. l). strefy gorlickiej północnej inaczej zwa-Tab. 1. Nannoplankton wapienny z utworów z okolic Gładyszowa nej strefą Siar lub strefą raczańską północną. Strefa ta w tym rejonie nasunięta jest na niższe jednostki: grybowską, dukielską i śląską. Strefa Siar w obrębie basenu magurskiego znajdowała się w jego północnej części z obszarem alimentacyjnym usytuowanym na północy i jest zdecydowanie różna od pozostałych stref w obrębie basenu magurskiego tj. raczań ski ej południowej, sądeckiej i krynickiej (Sikora, 1970; Oszczypko, 1992; Bromowic z, 1992). Różnice te pokazuje zarówno analiza petrograficzna występujących tu utworów jak również kierunki transportu (Bromowicz, 1992; Sikora, 1970). Na podstawie zróżnicowanie paleocenu górnego oraz eocenu dolnego i środko wego w strefie Siar, wyróżniono podstrefy zewnętrzną i wewnętrzną (Kopciowski, 1995; w druku). W rejonie Gładyszowa, na dotychczasowych mapach (Koszarski & Tokarski, 1968; Sikora, 1967), występują utwory warstw magurskich w facji glaukonitowej. Prowadząc badania na tym obszarze wydzielono: łupki podmagurskie (łupki z Szymbarku), piaskowce magurskie (piaskowce z Wątkowej) (Koszarski & Koszarski, 1985) warstwy nadmagurskie (warstwy z Małasto wa) (Kopciowski, 1995) oraz warstwy z Gła dyszowa, których pozycja i przynależność są przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu (ryc. 1,2). Utwory te, to przede wszystkim mułowce ilaste i iłowce. W składzie mułow ców ilastych poza minerałami ilastymi można wyróżnić: kwarc, muskowit, glaukonit, piryt, sporadycznie skalenie, z czego makroskopowo jedynie muskowit. Utwory te są silnie wapniste. Barwa ich jest zielonopopielatoszara. W obrębie mułowców występują okruchy lub bloki, a nawet fragmenty ławic piaskowców.
Przegląd Geologiczny, 1996
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 2012
Geological Quarterly, May 27, 2015
Sedimentary Geology, May 1, 2017
Radiometric K/Ar dating of glauconite and nanno-and micropaleontologic analyses of calcareous nan... more Radiometric K/Ar dating of glauconite and nanno-and micropaleontologic analyses of calcareous nannoplankton, foraminifers and dinoflagellates isolated from the Miocene rocks in the Polish part of the Roztocze region, a northeastern part of the fore-bulge of the Carpathian Foreland Basin System-CFBS), SE Poland, reveal that these strata contain numerous microfossils and glauconite grains of the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene age. Such occurrences clearly indicate that these materials were redeposited from the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene marine rocks that must have originally covered most of the Roztocze and the surrounding area. It is therefore proposed herein that the geographical extent of the boreal, epi-continental basin during the Eocene-Oligocene was much greater than previouslu\y considered. Moreover, it appears that this basin was connected with the
Przegląd Geologiczny, 1997
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2011
Cor re la tion of the Mid dle Mio cene de pos its in SE Po land and west ern Ukraine based on for... more Cor re la tion of the Mid dle Mio cene de pos its in SE Po land and west ern Ukraine based on foraminifera and cal car e ous nannoplankton. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 81: 309-330. Ab stract: The aim of this study is to com pare the as sem blages of foraminifera and cal car e ous nannoplankton from the Mid dle Mio cene sed i ments from SE Po land and west ern Ukraine. De tailed in ves ti ga tions re vealed a high de gree of sim i lar ity of foraminiferal as sem blages of the Pecten/Spirialis beds of Po land and the Kosiv For ma tion of Ukraine. As sem blages from both ar eas are char ac ter ized by nu mer ous arenaceous spe cies of foraminifera (Hyperammina granulosa, Ammodiscus miocenicus, Haplophragmoides indentatus, H. laminatus), radio lar ians, pteropods and in dex planktic spe cies Velapertina indigena. High de grees of sim i lar ity also dis play as sem blages from the Krakowiec beds (Po land) and the Dashava For ma tion (Ukraine). The lower parts of both sub di vi sions are char ac ter ized by the pres ence of Anomalinoides dividens. Saccammina sarmatica, Bolivina sarmatica, Brizalina nisporenica, and Porosononion granosum oc cur in the up per parts. Chloropycean Halicoryne morelleti is a char ac ter is tic el e ment of the as sem blages. The cal car e ous nannoplankton as sem blages con tain al most iden ti cal spe cies. The de pos its ly ing above the evaporites (which be long to the NN6 zone) are in cluded into the NN6, un di vided NN6-NN7, and NN7 zones. The grad ual im pov er ish ment of the spe cies of the up per part of NN6 and the lower part of NN7 zones is ob served. The as sem blages of the Krakowiec beds and the up per part of the Kosiv and Dashava for ma tions are of low spe cies di ver sity and are mainly re stricted to a few spe cies with high abun dance. The as sem blage is com posed of placoliths (Coccolithus and Reticulofenestra spe cies), high num ber of the re worked nannofossils and dam aged el e ments.
