Papers by Marguerite Quoirin

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, 2016
The interspecific oil palm hybrid BRS Manicoré (E. guineensis x E. oleifera) has superior agronom... more The interspecific oil palm hybrid BRS Manicoré (E. guineensis x E. oleifera) has superior agronomic characteristics. However, the germination rate is low (30%) and the process is slow when the seeds are sown in a conventional form. The purpose of this study was to optimize the in vitro germination of zygotic embryos of this hybrid comparing seed lots. The viability of zygotic embryos was evaluated by the tetrazolium test (0.075%) for 4 h. The embryos were cultured on MS and Y3 culture media, with and without the addition of NaH2PO4, as well as on MS, MS1/2 and N6 medium. In MS medium containing NaH2PO4, the germination rate was increased from 40 to 70% in comparison with the medium without sodium phosphate. The comparison between the culture media MS, MS 1/2, N6 and Y3 showed that 75% of zygotic embryos cultured in the Y3 medium formed whole plants (with roots and shoots defined), a higher percentage than embryos cultured on MS, MS 1/2 and N6 media (46, 35 and 17% respectively). In ...

Ciência Florestal, 2008
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a sobrevivência e a produtividade de minicepas no si... more O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a sobrevivência e a produtividade de minicepas no sistema de tubetes e o efeito do ácido indolbutírico (AIB) no enraizamento de miniestacas de Grevillea robusta. O experimento foi conduzido em Colombo, PR, com minicepas formadas partindo de mudas obtidas de sementes, as quais foram cultivadas no sistema de tubetes, durante o período de um ano. A sobrevivência das minicepas, após 15 coletas, foi de 100% com produtividade média de 1,7 miniestacas por minicepa e 4030 miniestacas por metro quadrado ao ano. As taxas médias de enraizamento foram 83, 79, 75 e 72% para os tratamentos com 0, 1000, 2000 e 4000 mg L -1 de AIB respectivamente, sendo os melhores níveis obtidos sem aplicação exógena de AIB. Com base nesses resultados, conclui-se que a miniestaquia de propágulos juvenis é uma opção para produção de mudas de Grevillea robusta durante o ano inteiro, sem a necessidade de aplicações de reguladores de crescimento, além de ser uma importante ferramenta para adaptação dos protocolos de propagação vegetativa em materiais adultos selecionados. Palavras-chave: grevílea; propagação vegetativa; miniestacas; ácido indolbutírico.

Scientia Agraria, 2006
As plantas denominadas esponjinhas ou caliandras pertencem à família Fabaceae, subfamília Mimosoi... more As plantas denominadas esponjinhas ou caliandras pertencem à família Fabaceae, subfamília Mimosoidae, e apresentam inflorescências de aspecto exótico com grande quantidade de estames coloridos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o enraizamento de estacas caulinares de Calliandra selloi (com estames rosa e estames brancos) e de C. tweediei (com estames vermelhos) pela aplicação de ácido naftalenoacético (ANA), e plantadas em dois substratos. As estacas foram confeccionadas a partir de ramos semilenhosos de plantas matrizes oriundas dos jardins do Centro Politécnico, UFPR, Curitiba-PR, com 8cm de comprimento e quatro folíolos na porção apical, mantidas em casa-de-vegetação climatizada (25 o C ± 2 o C, 95% UR). Foram realizados dois experimentos utilizando estas espécies: no primeiro, testou-se o efeito de diferentes substratos (vermiculita e casca de arroz carbonizada) e, no segundo, as bases das estacas foram imersas em soluções com diferentes concentrações de ANA (0, 1.500 e 3.000 mg.L -1 ) por 10 segundos, com posterior plantio em tubetes contendo casca de arroz carbonizada e vermiculita. Após 60 dias foram avaliadas as variáveis: porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, com calos, vivas, mortas, comprimento e número de raízes formadas por estaca. A análise estatística revelou que não houve interação entre os fatores (substratos x espécies e concentrações de ANA x espécies), tendo a casca de arroz carbonizada se destacado como o melhor substrato quanto à porcentagem de enraizamento (C. selloi rosa -90,00%, C. selloi branca -73,34% e C. tweediei vermelha -11,67%). A aplicação de diferentes concentrações de ANA não apresentou diferença significativa na promoção do enraizamento.
Journal of Forestry Research, 2016
Ciência Florestal, 2008
do presente trabalho foi verificar o efeito da XG de sementes de jatobá coletadas em Sinop/MT (XG... more do presente trabalho foi verificar o efeito da XG de sementes de jatobá coletadas em Sinop/MT (XGS) e em Cuiabá/MT (XGC) e da XGC hidrolisada com uma celulase (XGCH), além da XG de sementes de Tamarindus indica L. (XGT) coletadas na Bahia/BA, no crescimento de plântulas de Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cultivadas in vitro. No primeiro experimento, XGCH (0,25; 25 e 250 nM) ou XGC (0,5; 50 e 500 nM) foram acrescentadas a um meio MS ½ líquido. O segundo experimento comparou as XGs das diferentes fontes: XGC (500 nM), XGS (1200 nM) e XGT (800 nM)
Acta Scientiarum Agronomy, 2007

