Papers by Luciana Freitas Guedes
A gestacao e a fase mais critica para femea ruminante uma vez que garantir o pleno desenvolviment... more A gestacao e a fase mais critica para femea ruminante uma vez que garantir o pleno desenvolvimento fetal depende de diversos fatores (alimentacao, tipo de gestacao, ordem de parto, escore de condicao corporal, entre outros). Objetivou-se avaliar a restricao nutricional, numero de fetos e ordem de parto sobre a composicao de minerais em femeas da raca Santa Ines ao longo da gestacao. Para isso utilizou-se 83 ovelhas na terceira ordem de parto e 38 primiparas alocadas em regime ad libitum e restrito em 15% de NDT e PB conforme exigencias do NRC (edicao 1985 para ovelhas e 2007 para borregas). Para a avaliacao de retencao de minerais foi determinado os teores de Ca e P no utero gravidico a partir da tecnica de abate comparativo, sendo os animais abatidos em diferentes idades gestacionais (ovelhas: 0, 90, 110, 130 e 140 dias; borregas: 0, 100, 130 e 140 dias de gestacao). Todos os componentes foram pesados, amostrados e quantificados o teor de minerais a fim de se chegar a composicao e ...
Objetivou-se avaliar a composicao corporal de macro e microminerais de ovelhas gestantes da raca ... more Objetivou-se avaliar a composicao corporal de macro e microminerais de ovelhas gestantes da raca Santa Ines submetidas a dois manejos nutricionais. Foram utilizadas 73 femeas em diferentes fases de gestacao e dez ovelhas nao prenhes como animais referencia totalizando 83 animais no ensaio experimental distribuidas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado 2 x 4 sendo dois manejos nutricionais (restritos e nao restritos) e quatro fases da gestacao (0, 90, 110, 130 e 140 dias). As ovelhas foram abatidas conforme o periodo gestacional seguindo o protocolo apresentado ao Comite de Etica em Experimentacao Animal (no de protocolo 77/2006). A solucao mineral foi obtida por via umida. O fosforo foi determinado por colorimetria, o sodio e potassio determinados em espectrofotometro de chama. As analises de calcio, magnesio, manganes, zinco, cobre e ferro foram realizadas por espectrofotometria de absorcao atomica. Os conteudos minerais (macro e microelementos) foram determinados em funcao d...
Anuario Brasileno De Estudios Hispanicos, 2014
Como o consumidor final, o leitor, tem acesso aos livros? Este trabalho busca elucidar a disponib... more Como o consumidor final, o leitor, tem acesso aos livros? Este trabalho busca elucidar a disponibilidade para compra e empréstimo de títulos de autores brasileiros atualmente em circulação na Espanha, especialmente na Galiza, através da investigação nos catálogos de bibliotecas e livrarias.
Sobral: Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, 2020., 2020
Farelo de mamona industrialmente destoxificado na alimentação de ovinos Industrially-detoxified c... more Farelo de mamona industrialmente destoxificado na alimentação de ovinos Industrially-detoxified castor meal in sheep feed
52nd Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Animal Science, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 19-23 July 2015, 2015
Resumo-A respirometria em ensaios com pequenos ruminantes contribui para a mensuração das emissõe... more Resumo-A respirometria em ensaios com pequenos ruminantes contribui para a mensuração das emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE), subsídio ao pagamento por serviços ambientais e para o desenvolvimento de rações e suplementos que propiciem a máxima eficiência alimentar. Para as aferições de emissão de GEE, 15 cordeiras Santa Inês, com peso de 15,09 kg±2,63 kg, foram avaliadas na câmara respirométrica do Laboratório de Respirometria do Semiárido (Laresa) da Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos. As dietas foram formuladas conforme as exigências nutricionais descritas pelo NRC (National Research Council, 2007), em planos nutricionais para manutenção, acabamento de carcaça precoce e de carcaça tardia, com cinco repetições. As ta-1 Médico-veterinário, doutor em Ciência Animal, pesquisador da Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, Sobral, CE.
52nd Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Animal Science, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 19-23 July 2015, 2015
Microhistologia para identificação de plantas forrageiras consumidas por ovinos na caatinga: cole... more Microhistologia para identificação de plantas forrageiras consumidas por ovinos na caatinga: coleta de amostras e preparo de lâminas fecais e de referência vegetal [recurso eletrônico]. / Marcos Cláudio Pinheiro Rogério ... [et al.].-Dados eletrônicos-Sobral : Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, 2017. 30 p. ; il. color.-(Documentos / Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, ISSN 1676-7659 ; 125). Sistema requerido: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Modo de acesso: < item/11>. 1. Planta forrageira. 2. Anatomia vegetal. 3. Pastagem nativa. 4. Ovino-Nutrição animal-Dieta. I.
