Papers by Lech Chojnowski
Security Dimensions, Jun 30, 2020
The article refers to selected aspects of knowledge about terrorism and its typology. The introdu... more The article refers to selected aspects of knowledge about terrorism and its typology. The introduction explains the etymology of this concept and highlights the problem of diversity in the definition of terrorism. The next part cites several definitions of terrorism, which, in the author’s opinion, reflect the essence of this phenomenon. The difference between terrorism and terror, which are two terms that should not be used interchangeably, is also explained. The next part of the article illustrates the source of the problem which makes it impossible to agree on a commonly accepted definition of terrorism by giving an example of the wording of the Arab Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism. Then, the inherent feature of terrorism is explained, which is its asymmetry. The last part of the article concerns a typology of terrorism. It presents in a synthetic way various categories of terrorism, distinguished according to such criteria as: actors, motives, strategic (final) goals, close (closer) goals, type of actions, nature of the object of attacks, international implications, and means and methods used by terrorists. The article ends with a concise summary of the considerations on the theoretical aspects of terrorism undertaken in it.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Prawa w Bielsku-Białej, 2017
The level of publicity on issues related to terrori sm means that in opinions of many it has beco... more The level of publicity on issues related to terrori sm means that in opinions of many it has become one of the main problems of the modern w orld. But in reality, the phenomenon of terrorism has been present in societi es almost from the beginning of human history and its perception may not have chang ed so much over time. The paper presents the genesis and waves of terrorism through t istory, with special emphasis on the beginning of this phenomenon identified with the activity of Sicarii organisation in the first century; the birth of modern terrorism at the end of the 18 th century; its intensification in the interwar period and in the s cond half of the twentieth century.
Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces, Jul 1, 2012
Bezpieczeństwo z natury ma charakter polityczny, jednak nie z niego wynika istota bezpieczeństwa ... more Bezpieczeństwo z natury ma charakter polityczny, jednak nie z niego wynika istota bezpieczeństwa politycznego. Wyodrębnienie tej kategorii bezpieczeństwa jest wynikiem zastosowania metodologii analizy sektorowej bezpieczeństwa, w ramach której wyróżnia się dziedzinysektory bezpieczeństwa, w których dokonuje się szczegółowych analiz, z zastosowaniem właściwych metod, technik i narzędzi badawczych. Analiza sektorowa wynika z poszerzonego zakresu znaczeniowego współczesnego bezpieczeństwa, który nadaje mu złożony, wieloaspektowy charakter. Kompleksową analizę bezpieczeństwa można zawrzeć w sześciu sektorach: politycznym, militarnym, ekonomicznym, kulturowo-tożsamościowym, ekologicznym oraz sektorze bezpieczeństwa powszechnego. Polityczny sektor bezpieczeństwa obejmuje zróżnicowane treści, w zależności od kategorii podmiotów, umiejscowionych na poszczególnych poziomach analizy. Bezpieczeństwo polityczne podmiotu, w ogólnym rozumieniu, to stan pewności przetrwania, suwerennego funkcjonowania oraz rozwoju jego systemu politycznego a wynika ono z braku zagrożeń politycznych lub posiadania zdolności ochrony przed nimi. Istotnym elementem proponowanej definicji bezpieczeństwa politycznego są zagrożenia polityczne, rozumiane jako zdarzenia, procesy i działania, mogące negatywnie wpływać na przetrwanie, suwerenne funkcjonowanie i rozwój systemu politycznego jednostek politycznych, jednak tylko te, nieuwzględniane w innych sektorach bezpieczeństwa. Referat przedstawia ogólny pogląd na istotę politycznego sektora bezpieczeństwa i bezpieczeństwa politycznego i może stanowić bazę do bardziej szczegółowej analizy tej dziedziny bezpieczeństwa, z perspektywy poszczególnych kategorii podmiotów, funkcjonujących na różnych poziomach analizy.
