Papers by Jurnal Sawala Sawala
Implementation Governor Rules Regional autonomy provides local authorities to make the norm of ab... more Implementation Governor Rules Regional autonomy provides local authorities to make the norm of about regional organizations. Peraturan Gubernur No. 34 Tahun 2010 on Duties and Functions of the Office of Technical Implementation Unit Banten Provincial structured as public policies that govern the work system UPT UPT organization in order to run effectively. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of public policy on the effectiveness of the organization at the Technical Implementation Unit Office of Financial Management and Asset Serang District. This research is using qualitative approach. The object of this research is the UPT Office of Financial Management and Asset Serang district, Banten Province. Based on the interview with the Head Unit, Head of Sub Division of Administration, staff and staff PKB and BBNKB Other revenues can be concluded that the public policy that t Peraturan Gubernur No. 34 Tahun 2010 on Duties and Functions of the Office of Technical Implementation Unit Banten Provincial UPT has been run by the Department of Finance and Asset Management Serang regency well. Order Unit Office of Financial Management and Asset Serang regency in implementing public policies impact on the ongoing activities of organiasi effectively.
Condition of traditional markets in the city of Probolinggo are considered uncomfortable for trad... more Condition of traditional markets in the city of Probolinggo are considered uncomfortable for traders and consumers. Many parts of the physical buildings have damaged, lack of trash, sewage that has been closed, lack of lighting and the number of traders who are selling in the hall because they do not get stall. Vehicles parking around the market has also resulted in traffic congestion as well as vehicles belonging to traders and shoppers that coming / leaving the market. The markets condition as illustrated above, especially in pasar Baru market of Probolinggo city need to get more attention from multiple parties especially market stakeholders and specially from local government as manager. Although local governments have made efforts to empower pasar Baru as a competitive traditional market, the results have not been able to resolve the real problems. This research is qualitative research with fenomenological approach as it is suitable with social characteristics of traders and traditional market visitors. This research found that the local government of Probolinggo city still need to increase its attention in the improvement of pasar Baru management. These attentions should consider (1) the urgency to increase the cleanliness of the market environment, (2) the urgency of parking rearrangement to overcome the congestion, (3) the urgency of physical revitalization building so that the physical appearance of the building as a modern market, (4) the urgency of revitalization of comprehensive market layout architecture.
The authority of SMA / SMK, originally managed by the Regency / City Government, has been transfe... more The authority of SMA / SMK, originally managed by the Regency / City Government, has been transferred to the Provincial Government. It aims to increase and equal the quality of education. In Banten Province. there are several issues related to the transfer of authority, including asset administration, both human and physical assets, as well as the ability to provide good and equitable services, and budget readiness. There are two approaches to solve it. The first approach is cluster quality and achievement, the second is cluster of educational access. Both approaches have different program priorities. Inventory and validation of personnel, facilities and infrastructure of SMA/SMK must be submitted to the Province in order to obtain certainty related to the number and needs.
The commitment in building Indonesia as a prosperous country gives consequence to the role of gov... more The commitment in building Indonesia as a prosperous country gives consequence to the role of government in prospering the community. It is conducted by empowering the programs having potency of financial sources for developing this state. Beside the tax as the financial source of state development, the government enforces the policy of zakat management. The policy is the act number 23 in 2011 concerning zakat management in which the fund derives from the national / regional budget. In this case, the national or regional zakat council manages the zakat management. It is expected, it can help the process of state development and be a media in improving the social welfare as one of the government " s roles.
The purpose of this study was to analyze how the typology of policy formulation solutions in solv... more The purpose of this study was to analyze how the typology of policy formulation solutions in solving public problems and how to model public policy formulation of development planning based on public participation. Research method in this research use qualitative method. This research was conducted in Wanasalam District, Lebak Regency, exactly in Cilangkap Village. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, documentation and review of documents from various sources and references. Data analysis techniques performed through data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results and discussion in this research there are 5 (five) solution typology in solving public problem that is: 1)Inducment, policy step that is persuading or pressing over certain issue; 2)Rules, policy measures that emphasize the establishment of rules in the form of regulations that must be adhered to by the community; 3)Facts, policy steps in the form of use of information paths to persuade target groups to want to do something that is considered to solve the problem; 4)Right, policy measures in the form of giving rights or duties to the community; 5)Power. policy efforts in the form of additional weight of power caused by certain demands. Then, the process of modifying the formulation of a public-based rural development planning policy requires synergy between the village government and the community through policy recommendations to the formal policy actors in development planning forums and citizens' debates. The synergy of the three components within the framework of modification of the policy formulation is a continuous process called input (consisting of public choices), the policy process (through Musrenbang and Rembug rakyat forums) and output/outcome (policy formulation of public participation based development planning).
