Papers by Lucyna Kopciewicz
Education and Work : Discourse Analysis of Liberal and Professional Programmes at the University
Ars Educandi
Celem artykułu jest omówienie najistotniejszych dyskursów definiujących katastrofę klimatyczną: d... more Celem artykułu jest omówienie najistotniejszych dyskursów definiujących katastrofę klimatyczną: denializm, zrównoważony rozwój, ekologię głęboką, dyskursy apokaliptyczne oraz koncepcję głebokiej adaptacji. Dyskursy te analizowane są jako narracje o tożsamości ludzi żyjących w czasch globalizacji zagrożeń środowiskowych.
Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja, Dec 31, 2016
Ars Educandi, 2013
Wprowadzenie do Ars Educandi nr 10 Tłumaczenie na język angielski: Anna Moroz-Darska Modernizacja... more Wprowadzenie do Ars Educandi nr 10 Tłumaczenie na język angielski: Anna Moroz-Darska Modernizacja działania Czasopisma oraz tłumaczenia na język angielski artykułów Ars Educandi na lata 2012-2017 zostały sfinansowane ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z zadania Działalności Upowszechniającej Naukę (DUN). Zadanie: Wdrożenie modułu redakcyjnego na platformie Uniwersyteckich Czasopism Naukowych - systemu wspomagającego redagowanie i zarządzanie czasopismem naukowym Ars Educandi sfinansowano w ramach umowy 661/P-DUN/2018 z dnia 12.06.2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniającą naukę. Zadanie: Stworzenie nowoczesnej wersji on-line czasopisma Ars Educandi przez wdrożenie modułu publikacyjnego na platformie Uniwersyteckich Czasopism Naukowych oraz obsługę międzynarodowych baz indeksacyjnych sfinansowano w ramach umowy 661/P-DUN/2018 z dnia 12.06.2018 ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego przeznaczonych na...
Education and Information Technologies
The appearance of tablet technology in the classroom is considered an obvious modernisation miles... more The appearance of tablet technology in the classroom is considered an obvious modernisation milestone. In the last few years school professionals in Poland have made large investments in digitalisation, especially through one to one model (1:1), using digital devices such as tablets. Researches on tablet technology integration in school classrooms convince that digital technologies are closely related to the discourse of educational change. What really changes when digital technology is used in the classroom? This is a driving question for the present study. This research contributes knowledge and new insights into learning and teaching practices in two classrooms in a Polish primary school that were observed over a longer perspective of three school semesters. The design of teaching and learning with tablet technology was explored using the didactical design framework. This perspective focuses on both teachers’ practices and students’ learning activities in the classroom and how ta...
Impulsem do napisania niniejszego tekstu była dyskusja wokół mojej książki zatytułowanej Nauczyci... more Impulsem do napisania niniejszego tekstu była dyskusja wokół mojej książki zatytułowanej Nauczycielskie poniżanie. Szkolna przemoc wobec dziewcząt (Kopciewicz 2011b), która odbyła się po wykładzie otwartym zorganizowanym przez gdański oddział Polskiego Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego. Część wyników badań omawianych we wspomnianej pracy była niedawno opublikowana na łamach kwartalnika Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja (Kopciewicz 2011a). Ponieważ – ze względu na ograniczenia czasowe – dyskusja została przerwana w momencie, w którym zostały wywołane najciekawsze problemy, dlatego warto, jak sądzę, odnieść się do niektórych z nich. Niemniej jednak tekst ten nie został pomyślany jako odpowiedź na poszczególne wątki pojawiające się w dyskusji, ale jako próba spojrzenia na problem nauczycielskiej przemocy wobec dziewcząt z innej perspektywy – perspektywy francuskiej i tamtejszej kultury szkoły, która jest opresyjna dla szczególnej grupy dziewcząt – młodych muzułmanek. W odniesieniu do zapre...
