Articles by Hanno Van Keulen
Education Sciences , 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Papers by Hanno Van Keulen
2022 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)
Social interactions are essential in the everyday lives of humans. People with an autism spectrum... more Social interactions are essential in the everyday lives of humans. People with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) display shortages of social skills, thus making their day-today encounters more difficult. This paper reports on two small-scale studies, investigating whether the use of collaborative robot tasks in an educational setting stimulates the collaborative behavior of children with ASD, and whether robotic task complexity affects collaborative behavior. A total of 24 children participated in robotic tasks of varying complexities. The sessions were videotaped and analyzed. Children's supervisors completed questionnaires, evaluating the social behavior of participants. Results demonstrate that children collaborated during the robot activities. The influence of robotic task complexity on collaboration skills was not significant, possibly due to the small number of participants. The results show the promise of using robots in education for children with ASD, although further research is needed to investigate the implementation of robots in special education.
Design and technology education : an international journal, 2020
In this study, an educational development approach is investigated aiming at improving reading co... more In this study, an educational development approach is investigated aiming at improving reading comprehension outcomes in primary education through inquiry and design-based Science & Technology teaching. The context is societal pressure to increase the likelihood that more students, later in their life, will aspire for careers in technology-intensive professions. However, schools are under more pressure to focus on core subjects, such as language. Integrated Science & Technology and Language education may overcome this problem. In this study, students from Years/Grades 3-6 (9- to 12-year-olds) received an experimental treatment, in which regular reading comprehension lessons were replaced by inquiry and design-based projects with a strong focus on oral language. Before and after, their performance on tests for reading comprehension was measured. No significant differences were found from performance in a control group, who received the regular reading comprehension lessons, but hardl...
Jonge kinderen leren vanuit nieuwsgierigheid. Hun aandacht wordt getrokken, ze gaan waarnemen, ha... more Jonge kinderen leren vanuit nieuwsgierigheid. Hun aandacht wordt getrokken, ze gaan waarnemen, handelen, spelen. Het spel wordt steeds complexer en zo ontwikkelen ze zelfsturing: bijvoorbeeld keuzes maken, plannen, opruimen, doorzetten en op je beurt wachten. Dat is de basis voor cognitief leren, denk aan taalontwikkeling en het vermogen om te rekenen. De kinderopvang, peuterspeelzaal, gastouderopvang en basisschool spelen hierbij een belangrijke rol. Maar vrij spelen of het volgen van een educatief programma, waarbij juist begeleiders de sturing in handen hebben zijn niet altijd het meest effectief. Begeleid spelen in een rijke leeromgeving is dat wel. In het project Leren van Spel werken hogescholen, instellingen voor voor-en vroegschoolse educatie, scholen voor primair onderwijs, publieke instellingen, kennisinstellingen en beroepsvereningen samen aan ontwikkeling van kennis, vaardigheden en praktische tools voor het creeren van leeromgevingen voor jonge kinderen van 3 tot 7 jaar...
Pedagogische Studien, 2018
Critical thinking as a 21st century skill: Promising approaches for educational practice Getting ... more Critical thinking as a 21st century skill: Promising approaches for educational practice Getting all students to learn to think independently was very important for Philip Kohnstamm. Based on his studies he derived pedagogical instructions for teaching independent thinking. According to Kohnstamm, thinking is a dynamic process that is guided by a task that an individual sets himself. The task is to find a solution to a problem. His ideas about learning to think independently and how this can be developed are interesting when it comes to critical thinking, as an important 21st century skill. This contribution focuses on the question what critical thinking is and how critical thinking can take shape in contemporary education. Based on Kohnstamm’s ideas and recent literature, characteristics of effective instruction have been identified to promote critical thinking. We show how aspects of critical thinking can be developed using these instructional characteristics by discussing practic...
Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2020
Robots have been found to be effective tools for programming instruction, although it is not yet ... more Robots have been found to be effective tools for programming instruction, although it is not yet clear why students learn more using robots as compared to receiving 'traditional' programming instruction. In this study, 121 nine-to twelve-year-old children received a programming training in pairs, in one of two conditions: using either a robot or a virtual avatar. The training was videotaped to study differences in children's cooperation. Furthermore, children's learning outcomes and motivation were assessed through questionnaires. Children were found to learn more from programming the robot than the avatar, although no differences in their cooperation during the training or selfreported motivation were found between the two conditions. Thus, future research is required to further understand how exactly robots lead to higher learning outcomes than 'traditional' tools.
