Papers by Leonardo César Souza Ramos
Notebooks: The Journal for Studies on Power, 2021
In this article, we aim to set out an appropriate interpretation for the historical form that the... more In this article, we aim to set out an appropriate interpretation for the historical form that the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro embodies and the context that made his presidency possible. We propose a discussion on the level of ideology, although conceived from a material and historical background and integrated into a context of hegemonic dispute that presupposes ideology but which is not identical to it. We analyse the constituent elements of this ideology and its particularities, based on the Gramscian concept of ‘Caesarism’ and the notion of ‘corrosive ridicule’. Finally, we outline probable future developments for social conflict and crisis in Brazil during the coronavirus pandemic.
Brazilian Political Science Review, 2019
The 2008 financial crisis stands out for being a crisis that occurred not in developing countries... more The 2008 financial crisis stands out for being a crisis that occurred not in developing countries, but in the core capitalist countries, thus assuming greater proportions and with broader ramifications. In this context, the G20 gained new impetus, and, as a result, several studies have sought to understand not only the crisis but the role of the reformed G20 in the process of resolving it. Despite the relevance of this literature, little attention has been paid to the G20 outreach process, in particular to the growing dialogue established between the G20 and B20 (Business Summit 20), a group that represents the business sector in these exchanges. This article seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the engagement of business elites with the actions taken by the G20 to deal with the 2008 financial crisis-that is, the role of social forces in the (re)construction of contemporary international political economy. It seeks, in a concise and exploratory way, to sketch the relationship between the B20 and G20 in the period between 2010 and 2017, in order to better understand processes associated with the transnationalization of the capitalist class. It starts from the hypothesis that during this period it is possible to identify the constitution of a 'B20 Nucleus', constituted by the business sectors present at most B20 summits, and to a large extent based in the countries of the North Atlantic. In this sense, the B20 acts as a point of integration for the global corporate elite.
Estudos Internacionais Revista De Relacoes Internacionais Da Puc Minas, Dec 2, 2013
Recently there were some debates concerning Charles Glaser's new book-Rational Theory of Internat... more Recently there were some debates concerning Charles Glaser's new book-Rational Theory of International Politics: the logic of competition and cooperation. In spite of the pertinence of such debates, some points concerning how Glaser's argument relates itself with IR eld were underdeveloped. Hence, the aim of this essay is to review the theoretical debates in US academy since the "neo-neo synthesis", starting from Glaser's book. In this sense, rescuing Bell's argument for a historical ontology as well as an historical meta-epistemology of the IR eld, this essay does not attempt to evaluate empirically the theories and research programs involved in such debates, neither develop an exhaustive presentation of Glaser's theoretical arguments and their heuristic; in fact, the purpose is to develop some metatheoretical considerations concerning such debates and some of its consequences to the IR eld-and to the US academy in particular.
Conjuntura Internacional, Mar 10, 2014
Veredas do Direito: Direito Ambiental e …, 2010
Resumo Para onde vai a Europa? Qual o seu destino final? Há um destino final? Tais perguntas sobr... more Resumo Para onde vai a Europa? Qual o seu destino final? Há um destino final? Tais perguntas sobre o processo de integração da Europa são um dos temas mais debatidos e discutidos no âmbito dos Estudos de Integração Regional. Tendo em vista tal debate, o ...
Conjuntura internacional, 2021
El objetivo de este artículo de coyuntura es analizar el rol del G20 ante la pandemia del COVID-1... more El objetivo de este artículo de coyuntura es analizar el rol del G20 ante la pandemia del COVID-19, discutiendo su papel como comité de crisis. Se describe su origen y funcionamiento, a modo de comprender las estructuras institucionales que condicionan su accionar. Se analizan las reuniones de Líderes y de Ministros de Finanzas para enumerar las acciones que el G20 ha tomado hasta el momento.
