Purbawidya Vol. 4 (1) 2015 by Jurnal Purbawidya
This paper is based on a sense of concern over the course of the various loss cases of cultural h... more This paper is based on a sense of concern over the course of the various loss cases of cultural heritage objects that exist in the site and stored in museums in Indonesia. Many people believe that many objects of the heritage changed hands to areas outside Indo-nesia, both in Asia and Europe. Legislation on the protection of cultural heritage that we have seems to be incapable to prevent or handle even restore objects that have been taken abroad, which leads to blaming the lack of budget, equipment, human resources and others. Therefore, the legislation should review other aspects such as international conventions, which may adopt the articles to strengthen the implementation of existing legislation in Indonesia. Of course it should also be noted that other related laws including in this case the need to encourage the inclusion of chapters on offense Law on Cultural Heritage in the Code of Criminal Law discourse ever to be amended. A more detailed elaboration of the chapters contained in the Law on Cultural Heritage through regulation at the level below adapted to current situations also need to be resolved immediately. Keywords: international conventions, cultural heritage, the product of legislation, national and international situation abstrak Tulisan ini didasarkan pada rasa keprihatinan akan berlangsungnya berbagai kasus hilangnya benda cagar budaya baik yang ada di situs maupun yang tersimpan di museum yang ada di Indonesia. Banyak pihak yang meyakini bahwa benda-benda warisan leluhur tersebut banyak berpindah tangan ke wilayah luar Indonesia baik di Asia maupun Eropa. Undang-undang tentang perlindungan cagar budaya yang ada sepertinya tidak mampu mencegah atau menangani bahkan mengembalikan benda-benda yang sudah dibawa ke luar negeri, yang berujung pada penyalahan atas minimnya anggaran, peralatan, sumber daya manusia dan sebagainya. Oleh karena itu, perlu dikaji aspek perundangan lain seperti konvensi internasional, yang mungkin dapat diadopsi pasal-pasalnya untuk memperkuat perundangan yang ada di Indonesia. Perlu juga diperhatikan perundangan lain yang terkait termasuk mendorong masuknya pasal tentang pelanggaran CB dalam
The purpose of this paper is seeking to uncover and document Cigarokrok and Gom-bong water tubs w... more The purpose of this paper is seeking to uncover and document Cigarokrok and Gom-bong water tubs which were built during the colonial period which is associated with the history of Cikotok Gold Mine. The data obtained based on the results of archaeological research on the pattern of distribution of the sites in Cibeber District, Lebak, Banten Province in 2007 with a survey method incorporated with literature studies and interviews. Based on the results, two tanks and dispenser of this water were built during the Dutch period in conjunction with the construction of Cikotok Gold Mine factories. Both the tank and the water dispenser have a value of history and archeology which are still functioning and utilized by the public until now. The functions of Cigarokrok Tubs building are as a container of water and as a clean water divider for the daily water used by the residents in the Department of Housing Complex of Cikotok Gold Mining Company , Cikotok Gold Mine Offices, and surrounding communities. While the function of Gombong Sand Tubs are as water tub or pool reservoir to circulate water into the water engine (turbine) power plant (hydropower), and then the power is channeled to drive the machines in Cikotok Gold Mine Plant. In addition, the electricity is used to torch Cikotok houses and the surrounding community. Cigarokrok Tubs and Pasirgombong tubs are the physical evidence of building in Cikotok Gold Mine's heyday which were built during the colonial period with the form and function of surviving and continuing until today as a cultural heritage that should be preserved to be maintained and protected. abstrak Tujuan tulisan ini berupaya mengungkap dan mendokumentasikan bak air Cigarokrok dan bak air Pasirgombong yang dibangun pada masa kolonial dikaitkan dengan sejarah tambang emas Cikotok. Data diperoleh berdasarkan hasil penelitian arkeologis tentang pola persebaran situs-situs di kawasan Kecamatan Cibeber, Kabupaten Lebak, Provinsi Banten pada tahun 2007 dengan metode survei yang dilengkapi studi kepustakaan dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dua bak penampung dan pembagi air ini dibangun zaman Belanda bersamaan dengan pembangunan pabrik tambang
This paper describes the role of indigenous Elite in Colonial capitalism exploitation in 19 th-20... more This paper describes the role of indigenous Elite in Colonial capitalism exploitation in 19 th-20 th century, in the plantation companies of Pamaneokan en Tjiasemlanden (P & T Lands) in Subang, West Java. By conducting a comparative analysis of the inscription of Colonial and Dutch Archives (The Inscription Hofland/1861 and the Inscription De Onderneming Soekamandi/1925; Archives Netherlands, " personeel in de Binnenlanden, Afdeeling Indramaijoe, Landraad/Almanac van Nederlandsch-Indie voor het jaar 1816 to 1942 " and " Memory Resident Karawang/Povelier, October 1929/Memorie Van Over-grave "), the role of elites can be revealed, i.e. as an intermediary for the delivery of all forms of instruction relating to the exploitation of the colonies to the indigenous people.