The influence of service quality on customer satisfaction (Study at PT Pegadaian (Pesero) Pegadai... more The influence of service quality on customer satisfaction (Study at PT Pegadaian (Pesero) Pegadaian Unit Service Branch Labuan) Rethorika Berthanila. This study aims to examine the influence of service quality on customer satisfaction (Study at PT Pegadaian (Pesero) Pegadaian Unit Pelayanan Cabang Labuan). This research is quantitative, while the population and samples taken as many as 50 customers with the accidental sampling. Research instrument data using three types of tools, namely questionnaires using Likers scale model. The questionnaire was prepared with the construction of various theories of data analysis performed at the 95% level the result is significantly along the existing hypothesis. So the results of this study told that the variable quality of service can affect satisfaction in PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Pegadain Unit Service Branch Labuan. Keyword : quality of service, customer satisfaction.
Urgency of Sustainable Human Resource Development Program in Government Institution Competence is... more Urgency of Sustainable Human Resource Development Program in Government Institution Competence is the ability of every human resources work that includes aspects of knowledge, skills and work attitude that is absolutely necessary in carrying out its duties. Development of this competency is done to meet the competency gap. With the development of competence is expected to balance the competence of each employee with the standard of competence of the employee. The purpose of this study is to know the urgency of competency development program Human Resources in continuous Environment Government Institutions. The research method used is qualitative approach with descriptive method. Technique of data collection is done by searching the document of regulation and review literature. The result and discussion in this research is the need for competence development to produce professional ASN, have basic value, professional ethics, free from political intervention, clean from corruption, collusion and nepotism. Government agencies to fulfill the right of each ASN will be bigger and required work units that have the main duties, functions and functions of developing human resource competencies. Human resource competency development programs in government agencies should be carried out continuously. This is because the development of competence is an obligation that must be done by every government agency to fulfill the right of each ASN. Continuous programs will produce targeted and clear outputs in determining follow-up on implementation.
Market restructuring in the form of bureaucratic entrepreneurship enables the government to achie... more Market restructuring in the form of bureaucratic entrepreneurship enables the government to achieve the results needed to solve the problem. However, such a dominant worldview proves unsuccessful in providing problem solving. On the one hand, the emergence of a new economic relations structure in the form of public-private partnerships should continue to contribute positively to the private sector in gaining advantage over the sustainability of cooperation, whereby market mechanisms become incentives that allow private parties to derive interest from their involvement. On the other hand, government-private cooperation results in the inability of the community to access the services provided. Therefore, there is a need for a breakthrough in a more innovative contracting system so that it can become a consensus on public-private partnerships related to water supply. This research is qualitative using desk-research method. The result of the research shows that the cooperation system which is more suitable with the condition of public-private cooperation in the provision of clean water in Indonesia is the contract wake system. In the wake contracting system the water utility right is an instrument in the licensing system used by the government to limit the volume of water obtained and used by the private sector. That is, the instrument becomes the press point of government control over the use of water rights by private parties. Therefore, there is no more ownership and control over the water resources.
