During the war, it was found that phenylacetic acid was a constitutent of penicillin G. Hence phe... more During the war, it was found that phenylacetic acid was a constitutent of penicillin G. Hence phenylacetic acid and its derivatives were used in culture media for penicillin production in English and American laboratories. Publication of the work was delayed because of wartime restrictions. In early work on precursor addition Penicillium notatum NRRL 1249.
Page 1. Sankhy? : The Indian Journal of Statistics 1984, Volume 46, Series A, Pt. 2, pp. 195-206 ... more Page 1. Sankhy? : The Indian Journal of Statistics 1984, Volume 46, Series A, Pt. 2, pp. 195-206 ASYMPTOTIC REPRESENTATIONS RELATED TO JACKKNIFING AND BOOTSTRAPPING L-STATISTICS By G. JOGESH BABU1 and KESAR SINGH2 Rutgers University ...
Page 1. Statistica Sinica 14(2004), 431-448 LINEAR FITTING BY SIMPLICIAL INTERCEPT DEPTH (SID): R... more Page 1. Statistica Sinica 14(2004), 431-448 LINEAR FITTING BY SIMPLICIAL INTERCEPT DEPTH (SID): REFLECTION INVARIANCE AND ROBUSTNESS ... Rutgers University Abstract: This paper introduces the method of simplicial intercept depth (SID) for linear fitting. ...
A data depth can be used to measure the ''depth'' or ''outlyingness'' of a given multivariate sam... more A data depth can be used to measure the ''depth'' or ''outlyingness'' of a given multivariate sample with respect to its underlying distribution. This leads to a natural center-outward ordering of the sample points. Based on this ordering, quantitative and graphical methods are introduced for analyzing multivariate distributional characteristics such as location, scale, bias, skewness and kurtosis, as well as for comparing inference methods. All graphs are one-dimensional curves in the plane and can be easily visualized and interpreted. A ''sunburst plot'' is pre-Ž sented as a bivariate generalization of the box-plot. DD-depth versus. depth plots are proposed and examined as graphical inference tools. Some new diagnostic tools for checking multivariate normality are introduced. One of them monitors the exact rate of growth of the maximum deviation from the mean, while the others examine the ratio of the overall dispersion to the dispersion of a certain central region. The affine invariance property of a data depth also leads to appropriate invariance properties for the proposed statistics and methods.
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Feb 1, 2003
One-term Edgeworth Expansions for the studentized version of compound Poisson processes are devel... more One-term Edgeworth Expansions for the studentized version of compound Poisson processes are developed. For a suitably defined bootstrap in this context, the so called one-term Edgeworth correction by bootstrap is also established. The results are applicable for constructing second-order correct confidence intervals (which make correction for skewness) for the parameter "mean reward per unit time".
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2012
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with p... more The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
Experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of coloured sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum ... more Experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of coloured sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum) under naturally ventilated greenhouse during 2012-13 at the research farm of Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana to determine the effect of different fertigation and irrigation levels on crop parameters, yield, water use efficiency (WUE), fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) and quality parameters. Fertigation levels used were F1: 120 percent, F2: 100 percent and F3: 80 percent of targeted dose of fertilizer; irrigation levels were I1: 100 percent, I2: 80 percent and I3: 60 percent replenishment of ET C ; and varieties were Syngenta Yellow and Syngenta Red. The study revealed that different levels of fertigation and irrigation had significant effect on plant parameters, yield, WUE, FUE and quality parameters. Fertigation and irrigation having combination of 120 percent targeted dose of fertilizer and 100 percent replenishment of ET C i.e. F1I1 showed superiority over all other treatment combinations. Syngenta Yellow variety produced maximum plant height (191.77 cm), leaf area index (4.34), dry matter (24.15%) and yield (168.74 ton ha-1). Syngenta Red variety produced better quality parameters under the treatment F1I1; the fruit length (10.37 cm), fruit width (9.20 cm), fruit girth (32.13 cm), pericarp thickness (0.84 cm) and fruit weight (221.80 g) were also found maximum in Syngenta Red. But the maximum ascorbic acid content (167.40 mg 100g-1 fresh wt.) was recorded in Syngenta Yellow variety. Maximum WUE (14.60 q ha-1 cm-1) and FUE (1.23 q kg-1 of NPK) were recorded in Syngenta Yellow variety. The least values of all parameters were recorded in F3I3 (80 percent targeted dose of fertilizer and 60 percent replenishment of ET C) treatment.
