Papers by Luiz Del Ciampo
Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira, 2021
OBJECTIVE: To identify epidemiological and clinical characteristics of multisystemic inflammatory... more OBJECTIVE: To identify epidemiological and clinical characteristics of multisystemic inflammatory syndrome associated with coronavirus infection as one of the severe forms of COVID-19 involvement in children and adolescents. METHODS: review was based on articles published in 2020 in the PubMed, Medline, Scopus, SciELO and Cochrane databases. SUMMARY: Multisystemic inflammatory syndrome is a serious clinical disorder that affects children and adolescents and is associated with the detection of previous exposure to SARS-CoV-2. It is characterized by the installation of a shock picture, with a significant increase in inflammatory markers such as presentations of Kawasaki Disease or shock syndrome related to Kawasaki Disease, or even toxic shock syndrome, with the clinical picture being characterized by fever of difficult control, rash, conjunctivitis, peripheral edema, generalized pain in the extremities and gastrointestinal symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Although the vast majority of children with COVID-19 have mild symptoms, it is necessary to consider that some have a hyperinflammatory response. It is essential that health professionals receive information that can assist in the recognition of this clinical condition, differentiating it from other diagnoses, so that early and appropriate treatment is instituted.
Revista Brasileira De Oftalmologia, Aug 1, 2019
Program and Abstracts, 2001
Medicina-buenos Aires, 2005
Revista Brasileira De Oftalmologia, Aug 12, 2019
Alimentos e Nutrição Araraquara, Oct 1, 2013
To determine and describe the lipid profi le of obese adolescents followed in a Hebiatry program.... more To determine and describe the lipid profi le of obese adolescents followed in a Hebiatry program. This is a retrospective observational study with obese adolescents enrolled in the Hebiatry program of the “Vila Lobato” Community and Social Center (C.M.S.C.V.L.), Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto. We analyzed weight, height and laboratory results (triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions) obtained from the medical records. The cut-off points for abnormal lipid levels were used according to the guidelines of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (2005). To compare the variables among sex we used the Student t- test, Fisher exact test and chi-square test, with the level of signifi cance set at 5%. We studied 178 obese adolescents, 91 (51%) males and 87 (49%) females. Age ranged from 10 years and 6 months to 19 years and 10 months for females and from 10 years and 3 months to 19 years and 6 months for males. The frequency of dyslipidemia was 90.5%. Only the average concentrations of Low Density Lipoprotein- Cholesterol were within normal limits. The frequency of changes observed in laboratorial determinations to males and females were distributed as follows: total cholesterol (28.9%/24.4%), Low Density Lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-c) (7.2%/2.2%), triglycerides (25.3%/24.4%) and High Density Lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-c) (69.8%/ 60.4%). The diagnosis of dyslipidemia in obese adolescents requires immediate individual and family action in order to modify eating habits and to encourage physical activity, eliminating factors that may contribute to the emergence of chronic degenerative diseases.
Revista Paulista De Pediatria, 2004
International Journal of Nutrology, Sep 1, 2018
Introdução Na adolescência, período de aceleração do crescimento e de mudanças corporais, podem o... more Introdução Na adolescência, período de aceleração do crescimento e de mudanças corporais, podem ocorrer comportamentos de contestação que tornam o indivíduo vulnerável a preocupações ligadas ao corpo e à aparência. Objetivo Verificar a presença de distorção da autopercepção da imagem corporal em adolescentes da cidade de Ribeirão Preto, SP. Métodos Estudo transversal, observacional e analítico. Foram avaliados 343 adolescentes entre 12 e 19 anos pertencentes ao Programa de Informação Profissional (PIP) da Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, SP. Os adolescentes responderam como se consideravam em relação ao seu peso corporal. Foram realizadas medidas antropométricas dos participantes (peso, estatura e índice de massa corporal [IMC]). A presença de distorção da imagem corporal foi avaliada por meio da discrepância entre o IMC diagnosticado pelo profissional e o IMC percebido pelo adolescente. Resultados Houve prevalência de 41,7% de adolescentes com distorção da imagem corporal, seja por superestimação ou subestimação do tamanho do corpo. Adolescentes do sexo feminino tiveram maiores distorções da percepção da autoimagem. A superestimação da imagem corporal foi maior em adolescentes eutróficos, enquanto a subestimação foi maior em adolescentes obesos e com sobrepeso. Conclusão Os resultados indicam a necessidade de implantação de políticas públicas e de projetos dentro do âmbito escolar para a prevenção de distúrbios de imagem corporal e de transtornos alimentares, inclusive nos adolescentes eutróficos.