African Journal of Biotechnology, Aug 28, 2013
Micropropagation of Pinus taeda by axillary bud proliferation technique and anatomical study of a... more Micropropagation of Pinus taeda by axillary bud proliferation technique and anatomical study of adventitious roots were studied. Apical and basal segments were established in vitro in Murashige and Skoog (MS) culture medium. For multiple shoot induction, the explants were transferred to WV3 medium with or without 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) (0.12, 0.25 or 0.50 µM). The effect of the culture medium and combinations of α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) with BAP on adventitious rooting were evaluated. The basal segments exhibited higher multiplication rates (3.7 shoots per explant) than apical segments during establishment of in vitro culture. The best rooting rate (40%) was achieved by induction of roots in water-agar (WA) culture medium supplemented with 2.69 µM NAA and 0.44 µM BAP, for 9 days, followed by transfer into GDm/2 medium. Adventitious roots can be derived from the cambium cells, from adventitious meristem, or from a callus developed at the base of the shoots. When formed indirectly, roots can be derived from peripheral cells of the callus. In treatment resulting in the best rooting rate, 58.3% of the roots were formed directly. The callus formation at stem basis did not prevent rooting and did not impair acclimatization. The plantlets were successfully acclimatized with 90% survival.

Methods in Molecular Biology, 2016
Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) is a member of the family Arecaceae and is a multipurpose but... more Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) is a member of the family Arecaceae and is a multipurpose but underutilized species. Nowadays, fruit production for subsistence and local markets, and heart-of-palm production for local, national, and international markets are the most important uses of this plant. Conventional breeding programs in peach palm are long-term efforts due to the prolonged generation time, large plant size, difficulties with controlled pollination and other factors. Although it is a caespitose palm, its propagation is currently based on seeds, as off-shoots are difficult to root. Hence, tissue culture techniques are considered to be the most likely strategy for efficient clonal plantlet regeneration of this species. Among various techniques, somatic embryogenesis offers the advantages of potential automated large-scale production and putative genetic stability of the regenerated plantlets. The induction of somatic embryogenesis in peach palm can be achieved by using different explant sources including zygotic embryos, immature inflorescences and thin cell layers from the young leaves and shoot meristems. The choice of a particular explant depends on whether clonal propagation is desired or not, as well as on the plant conditions and availability of explants. Protocols to induce and express somatic embryogenesis from different peach palm explants, up to acclimatization of plantlets, are described in this chapter.
Biol Plant, 2010
The purpose of this research was Eucalyptus saligna in vitro regeneration and transformation with... more The purpose of this research was Eucalyptus saligna in vitro regeneration and transformation with P5CSF129A gene, which encodes Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS), the key enzyme in proline biosynthesis. After selection of the most responsive genotype, shoot organogenesis was induced on leaf explants cultured on a callus induction medium (CI) followed by subculture on a shoot induction medium (SI). Shoots were subsequently
Ciência Rural
Cotyledons were used as explants in order to test the effect of different vitamin mixtures and BA... more Cotyledons were used as explants in order to test the effect of different vitamin mixtures and BAP concentrations on yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.) in vitro direct organogenesis. They basal medium was constituted of MS salts, supplemented with 1 and 2mg. -1 of BAP (6benzilaminopurina). Vitamin mixtures MS and B 5 were tested. Every assay was done with 60 explants. The data were analyzed by Tukey´s test. The medium supplemented with B 5 vitaminic complex induced an increase of the capacity of cotyledons to regenerate in the presence of both BAP concentrations, as well for the number of explants with buds as for the number of buds per explant. The analysis of ploidy level of regenerated plants showed a number of chromosomes apparently normal and typical for this specie (2n=18).
Using five isozyme loci, the levels of pollen immigration, pollen dispersal distance, and mating ... more Using five isozyme loci, the levels of pollen immigration, pollen dispersal distance, and mating system were investigated in a small Ilex paraguariensis seed orchard established in Colombo, Paraná State, Brazil. All male trees in the orchard, together with open-pollinated seeds from 25 seed-trees (30 seeds per seed-tree) were sampled for the analysis. The pollen immigration rate from outside of the

