Papers by Luislis Morales Galindo
Letras, 2006
... En esta oportunidad, publica un nuevo poemario donde un único tema se desenrolla: El amor tóx... more ... En esta oportunidad, publica un nuevo poemario donde un único tema se desenrolla: El amor tóxico (2005). ... Nos ha regalado Padrón un poemario de belleza cotidiana, tan cotidiana como un despecho, aunque éste siempre es nuevo y fulminante, por supuesto para quien lo ...
Fate and Impact of Microplastics in Marine Ecosystems, 2017
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020
The increasing public perception that marine megafauna is under threat is an outstanding incentiv... more The increasing public perception that marine megafauna is under threat is an outstanding incentive to investigate their essential habitats (EMH), their responses to human and climate change pressures, and to better understand their largely unexplained behaviors and physiology. Yet, this poses serious challenges such as the elusiveness and remoteness of marine megafauna, the growing scrutiny and legal impositions on their study, and difficulties in disentangling environmental drivers from human disturbance. We argue that advancing our knowledge and conservation on marine megafauna can and should be capitalized in regions where exceptional access to multiple species (i.e., megafauna 'hotspots') combines with the adequate legal framework, sustainable practices, and research capacity. The wider Azores region, hosting EMHs of all key groups of vulnerable or endangered vertebrate marine megafauna, is a singular EMH hotspot on a migratory crossroads, linking eastern and western Atlantic margins and productive boreal waters to tropical seas. It benefits from a sustainable development model based on artisanal fisheries with zero or minor megafauna bycatch, and one of the largest marine protected area networks in the Atlantic covering coastal, oceanic and deepsea habitats. Developing this model can largely ensure the future integrity of this EMH hotspot while fostering cuttingedge science and technological development on megafauna behavior, biologging and increased ocean observation, with potential major impacts on the Blue Growth agenda. An action plan is proposed.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2010
Oceanic juvenile loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, foraging in Azorean waters, are inciden... more Oceanic juvenile loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, foraging in Azorean waters, are incidentally caught in drifting longlines that target swordfish, Xiphias gladius, and blue shark, Prionace glauca. Data were recorded during a longline gear modification experiment conducted in 2000. The results show that the captures are not uniformly distributed in relation to fishing effort, with 81% of the loggerheads (N = 232) caught in one-third of the sets (N = 93). The highest turtle catch rates were around the eastern group of islands, an area characterized by the presence of mesoscale eddies induced by bathymetric features. High catch rates coincided with the presence of the thermohaline front, between August and October, and when targeting blue shark. To investigate the causes of these differences we fitted a general linear model to evaluate the influence of mean depth, minimum depth, sea surface temperature (SST), soak area, soak time, moon phase and wind force on turtle and target ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2000
The pelagic juvenile stage of sea turtles is poorly studied. We present a growth model and estima... more The pelagic juvenile stage of sea turtles is poorly studied. We present a growth model and estimates for duration of the pelagic juvenile stage for loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta in the North Atlantic based on length-frequency analyses and sizes of young-of-the-year stranded in the Azores. The size-specific growth model is a monotonic, nonlinear, declining function. The growth model is consistent with growth rates calculated from recaptures of tagged loggerheads. Loggerheads leave the pelagic habitat and recruit to neritic habitats over a range of sizes from 46 to 64 cm curved carapace length (CCL). From this size range and the growth model, we estimate the duration of the pelagic stage varies from 6.5 to 11.5 yr. Nonparametric smooths of the size frequency distributions of loggerheads in pelagic (n = 1692) and neritic (n = 1803) habitats intersect at 53 cm CCL, which is equivalent to an 8.2 yr duration for the pelagic stage. More growth data from loggerheads < 2 yr old would strengthen the database for our growth model and perhaps lengthen our estimates of the duration of the pelagic stage. Incorporating our estimates for duration of the pelagic juvenile stage into the stage-based population model developed for North Atlantic loggerheads would have a major effect on estimates of population growth.
Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 1995
... as indicated in Figure 4. Their design was similar to units used to report depths and tempera... more ... as indicated in Figure 4. Their design was similar to units used to report depths and temperatures of large fishes (Carey and Robison, 1981; Carey and Scharold ... A tone decoder (EXAR 2211) detected the coherent tone of the telemetry pulse in the audio output of the receiver. ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 1999
RNA and protein concentrations, and the RNA to protein ratio, were measured in four species of ce... more RNA and protein concentrations, and the RNA to protein ratio, were measured in four species of cephalopods, to evaluate sources of variation and the potential for using RNA concentration and the RNA to protein ratio as growth indices. In field samples of Loligo forbesi and Eledone cirrhosa, RNA concentrations and the RNA to protein ratio were higher in immature animals than in mature animals. In Loligo forbesi, values were also higher in males than in females and higher in smaller individuals than in large individuals. Both these trends are consistent with expected differences in growth rate, i.e. RNA is higher in faster growing animals. Mature female Eledone cirrhosa, a species in which the female is larger and presumably grows faster, had higher RNA concentrations than mature males. However, no such difference between the sexes was seen for immature E. cirrhosa or Todarodes sagittatus. Methods for transport and maintenance of Loligo forbesi in captivity in the Azores are described. Many of the captive squid showed poor growth and survival but results from these animals nevertheless confirmed that RNA concentrations were higher in males than in females and higher in animals with smaller gonads than in animals with large gonads. Higher protein concentrations were found in males than in females, and protein concentration was also positively correlated with feeding rate and digestive gland indices. Octopus vulgaris held in captivity grew rapidly and consistently and RNA concentrations were lower in bigger animals than in smaller animals. Neither experiment provided direct support for the hypothesis that RNA concentration or the RNA to protein ratio is directly related to growth rate. Systematic variation in protein concentration, e.g. in relation to recent feeding, leads us to suggest that protein concentration (mg / g fresh body weight) is likely to provide a more reliable index than the RNA to protein ratio.
Hydrobiologia, 2011
The veined squid, Loligo forbesii, is found throughout the northeast Atlantic, including the wate... more The veined squid, Loligo forbesii, is found throughout the northeast Atlantic, including the waters off the Iberian Peninsula, and is a socioeconomically important cephalopod species, sustaining several small-scale commercial and local artisanal fisheries. This study uses Iberian and Azorean trawl survey and
Fisheries Research, 2001
During 1997, quarterly exploratory cruises of the R/V``Archipelago'' were carried out in order to... more During 1997, quarterly exploratory cruises of the R/V``Archipelago'' were carried out in order to study the deep water crab Chaceon af®nis [Res. Camp. Sci. Mo Ânaco Fasc. VII (1894) 1], South of Pico island (Azores) and at the Menez Gwen hydrothermal vent area (SW of the Azores, within the Azorean Economic Exclusive Zone). The crabs were caught with bottom traps according to a speci®ed survey design. Different areas between 300 and 1200 m depth were surveyed. Information from previous collections was also compiled and analysed. A total of 1153 crabs (726 males and 427 females) were caught at depths ranging from 600 to 1100 m on rocky and/or muddy bottoms. Size ranged from 39 to 177 mm carapace length (CL), the males being larger than females. Males were relatively more abundant at depths <800 m and females relatively more abundant at depths >800 m. The greatest abundance occurred at depths from 700 to 800 m. Ovigerous females, which were consistently >70 mm CL, were found only from October to March. An annual reproductive cycle is suggested. Size at ®rst maturity for the females, was estimated to be within the size range of 83±97 mm CL. Other ecological and biological information such as distribution, morphometric aspects related to reproduction, occurrence of parasites and epibionts, are discussed, as well as by-catch species.
RESUMEN Esta investigación pretendió una comprensión holística y desprejuiciada de los Talleres L... more RESUMEN Esta investigación pretendió una comprensión holística y desprejuiciada de los Talleres Literarios, para ello se recurrió al uso de una metodología cualitativa-etnográfica aplicada a un taller literario con 23 años de funcio- namiento. El resultado es un informe descriptivo en el que se pormenorizan su dinámica de funcionamiento, las relaciones que establecen los miem- bros del grupo, las creencias, normas y valores compartidos que los cohesionan alrededor de un ejercicio común: la creación literaria. Esta in- vestigación, aun cuando se realizó entre los años 1999 y 2000, permanece vigente porque el fenómeno continúa siendo poco estudiado desde ésta y cualquier otra perspectiva de manera sistemática; también porque sus re- sultados son el primer paso en una investigación que pretende ampliarse al estudiar otros talleres con los cuales elaborar un estudio comparativo a fin de verificar la posibilidad o no de transferir los resultados. Palabras clave: talleres literarios, etno...
Sapiens Revista Universitaria De Investigacion, 2004
Etnografía de un Taller Literario RESUMEN Esta investigación pretendió una comprensión holística ... more Etnografía de un Taller Literario RESUMEN Esta investigación pretendió una comprensión holística y desprejuiciada de los Talleres Literarios, para ello se recurrió al uso de una metodología cualitativa-etnográfica aplicada a un taller literario con 23 años de funcionamiento. El resultado es un informe descriptivo en el que se pormenorizan su dinámica de funcionamiento, las relaciones que establecen los miembros del grupo, las creencias, normas y valores compartidos que los cohesionan alrededor de un ejercicio común: la creación literaria. Esta investigación, aun cuando se realizó entre los años 1999 y 2000, permanece vigente porque el fenómeno continúa siendo poco estudiado desde ésta y cualquier otra perspectiva de manera sistemática; también porque sus resultados son el primer paso en una investigación que pretende ampliarse al estudiar otros talleres con los cuales elaborar un estudio comparativo a fin de verificar la posibilidad o no de transferir los resultados.
Papers by Luislis Morales Galindo