The scope of this article is within the Dutch-Indie's colonial period during 19 th up to early 20... more The scope of this article is within the Dutch-Indie's colonial period during 19 th up to early 20 th centuries A.D. The central focus is to re-describe the distribution of natural products as commodities from outside the city of Semarang (Ambarawa, Salatiga, Kend-al) to the main destination, Semarang. The targets are economically significant colonial buildings in Semarang and its surrounding areas as the means of distribution. Through surveys, as well as study of old maps and literatures, it is revealed that the remains related to the distribution of sugar, kapuk, tea, and coffee that can still be retraced are railway stations, warehouses, sugar factories, kapuk/textile factories, and export-import trading offices. The economic network between Semarang and its surrounding areas was and still is a production and distribution network. The position of Semarang was the centre of trade activities, from marketing to export of trade commodities through Sema-rang harbor. The railway system connected Semarang to the surrounding areas, while the commodities from the plantations were the boosters of economic life of Semarang and the surrounding areas. abstrak Tulisan ini berada pada lingkup arkeologi kolonial Hindia Belanda pertengahan abad ke-19 hingga awal abad ke-20. Perhatian utama tulisan ini adalah menggambarkan kembali distribusi komoditas hasil-hasil bumi dari daerah luar Kota Semarang (Ambarawa, Salatiga, Kendal) menuju daerah tujuan utama distribusi yakni Semarang. Sasarannya adalah bangunan-bangunan kolonial bermakna ekonomi sebagai sarana distribusi komoditas hasil bumi di Semarang dan wilayah-wilayah di sekitarnya. Melalui survei, penelusuran peta-peta lama, dan penelusuran literatur, diketahui bahwa peninggalan-peninggalan terkait dengan distribusi gula, kapuk, teh, dan kopi yang masih dapat dilacak keberadaannya adalah stasiun-stasiun kereta api, gudang, pabrik gula, pabrik kapuk/tekstil, dan kantor perdagangan ekspor-impor. Jaringan ekonomi antara Semarang dengan wilayah sekitarnya adalah jaringan produksi dan distribusi. Posisi Kota Semarang merupakan pusat aktivitas perdagangan, tempat untuk pemasaran, mengekspor komoditas
Graveyards are archaeological artifacts found some part in Indonesia. The remains of graveyards m... more Graveyards are archaeological artifacts found some part in Indonesia. The remains of graveyards may inform us many things such as identities of the buried people, stones technology and so far its social organization and social statuses and many other meanings. Since the wave of interpretation archaeology in 20 th century, the pursued of alternate interpretation of archaeological records raised and influenced by the posmoderen. This paper aimed to approach the " discontinuity theory " of Michel Foucault in the case of kerkhoflaan (Museum Taman Prasasti). This interpretation tried to give another alternate archaeological point-of view based on posmoderen thougt as well as to find another comprehendness towards the people and its remain in past and present time. abstrak Kuburan adalah artefak arkeologi yang ditemukan di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Sisa-sisa permakaman dapat menginformasikan banyak hal seperti identitas orang yang dikuburkan, teknologi batu nisan, organisasi dan status sosial dan berbagai makna lainnya. Sejak gelombang interpretif arkeologi pada abad ke-20, pencarian interpretasi dari tinggalan arkeologi mulai bermunculan dan dipengaruhi oleh pemikir posmoderen. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pendekatan terhadap " teori diskontinuitas " Michel Foucault dalam kasus kerkhoflaan (Museum Taman Prasasti). Interpretasi ini berusaha memberikan alternatif interpretasi arkeologi dari sudut pandang lain berdasarkan pemikiran posmoderen serta untuk menemukan cara pemahaman lain terhadap manusia dan tinggalan budayanya dalam konteks masa lalu-masa kini (present-past). kata kunci: kerkhoflaan, Museum Taman Prasasti, diskontinuitas, Michel Foucault penDahuluan Kerkhoflaan berasal dari kata dalam bahasa Belanda (kerk = gereja, hof = disebut kuburan, laan = halaman) yang berarti kuburan yang berada di halaman gereja. Konsep tersebut merupakan hal yang umum ditemukan di Eropa, khususnya pada abad pertengahan. Di Inggris kuburan di halaman gereja disebut
Purbawidya Vol. 4 (2) 2015 by Jurnal Purbawidya