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 2015
The aim of the study was to establish the zonation of Middle Miocene sediments in the Trojanowice... more The aim of the study was to establish the zonation of Middle Miocene sediments in the Trojanowice 2 borehole, based on calcareous nannoplankton investigations. Long-ranging families are dominant, representing Coccolithaceae (Coccolithus pelagicus) and Prinsiaceae (small reticulofenestrids, R. pseudoumbilica). Helicosphaeraceae (small helicosphaerids, H. kamptneri), Sphenolithaceae and Discoasteraceae, which are important for stratigraphic conclusions, occur less frequently. Based on the co-occurrence of Sphenolithus heteromorphus, S. abies, Helicosphaera walbersdorfensis, Discoaster exilis, Calcidiscus macintyrei, Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica, Umbilicosphaera rotula and small forms belonging to the Reticulofenestra and Helicosphaera species, the sediments are included into NN5 and NN6 calcareous nannoplankton zones sensu Martini.
Przegląd Geologiczny, 1998
The marine Miocene in the Southern Poland occurs within the flysch sequence oj Outer Carpathians ... more The marine Miocene in the Southern Poland occurs within the flysch sequence oj Outer Carpathians and in its joredeep. In Carpathians a continuous succession oj nannoplankton zones jrom NP24 to NN4 had been jound, while the earliest sediments oj the joredeep may be assigned only to the NN3 nannoplankton and N6-N7 joraminiferal zones. Selected species oj joraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton have be en described and illustrated.
Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα του Τμήματος Γεωλογίας (Α.Π.Θ.), 2010
Geological Quarterly, Dec 11, 2014
Study of four bore holes (each 100 m deep) drilled in St. Bronis³awa Hill (part of the horst of t... more Study of four bore holes (each 100 m deep) drilled in St. Bronis³awa Hill (part of the horst of the Wolski For est, Kraków) in dicates that the Oxfordian lime stone is interbedded by claystones with cal car e ous rub ble (de tri tus) fill ing fos sil karst forms. The claystones, lo cally show ing pla nar strat i fi ca tion, con tain as sem blages of Late Cre ta ceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) foraminifers. Mid dle Mio cene pla nar lam i nated lime stones have also been found in cav i ties formed in the Mid dle Oxfordian lime stones. Mio cene de pos its of this type, fill ing the fos sil karst, were not pre vi ously known from the area of Kraków. Both the Up per Cre ta ceous and Mid dle Mio cene de pos its doc u ment prob a bly ma rine sed i men ta tion that re sulted in the fill ing of the karst sys tem. This type of karst was prob a bly formed be fore the trans gres sion of the Late Cre ta ceous sea, and be fore the trans gres sion of the Mid dle Miocene sea on the area of the present-day horst of the Wolski For est.