Bezpieczeństwo z natury ma charakter polityczny, jednak nie z niego wynika istota bezpieczeństwa ... more Bezpieczeństwo z natury ma charakter polityczny, jednak nie z niego wynika istota bezpieczeństwa politycznego. Wyodrębnienie tej kategorii bezpieczeństwa jest wynikiem zastosowania metodologii analizy sektorowej bezpieczeństwa, w ramach której wyróżnia się dziedzinysektory bezpieczeństwa, w których dokonuje się szczegółowych analiz, z zastosowaniem właściwych metod, technik i narzędzi badawczych. Analiza sektorowa wynika z poszerzonego zakresu znaczeniowego współczesnego bezpieczeństwa, który nadaje mu złożony, wieloaspektowy charakter. Kompleksową analizę bezpieczeństwa można zawrzeć w sześciu sektorach: politycznym, militarnym, ekonomicznym, kulturowo-tożsamościowym, ekologicznym oraz sektorze bezpieczeństwa powszechnego. Polityczny sektor bezpieczeństwa obejmuje zróżnicowane treści, w zależności od kategorii podmiotów, umiejscowionych na poszczególnych poziomach analizy. Bezpieczeństwo polityczne podmiotu, w ogólnym rozumieniu, to stan pewności przetrwania, suwerennego funkcjonowania oraz rozwoju jego systemu politycznego a wynika ono z braku zagrożeń politycznych lub posiadania zdolności ochrony przed nimi. Istotnym elementem proponowanej definicji bezpieczeństwa politycznego są zagrożenia polityczne, rozumiane jako zdarzenia, procesy i działania, mogące negatywnie wpływać na przetrwanie, suwerenne funkcjonowanie i rozwój systemu politycznego jednostek politycznych, jednak tylko te, nieuwzględniane w innych sektorach bezpieczeństwa. Referat przedstawia ogólny pogląd na istotę politycznego sektora bezpieczeństwa i bezpieczeństwa politycznego i może stanowić bazę do bardziej szczegółowej analizy tej dziedziny bezpieczeństwa, z perspektywy poszczególnych kategorii podmiotów, funkcjonujących na różnych poziomach analizy.
ASEJ Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, 2018
The paper presents selected features of contemporary terrorism. It emphasizes the role of a relig... more The paper presents selected features of contemporary terrorism. It emphasizes the role of a religious factor, which to a large extent determines the specificity of the contemporary wave of this phenomenon. Religion is used to justify the scale and brutality of methods and techniques of terrorist attacks, and also allows to acquire fighters ready to sacrifice their lives by carrying out suicide attacks. The paper also points to other features of modern terrorism: its mediality, internationalization, spread of suicide attacks, lack of terrorist self-limitation in the use of violence, disintegration, on one hand, and attempts to create quasi-state structures (ISIS), on the other, variants of terrorism described by the terms cyber-terrorism and super-terrorism. In the second part of the paper, selected statistical data on terrorist attacks, broken down by their various types that complement the picture of modern terrorism, are cited.
This article presents the basic terminology for contemporary security concepts. It defines the co... more This article presents the basic terminology for contemporary security concepts. It defines the concept of security itself and related terms such as security as a need and value, subjective and objective security, security as a process, external and internal security, subjectand object-related dimension of security, security analysis levels, security categories: political, military, economic, cultural and identity-based, environmental and societal, as well as security opportunities, challenges and threats. The terminology presented in this article is a synthesis of the author's reflections on theoretical foundations of security published in the monograph: Bezpieczeństwo. Zarys teorii (Security: A Theoretical Outline) published by the Academic Publishing House of the Pomeranian University in Słupsk.
Security Dimensions, 2020
The article refers to selected aspects of knowledge about terrorism and its typology. The introdu... more The article refers to selected aspects of knowledge about terrorism and its typology. The introduction explains the etymology of this concept and highlights the problem of diversity in the definition of terrorism. The next part cites several definitions of terrorism, which, in the author’s opinion, reflect the essence of this phenomenon. The difference between terrorism and terror, which are two terms that should not be used interchangeably, is also explained. The next part of the article illustrates the source of the problem which makes it impossible to agree on a commonly accepted definition of terrorism by giving an example of the wording of the Arab Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism. Then, the inherent feature of terrorism is explained, which is its asymmetry. The last part of the article concerns a typology of terrorism. It presents in a synthetic way various categories of terrorism, distinguished according to such criteria as: actors, motives, strategic (final) goals...
Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces, 2012
Security is of political nature; however, it does not stand for the essence of political security... more Security is of political nature; however, it does not stand for the essence of political security. This security category is a result of the application of the sector security analysis methodology. According to the methodology, all security-related issues are divided into sectors where detailed analyses are conducted with the application of specialized research methods, techniques and means. The use of sector methodology is a consequence of widening the meaning of contemporary security that makes it complex and multidimensional. A comprehensive security analysis can be confined to six sectors: political, military, economic, ecological, societal and common security. The contents of the political security sector are varied and hinged upon the level of analysis and the security subject type the analysis is conducted for. Generally, the political security of political units means the state of the certainty of existence, sovereign functioning and development of its political system. It i...
ASEJ Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, 2017
The level of publicity on issues related to terrorism means that in opinions of many it has becom... more The level of publicity on issues related to terrorism means that in opinions of many it has become one of the main problems of the modern world. But in reality, the phenomenon of terrorism has been present in societies almost from the beginning of human history and its perception may not have changed so much over time. The paper presents the genesis and waves of terrorism throughout history, with special emphasis on the beginning of this phenomenon identified with the activity of Sicarii organisation in the first century; the birth of modern terrorism at the end of the 18th century; its intensification in the interwar period and in the second half of the twentieth century.The level of publicity on issues related to terrorism means that in opinions of many it has become one of the main problems of the modern world. But in reality, the phenomenon of terrorism has been present in societies almost from the beginning of human history and its perception may not have changed so much over t...
Papers by Lech Chojnowski