Plant cell reports, 2003
Xyloglucan was extracted from seeds of Hymenaea courbaril and mixed with agar to prepare a solid ... more Xyloglucan was extracted from seeds of Hymenaea courbaril and mixed with agar to prepare a solid culture medium used for micropropagation of the Marubakaido apple rootstock (Malus prunifolia Borkh) and cv. Jonagored (Malus domestica). The performance on gels created from a blend of 0.4%agar and 0.2% xyloglucan (w/v) was compared with that on media gelled with a standard concentration 0.6% (w/v) of agar. The growth of shoots and the multiplication rate were higher on the modified culture medium than on the agar-gelled medium. The occurrence of hyperhydric shoots was lower on the modified medium. In the absence of auxin, shoot rooting reached 70% (Marubakaido) and 66% (Jonagored) on the agar-xyloglucan medium and 6.7% and 10.4%, respectively, on the agar medium. When 0.25 microM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was added to both media, the modified medium gave better results in terms of rooting percentage and quality of roots than the agar-gelled medium.
Scientia Agricola, 2005
... Roberson Dibax I ; Cristiane de Loyola Eisfeld II ; Francine Lorena Cuquel III ; Henrique Koe... more ... Roberson Dibax I ; Cristiane de Loyola Eisfeld II ; Francine Lorena Cuquel III ; Henrique Koehler III ; Marguerite Quoirin II ... os trinta primeiros dias elevou a porcentagem de explantes com calos e reduziu a morte dos explantes, em comparação com os que permaneceram na luz. ...

Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 2010
Xyloglucans from Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa seeds affect Arabidopsis thaliana seedling g... more Xyloglucans from Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa seeds affect Arabidopsis thaliana seedling growth by enhancing lateral root development). The effect of crude xyloglucan (XG) preparations from jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Y. T. Lee & Langenh.) seeds on Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. root system development was investigated. The XG extracts exerted a dual effect on root system development by slowing down root growth and improving lateral root formation. These observed morphological changes were not due to oligosaccharides that could be generated following hydrolysis of the XG polymers, since XG hydrolysate induced a drastic inhibition of the overall growth process of the Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Histochemical test of GUS gene expression assay performed on seven and 14-days-old transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants carrying the CycB1;1-GUS fusion indicated that the improvement of the lateral root development by jatobá XG extracts was not correlated with the expression of this cell cycle marker gene in the root system. A potential agricultural application of jatobá seeds XG extract is discussed.
Mate (lex paraguariensis St. Hil.) is a native tree species from Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay,... more Mate (lex paraguariensis St. Hil.) is a native tree species from Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, where it plays important economic and social roles. Due to increasing demand for raw-material and the reduc- tion of native mate populations, production from planted stands has become the solution to supply the market. However, due to the lack of genetic information and improvement programs,
BBR - Biochemistry and Biotechnology Reports, 2013
Papers by Marguerite Quoirin