Papers by Luthfiralda Irfan
Jurnal Biologi Indonesia
Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) can be found in Sumatra and Borneo. The threats that they ... more Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) can be found in Sumatra and Borneo. The threats that they receive in its natural habitat lead to the need for ex-situ conservation to preserve and ensure sun bears’ welfare. Sun bears are known as solitary animals in the wild, however they often placed in the same enclosure. This study was done to add information about interaction of male and female sun bear with prominent age gap when placed in the same enclosure. This study was also conducted to observe the male reproductive behavior when placed with a female sun bear that has surpassed the productive age. The subject of this study was an 8 years old male and a 24 years old female. Observation was done for 100 hours or 360.000 seconds with focal animal sampling method. The result of this study is the male did affiliative behavior with the percentage of 94,82%, agonistic for 0,00%, and reproductive with 5,18%. The female did affiliative behavior with the percentage of 14,55%, agonistic with 76...
IOP conference series, May 1, 2023
View the article online for updates and enhancements. You may also like Potential impacts of clim... more View the article online for updates and enhancements. You may also like Potential impacts of climate change on the ecology of dengue and its mosquito vector the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus
KnE Life Sciences, Sep 20, 2015
Dugongs is a protected herbivorous marine mammals (Suwelo et al., 1992) and included in vulnerabl... more Dugongs is a protected herbivorous marine mammals (Suwelo et al., 1992) and included in vulnerable category of IUCN(International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) and Appendix I CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) (IUCN 2012). Dugong population continues to decline due to the human threat (Suwelo et al., 1992). Another factor is because Dugong has a low reproductive rate (Hindell & Kirkword 2003). Ex-situ conservation of dugong is become important and has conducted by Sea World Indonesia, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta. Research on dugong feeding behaviour can help the ex-situ conservation of dugong. This because feeding behaviour is a main daily behaviour of dugong in the sea (Chilvers et al., 2003). The aim of this research was to describe feeding behaviour of two dugong in Sea World Indonesia. Observations were made in SWI Dugong aquarium with a diameter of 10 meters and two different depth (2 meters and 5 meters). Observations were made during two weeks on December 2012. Behavioral observation time was divided into morning (9:15 to 09:35), (11:30 to 11:50) and (14:30 to 14:50) observations. The feeding behavior observed was hand-fed, surface-fed and bottom-fed. Daily observations of dugong feeding behavior were done using focal animal sampling and ad libitum sampling. The data obtained was displayed in the form of tables and graphs. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis reinforced with statistical tests. The statistical tests used were the t-test and ANOVA test. Hand-fed behavior of male dugong (31,30%) was higher than female (29,67%). Results from t-test showed that the hand-fed behaviors of both dugongs were not significantly different. Meanwhile, the other t-test result for surface-fed behavior and bottom-fed behavior of both dugongs was significantly different. Surface-fed behavior of male dugong (65.83%) was higher than female (32.08%). Bottom-fed behavior of male dugong (6.23%) was lower than females (36.63%). Hand-fed behaviour and feed on surface are the adaptation of feeding behavior in captivity. Feed on bottom behaviour is the behavior that similar to dugong feeding in the wild, which is grazing. Based on the observation, it is known that both dugong, male dugong especially, have a good adaptation on hand-fed seagrass behaviour and feed on surface, while the female dugong maintain its natural feeding behavior.
Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia: Seri Sains dan Teknologi (e-journal), Jun 7, 2018
Telah dilakukan pengamatan perilaku reproduksi moyet ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis) di Yayasa... more Telah dilakukan pengamatan perilaku reproduksi moyet ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis) di Yayasan Inisiasi Alam Rehabilitasi Indonesia (YIARI) yang telah disterilkan dengan metode vasektomi. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengamati pengaruh vasektomi monyet ekor panjang terhadap perilaku reproduksinya. Pengamatan dilakukan pada tiga ekor monyet ekor panjang jantan (Jantan1, Jantan2, dan Jantan3) yang dikandangkan bersama dua ekor monyet ekor panjang betina (Betina1 dan Betina2) dengan metode scan sampling dan ad libitum dengan interval waktu 5 menit tanpa jeda. Pengamatan dilakukan dari pukul 08.00-15.00 WIB selama 14 hari di bulan Agustus 2016, serta dengan total titik sampel yang diperoleh adalah 1008. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan ketiga jantan masih aktif melakukan perilaku reproduksi, dengan Jantan1 yang merupakan jantan dominan dalam kelompok yang lebih mendominasi betina dibanding Jantan2 dan Jantan3, dibuktikan dengan nilai MM (Male Mounts) terhadap betina yaitu Jantan1 sebanyak 111 kali, Jantan2 sebanyak 10 kali dan Jantan3 sebanyak 21 kali. Perilaku reproduksi pada ketiga jantan masih ditemukan karena metode vasektomi tidak merusak proses spermatogenesis sehingga sistem hormonal hewan tidak terganggu. Terdapat perbedaan frekuensi perilaku reproduksi jantan terhadap Betina1 dan Betina2. Hal tersebut dikarenakan preferensi jantan dalam kelompok yang lebih memilih untuk kawin dengan Betina1 daripada Betina2, yang dibuktikan dengan nilai FRS (Female Refuses Sex) dari Betina1 terhadap jantan sebanyak 111 kali sementara Betina2 sebanyak 7 kali. Diduga Betina1 merupakan betina dominan dengan kadar hormon estrogen yang lebih tinggi daripada Betina2.
Intmatiooal Asia Link Symposium "Reproduct~ve Biotechnology for Improved Animal Brtedtng m Sourhe... more Intmatiooal Asia Link Symposium "Reproduct~ve Biotechnology for Improved Animal Brtedtng m Sourheal Asia" Testicular volume and concentration of spermatozoa in the monogarnus male Javan Gibbons (Hylobates moloch) P. ~s t u t i l , T. ~.~u s u f 2, E. F!ayes3, H. bIaheshwari2, L. Sjahfirdi 4, A , junaidi', D ~ajuthi-' I Faculty 01' .Veterinary Medicine of Gad@ Mada Un~vers~cy. Yogyakana, Indonesia * Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Bogor Agricultural Un~verslty, lndonesia
Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
This research investigated nesting behavior in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) as a suitable ... more This research investigated nesting behavior in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) as a suitable release subject at the Sekolah Hutan Tembak Lestari forest school, Sintang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. This study aims to evaluate two orangutan release candidates through nest-building skills. These two orangutans were observed daily between 04:30 and 06:30 pm from September to November 2019 using continuous focal animal and all-occurrence sampling methods. Nest-building skills were assessed using the Likert scale. Moni (male orangutan) was always observed to nest using used nests. Meanwhile, Terra (female orangutan) was frequently observed building new nests, although she was caught sleeping on the forest floor several times. During observations, it was found that they prefer nest trees with a circumference of more than 1 m with a reasonably dense canopy refers preferred trees that serve as nesting sites, those are bambang tree (Lithocarpus sp.) with a tree circumference of 3 m and kempilik tree (Quercus sp.) 2.46 m and often reuse or rebuild old nests. Our results showed that both orangutans had moderate predicate nest-building skills, with a percentage of 68.06% for Moni and 63.89% for Terra. Nonparametric Mann-Whitney U statistical tests, (α = 0.05; p = 0.415) showed that the nest-building ability between the two individuals is not significantly different. With nest-building ability not significantly different between the two orangutans with a moderate predicate, the two orangutans can be released together.