Serang City has a symbol in which there is the Motto Serang Madani City. A word that becomes moti... more Serang City has a symbol in which there is the Motto Serang Madani City. A word that becomes motivation from Serang city in running its government. The motto should be a mutual consensus between the people of Serang City and the city government of Serang. The motto that should have been the way of life of the people of Serang City. Implementation of the Serang City Motto is observed in depth with regard to the visible phenomenology. If the implementation is going well then it will seem the impact in daily life of the people of Serang city associated with the Motto. In his writing, Motto's implementation is reviewed in the areas of hygiene, orderliness, arrangement of street vendors, parking, terminal arrangement and public transportation. The result of this research is to see the various phenomenon that appear in the field can be concluded that the motto of Serang Madani City is not implemented in the middle of life of Serang city because of the low self awareness (self consiusnes) of Serang City to obey the regulations that have been made by the government of Serang City
Abstrack Bureaucracy as an instrument of administrative processes in the process of policy implem... more Abstrack Bureaucracy as an instrument of administrative processes in the process of policy implementation. Strategic existence in the governance process, making it a class of its own, so there are some assumptions that the bureaucracy can build their own interests. Bureaucracy always have their own interests. Although there are indeed some influential institutions around. However, its existence as a class of its own making for a more participatory in the policymaking process. Bureaucracy as the frontline in the implementation of governance required for professional and not co-opted by political interests so that he can show that the ideal posture in the public expected. Progress of a nation one of which is determined by the ability of the bureaucratic apparatus in carrying out its duties and functions, namely, as a public servant to the community in a professional and accountable. If the public can be served well by the bureaucratic apparatus, the apparatus itself bureaucracy was able to put the position and his position as a civil servant
Interregional movement of public transport in the city and between districts or cities in the pro... more Interregional movement of public transport in the city and between districts or cities in the province is expected to realize at least improve the quality and quantity of good infrastructure. with consideration of the author wanted to do Feasibility Evaluation Bus Terminal Labuan. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data was collected through interviews with a number of informants that are considered relevant to the research. In this study the authors take the theory of William N Dunn, in which to evaluate a policy, there are six elements of evaluation criteria used are effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equity, responsiveness, and accuracy. Overall this study to describe the conclusion that the feasibility of the bus terminal Labuan who moved from village to village MargasanaTarogong Labuan Labuan has decent performances, but it's just that its facilities and infrastructure are not worth dikrnakan lack of good management of the terminal. This conclusion is based on observations and information from several informants who becomes the object of research.
ABSTRAK Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi kondisi ekonomi Indonesia yang tidak menguntungkan, baik dal... more ABSTRAK Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi kondisi ekonomi Indonesia yang tidak menguntungkan, baik dalam tingkat kompetisi secara global, tingkat pertumbuhan yang tidak berkualitas, dan menjadi negara importir. Kondisi tersebut tentu memerlukan reformasi kebijakan di bidang ekonomi, dengan cara merevitalisasi peneraparn good governance dengan mengedepankan negara sebagai leading sector dan regulator dalam pembangunan ekonomi. Revitalisasi tersebut bukan berarti menciptakan negara sebagai negara yang otoriter dan memperlemah masyarakat, tetapi menciptakan negara yang mampu menerjemahkan keinginan dan responsif terhadap kebutuhan-kebutuhan masyarakatnya. Selain itu, peran civil society dan swasta harus juga dikedepankan dengan mengedepankan konsep kemitraan yang seimbang dan sukarela untuk menuju tujuan bersama, yakni mensukseskan penerapan good governance di Indonesia, terutama disektor ekonomi.