This essay is an attempt to revisit the chosen powerful pedagogical theories with the lenses prov... more This essay is an attempt to revisit the chosen powerful pedagogical theories with the lenses provided by feminist educational theories and practice. It is proposed to acknowledge the limitations in the thoughts of John Dewey and of Paulo Freire and to consider the issues they ignored or distorted. It is argued that the assumptions behind Dewey’s progressivism are highly gendered. They include a construct of the teacher as being known for her facilitative and nurturing approaches rather than as a positive authority figure; a construct of child as an active, seeking subject; and an image of boys as fitting this construct of a child and girls as docile and dutiful. Freire’s work includes the conflicts that emerge from specificity of oppression, the internal contradictions of political projects or the ambiguities of history. These conflicts are hidden in Freirean abstractions. Finally, it is argued that gender relations and women’s position within the educational system remain undertheo...
Emergent Practices and Material Conditions in Learning and Teaching with Technologies, 2019
This chapter contributes knowledge and new insights into learning and teaching practices in two c... more This chapter contributes knowledge and new insights into learning and teaching practices in two classrooms in a Polish primary school that were observed over a longer perspective of three school semesters. Although the research project was performed on a small scale, it can be defined as one that monitors the changes to learning and teaching practices happening in the traditional educational culture of the school under analysis. In particular, these changes were identified through the data collected by means of classroom video ethnography and interviews with classroom’s teachers. The chapter contributes a map of teaching and learning practices over the course of three semesters during the process of introducing tablet technology into a school and a series of conflicts and tensions teachers experience in their tablet-mediated teaching practices. The “wow” in the title of this chapter is tantamount to the teachers’ excitement, hope, and their expectation that the appearance of tablets...
In this article I discuss the question: „What is mathematics really all about?” How mathematics i... more In this article I discuss the question: „What is mathematics really all about?” How mathematics is viewed is significant on many levels, especially in education and society. For many years, sociologists of mathematics education, have stressed that mathematics acts as a gatekeeper: mathematics more than any other subject, has been cast in the role as an ,,objective” judge. The main purpose of this article is to conjoin several sets of problems such as the mathematical underparticipation of women and ethnic minorities , the sense of cultural alienation from mathematics felt by many social groups, mathematics in the process of transmission of social and political values, its role in the unequal distribution of power and the social nature of mathematics as a discipline.
The aim of presented text is to reveal discussion of the basic assumptions of queer theory. The e... more The aim of presented text is to reveal discussion of the basic assumptions of queer theory. The emergence of different approach to normative and non-normative sexualities challenging the “identity politics” provoked, in Polish gender studies, concern as well as the attempts to include queer theory to their emancipatory purposes. Queer is also a methodological perspective which includes the analysis of sexualities in the world life and the textual deconstructive studies revealing the ways in which simplified binary oppositions system limit our understanding, especially related to sexualities, and lead to normative violence.
Cet article discute des representations existantes autour la JIDF en Pologne. Le 8 mars est percu... more Cet article discute des representations existantes autour la JIDF en Pologne. Le 8 mars est percu comme «la journee purement communiste» appartenant a son folklore specifique. Actuellement, la jidf semble etre profondement reformulee du point de vue catholique, conservateur, feministe etc. Les jeux des discours culturel, social et politique dont l'enjeu est le statut de la jidf sont presentes dans cette etude. En outre, l'absence permanente de dimension internationale de la « jdf polonaise » est discutee
<p>This essay is an attempt to revisit the chosen powerful pedagogical theories with the le... more <p>This essay is an attempt to revisit the chosen powerful pedagogical theories with the lenses provided by feminist educational theories and practice. It is proposed to acknowledge the limitations in the thoughts of John Dewey and of Paulo Freire and to consider the issues they ignored or distorted.</p><p>It is argued that the assumptions behind Dewey's progressivism are highly gendered. They include a construct of the teacher as being known for her facilitative and nurturing approaches rather than as a positive authority figure; a construct of child as an active, seeking subject; and an image of boys as fitting this construct of a child and girls as docile and dutiful. Freire's work includes the conflicts that emerge from specificity of oppression, the internal contradictions of political projects or the ambiguities of history. These conflicts are hidden in Freirean abstractions. Finally, it is argued that gender relations and women's position within the educational system remain undertheorized in both Deweyan and Freirean theories. The potential is clearly there to develop feminist research within the problematic of both powerful theories.</p>
Papers by Lucyna Kopciewicz