Seminario Internacional Red U 2 07 El Desarrollo De La Autonomia En El Aprendizaje, Jan 26, 2009
The Netherlands (population about 16 million), have a two-tiered higher education system of resea... more The Netherlands (population about 16 million), have a two-tiered higher education system of research universities and institutions for higher vocational training. The degree system has not changed a lot since the Bologna declaration. The most significant change was the introduction of the titles 'bachelor', and 'master', and the division of the university curriculum, which used to be a unified four or five-year programme into a bachelor and a master degree programme. We now (summer of 2007) have 14 research universities (one of them a distance university) who combine teaching with academic research. These offer three-year bachelor programmes; one-year or two-year academic master programmes (preparing students mainly for academic jobs outside academic research); two-year research master programmes (preparing students for a PhD-track); three-year Master Programmes in the fields of several classical (para)medical professions (medicine, dentistry, veterinary sciences, pharmaceutics); and four-year PhD-track positions for junior research staff. Alongside operate some 60 institutions for higher vocational training, also called 'universities of applied science'. They offer four-year professional bachelor programmes; some also offer one-year professional master programmes. Bachelors from these institutions can in general enter university master degree programmes only after taking additional pre-master courses. Research used to be quite uncommon in universities of applied science. Recently, a budget was allocated to the universities of applied science to appoint 'lectors' to stimulate applied research. In 2006-2007, some 200.000 students were taking university degree courses and some 350.000 students were enrolled in higher vocational training institutions. Participation rates in Higher Education are increasing alongside diminishing resources per student, a common picture in the Western world.
Utrecht University, a large and fairly traditional (but highly successful) research university in... more Utrecht University, a large and fairly traditional (but highly successful) research university in The Netherlands, embraced the concept of personal development and planning portfolios in the aftermath of the Bologna agreements. Five-year HE programmes without much freedom or choice were changed into three year bachelor programmes with much more freedom of choice, an active learning philosophy and an emphasis on
Can and should we establish a nation-wide basic teaching qualification system in research-intensi... more Can and should we establish a nation-wide basic teaching qualification system in research-intensive universities? This workshop will discuss three themes: 1) Is it wise and necessary to establish a teaching qualification system in research-intensive universities? Or will this repel excellent researchers? If it is wise, which arguments will convince such stakeholders as vice chancellors, Faculty management and the staff? 2) If a basic teaching qualification system is to be established, should this be government driven and embedded in legislation, or is self-regulation between universities preferable, or should each university have its own system? Which are strategies to promote either of these goals? 3) Presume agreement on establishing a basic teaching qualification system, should this be based on (compulsory) training or on assessment of performance (portfolio model)? Participants are invited to contribute their experiences. In order to structure the interaction we will discuss som...
Medical teacher, 2012
To apply what has been learned theoretically in a clinical context is for many students a major c... more To apply what has been learned theoretically in a clinical context is for many students a major challenge. In order to ease their transition into practice, a training programme was developed, focusing on learning to solve clinical problems. The programme is designed for veterinary medicine students in the preclinical phase with already a sound theoretical base in biomedical and clinical sciences. The design is based on the engagement in learning and work processes derived from clinical practice and exposure to a large variety of real and paper-based cases. This article addresses the effectiveness of this programme design. Programme effectiveness was defined in terms of the progress made by the students. This progress was established using methodological triangulation of the results from student questionnaires, performance observations and (pre and post) assessment. On all dimensions of effectiveness, the results consistently showed that the programme was perceived as effective and l...
Greep krijgen op domeinen waar zeer veel feiten bestaan die ook nog op vele manieren met elkaar v... more Greep krijgen op domeinen waar zeer veel feiten bestaan die ook nog op vele manieren met elkaar verknoopt zijn, is lastig. PGO is een goede werkvorm, maar hier werken taken als ijsbergen: er blijkt zoveel relevante en samenhangende informatie opgeroepen te worden dat individuele studenten er onder bezwijken. Bij het departement Farmaceutische Wetenschappen van de Universiteit Utrecht geldt dit voor
Technology Education has gone through a lot of changes in the past decades. It has developed from... more Technology Education has gone through a lot of changes in the past decades. It has developed from a craft oriented school subject to a learning area in which the meaning of technology as an important part of our contemporary culture is explored, both by the learning of theoretical concepts and through practical activities. This development has been accompanied by educational research. The output of research studies is published mostly as articles in scholarly Technology Education and Science Education journals. There is a need, however, for more than that. The field still lacks an international book series that is entirely dedicated to Technology Education. The International Technology Education Studies aim at providing the opportunity to publish more extensive texts than in journal articles, or to publish coherent collections of articles/chapters that focus on a certain theme. In this book series monographs and edited volumes will be published. The books will be peer reviewed in order to assure the quality of the texts.