The presence of the Oligocene (upper Rupelian and Chattian)-Lower Miocene (Aquitanian) in the Pod... more The presence of the Oligocene (upper Rupelian and Chattian)-Lower Miocene (Aquitanian) in the Podhale Flysch sediments is argued by the identification of calcareous nannoplankton zones: NP24, NP25 and NN1. The upper part of the Szaflary beds, the Zakopane beds and the lower part of the Chocho³ów beds belong to the NP24 Zone based on the occurrence of Helicosphaera recta, Cyclicargolithus abisectus, Sphenolithus distentus, Reticulofenestra lockeri and Reticulofenestra ornata in assemblages. The upper part of the Chocho³ów beds and the Brzegi beds belong to the NP25 Zone based on the presence of Sphenolithus conicus with the taxa listed above. The youngest Ostrysz beds contain Helicosphaera scissura and Sphenolithus delphix. These species are characteristic for the NN1 Zone (lowermost Miocene).
Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 2011
The quantity, genetic type and maturity of organic matter dispersed in Ordovician, Silurian, Devo... more The quantity, genetic type and maturity of organic matter dispersed in Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian and Lower Carboniferous strata in the basement of the Carpathian Foredeep between Krakow and Rzeszow were determined based on the results of organic geochemical analyses of 600 rock samples collected from 44 wells. The best source rocks were found in the Silurian strata where the total organic carbon (TOC) content is up to 6.6 wt% and the median value equals ca. 1.5 wt%. The median values of the initial organic carbon contents in individual wells vary from 1.2 to 3.5 wt%. The Ordovician, Lower Devonian and clastic facies of the Lower Carboniferous strata can be considered as an additional source of hydrocarbons with the median TOC values of 0.27, 0.56 and 0.53 wt%, respectively. The Middle and Upper Devonian strata as well as the carbonate facies of the Lower Carboniferous strata have much lower quantities of organic carbon, although in these strata levels with elevated TOC contents...
Geological Quarterly
As so ci ate Ed i tor: Mi chael A. Kaminski The Badenian/Sarmatian bound ary in the Cen tral Para... more As so ci ate Ed i tor: Mi chael A. Kaminski The Badenian/Sarmatian bound ary in the Cen tral Paratethys has been tra di tion ally iden ti fied by the fau nal turn over re cording an im por tant en vi ron men tal change pos si bly con trolled by the change from ma rine to brack ish con di tions. The strata below the Badenian/Sarmatian bound ary in the north ern Carpathian Foredeep are in cluded into the Pecten beds, and those above it into the Syndesmya beds. Foraminiferal study of the Babczyn 2 bore hole which is one of the cru cial sec tions in the north ern Carpathian Foredeep, well-known for the depositional age of rhy o lite tuff within the Pecten beds dated by OEliwiñski et al. (2012) at 13.06 ±0.11 Ma, in di cated that in fact the bound ary oc curs within the Syndesmya beds. This con clu sion is based upon the rapid change from a stenohaline foraminiferal fauna to a euryhaline one, and the ap pear ance of the spe cies Anomalinoides dividens, the taxon re garded as the marker for the Sarmatian. In the Babczyn 2 and Cieszanów 1 (lo cated 2.5 km basinward of Babczyn 2) bore holes, Anomalinoides dividens ap pears 3.1-3.8 m above the re place ment of stenohaline by euryhaline foraminifers. The cal car e ous nannoplankton study shows that the up per Badenian and the lower Sarmatian strata in the stud ied sec tions rep re sent the NN6, un di vided NN6-NN7, and NN7 zones.
Geological Quarterly, Jul 12, 2021
The Gdów "embayment" is the most pro nounced de flec tion along the north ern bound ary of the Ca... more The Gdów "embayment" is the most pro nounced de flec tion along the north ern bound ary of the Carpathians. It is filled by the sandy clay de pos its which used to be named the Skawina For ma tion or Chodenice beds or, lo cally, con glom er ates (of Sypka Góra). Their strati graphic po si tion ac cord ing to stud ies of foraminifers had been de ter mined as Badenian. New re sults obtained from micropalaeontological ma te rial sam pled at three ex po sures near Wiatowice, Jawczyce (Giewont) and Gdów (Sypka Góra), and based on bore holes, in di cate a much youn ger age of for the de pos its in fill ing the Gdów "embayment". These stud ies show that the sur face de pos its are not older than Late Sarmatian/Pannonian (Serravalian/Tortonian). They also sug gest a much later time for the last stages of the thrust ing of the Carpathian Moun tains over the Carpathian Foredeep.
Papers by Małgorzata Garecka