Papers by Krzysztof Szpara

ABSTRACT APPLICATION OF MODERN TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PROMOTION OF CULINARY TOURISM, ON EXAMPLE OF R... more ABSTRACT APPLICATION OF MODERN TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PROMOTION OF CULINARY TOURISM, ON EXAMPLE OF RURAL AREAS IN THE PODKARPACIE REGION Culinary tourism (including enotourism) is important tourist product of the Podkar-pacie region. The researched entities are characterized as an active part in the development of culinary tourism in rural areas. Joined actions are marked and relationships between members of those communities are based on trust and willingness to cooperation. Group of Podkarpacie's Winery currently focus tens of regional winemakers. It is the biggest group with typical features of social activity joined together on common goal. But only over a dozen of them have their own web page. From conducted research an argument could be raised that content and quality of those websites are not adequate to development of wine-makers activity. In fact they are much behind. Exceptional are sites which collect information about all aspects of Podkarpacie's winemaking, like Podkarpacki Vineyard Trail. Several leaders has been identified. They benefit from opportunities offered by the website. Creativity and entrepreneurship of them give trust, that the involvement of winemakers community will be used in appropriate way in order to select the best web strategies in future.

Sustainable tourism development and digital transformations are among the key issues that should ... more Sustainable tourism development and digital transformations are among the key issues that should be taken into account when preparing contemporary tourism degree programmes. In order to offer an innovative curriculum, systems thinking and knowledge from the intersection of many areas including tourism, geography, information and communication technology, management, teaching methodology and psychology are required. The adaptation of curricula should also take into account the experience of universities outside Poland which have often successfully implemented programmes covering sustainable development issues for many years and have feedback on the satisfaction of both graduates and employers. This article presents the results of the work of an international consortium of universities from Germany, Poland, Serbia and Switzerland which developed a course programme on ‘ICT as a tool for the development and promotion of sustainable tourism’ that can be adapted by a wide range of organis...

Film tourism (movie tourism) covers all tourist trips in the footsteps of movie stars (actors and... more Film tourism (movie tourism) covers all tourist trips in the footsteps of movie stars (actors and directors) and their artworks, creating an opportunity for deeper reflection and personal live tracks. It is also visiting places known from the screen, searching for the atmosphere, climate, touring of the facilities immortalized in a film or a television series – the so-called set-jetting (Stasiak 2009). Examples from different places in the world and Poland show that film can perfectly promote any place and affect the turnout of tourists. The scale of this phenomenon depends on the rank of a given film production. Undertaking appropriate promotional activities may bring benefits from film tourism even many years after the film’s release. One of the most important cities on the map of film tourism in Poland is Sandomierz, where the action of a popular television series Ojciec Mateusz takes place. The aim of the article is to show the importance of film for the promotion and developmen...

Geographia Polonica
Research on tourist traffic is a major methodological challenge because a potential respondent is... more Research on tourist traffic is a major methodological challenge because a potential respondent is on the move and difficult to capture. There is a need to identify both tourists and one-day visitors. It is important to know motives for their arrival, forms of their stay, assessments of individual components of the tourist offer or consumer loyalty. In 2020, the Podkarpackie Province resumed the idea of regional research on tourist traffic. The aim of this article is to present the methodology of cyclical research of tourist traffic in the Podkarpackie Province. It uses the experience gained during the pilot studies conducted in 2020. The methodology and measurement tool contribute to the standardisation of tourism research in Poland at the provincial level. The proposed solutions activate and integrate various environments into the development of tourism in the region. They allow observation of changes in the structure of tourist traffic and evolution of tourists’ opinions and expec...

Sustainability, 2022
The attractiveness to tourists of Podkarpackie Province is related to its natural diversity and r... more The attractiveness to tourists of Podkarpackie Province is related to its natural diversity and rich cultural heritage. The communes located in the southern, Carpathian part of the province are the most attractive tourist destinations. However, the volume of tourist traffic in Podkarpackie Province differs from many other regions in Poland. It is visited by far fewer tourists than might be expected. In order to conduct a more effective tourist policy, it was necessary to acquire knowledge on the structure of tourism in the region and its image. The aim of this article is to present the proprietary methodology of cyclical research of the tourist image of Podkarpackie Province and the key results of the research conducted in 2021. The proposed set of methods and techniques includes: (1) an analysis of strategic documents in terms of the assumed tourist image (Atlas.ti), (2) a verification of search trends for keywords related to the identified associations (Google Trends), and (3) a s...

Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
Pandemia COVID-19 w sposób szczególny wpłynęła na usługi turystyczne. Celem artykułu jest omówien... more Pandemia COVID-19 w sposób szczególny wpłynęła na usługi turystyczne. Celem artykułu jest omówienie zmian w wybranych elementach struktury ruchu turystycznego (turystów i odwiedzających jednodniowych) w czasie pandemii COVID-19 w województwie podkarpackim w 2020 i 2021 r. W tekście porównano wyniki dwóch pomiarów ruchu turystycznego, przeprowadzonych według tej samej metodologii. Pierwsza edycja badania była realizowana w czasie chwilowego poluzowania obostrzeń pandemicznych dla sektora usług. W 2021 r. rządowa polityka przeciwdziałania pandemii miała już inny charakter, co przełożyło się na swobodniejszy ruch turystyczny. Lockdown i związane z nim ograniczenia w turystyce zagranicznej przełożyły się na zintensyfikowanie turystyki krajowej w 2020 r. Była ona podejmowana w warunkach dużej niepewności i w sposób nastawiony na zachowanie bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego. Poluzowanie obostrzeń i złagodzenie polityki pandemicznej w 2021 r. oznaczały stopniowy powrót do przedpandemicznych wzorc...

