Papers by Juan Jose Pueyo Mur
This research is funded through the PaleoNAO (CGL2010-15767), RapidNAO (CGL2013-40608-R) and Pale... more This research is funded through the PaleoNAO (CGL2010-15767), RapidNAO (CGL2013-40608-R) and PaleoModes (CGL2016-75281-C2) Spanish projects.
Se exponen los metodos analiticos seguidos en el estudio de muestras salinas extraidas de la Cue... more Se exponen los metodos analiticos seguidos en el estudio de muestras salinas extraidas de la Cuenca Potasica Catalana poniendo interes especial en las pertenecientes a "zonas de esterilizacion". Estas "zonas de esterilizacion" o "zonas de empobrecimiento total" (Borchert, 1969) son planos de cizalla en la masa salina estratificada.
El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de las fracciones de hidrocarburos saturados y su pos... more El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de las fracciones de hidrocarburos saturados y su posible utilizacion como indicadores paleoambientales. Para ello se han seleccionado una serie de facies ambientalmente bien definidas y correspondientes a un intervalo de tiempo relativamente corto con el fin de no introducir variaciones debidas al distinto grado de evolucion diagenetica de los sedimentos. Las muestras analizadas se localizan en la zona de Manresa (fig. l), donde existe una amplia gama de SUMMARY sedimentos diferentes entre si y correspondientes al Eoceno superior, que abarcan desde los materiales The series of n-alkanes and acyclic isoprenoids are used to marinos situados al sur y compuestos fundamentalcharacterize the depositional paleoenvironments of different Eoce- mente por pelitas grises, calizas ai-resifales y aren& ne sediments of the eastern Ebro Basin margin. Our results are in accordance with valeoenvironmental interuretations established on the basis of ~aleont...
Advanced Materials Research, 2015
To understand the microbial community inhabiting in an acidic salt flat the phylogenetic diversit... more To understand the microbial community inhabiting in an acidic salt flat the phylogenetic diversity and the geochemistry of this system was compared to acid mine drainage (AMD) systems. The microbial community structure was assessed by DNA extraction/PCR/DGGE and secuencing for the 16S rRNA gene and the geochemistry was analyzed using several approaches. Prediction of metagenome functional content was performed from the 16S rRNA gene survey using the bioinformatics software package Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States (PICRUSt). The geochemical results revealed a much lower iron concentration in the salt flat than in AMD systems (39 and 21804 mg L-1, respectively) and a significant difference in chloride levels. Sequences inferred to be from potential sulfur metabolizing organisms constituted up to 70% of the microbial community in the acidic salt flat meanwhile predominat iron-metabolizing acidophile populations were reported in AMD system...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 1987
Summary Early diagenetic magnesite is at present forming at a depth of some 20 cm in recent playa... more Summary Early diagenetic magnesite is at present forming at a depth of some 20 cm in recent playa lakes in NE Spain. Magnesite formation can be considered as a result of two factors: (a) an increase in CO2 activity caused by the decay of organic matter, and (b) the presence of post-halitic brines, strongly concentrated in magnesium, that form in summer. These two factors are mainly observed in the ephemeral salt-pan zone where the highest accumulation of magnesite is found.
The Lorca basin is one of the Neogene basins OS South Eastern Spain. The infilling Tortonian-Mess... more The Lorca basin is one of the Neogene basins OS South Eastern Spain. The infilling Tortonian-Messinian deposits are mainly composed OS marls and reach up to 1,200 m in thickness. A biostratigraphic survey OS these deposits, assisted by the determination OS the magnetic polarity reversal pattern Sor most OS these deposits (900 m), has enabled the Tortonian-Messinian chronostratigraphy to be precised. The close sampling space for biostratigraphic determination has enabled the accurate location OS Sour main biostratigraphic events than can be correlated with charactenstic events of the Mediterranean biostratigraphic Zones. In addition, the location OS the TortonianNessinian boundary has been accurately placed at some 150 m below the main gypsurn unit outcropping in the basin. The integrated bio-magnetostratigraphic data fiom the studied section allows a tentative interpretation OS the identified magnetozones. Thus, a correlation to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale is presented for more than 900 m of pre-evaporite Miocene stratigraphic succession fiom the Lorca basin. Moreover, about 15" OS anticlockwise rotation has been detected. Its significance is evaluated in the basin geodynamic framework.