Cineam region is located in the eastern district of Tasikmalaya. Neolithic sites were found in th... more Cineam region is located in the eastern district of Tasikmalaya. Neolithic sites were found in the area were the site which contained the remains of artifacts as traces of workshop activity such as square pickaxe. Artifacts remains of pickaxe workshop activities in which among others found the pickaxe, half made pickaxe, chips and flakes. Neolithic sites were scattered in this area which consist of six different sites. The purpose of this paper was to determine the placement pattern and its underlying factors. Knowledge of the placement pattern is expected to give clues about human behavior pattern in utilizing space (natural environment) for their activities. The method used were both qualitative and quantitative method. The purpose is to determine the qualitative and quantitative placement patterns for the analysis of the underlying factors. Analysis was performed by using environmental analysis. The pattern of placement in neolithic sites of Cineam region were using river flow patterns. The river as a neolithic site placement played an important basis for human activities were also taken into account as the potential area which were based on appropriate environmental conditions such as, good altitude, slope, fertility, as well as the availability of water and raw materials provided by the river.
The existence of the Bumi Rongsok site in Papayan Village, Jatiwaras District, Tasikmalaya and so... more The existence of the Bumi Rongsok site in Papayan Village, Jatiwaras District, Tasikmalaya and some other forms of cultural remains, raises several issues that needed to be studied as an archaeological aspects. Archaeological remains found at the site among others are; hills shaped terraced fields, tomb stone, mortar stone, grave tomb in Islamic characters, which also has direct boundary with the forests and waterways. Based on these findings, then further discussion were continued on the cultural aspects of adaptation and acculturation. To explain these two aspects this research used comparative study method.The study was conducted by comparing the similarity of the object at different sites, different times, or of different cultures to address the research problems mentioned above. At the end of this article it could be concluded that the existence of the Bumi Rongsok sites are related to adaptation aspects of the natural environment. Tomb building terraces on this site described their acculturation that has taken place on these sites.
Ajatappareng is the federation of five kingdoms of Sidenreng, Suppa, Rappang, Sawitto and Alitta,... more Ajatappareng is the federation of five kingdoms of Sidenreng, Suppa, Rappang, Sawitto and Alitta, This alliance was formed on the fifteenth century AD. This Ajatappareng alliance was located on the west coastal area of South Sulawes region. The aim of this research was to tract the archaeological evidence of artefact findings at Ajatappareng Region in South Sulawesi Province. First by using the survey and inteview method and then continued by excavation at some sites. This is to explain the eksistensi of a region that revealed in a lontara manuscript. Data from the Survey and test-pit excavation on the site were then collected to be analyzed on the relative dating of the manuscript data and artifact that was found. This research result showed that archaeological value was very important in which we found many artefact and features such as ancient mosque, ancient grave, ground fortification, ancient well, arrow point, numismatics finds, dakon stone, mortar, ceramic and pottery.
Java. The subject found in these ancient terraces were the findings of several Paleolithic tools ... more Java. The subject found in these ancient terraces were the findings of several Paleolithic tools and vertebrate fossils. Therefore, the aim of the study was to find out the extension of the terrace and to provide a guidance for archaeologists in searching the remains of ancient human culture such as Paleolithic tools and vertebrate fossils. On behalf of the study, firstly the geological mapping was conducted in the studied area and were also to describe the sediment profile and to collect sediment samples (including vertebrate fossils) and also for sedimentary and chemical analysis. In the area studied there were three ancient terraces which were known as, Menden, Jipangulu and Ngandong. Menden terrace (sub-Recent) was exposed at Payaman, Jipangulu terrace (Early Holocene) in Prangi and Wotangare, and Ngandong terrace at Prangi and Kedung village (Solo valley). In the context of stratigraphy, the whole ancient terraces were composed of gravel and coarse sand in the lower part to sandy clay in the upper part. This indicated that the whole terraces were formed by the meandering river of ancient Bengawan Solo. The position of those ancient terraces were relative to the position of recent Bengawan Solo is 2-3 m (Menden terrace), 5-7 m (Jipangulu terrace) and more than 8 m in length (Ngandong terrace). Based on this study, the archaeologists should focus on the gravel to coarse sedimentary strata of the quaternary fluvial system on behalf of searching the cultural artifact of paleolithic including the fossilized remains of human and other quaternary vertebrates within the ancient terrace of Bengawan Solo.