Revista Sopciedade e Cultura, May 22, 2020
The aim of this paper is to revisit the origins and development of the theories of International ... more The aim of this paper is to revisit the origins and development of the theories of International Relations in search of inspiration on the purpose and contribution of this discipline to the international community. From the understanding of Edward Carr on the requirements for the
Dados, 2021
RESUMO Desde sua criação, predominaram no BRICS discussões relativas à economia política internac... more RESUMO Desde sua criação, predominaram no BRICS discussões relativas à economia política internacional, especialmente as ligadas ao desenvolvimento internacional. Entretanto, a partir das cúpulas de Sanya (2011) e Delhi (2012), questões de segurança internacional passaram a paulatinamente ocupar maior espaço dentro do grupo. Tais cúpulas são aqui entendidas como marco desse processo, e particularmente a temática da segunda, BRICS Partnership for Global Stability, Security and Prosperity, como essencial para o argumento proposto. O objetivo geral do artigo é analisar as discussões sobre segurança internacional dentro das cúpulas dos BRICS de 2009 a 2019. De modo a cumpri-lo, discute a aproximação do grupo ao nexo desenvolvimento-segurança, bem como os limites desta aproximação, e realiza uma análise de conteúdo das declarações de cúpula dos BRICS. Destacam-se na análise seis unidades temáticas e dentro de cada uma delas se sublinha a evolução das discussões e a abordagem do grupo às ...
Journal of China and International Relations, 2018
The article aims at presenting a discussion about the processes of institutionalization and the e... more The article aims at presenting a discussion about the processes of institutionalization and the expansion of the BRICS through its eight summits. Two issue areas will be emphasised: (i) international political economyparticularly international developmentand (ii) international security. The hypothesis is that the BRICS forum has passed through an institutional densification processsee the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Agreement. In such a process, despite the increasing relevance of international security issues, this occurs because of the geopolitical transformation of contemporary capitalism. In such a context, there are different patterns of institutional densification directly related to the role of the BRICS in the world order.
The concept of soft-power has become a common reference in the study of international relations s... more The concept of soft-power has become a common reference in the study of international relations since its creation by Joseph S. Nye Jr. in the early 90’s. The concept has a special meaning on discussions on the post- Cold War international order, on the debates on U.S. foreign policy, and on the studies on hegemony and balance of power on the contemporary international system. The central argument of the present paper is that a clear proximity exits between the concept of soft-power by Nye and the concept of hegemony by Antonio Gramsci. Both make reference to a set of general principles, ideas, values and institutions, shared, consented or regarded as legitimate by different groups; but at the same time they are power resources of influence and control by one group over the other. Even being close to one another, from the work of Gramsci on hegemony results derive that the simple concept of soft-power cannot contemplate. Hence, the paper will present the limitations of the concept o...
It is possible to note, since the 70s, an intensification of the globalization processes of the s... more It is possible to note, since the 70s, an intensification of the globalization processes of the social relations, intensification that has direct implications in the studies of the contemporary world politics. One important aspect in which such implications express themselves regards the emergence of new actors in the world politics that organize themselves no more in national terms only, but paying attention in the local, national, regional and global dynamics – in other words, seeing the global political economy as a whole. In some sense, it is possible to note that dominant and the dominated social groups are being influenced and are influencing such globalization processes – in other words, it would be possible to note, nowadays, the rising of a transnational fraction of the capitalist class and the rising of a globalized resistance in the ambit of a civil society influenced by the globalization processes. Therefore, the objective of the present proposal is to analyze this proce...
Meridiano 47, 2012
This article aims at presenting the problems generated by the different positions assumed by Sout... more This article aims at presenting the problems generated by the different positions assumed by South Africa concerning the international economy. After that, it will be discussed South African role in G20, emphasizing the representation issue of the African continent in the G20.
Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los avances del G20 y del Women20 para la promo... more Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los avances del G20 y del Women20 para la promoción de la igualdad de género y la erradicación de la brecha económica entre hombres y mujeres, en sus respectivas agendas y recomendaciones políticas. Para ello, se analizan los documentos resultantes de las Cumbres de Líderes del G20 que tratan temas de género y los comunicados surgidos del W20 desde 2015 hasta 2019. Se utiliza una metodología cualitativa con fuentes primarias y secundarias, utilizando como técnica de recolección de datos el análisis documental de los documentos oficiales del G20 (Declaraciones de Líderes) y del W20 (Comunicados). Se considera al G20 como un espacio de cooperación informal y se caracteriza al W20 como un grupo de afinidad del mismo. Se observa que el W20 y el G20 han logrado incorporar correctamente la cuestión de género en sus agendas, recomendaciones y declaraciones. Los avances de estas incorporaciones respecto de la gobernanza global de género han sido escasos, pero prometedores ya que permiten identificar metas claras y recomendaciones explícitas para erradicar la brecha económica de género, ampliando la agenda propositiva de igualdad de género en el área de la cooperación multilateral informal. Palabras clave: Género-Cooperación-G20-W20 * Artículo recibido el 2 de diciembre de 2019 y aceptado para su publicación el 3 de abril de 2021. ** Las/os autoras/es agradecen el aporte de evaluaciones anónimas a una versión previa de este artículo.
Sociedade e Cultura, 2020
As Relações Internacionais no novo milênio apresentam novos e renovados fluxos de interação entr... more As Relações Internacionais no novo milênio apresentam novos e renovados fluxos de interação entre uma pluralidade considerável de atores e temas. Nesse contexto, uma reflexão mais profunda sobre o poder estatal e as potências emergentes torna-se de extrema relevância. Para tanto, será aqui apresentado o debate teórico sobre o conceito de potências médias e emergentes na Economia Política Internacional. O objetivo é traçar uma revisão teórica que permita delinear algumas considerações sobre as possibilidades e os limites analíticos desses conceitos na contemporaneidade.
Revista Práxis e Hegemonia Popular, 2016
This paper aims to present some appointments about the current (inter)national conjuncture and th... more This paper aims to present some appointments about the current (inter)national conjuncture and their impacts to understand the international insertion of Brazil. It will be discussed particularly three elements: (i) some of the key foreign policy guidelines laid out by the current Brazilian Foreign Minister, José Serra; (ii) some changes in the structure of the Brazilian state apparatus – particularly regarding some apparatus related to the international insertion of Brazil; and (iii) the Itamaraty in such process. Recebido em 30 de outubro de 2016Aprovado em 17 de novembro de 2016Editado em 15 de dezembro de 2016
Revista Práxis e Hegemonia Popular, 2020
Este artigo objetiva analisar a emergência de novos atores na disputa política atual nos Estados ... more Este artigo objetiva analisar a emergência de novos atores na disputa política atual nos Estados Unidos. Mantemos nossa análise no nível superestrutural da ideologia, com apenas algumas menções ao nível da base material produtiva e reprodutiva. Apresentamos o processo desde o Occupy Movement até a vitória de Trump, em 2016, como um movimento visando um fim, mas que acaba realizando seu contrário. Analisamos a eleição de Trump como uma vitória cesarista num momento de crise orgânica e pormenorizamos seus elementos ideológicos constituintes. Em seguida, apresentamos o período de 2016-2020 como um período de retorno às ‘formas mais democráticas’, distante do ‘democratismo’ formal vigente até então. Disto, se segue uma apresentação da conjuntura mais imediatamente atual, marcada pela pandemia do coronavírus e as eleições presidenciais de 2020. Por fim, propomos uma conclusão que sintetize nossa discussão pregressa com foco na questão da ideologia contemporaneamente nos Estados Unidos, r...
Conjuntura internacional, 2019
Apresentação do dossiê - 10 anos da crise financeira (2008-2018): Leituras e interpretações
Papers by Leonardo César Souza Ramos