por JUAN J. PUEYO MUR* y ADOLFO TRAVER~A-CROS** Debido a su acumdación en las sa:lrnuera~s & las ... more por JUAN J. PUEYO MUR* y ADOLFO TRAVER~A-CROS** Debido a su acumdación en las sa:lrnuera~s & las cuktais de depmición evaporítica, el Br se concentra progresivamente
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 1985
Acta Geologica Hispanica, Jan 13, 1984
El efecto de distintos ácidos en la puesta en solución de cationes adsorbidos en los minerales de... more El efecto de distintos ácidos en la puesta en solución de cationes adsorbidos en los minerales de las arcillas ha sido tratado a menudo, tanto desde el punto de vista del estudio de sedimentos arcillosos como del análisis de elementos traza en carbonatos. En este trabajo se estudia el comportamiento de algunos cationes frente al lavado con agua destilada y con ácido acético (20 % v/v). Asimismo se comparan las concentraciones de cationes en las soluciones de lavado de sedimentos depositados en medios de distinta salinidad. Se observa que, comparando sedimentos de composición mineralógica parecida, las concentraciones de sodio, potasio, litio y magnesio de muestras depositadas en ambientes hipersalinos son mucho más eleva das que las depositadas en ambientes de salinidad menor.
Acta Geologica Hispanica, Jan 12, 1983
RESUMEN ca del fenómeno evaporítico generalizado del Trías. Los contenidos en bromo, entre 70 y 1... more RESUMEN ca del fenómeno evaporítico generalizado del Trías. Los contenidos en bromo, entre 70 y 150 ppm, de la sal triá-Dada la pobreza fauníitica de eitos medios confinados, sita (probablemente del Triásico superior, en facies Keuper) de los argumentos ~~~~~~~~~g~~~~ han sido menos decisivos, los sondeos del domo de Pinoso, Alicante. indican claramente el y Únicamente los contenidos palinológicos, muy ricos origen marino de la misma y con'ello la alihentación oceánica de con frecuencia, de estas formaciones arcilloso-evaporítilascubetasevaporíticas instaladas sobre la amplia plataforma triá-CaS han resultado ser eficaces, aunque desde el sica circum-Tethys. punto de vista cronoestratigráfico. La presente nota es una contribución a esta línea de ABSTRACT evidencias y ofrece el estudio, principalmente geoquimi-Bromine contents (70 to 150 ppm) of the triassic salt-rock (probably Upper Triassic, in Keuper facies) in the boreholes of the Pinoso dome, Alicante, Spain, clearly show a marine origin of the salt and thus an oceanic supply to the evaporitic basins located on the large circum-?ethys platform in the Triassic.
Se estudia la distribución de una serie de elementos mayoritarios (Na, K, Ca, Mg) y minoritarios ... more Se estudia la distribución de una serie de elementos mayoritarios (Na, K, Ca, Mg) y minoritarios (Li, Rb, Sr, Fe, Br) en las sales de los yacimientos de la cuenca potásica navarra. Se insiste en un dispositivo de cubeta asimétrica, con acumulación marginal de las salmueras más densas, para explicar algunas anomalías en la distribución vertical de bromo dentro el
Field measurements and sampling of hypersaline solutions have been realized in the salinas of San... more Field measurements and sampling of hypersaline solutions have been realized in the salinas of Santa Pola (Spain) during June 2000 and May 2001. We have followed the geochemical and isotopic evolutions of the solutions along the sea water evaporitic pathway and during a nycthemeral cycle in four evaporitic basins (two carbonate basins, one gypsum basin and one halite basin). There are important differences from one year to another : during May 2001, the \delta13C values of DIC were enriched by 1\permil to 5\permil compared to June 2000, indicating organic productivity levels higher in May 2001 than in June 2000. The alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and \delta13C values of DIC show large changes from night to day with variable amplitude in the different basins, being more important in the first evaporitic basins where carbonate organic-rich sediments are deposited. The large interannual and nycthemeral variabilies of the \delta13C values of DIC in marine ev...
Recent studies have highlighted the role played by the tropics in global climatic variability at ... more Recent studies have highlighted the role played by the tropics in global climatic variability at different timescales, from interannual or decadal with phenomena like El Niño, to centennial and millennial. However, still little is known about the mechanisms and processes that ...
Geomicrobiology Journal, 2007
An abiotic origin has traditionally been assumed for the arsenic minerals realgar and orpiment as... more An abiotic origin has traditionally been assumed for the arsenic minerals realgar and orpiment associated with thermal springs. Microbial precipitation of arsenic, however, has been studied in pure cultures and the isotopic composition of arsenic sulfides associated ...
Recent studies have highlighted the role played by the tropics in global climatic variability at ... more Recent studies have highlighted the role played by the tropics in global climatic variability at different timescales, from interannual or decadal with phenomena like El Niño, to centennial and millennial. However, still little is known about the mechanisms and processes that ...
Papers by Juan Jose Pueyo Mur