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections, 2012
This volume consists of articles in honor of William E. Strawderman by some of his many friends a... more This volume consists of articles in honor of William E. Strawderman by some of his many friends and colleagues on the occasion of his 70th birthday. For over forty years, Bill has demonstrated great leadership and contributed in deep and original ways to the discipline of statistics, to the cause of the profession and to the IMS. His work includes significant, original, inspiring and groundbreaking findings in statistical decision theory and Bayesian analysis, as well in statistical applications and consulting. Bill's many colleagues, collaborators and friends from Rutgers and elsewhere, have been privileged to interact with Bill, have learned very much and benefited from his great imagination, sharp intuition, extensive knowledge, clear exposition, and constant generosity. With this collection of papers, we celebrate Bill Strawderman's many achievements and we seek to honor his exceptional contributions to statistics. We conclude by voicing our deep gratitude to the distinguished authors of this volume, to the Editors of the IMS Collections Series, to Elyse Gustafson, to the referees of the papers, and to Geri Mattson and the team at Mattson Publishing Services.
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series, 2007
The notion of confidence distribution (CD), an entirely frequentist concept, is in essence a Neym... more The notion of confidence distribution (CD), an entirely frequentist concept, is in essence a Neymanian interpretation of Fisher's Fiducial distribution. It contains information related to every kind of frequentist inference. In this article, a CD is viewed as a distribution estimator of a parameter. This leads naturally to consideration of the information contained in CD, comparison of CDs and optimal CDs, and connection of the CD concept to the (profile) likelihood function. A formal development of a multiparameter CD is also presented.
During the war, it was found that phenylacetic acid was a constitutent of penicillin G. Hence phe... more During the war, it was found that phenylacetic acid was a constitutent of penicillin G. Hence phenylacetic acid and its derivatives were used in culture media for penicillin production in English and American laboratories. Publication of the work was delayed because of wartime restrictions. In early work on precursor addition Penicillium notatum NRRL 1249.
Page 1. Sankhy? : The Indian Journal of Statistics 1984, Volume 46, Series A, Pt. 2, pp. 195-206 ... more Page 1. Sankhy? : The Indian Journal of Statistics 1984, Volume 46, Series A, Pt. 2, pp. 195-206 ASYMPTOTIC REPRESENTATIONS RELATED TO JACKKNIFING AND BOOTSTRAPPING L-STATISTICS By G. JOGESH BABU1 and KESAR SINGH2 Rutgers University ...
Page 1. Statistica Sinica 14(2004), 431-448 LINEAR FITTING BY SIMPLICIAL INTERCEPT DEPTH (SID): R... more Page 1. Statistica Sinica 14(2004), 431-448 LINEAR FITTING BY SIMPLICIAL INTERCEPT DEPTH (SID): REFLECTION INVARIANCE AND ROBUSTNESS ... Rutgers University Abstract: This paper introduces the method of simplicial intercept depth (SID) for linear fitting. ...
A data depth can be used to measure the ''depth'' or ''outlyingness'' of a given multivariate sam... more A data depth can be used to measure the ''depth'' or ''outlyingness'' of a given multivariate sample with respect to its underlying distribution. This leads to a natural center-outward ordering of the sample points. Based on this ordering, quantitative and graphical methods are introduced for analyzing multivariate distributional characteristics such as location, scale, bias, skewness and kurtosis, as well as for comparing inference methods. All graphs are one-dimensional curves in the plane and can be easily visualized and interpreted. A ''sunburst plot'' is pre-Ž sented as a bivariate generalization of the box-plot. DD-depth versus. depth plots are proposed and examined as graphical inference tools. Some new diagnostic tools for checking multivariate normality are introduced. One of them monitors the exact rate of growth of the maximum deviation from the mean, while the others examine the ratio of the overall dispersion to the dispersion of a certain central region. The affine invariance property of a data depth also leads to appropriate invariance properties for the proposed statistics and methods.