ABSTRAKSI Keberadaan PKL harus ditata dan dikelola. Salah satu upaya yang paling populer adalah d... more ABSTRAKSI Keberadaan PKL harus ditata dan dikelola. Salah satu upaya yang paling populer adalah dengan melakukan kebijakan relokasi PKL. Akan tetapi pada prakteknya, kebijakan tersebut sering menuai penolakan darI PKL itu sendiri. Hal yang sama terjadi di Jalan Dipayuda dan MT Haryono ke Pusat Kuliner. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses kebijakan relokasi PKL Jalan Dipayuda dan MT Haryono ke Pusat Kuliner Kabupaten Banjarnegara dalam 3 sub fokus penelitian. Pertama, latar belakang munculnya kebijakan relokasi, kedua, partisipasi PKL kelompok sasaran kebijakan, dan ketiga, keterkaitan situasi politik yang melatarbelakangi proses kebijakan relokasi terhadap penolakan PKL kelompok sasaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses kebijakan relokasi PKL Jalan Dipayuda dan M.T Haryono ke Pusat Kuliner masih kurang baik. Kebijakan Relokasi tersebut ternyata tidak bertujuan untuk memecahkan permasalahan PKL, akan tetapi lebih merupakan proyek pemanfaatan bangunan mangkrak (eks-Terminal Lama), membangun pencitraan di akhir masa jabatan, dan mencairkan anggaran dari pusat. Partisipasi PKL kelompok sasaran dalam proses kebijakan pun harus pada taraf Therapy dan ini masuk dalam kelompok nonpartisipasi. Selain itu, Peneliti menangkap adanya indikasi bahwa kebijakan relokasi tersebut telah menjadi komoditas politik pemerintah baru terkait pemenuhan janji-janji politiknya saat kampanye. Jika ini dikaitkan dengan teori institusional, Pemerintah Kab. Banjarnegara selaku organisasi publik telah gagal menerapkan konsep-konsep yang ada dalam teori tersebut pada proses kebijakan relokasi PKL Jalan Dipayuda dan M.T Haryono ke Pusat Kuliner (perilakunya belum proper dan adequatemanner). Hal ini mengakibatkan kebijakan yang dihasilkan tidak mendapat legitimasi eksternal (terutama dari PKL kelompok sasaran), terlebih di tengah situasi politik yang terjadi saat itu (pilkada). Wajar jika kebijakan relokasi PKL tersebut mendapat penolakan.
ABSTRAK Kecamatan merupakan istilah subdistrict pemerintah daerah dan berfungsi sebagai ujung tom... more ABSTRAK Kecamatan merupakan istilah subdistrict pemerintah daerah dan berfungsi sebagai ujung tombak dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah serta menjadi garda terdepan dalam memanifestasikan tujuan pembangunan kesejahteraan rakyat. Keberadaan subdistrict merupakan konsekuensi dari implementasi konsep Decentralizations within cities. Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, menjelaskan bahwasanya Kecamatan hanyalah wilayah kerja Camat sebagai perangkat daerah, yang mewakili bupati/walikota di wilayah kerja tertentu.Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode diskriptif. Kesimpulan dalam artikel ini dapat diketahui bahwasanya Camat sebagai pimpinan tertinggi di Kecamatan harus dapat mengkoordinasikan semua urusan pemerintahan di Kecamatan. Kecamatan sebagai daya dukung pemerintah daerah dalam menjalankan aktivitas kerja tidak terlepas dari hubungan dengan organisasi vertikal dan pihak lain termasuk satuan kerja perangkat daerah. Decentralizations within cities yang berkonsekuensi pada pelimpahan kewenangan pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk mendekatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dan seberapa besar tingkat Efektifitas organisasi kecamatan ternyata ditentukan berdasarkan variabel kuantitas objek serta jangkauan layanan.
ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis inovasi kebijakan publik dalam perspektif ... more ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis inovasi kebijakan publik dalam perspektif konseptual dan empiris disertai dengan berbagai contoh penerapan kebijakan publik yang berbasis inovatif dari berbagai daerah. Inovasi kebijakan publik sebagai sebuah keniscayaan secara prinsip dan substantif akan memberikan penguatan dalam merespon dan menyelesaikan problematika kebijakan publik yang berlangsung di tengah masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik yang dilakukan oleh peneliti adalah survei literatur akademis di bidang keilmuan kebijakan publik guna memperoleh konsep-konsep yang relevan dengan kajian inovasi kebijakan publik. Sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penelusuran berbagai sumber baik dari dokumen pemerintah maupun pemberitaan media massa cetak dan elektronik sebagai data sekunder yang kemudian diolah dan dideskripsikan dalam bentuk narasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan data. Kemudian dilakukan analisis data berdasarkan teori dan konsep kebijakan publik serta selanjutnya dilakukan proses intreprtasi data. Hasil yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya upaya-upaya inovasi kebijakan publik yang berdimensi kebaruan dan kemanfaatan sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak pada upaya yang lebih kongkrit dan membangun partisipasi masyarakat secara berkesinambungan. Inovasi diterapkan bukan hanya pada tahap evaluasi kebijakan publik akan tetapi diterapkan sejak awal perencanaan kebijakan publik, implementasi dan evaluasi kebijakan publik. Keyword : Inovasi Kebijakan Publik, Kebijakan Publik.
Papers by Jurnal Sawala Sawala