World Journal Of Advanced Research and Reviews, Dec 30, 2020
Introduction: vaccines are an important instrument for good health conditions aimed at controllin... more Introduction: vaccines are an important instrument for good health conditions aimed at controlling infectious diseases and reducing childhood morbidity and mortality. Among the various mechanisms to support the practice of vaccination, the knowledge of mothers and caregivers is essential. This article aims to verify the knowledge of mothers about the vaccines that their children receive. Material and Methods: cross-sectional, observational and descriptive study with mothers of children under five years of age, attended at the childcare and general pediatrics outpatient clinic of a Basic Health Unit (UBS) located in the city of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, in the period from 01/07/2019 to 12/20/2019. A questionnaire consisting of questions related to social aspects (age, education level, number of children) and vaccines (for which vaccines are used, whether or not you have a vaccine portfolio and illnesses / symptoms of preventable illnesses) was used. Results: 278 mothers participated, with an average age of 30.5 years. The majority (89.9%) said that vaccines are used to protect children against infectious diseases and 5.0% think that vaccines fight disease. 230 mothers (82.7%) considered vaccines safe, while 46 (16.5%) thought the child was at risk. Regarding the knowledge of diseases that can be prevented by vaccines, 264 (94.9%) responded affirmatively and cited more frequently measles (56%), polio (48.4%), hepatitis (47.7%) and meningitis (40.1%). Conclusions: most of the study participants reported knowing the purpose of vaccines, their safety in clinical practice and the main diseases that can be prevented. This knowledge is essential for children to receive all the vaccines provided for in the immunization programs, contributing to a wide vaccination coverage.
Frontiers in Nutrition, Jun 9, 2022
Background: Anthropometric indicators have been used to predict health problems. The objective wa... more Background: Anthropometric indicators have been used to predict health problems. The objective was to determine which indicators present better correlation with dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia and peripheral insulin resistance, as well as the cutoff points capable of predicting lipid and glycemic alterations in Brazilian children and adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted with 568 overweight individuals, aged between 5 and 18 years, living in Southeast and South Brazilian regions, submitted to anthropometric and body composition evaluation by bioimpedance, in addition to fasting laboratory tests [total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c), fasting glycemia, and homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)]. Pearson's correlation was used to evaluate the association between anthropometric indicators and serum biomarkers. The ROC curve with Youden's J index was used to suggest anthropometric cutoff points with better ability to predict or rule out lipid and glycemic changes. Results: Cutoff points obtained for the z-score of body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and waist circumference for height (WC/H) showed high specificity (52 to 87%) and low sensitivity (23 to 59%), indicating greater ability to exclude changes in HDL-c, TG, and HOMA-IR levels. Cutoff points suggested for BMI ranged from +1.86 to +2.20 z-score. WC cutoff points ranged from +1.29 to +1.72, and, for the WC/H index, from +1.21 to +1.25. It was suggested the use of the following cutoff points to rule out changes in HDL-c, TG, and HOMA-IR values in clinical practice: BMI < z-score +2 and WC/H < z-score +1.29. In body fat percentage (BFP) analyses, the cutoff point < of 34% may be able to rule out changes in HDL-c (specificity of 70%), while the cutoff point > 36.6% may be able to predict changes in the HOMA-IR index (sensitivity of 76%). Nogueira-de-Almeida et al. Anthropometric Indicators of Body Composition Conclusion: It is not yet possible to state which anthropometric parameter has the best correlation with lipid and glycemic alterations in overweight children and adolescents. We suggest considering BMI, WC, and WC/H cutoff points together to rule out changes in HDL-c, TG, and HOMA-IR, and use the BFP cutoff point to predict changes in HOMA-IR.
Revista Brasileira De Oftalmologia, 2019
Resumo Objetivo: Determinar a frequência de acuidade visual reduzida em crianças e adolescentes q... more Resumo Objetivo: Determinar a frequência de acuidade visual reduzida em crianças e adolescentes que frequentam o programa de puericultura de uma unidade de atenção primária à saúde. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 290 crianças e adolescentes na faixa etária dos 5 aos 18 anos, atendidos em uma unidade básica de saúde da cidade de Ribeirão Preto (SP) durante o primeiro semestre de 2018. Para as avaliações foram utilizados um questionário estruturado e a tabela de acuidade visual de Snellen. Resultados: Foram avaliados 290 indivíduos, sendo 53,2% do sexo feminino. Desse total, 66 (22,7%) foram encaminhados para consulta com oftalmologista, sendo 34 (51,5%) do sexo masculino e 32 (48,5%) do sexo feminino. Foram confirmados 31 casos de erros refracionais: astigmatismo (35,5%), astigmatismo associado (25,8%), hipermetropia (29%) e miopia (9,6%). 24 (77,4%) dos pacientes com acuidade visual reduzida receberam prescrição para uso de lentes corretivas. Conclusões: A prevalência de baixa acuidade visual na amostra estudada foi de 10,7%, com predomínio de astigmatismo, e sem diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os sexos. Destaque-se a importância de se realizarem avaliações completas nos programas de Atenção Básica à Saúde, principalmente a triagem oftalmológica como uma das ferramentas mais importantes para a prevenção da cegueira.
Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 2020
Soy consumption is a millenary habit of populations of the eastern world and has recently increas... more Soy consumption is a millenary habit of populations of the eastern world and has recently increased in the western world. The risks and benefits of this practice have been extensively studied, with a current fundamental need of integration of available information. The aim of this study was to carry out an integrative review on this topic, in order to consolidate the available information. Based on the main question: "What is the impact of soy consumption on human health?", were reviewed publications classified as original articles and reviews published from 1998 to 2020 in the databases Scopus, PubMed, SciELO, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library. A total of 97 studies were selected. In the present review were described the general impact of soy on human health and its protein quality, the effects of early exposure using soy formulas, and the effects of soy consumption on breast cancer, endometrial and ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, cardiovascular disease, glucose metabolism and type 2 diabetes, obesity, reproductive health, menopause, female and male osteoporosis, microbiota, immunity and immunomodulation, thyroid function, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and renal function.
Papers by Luiz Del Ciampo