THE ROLE OF CLUSTERS IN PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM EXEMPLIFIED BY THE INNOVATIVE CLUSTE... more THE ROLE OF CLUSTERS IN PROMOTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM EXEMPLIFIED BY THE INNOVATIVE CLUSTER HEALTH AND TOURISM HEALTH RESORTS - PEARLS DF EASTERN POLAND The functioning of modern tourist economy requires new organizational solutions. One of them is tourism cluster – an original conception of an integrated area management. The main purpose of this paper is to show the positive role of clusters in Polish economy. The attention was drawn particularly to Cluster Health and Tourism “Health Resorts – Pearls of Eastern Poland, as an example of the first so huge a project of such kind (health- tourism cluster) in south-eastern Poland. Cluster strengths are: • significant resources dedicated to its creation, which gives huge chances for success and implementation of specific projects, • variety of entities in cluster, which allows broad, multifaceted approach to any problem, • medial side of Cluster – its participants ensure that it is being talked about a lot in a positive way, which...
EUROPEAN UNION FUNDS AND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE EAST POLAND REGION The article concerns a pro... more EUROPEAN UNION FUNDS AND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE EAST POLAND REGION The article concerns a problem with tourist projects financed from European Union Funds. There is elaborated a meaning of tourism in a general economic country development. One characterized the provinces of the East Poland Region and shown their weaker economic position but on the other hand there becomes straight majority in comparison with other regions in the range of tourism development possibilities. There are also presented the possibilities of using union funds for the region within 2007-2013. There is underlined a possibility of using union funds for the East Poland Region development as well as operational programs of cross border cooperation.
EUROPEAN UNION FUNDS AND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE EAST POLAND REGION The article concerns a pro... more EUROPEAN UNION FUNDS AND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE EAST POLAND REGION The article concerns a problem with tourist projects financed from European Union Funds. There is elaborated a meaning of tourism in a general economic country development. One characterized the provinces of the East Poland Region and shown their weaker economic position but on the other hand there becomes straight majority in comparison with other regions in the range of tourism development possibilities. There are also presented the possibilities of using union funds for the region within 2007-2013. There is underlined a possibility of using union funds for the East Poland Region development as well as operational programs of cross border cooperation.
In the following thesis there was concisely described various ways of the border crossing inthePo... more In the following thesis there was concisely described various ways of the border crossing inthePolish Carpathians. There were presented the possibilities of the border classification. Particular attention was paid to so called places of the border crossing points on the tourist route, the boarder infrastructure, which in assumption is to serve especially people, who practice qualified tourism. There was also paid attention to necessity of development the Carpathian trans border cooperation and the role of the tourist border crossing points in this undertaking.

AGRITOURISM IN THE POLISH CARPATHIANS Agriculture used to be the most vital branch of economy in ... more AGRITOURISM IN THE POLISH CARPATHIANS Agriculture used to be the most vital branch of economy in the Carpathian Mountains. It is particularly significant in the Carpathian Foothills. The importance of the agricultural function decreases towards the south in favour of forestry and tourism (Groch, Kurek 1995). The tourism function is particularly important for the Polish Carpathians, as they have the largest share of areas of the highest value for tourism. Environmental features allow many forms of tourism to develop during the relatively long tourist season (Warszyńska 1985). However, both infrastructure and tourist traffic in the discussed area are very diverse as a result of uneven distribution of tourist values and various tourist traditions (Groch, Kurek 1995). Data from the Main Statistical Office allow estimating that in 2006 there were over 2 thousand agritourism facilities able to accommodate over 22 thousand people in the Polish Carpathians. Yet the data may be considerably ...

TOURIST LODGING AND ACCOMODATION FACILITIES IN THE HIGH BIESZCZADY MOUNTAINS The paper presents a... more TOURIST LODGING AND ACCOMODATION FACILITIES IN THE HIGH BIESZCZADY MOUNTAINS The paper presents a comparative study of the state of lodging and accommodation facilities in the High Bieszczady in the years 1985 and 2000, as well as some selected problems which appeared in the year 2002. In 2000, there were 112 accommodation facilities in the High Bieszczady, offering 6489 places to stay overnight (3868 of them were offered all-year-round). The majority of those overnight places were offered in the following gminas (communities): Solina (41.1%), Cisna (17.9%), and Lutowiska (13.2%). The percentage of accommodation places offered all-year-round constituted almost 60% of the total quantity of the lodging and accommodation facilities. During the years 1985-2000, the quantity of facilities in the High Bieszczady grew by almost 120%, and the highest increase in the percentage was reported in the gminas of Komańcza (225%), Baligród (200%), Solina (271.4%), and Cisna (237.5%). There was also...

MODERN FORMS OF TERRORISM AS A THREAT TO THE GLOBAL TOURISM A terrorist is a person who uses forc... more MODERN FORMS OF TERRORISM AS A THREAT TO THE GLOBAL TOURISM A terrorist is a person who uses force or violence against persons or property with outrage, and his action is aimed to extortion and intimidation of any population group or country on the way to achieving the specific targets or concessions. Currently tourism is treated as the most dynamically developing branch of the global economy. Since II World War systematic growth of tourists number is noted. In recent years, it was from several dozen to more than eight hundred nine million arrivals worldwide. This was accompanied by increasing income from tourism. Unfortunately, together with this, number of terrorist attacks and cyber attacks constantly increasing. Information society development together with tangible benefits for the country's economy also brings increased vulnerability to cyber terrorism. In particular, attacks on critical infrastructures of information systems are threaten as a source of enormous social imp...
Przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość turystyki, Warsztaty z Geografii Turyzmu, tom 5, 2014
Turystyka polska w latach 1989-2009, Warsztaty z Geografii Turyzmu, tom 1, 2011
Papers by Krzysztof Szpara