Papers by Ludmila Țurcanu
Această culegere a fost tipărită cu sprijinul Ministerului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni www.mpr... more Această culegere a fost tipărită cu sprijinul Ministerului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni Conţinutul acestei culegeri nu reprezintă poziţia oficială a Ministerului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni Culegerea de articole a fost recomandată pentru publicare de către Consiliul Științific al Institutului Patrimoniului Cultural (proces-verbal nr. 4, 2019
Compendiul conține materiale referitoare la etniile conlocuitoare din Republica Moldova.
Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie, 2017
In the folk art, a hand is one of the most frequently used anthropomorphic ornaments. The first r... more In the folk art, a hand is one of the most frequently used anthropomorphic ornaments. The first representations of the hand are dated from the Palaeolithic period with first engravings in caverns and caves. The representation of the hand is approached in archaeological and ethnographic materials from ancient times being present on ceramic objects, on the fronts of houses, on shepherd's sticks, on funeral stars, on fabrics, etc. The aim of this article is to present and to analyse the image of the hand from the archaeological and ethnographic points of view and to examine its representation in the traditional or- namentation. According to the archaeological data and historiographical sources, three categories of hand representations are known (as sign of work skills, cultural symbols of fecundity and agricultural fertility, symbols of magic medicine/signs of healing with the help of the hand).The ethnographic material complements the findings made with the help of the archaeologi...
Papers by Ludmila Țurcanu