Journal of physics, 2021
Research on social and reproductive behaviours of proboscis monkey Nasalis larvatus (van Wurmb, 1... more Research on social and reproductive behaviours of proboscis monkey Nasalis larvatus (van Wurmb, 1787) at Taman Safari Bogor has been done. The purposes of the research are to evaluate social interactions between male and female proboscis monkeys, between the females, and to evaluate reproductive behaviours in male and female pairs. Observation methods used were scan sampling and ad libitum sampling with fifteen minutes intervals without pause. The observation time was six hours per day and was done for four weeks in November 2019. Subjects observed in the study were one adult male aged 20 years (J) and two adult females aged 14 years (B1) and 11 years (B2) in a glass cage. Social behaviours observed indicate high affiliative behaviours (average 99.28 %) and low aggressive behaviours (average 0.72 %). Reproductive behaviours were carried out by both pairs with the higher frequency of reproductive behaviours happened between J and B1 than J and B2. Based on the t-test carried out with the value of α = 0.05, the frequency of reproductive behaviours of the pairs significantly different with the value of P < 0.05.
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, Mar 1, 2021
This study has two objectives: to determine the level of readiness of first-year undergraduate st... more This study has two objectives: to determine the level of readiness of first-year undergraduate students at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) and to investigate student's perception of MPKT (Integrated Character Development course) lecturers' readiness to manage online learning class. Proportional cluster sampling was applied, and 1466 freshmen from thirteen faculties participated. Data clustering and imputation of missing values were utilized to analysis the data. Clustering based on gender, faculty, previous elearning experience ** were applied. The study shows that students perceived themselves as being ready to learn in an e-learning environment except Computer Science students who have been more exposed to e-learning and implemented online collaborative learning. Most students agree that MPKT lecturers are able to teach well except those of the Faculty of Computer Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences who think that the teaching ability of lecturers need to be improved. Recommendations and future research topics are proposed based on the study results and in-depth interviews with some experienced online lecturers.
IOP conference series, Dec 6, 2019
The timor deer (Cervus timorensis) is deer that natively distributed within Java and Bali, and ha... more The timor deer (Cervus timorensis) is deer that natively distributed within Java and Bali, and has been introduced to other regions and other countries. The aim of this study is to observe the daily behavior of timor deer that inhabited Savana Bekol, Baluran National Park. We collected the data of timor deer behavior using continuous focal animal sampling method (Altmann 1974). We collected the daily activity budget data for 12 hours, from 06.00 until 18.00. Results showed that in general females spent most of their activities during the day (from high to low) on feeding, resting, moving, other activities, and vigilance While males spent most of their activities on resting, feeding, moving, other activities, and vigilance.
Jurnal Veteriner, Jan 13, 2017
Salah satu keberhasilan program inseminasi buatan (IB) pada sapi adalah ketepatan dalam menentuka... more Salah satu keberhasilan program inseminasi buatan (IB) pada sapi adalah ketepatan dalam menentukan awal estrus. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah tidak semua sapi menunjukkan tandatanda estrus secara nyata, sehingga penghitungan waktu inseminasi menjadi tidak tepat sampai akhirnya persentase keberhasilan IB menjadi kurang dari 50%. Untuk memecahkan permasalahan tersebut dirintis suatu pembuatan alat detektor estrus menggunakan Electronic Nose (EN). Selama ini, penentuan kadar estradiol sebagai indikator estrus dilakukan dengan pengamatan tanda fisik dan Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay ELISA. Kelebihan penentuan estrus dengan EN adalah lebih murah karena tidak perlu menggunakan bahan, dengan demikian cukup menggunakan sampel saja. Mekanisme kerja EN adalah menggunakan sensor yang bersifat menguap, sementara hewan yang estrus akan mengeluarkan feromon yang bersifat menguap. Tujuan jangka pendek dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah stadium awal estrus dapat dideteksi dengan menggunakan EN. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah urine dari sapi peranakan ongole (PO) betina dewasa yang memiliki Body Condition Score (BCS) 3, dipelihara di dusun Kuwang, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Pengambilan urine dilakukan sesaat sebelum penyuntikan PGF2 alfa sebagai sarana penyerentakan birahi dan saat estrus. Dari delapan sensor yang digunakan, sampel urine sapi estrus menunjukkan kadar sensitif terhadap sensor metana, propana, butana, sedangkan pada sapi non-estrus, urine menangkap sensor metana, propana, butana dan hidrogen sulfida. Dengan demikian, Electronic Nose sangat prospektif digunakan sebagai alat detektor estrus pada sapi. Hidrogen disulfida kemungkinan dapat digunakan sebagai pembanding antara sapi estrus dan non-estrus.