Studies in Science Education, 2014
Integrated curricula seem promising for the increase of attention on science and technology in pr... more Integrated curricula seem promising for the increase of attention on science and technology in primary education. A clear picture of the advantages and disadvantages of integration efforts could help curriculum innovation. This review has focused on integrated curricula in primary education from 1994 to 2011. The integrated curricula were categorised according to a taxonomy of integration types synthesised from the literature. The characteristics that we deemed important were related to learning outcomes and success/fail factors. A focus group was formed to facilitate the process of analysis and to test tentative conclusions. We concluded that the levels in our taxonomy were linked to (a) student knowledge and skills, the enthusiasm generated among students and teachers, and the teacher commitment that was generated; and (b) the teacher commitment needed, the duration of the innovation effort, the volume and comprehensiveness of required teacher professional development, the necessary teacher support and the effort needed to overcome tensions with standard curricula. Almost all projects were effective in increasing the time spent on science at school. Our model resolves Czerniac's definition problem of integrating curricula in a productive manner, and it forms a practical basis for decision-making by making clear what is needed and what output can be expected when plans are being formulated to implement integrated education.
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 2011
We examined the design of a course that aims to ease the transition from pre-clinical learning in... more We examined the design of a course that aims to ease the transition from pre-clinical learning into clinical work. This course is based on the premise that many of the difficulties with which students are confronted in this transition result from a lack of experience in applying knowledge in real practice situations. It is focused on the development of competence in solving clinical problems; uses an instructional model with alternating clinical practicals, demonstrations, and tutorials; and extends throughout the last pre-clinical year. We used a “proof-of-concept” approach to establish whether the core principles of the course design are feasible with regard to achieving the intended results. With the learning functions and processes as a frame of reference, retrospective analysis of the course's design features shows that this design matches the conditions from theories of the development of competence in solving clinical problems and instructional design. Three areas of unce...
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1995
Distillation in the chemistry labora,ory is an essential part of a practicing chemists' and a che... more Distillation in the chemistry labora,ory is an essential part of a practicing chemists' and a chemistry educators' work. Nevertheless, regardless of the degree of importance in each of the aforementioned professions, few educational studies on teaching and learning distillation exist. In an effort to rectify this oversight, the Department of Chemical Education at Utrecht University engaged first year chemistry majors in a qualitative study aimed at acquiring an understanding of the processes of conceptual development that do, or do not, take place when students are performing distillation experiments. The results include: (1) discussions of distillation from a chemical point of view; (2) detailed descriptions of the problems that occur when students are distilling during laboratory experiments; (3) an interpretations of the problems; and (4) ways to avoid problems with the help of different teaching strategies. (ZWH)
Journal of Chemical Education, 1998
International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2014
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +B... more Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science +Business Media Dordrecht. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at".
International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2010
This study investigates what pupils aged 10-12 can learn from working with robots, assuming that ... more This study investigates what pupils aged 10-12 can learn from working with robots, assuming that understanding robotics is a sign of technological literacy. We conducted cognitive and conceptual analysis to develop a frame of reference for determining pupils' understanding of robotics. Four perspectives were distinguished with increasing sophistication; ''psychological'', ''technological'', ''function'', and ''controlled system''. Using LegoÒ MindstormsÒ NXT robots, as an example of a Direct Manipulation Environment, we developed and conducted a lesson plan to investigate pupils' reasoning patterns. There is ample evidence that pupils have little difficulty in understanding that robots are man-made technological and functional artifacts. Pupils' understanding of the controlled system concept, more specifically the complex sense-reason-act loop that is characteristic of robotics, can be fostered by means of problem solving tasks. The results are discussed with respect to pupils' developing technological literacy and the possibilities for teaching and learning in primary education.
Innovations in Education and Training International, 1999
A large-scale survey has recently been conducted at Delft University of Technology into the instr... more A large-scale survey has recently been conducted at Delft University of Technology into the instructional methods currently used by lecturers. The results indicate that lecturers do not often use active instructional methods. Since they do not feel the need to do so, it seems ...
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 2010
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Articles by Hanno Van Keulen
Papers by Hanno Van Keulen