Papers by José Francisco Gallegos Hernández
Displasia Fibrosa Maxilar. Caso Clínico, 2020
Resumen: La Displasia Fibrosa (DF) es una afección fibro-ósea, benigna, caracterizada por present... more Resumen: La Displasia Fibrosa (DF) es una afección fibro-ósea, benigna, caracterizada por presentar aumento de volumen y/o alteración en hueso(s), presencia de tejido fibro-óseo desorganizado e imagen radiológicas de vidrio esmerilado. Existen 4 tipos, el más frecuente es la DF Monostótica. Generalmente es asintomática, dependiendo el grado de alteraciones, asimetría y compromiso que presente con estructuras adyacentes será el manejo (remodelación ósea, bifosfonatos y especializado). Se presenta el caso de un paciente con DF Maxilar, con manejo quirúrgico, devolviendo la funcionalidad y secundaria mejora del aspecto físico.
Palabras claves: Displasia fibrosa, óseo, remodelación, reemplazo fibroso.
Abstract: Fibrous Dysplasia (DF) is a benign fibro-osseous condition, characterized by presenting an increase in volume and / or alteration in bone (s), the presence of disorganized fibro-osseous tissue and radiological images of ground glass. There are 4 types, the most frequent is Monostotic DF. It is generally asymptomatic, depending on the degree of alterations, asymmetry and commitment that it presents with adjacent structures (bone remodeling, bisphosphonates and specialized). The case of a patient with Maxillary DF is presented, with surgical management, restoring functionality and secondary improvement in physical appearance.
Key words: Fibrous dysplasia, bone, remodeling, fibrous replacement.
Open Access Journal of Dental and Oral Surgery (OAJDOS), 2020
Odontogenic keratocysts are lesions that derive from the epithelial remains of the dental lamina,... more Odontogenic keratocysts are lesions that derive from the epithelial remains of the dental lamina, they have slow growth, they are aggressive as they are expansive and highly recurrent, they may or may not be associated with syndromes, they have a higher incidence in the 2nd decade of life and may have another peak. between 55-65 years; There is a certain predilection for the male gender, the differential diagnosis is broad both clinically and radiographically. It can be managed with conservative treatment (enucleation, curettage, cryotherapy, chelating agents) or aggressive management (bloc or marginal resection).
The objective of the present study is to introduce silicone valve decompression as part of the treatment of odontogenic keratocysts, since there are not enough studies in this regard in Mexico. We present a case of a patient with an Odontogenic Keratocyst, treated by the Maxillofacial Surgery service of the “La Raza” Medical Center, who underwent decompression with a silicone valve. The long-term result is presented by radiographic control after three years without reporting complications or recurrence.
Open Access Journal of Dental and Oral Surgery (OAJDOS), 2020
Cementoblastomas are benign lesions, of idiopathic etiology, generally asymptomatic, without gend... more Cementoblastomas are benign lesions, of idiopathic etiology, generally asymptomatic, without gender predilection, more frequently in young patients, related to the root region of the teeth, mainly molars, radiographically they are radioopaque well delimited with a halo, histologically they are Composed of cement and a fibrous capsule, the main treatment is with surgical enucleation and extraction of the affected teeth. The case of a mandibular cementoblastoma in the molar region treated surgically with enucleation of the lesion without complications is presented.
Papers by José Francisco Gallegos Hernández
Palabras claves: Displasia fibrosa, óseo, remodelación, reemplazo fibroso.
Abstract: Fibrous Dysplasia (DF) is a benign fibro-osseous condition, characterized by presenting an increase in volume and / or alteration in bone (s), the presence of disorganized fibro-osseous tissue and radiological images of ground glass. There are 4 types, the most frequent is Monostotic DF. It is generally asymptomatic, depending on the degree of alterations, asymmetry and commitment that it presents with adjacent structures (bone remodeling, bisphosphonates and specialized). The case of a patient with Maxillary DF is presented, with surgical management, restoring functionality and secondary improvement in physical appearance.
Key words: Fibrous dysplasia, bone, remodeling, fibrous replacement.
The objective of the present study is to introduce silicone valve decompression as part of the treatment of odontogenic keratocysts, since there are not enough studies in this regard in Mexico. We present a case of a patient with an Odontogenic Keratocyst, treated by the Maxillofacial Surgery service of the “La Raza” Medical Center, who underwent decompression with a silicone valve. The long-term result is presented by radiographic control after three years without reporting complications or recurrence.
Palabras claves: Displasia fibrosa, óseo, remodelación, reemplazo fibroso.
Abstract: Fibrous Dysplasia (DF) is a benign fibro-osseous condition, characterized by presenting an increase in volume and / or alteration in bone (s), the presence of disorganized fibro-osseous tissue and radiological images of ground glass. There are 4 types, the most frequent is Monostotic DF. It is generally asymptomatic, depending on the degree of alterations, asymmetry and commitment that it presents with adjacent structures (bone remodeling, bisphosphonates and specialized). The case of a patient with Maxillary DF is presented, with surgical management, restoring functionality and secondary improvement in physical appearance.
Key words: Fibrous dysplasia, bone, remodeling, fibrous replacement.
The objective of the present study is to introduce silicone valve decompression as part of the treatment of odontogenic keratocysts, since there are not enough studies in this regard in Mexico. We present a case of a patient with an Odontogenic Keratocyst, treated by the Maxillofacial Surgery service of the “La Raza” Medical Center, who underwent decompression with a silicone valve. The long-term result is presented by radiographic control after three years without reporting complications or recurrence.