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan, Sep 1, 2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gugus fungsi penanda yang merepresentasikaan hormon metabolit... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gugus fungsi penanda yang merepresentasikaan hormon metabolit E1C dan PdG serta bilangan gelombangnya pada urine yang didukung dengan pengamatan genitalia untuk memastikan pendeteksian masa subur pada lutung jawa (Trachypithecus auratus). Sampel urine dan pengamatan genitalia diperoleh dari 2 (dua) ekor lutung jawa betina di Pusat Primata Schmutzer, Kebun Binatang Ragunan, Jakarta. Sampel urin diambil setiap hari dan dilengkapi dengan pengamatan genitalia. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa gugus fungsi penanda yang merepresentasikan E1C dan PdG pada lutung jawa sama dengan yang teridentifikasi pada tikus namun dengan bilangan gelombang berbeda. Hormon metabolit E1C direpresentasikan melalui gugus fungsi alkil, aromatik, dan hidroksil pada bilangan gelombang 596 cm-1 , 698 cm-1 , 3599 cm-1 , dan PdG direpresentasikan melalui gugus fungsi alkil dan aldehid pada bilangan gelombang 1450 dan 1699 cm-1. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa gugus fungsi penanda yang teridentifikasi oleh fourier transform infrared (FTIR) dapat berlaku secara universal, namun bilangan gelombang yang merepresentasikannya bersifat spesifik spesies.
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2019
Observation of animal behavior is a major theme in zoology, often used as a baseline for other st... more Observation of animal behavior is a major theme in zoology, often used as a baseline for other studies. To obtain accurate data, data collection process needs to be enhanced through the use of technology. BORIS (Behavioral observation research interactive software) is a digital ethogram software for data collection process in behavioral research. Through the use of BORIS, data collection process can be done in live observation and from video recording. In this study, the software was used to collect daily activity data of a Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) in Ragunan Zoological Park, Jakarta. The process began with arranging the basic ethogram and inputting the subject data. Afterwards, observation was conducted for 2 hours and 30 minutes outside the tiger enclosure. Observation yielded a recording of 10 behavior types out of 15 behavior types in the ethogram. Timestamp was shown in seconds with accuracy up to 0.001 seconds. Total of 400 observation points were made during the data recording. Results were displayed in the table with the option to export to other formats (e.g. Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet). Overall, the use of BORIS in live behavioral observation gave positive results towards the accuracy and efficiency of data collection process.
Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia: Seri Sains dan Teknologi (e-journal), May 26, 2023
The asian tapir (Tapirus indicus) population continues to decline so the IUCN establishes its con... more The asian tapir (Tapirus indicus) population continues to decline so the IUCN establishes its conservation status as endangered. One of the conservation efforts that can be done is ex-situ in the zoo. The environmental condition of the zoo is different from their natural habitat which results in asian tapirs having to adapt. One form of adaptation is behavior change that can be experienced by female asian tapir. Behavioral changes such as not wanting to breastfeed can threaten the survival of their offspring. This study aims to identify the maternal behavior of asian tapirs through daytime activities, determine the response of its calf, and determine the welfare of asian tapir in Taman Margasatwa Ragunan (TMR). Observations were made on one female asian tapir and one asian tapir calf. The observation was done from 9.00 to 14.00 during August 2022 and uses the focal animal sampling method. The results show that the mother does more self care than maternal care. Maternal behavior that is carried out are nurse and social. The calf responds by sniffing its mother's stomach to suckle and approach its mother's body. The five animal welfare points are fulfilled in asian tapir at TMR. Abstrak-Populasi tapir asia (Tapirus indicus) terus mengalami penurunan sehingga IUCN menetapkan status konservasinya sebagai konservasi yang terancam punah. Salah satu upaya konservasi yang dapat dilakukan adalah secara exsitu di kebun binatang. Keadaan lingkungan kebun binatang berbeda dengan habitat alami yang mengakibatkan tapir asia harus beradaptasi. Salah satu bentuk adaptasi adalah perubahan perilaku yang dialami oleh induk betina tapir asia. Perubahan perilaku seperti tidak mau menyusui dapat mengancam kelangsungan hidup anaknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perilaku maternal tapir asia melalui aktivitas siang hari, mengetahui respons anak tapir, dan mengetahui kesejahteraan tapir asia di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan (TMR). Pengamatan dilakukan pada satu ekor induk betina dan satu ekor anak tapir asia. Waktu pengamatan adalah pukul 09.00-14.00 selama bulan Agustus 2022 dan menggunakan metode focal animal sampling. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa induk tapir asia lebih banyak melakukan perawatan diri (self care) daripada perawatan anak (maternal care). Perilaku maternal yang teramati adalah menyusui (nurse) dan sosial. Anak tapir memberikan respon yaitu mengendus perut induknya untuk menyusu dan mendekati tubuh induknya. Kelima poin kesejahteraan hewan terpenuhi pada tapir asia di TMR.
Journal of physics, 2021
Research has been conducted to identify the role of captive male sumatran slow loris Nycticebus c... more Research has been conducted to identify the role of captive male sumatran slow loris Nycticebus coucang (Boddaert 1785) in family at Yayasan Inisiasi Alam Rehabilitasi Indonesia (YIARI) Rehabilitation Center, Bogor, West Java. The subjects were two male sumatran slow lorises living in shared cages with females and their infant. Focal animal sampling and ad libitum methods were used to observe interactions between male and female and their infant. The study took approximately 6 hours per day with 15 minutes non-stop interval in 24 days during October-November 2019. The total duration of the observation was equal to 8,628 minutes. Subjects spent 26.21 % of their time involved in social interactions with female and their infant. Interactions performed between subjects and female N. coucang occurred as much as 13.18 % with the most performed interactions being proximity, social grooming, and approach respectively. Interactions between subjects and their infant occurred as much as 13.03 % of total duration with the most performed interactions included social grooming, proximity, and social playing respectively. Social interactions performed by subjects were higher compared to their counterparts in the wild. Captive male N. coucang in YIARI played role as female’s social and sexual partner and in social development of their infant.
Journal of biological research, Nov 28, 2018
Endometriosis is a multifactorial disease in which genetic and environmental factors interact cau... more Endometriosis is a multifactorial disease in which genetic and environmental factors interact causing its pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression pattern of estrogen receptor α (ERα) and β (ERβ) in endometriosis patients compared to normal endometrioum (n=18) as a control by using Quantitative Real Time PCR method. Moreover, we also measured serum estradiol levels of endometriosis patients in the proliferation phase of the menstrual cycle using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. The mRNA expression of ERβ was significantly higher in the endometriosis group compared to control, and the result of t-test showed that were significantly different (P<0.05). Overexpression of ERβ in endometriosis was likely to have other significant important impacts in the pathology of endometriosis that allowed ERβ to stimulate prostaglandin production in endometriosis tissue and cells. Estradiol content did not correlate with the ERα expression, and it is weakly correlated with ERβ mRNA expression. Molecular docking analysis showed that ERα and ERβ have different binding interactions with synthetic antiestrogens, whereas the best inhibitor was Ral2 to ERα and Aco1 to ERβ. Thus, both inhibitors could be used as leads in further investigation of ERα, ERβ inhibitory activities in vitro and in vivo.
Papers by Luthfiralda Irfan