Gua Kidang is one of the prehistoric dwelling caves with many potential remains of human activiti... more Gua Kidang is one of the prehistoric dwelling caves with many potential remains of human activities; among others are food processing, bone making and clam shell tool, fireplace and burial ground. The pattern their life showed that they gathered the food sources and raw materials for daily equipment needs. This article describes a reconstruction the pattern of life in Gua Kidang's dweller during their occupancy, both through the space and time. The spatial archaeological approach was implemented through a study of Geoarchaeology and paleoanthropology to analyze the data that were collected during the survey and excavation. This article describes the occupancy both on a micro scale (one cave dwelling) and macro scale (Blora kaerst area). In addition, the findings of human skeleton has contributed to the system of burialground during prehistoric dwelling cave.
Mass Transportation had become a problem encountered by the Dutch colonial government in their co... more Mass Transportation had become a problem encountered by the Dutch colonial government in their colonies, this includes Banten. These conditions encouraged the development of railway as a solution. The Dutch government successfully opened the railway between Batavia to Anyerkidul, Staatsspoorwegen expanded the line by opening railway from Rangkasbitung to Labuan. The problem discussed in this paper concerned with the placement of a train shelter on the railway line accross Rangkasbitung to Labuan. This paper is descriptive by using spatial approach data analysis. Builders of the railway line in Banten, including Rangkasbitung -Labuan crossing, aimed to open the inclosure of Banten regions, the exploitation of natural resources, and to reduce security threats that often occurred in the area. The placement of train stops at Rangkasbitung to Labuan traffic was done with the consideration on residential areas, passenger destinations, locations of railway crossing, refueling, and government businesses.
Indonesian society in general is a pluralistic society with cultural and religious backgrounds ar... more Indonesian society in general is a pluralistic society with cultural and religious backgrounds are different. The indigenous people living with migrant communities. The indigenous people living with immigrant communities. Plural society in a smaller scale are also found in various regions and cities. One element of the plurality of the Indonesian people is ethnic Chinese. In almost every region they occupy a special area called Chinatown. Pasarlama is the oldest Chinatown in Tangerang.Until now the picture as Chinatown still visible. As part of a pluralistic society, ethnic Chinese inhabitants Pasarlama must interact with other parts of the group.Social interaction allows the changes in the social and cultural life in Pasarlama.The interesting thing and needs to be studied from the existence of this process is a result of the process for the ethnic Chinese living in Pasarlama, Tangerang City. Based on the study obtained a description for the majority of members of the ethnic group of Chinese affected Europe in the construction of his house are door, window, and roof. Abstrak Masyarakat Indonesia secara umum adalah masyarakat majemuk dengan latar belakang budaya dan agama yang berbeda-beda. Masyarakat asli hidup bersama dengan masyarakat pendatang. Masyarakat majemuk dalam skala yang lebih kecil juga terdapat di berbagai wilayah dan kota. Salah satu unsur kemajemukan masyarakat Indonesia adalah kelompok etnis Cina. Di hampir tiap wilayah mereka menempati areal khusus yang disebut pecinan. Pasarlama merupakan pecinan tertua di Kota Tangerang. Sampai sekarang gambaran sebagai pecinan masih tampak. Sebagai bagian masyarakat yang majemuk, kelompok etnis Cina penghuni Pasarlama harus berinteraksi dengan bagiankelompok lainnya. Interaksi sosial ini memungkinkan terjadinya perubahan-perubahan dalam kehidupan sosial budaya di Pasarlama. Hal yang menarik dan perlu dikaji dari adanya proses ini adalah akibat dari adanya proses itu bagi kelompok etnis Cina yang tinggal di Pasarlama, Kota Tangerang. Berdasarkan kajian diperoleh gambaran adanya sebagian dari anggota kelompok etnis Cina yang terpengaruh Eropa dalam pembangunan rumahnya pada bagian pintu, jendela, dan bagian atap rumah.
Purbawidya Vol. 4 (1) 2015 by Jurnal Purbawidya
Purbawidya Vol. 4 (2) 2015 by Jurnal Purbawidya