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Feb 1, 2003
One-term Edgeworth Expansions for the studentized version of compound Poisson processes are devel... more One-term Edgeworth Expansions for the studentized version of compound Poisson processes are developed. For a suitably defined bootstrap in this context, the so called one-term Edgeworth correction by bootstrap is also established. The results are applicable for constructing second-order correct confidence intervals (which make correction for skewness) for the parameter "mean reward per unit time".
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2012
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with p... more The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.
Experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of coloured sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum ... more Experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of coloured sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum) under naturally ventilated greenhouse during 2012-13 at the research farm of Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana to determine the effect of different fertigation and irrigation levels on crop parameters, yield, water use efficiency (WUE), fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) and quality parameters. Fertigation levels used were F1: 120 percent, F2: 100 percent and F3: 80 percent of targeted dose of fertilizer; irrigation levels were I1: 100 percent, I2: 80 percent and I3: 60 percent replenishment of ET C ; and varieties were Syngenta Yellow and Syngenta Red. The study revealed that different levels of fertigation and irrigation had significant effect on plant parameters, yield, WUE, FUE and quality parameters. Fertigation and irrigation having combination of 120 percent targeted dose of fertilizer and 100 percent replenishment of ET C i.e. F1I1 showed superiority over all other treatment combinations. Syngenta Yellow variety produced maximum plant height (191.77 cm), leaf area index (4.34), dry matter (24.15%) and yield (168.74 ton ha-1). Syngenta Red variety produced better quality parameters under the treatment F1I1; the fruit length (10.37 cm), fruit width (9.20 cm), fruit girth (32.13 cm), pericarp thickness (0.84 cm) and fruit weight (221.80 g) were also found maximum in Syngenta Red. But the maximum ascorbic acid content (167.40 mg 100g-1 fresh wt.) was recorded in Syngenta Yellow variety. Maximum WUE (14.60 q ha-1 cm-1) and FUE (1.23 q kg-1 of NPK) were recorded in Syngenta Yellow variety. The least values of all parameters were recorded in F3I3 (80 percent targeted dose of fertilizer and 60 percent replenishment of ET C) treatment.
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Collections, 2012
This volume consists of articles in honor of William E. Strawderman by some of his many friends a... more This volume consists of articles in honor of William E. Strawderman by some of his many friends and colleagues on the occasion of his 70th birthday. For over forty years, Bill has demonstrated great leadership and contributed in deep and original ways to the discipline of statistics, to the cause of the profession and to the IMS. His work includes significant, original, inspiring and groundbreaking findings in statistical decision theory and Bayesian analysis, as well in statistical applications and consulting. Bill's many colleagues, collaborators and friends from Rutgers and elsewhere, have been privileged to interact with Bill, have learned very much and benefited from his great imagination, sharp intuition, extensive knowledge, clear exposition, and constant generosity. With this collection of papers, we celebrate Bill Strawderman's many achievements and we seek to honor his exceptional contributions to statistics. We conclude by voicing our deep gratitude to the distinguished authors of this volume, to the Editors of the IMS Collections Series, to Elyse Gustafson, to the referees of the papers, and to Geri Mattson and the team at Mattson Publishing Services.
Institute of Mathematical Statistics Lecture Notes - Monograph Series, 2007
The notion of confidence distribution (CD), an entirely frequentist concept, is in essence a Neym... more The notion of confidence distribution (CD), an entirely frequentist concept, is in essence a Neymanian interpretation of Fisher's Fiducial distribution. It contains information related to every kind of frequentist inference. In this article, a CD is viewed as a distribution estimator of a parameter. This leads naturally to consideration of the information contained in CD, comparison of CDs and optimal CDs, and connection of the CD concept to the (profile) likelihood function. A formal development of a multiparameter CD is also presented.