Soro de queijo tipo coalho de leite bovino: alternativa para a terminação de pequenos ruminantes ... more Soro de queijo tipo coalho de leite bovino: alternativa para a terminação de pequenos ruminantes no Semiárido nordestino
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2021
The objective of this study was to identify by microhistological technique the reference chemical... more The objective of this study was to identify by microhistological technique the reference chemical components for use as indicators of the nutritive value of Caatinga plants forage grazed by sheep throughout the year. A flock of twenty mixed-race meat ewes, multiparous, in production, with an average 34.84 ± 1.75 kg live weight and 36 months of age was assigned to supplement treatment of 0, 200, 350, and 500 g concentrate/head/day for 3 years. The experiment was designed as a randomized complete design with repeated measures over time. Supplementation with concentrate did not influence chemical composition of selected forage. In contrast, season heavily influenced diet chemical composition. Canopy stratum, season, and plant botanical family of selected species affected forage chemical composition selected by ewes. The ewes selected forage with greater nutritive value during the rainy season. Based on principal component analysis of the nutritive value of the primary forage species selected, ewes preferentially grazed plants contained greater neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude protein (CP), C fraction of nitrogenous compounds, and carbohydrate fractions A + B1 and C compared to the average native Caatinga herbage. Rangeland botanical composition and ewe diet varied during the year, affecting forage nutrients on offer, with the best diet selected during the rainy season because of the presence of dicotyledonous herbaceous species rich in CP as well as soluble carbohydrates and nitrogenous compounds. Concentrate supplement strategies for ewes on rangelands, such as Caatinga, should be determined by herbaceous species nutritive value during the rainy season and deep-rooted perennial dicotyledons during the dry season. These include the need to monitor ewe selection of forage species and their nutritive value, which is effectively accomplished with fecal microhistological techniques.
South African Journal of Animal Science, 2021
The objective of this research was to evaluate lamb diets with a high proportion of concentrate a... more The objective of this research was to evaluate lamb diets with a high proportion of concentrate and various levels of physically effective neutral detergent fibre (NDF) using tropical ingredients. Four diets were formulated: D1 with 16.5% physically effective NDF (peNDF), D2 with 21.4% peNDF, D3 with 23.3% peNDF, and D4 with 24.6% peNDF. Twenty male Santa Inês lambs at four months old with an average liveweight (LW) of 18.6 ± 3.4 kg were fed for 49 days. There were no differences (P >0.05) among the diets in dry matter (DM) intake. Crude protein (CP) intake, relative to either LW or metabolic live weight (LW0.75) or LW, was greater (P ≤0.05) for D2 and D3 than for D1 or D4. Lower (P ≤0.05) NDF intake, relative to LW0.75 or LW, was lower for D1 than for the other diets. Selection indexes (SIs) were similar (P >0.05) among diets. Animals that consumed D1 had less (P ≤0.05) rumination time per bolus. Meaningful variations were not observed in performance and efficiency of finishi...
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2020
Our objective was to evaluate the effect of 15% crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrient ... more Our objective was to evaluate the effect of 15% crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrient (TDN) restriction vis-á-vis that recommended by NRC (2007) on feed intake, digestibility, and average daily gain (ADG) of confined Morada Nova lambs. Twenty lambs with 18.8 ± 2.8 kg liveweight were assigned to a randomized 2 × 2 factorial experiment with either early-or latematurity feed formulation according to "Nutrient Requirements of Small Ruminants" with or without 15% CP and TDN restriction. The early-maturity diet, independent of restriction, resulted in greater dry matter and organic matter intake and increased rumination efficiency and feed conversion. Early-maturity diets also had the greatest nutrient digestibility as well as ADG and total gains. With late-maturity diets, independent of restriction, there were greater CP and TDN digestibilities as well as neutral detergent fiber (NDF) feed efficiency. However, when 15% of nutrients were restricted for late-maturity lamb diets, there was greater NDF intake and greater ether extract digestibility. Unrestricted early-maturity lamb diets was the better diet for confined Morada Nova lambs. Attention should be given to minimum effective NDF consumed and physically effective for this diet formulation. The use of late-maturity diets as recommended by NRC (2007) allows for 15% restriction of CP and TDN in Morada Nova lambs without negative effects on performance. This restriction should be tested in other tropical breeds to determine wider application.
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 2020
Bovine whey is a feed alternative for goats. Whey can be included up to 4.5% of goat diet. Whey d... more Bovine whey is a feed alternative for goats. Whey can be included up to 4.5% of goat diet. Whey does not change goat production parameters.
Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal, 2020
The objective of this study was to evaluate the inclusion of cow cheese whey (CCW) in the diet fo... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the inclusion of cow cheese whey (CCW) in the diet for lambs on the ingestive behavior, ruminal and blood parameters. Twenty crossbred, male, non-castrated lambs with 25 kg body weight were assigned to four treatments: control diet (composed of corn, soybean meal and native pasture silage) and test diets (control diet + inclusion of CCW in increasing levels of 1.6, 2.7 and 4.0% in DM), in a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications. Means were compared by Tukey’s test, and the strength of association between variables was tested by Pearson’s correlation. Regression analysis was also performed for data from the collection of ruminal fluid and blood. Behavioral assessments were made at a 24-hour interval in measurements taken every five minutes. The inclusion of CCW in the diet did not impair ruminal pH, but promoted a decrease in rumination and feeding times, also causing a lower number of cuds and a lower numb...
Animal Production Science, 2020
Context Interest in sheep production has grown considerably, mainly in the meat market segment in... more Context Interest in sheep production has grown considerably, mainly in the meat market segment in large urban centres. This growth is due to improved efficiencyand quality products, which makes the segment attractive for production. Aims Our objective was to evaluate the effects of dietary nutrient restrictions on the feed efficiency and productivity of Santa Inês ewe lambs. Methods Twenty Santa Inês ewe lambs were weaned at an average weight of 15.09 ± 2.63 kg and were randomly assigned in a 2 × 2 factorial design to nutritional plans for carcass finishing (early and late maturity) and levels of nutrient restriction (0% and 15% reduction of both crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) relative to requirements) with five replications per treatment. The trial was divided into two phases: lambs aged 4–8 months (<8 months) and lambs >8 months old. Key results There were no differences (P > 0.05) between diets for average daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI...
Papers by Luciana Freitas Guedes