RT/RW are a community institution that is closest to citizens, and formed through deliberation in... more RT/RW are a community institution that is closest to citizens, and formed through deliberation in the framework of government and community services that are recognized and determined by the Village Government. In the era of information technology, the RT / RW environment is still very little in using information technology to meet the needs of citizens such as RT financial reporting, writing letters, delivering aspirations, and activities agenda in RT neighborhoods. By utilizing information technology in the neighborhood, the communication and activities between the residents and the village apparatus such as the RT head can run effectively. Therefore, a web-based information system is created in the neighborhood of the RT / RW named Smart by using a dashboard panel that can display infographics in RT / RW environments.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
East Kalimantan is a very rich area with water sources, in the form of river streams that branch ... more East Kalimantan is a very rich area with water sources, in the form of river streams that branch to the remote areas. The conditions of natural potency like this become alternative solution for area that has not been reached by the availability of electric energy from State Electricity Company. The river water in selected location (catchment area) which is channelled to the canal, pipeline or penstock can be used to drive the waterwheel or turbine. The amount of power obtained depends on the volume/water discharge and headwater (the effective height between the reservoir and the turbine). The water discharge is strongly influenced by the amount of rainfall. Rainfall is the amount of water falling on the flat surface for a certain period measured, in units of mm3, above the horizontal surface in the absence of evaporation, run-off and infiltration. In this study, the prediction of rainfall is done in the area of East Kalimantan which has 13 watersheds which, in principle, have the potential for the construction of Micro Hydro Power Plant. Rainfall time series data is modelled by using AR (Auto Regressive) Model based on FIS (Fuzzy Inference System). The FIS structure of the training results is then used to predict the next two years rainfall.
Jepara furniture industry is currently working on carving products are always done by manual usin... more Jepara furniture industry is currently working on carving products are always done by manual using conventional chiseling tools so that carving products are always different from craftsmen to each other, this is due to the condition of different craftsmen skills so that the results are also different both in terms of quality sculpture, precision and Character of carving results so that in the industrial world it becomes a problem should be avoided considering the problem of product uniformity and quality.dibutuhkan alternative solutions from the production side that can be developed in this study related to the transfer of machinery technology carved using CNC machine. The location of research on furniture industry which has CNC machine with focus of research is more to technical 3-dimensional design and design conversion process into G code and its execution using CNC machine in Jepara. This research uses qualitative research design with interdisciplinary approach, this research ge...
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di dunia pendidikan khususnya pendidikan dasar atau sekolah dasa... more Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di dunia pendidikan khususnya pendidikan dasar atau sekolah dasar ternyata tidak diiringi dengan kemampuan guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi tersebut, penggunaan media pembelajaran power point masih belum di maksimalkan oleh guru SD di lingkungan UPTD Pendidikan Semarang Selatan, Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukakan memang sangat diharapkan oleh UPTD Pendidikan Semarang Selatan guna meningkatkan kompetensi guru seiring dengan mulai diterapkannya SDC (Semarang Digital Class), metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah identifikasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan, pelatihan diikuti oleh 22 guru SD dengan materi pembuatan media pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan power point, setelah pelatihan diadakan evaluasi pembuatan media pembelajaran yang interaktif, kemudian diadakan pendampingan ke SD untuk melihat penerapan hasil pelatihan, disamping pendampingan juga diadakan lomba dengan kriteria terbaik dalam pembuatan media pembela...
2018 2nd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), 2018
Face recognition system is the development of basic methods of authentication systems by using th... more Face recognition system is the development of basic methods of authentication systems by using the natural characteristics of the human face as a basis. The process of recognizing the facial image through several stages of the training phase and testing phase. This study has used datasets in the form of facial image samples obtained with various light intensities, distances, and positions toward the acquisition devices. This study has implemented the Centroid method and Canny edge detection to get image patterns from preprocessed image samples. Image features were obtained from image patterns using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). PNN has used as a classification of image patterns. The results of this study showed that the combination of the Centroid and GLCM methods (accuracy of 93.33%) is better than the combination of Canny edge detection and the GLCM method (accuracy of 66.43%). The results of this study also showed that the farther the spatial distance to build the GLCM ...
Jepara furniture industry is currently working on carving products are always done by manual usin... more Jepara furniture industry is currently working on carving products are always done by manual using conventional chiseling tools so that carving products are always different from craftsmen to each other, this is due to the condition of different craftsmen skills so that the results are also different both in terms of quality sculpture, precision and Character of carving results so that in the industrial world it becomes a problem should be avoided considering the problem of product uniformity and quality.dibutuhkan alternative solutions from the production side that can be developed in this study related to the transfer of machinery technology carved using CNC machine. The location of research on furniture industry which has CNC machine with focus of research is more to technical 3-dimensional design and design conversion process into G code and its execution using CNC machine in Jepara. This research uses qualitative research design with interdisciplinary approach, this research ge...
Kegiatan pengabdian pengelolaan unit BUMDes melalui aplikasi LK-BUMDes dilakukan pada BUMDes Aman... more Kegiatan pengabdian pengelolaan unit BUMDes melalui aplikasi LK-BUMDes dilakukan pada BUMDes Amanah Jati di Desa Jambu Timur Jepara yang merupakan tindak lanjut dari pelaksanaan Training of Trainers yang dilaksanakan Sekolah BUMDes Jepara terhadap para mitra BUMDes. Program kemitraan ini dilatar belakangi oleh banyaknya BUMDes khususnya di Kabupaten Jepara yang masih belum terbentuk dan berpredikat dasar. Untuk itu, kegiatan ini bertujuan supaya aplikasi LK-BUMDes dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi pengurus BUMDes dalam meningkatkan keuntungan disetiap unitnya. Metode yang digunakan melalui edukasi, training, dan pendampingan yang terdiri tiga tahap, yaitu: persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan, seperti: 1) pemetaan potensi dan masalah, 2) pelatihan penyusunan administrasi BUMDes, 3) pelatihan penguatan kepengurusan BUMDes, dan 4) pelatihan LK-BUMDes. Hasil pengabdian ini berisi tentang administrasi BUMDes yang lebih lengkap, penerapan job desk dan SOP pada k...
Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di dunia pendidikan khususnya pendidikan dasar atau sekolah dasa... more Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di dunia pendidikan khususnya pendidikan dasar atau sekolah dasar ternyata tidak diiringi dengan kemampuan guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi tersebut, penggunaan media pembelajaran power point masih belum di maksimalkan oleh guru SD di lingkungan UPTD Pendidikan Semarang Selatan, Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukakan memang sangat diharapkan oleh UPTD Pendidikan Semarang Selatan guna meningkatkan kompetensi guru seiring dengan mulai diterapkannya SDC (Semarang Digital Class), metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah identifikasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan, pelatihan diikuti oleh 22 guru SD dengan materi pembuatan media pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan power point, setelah pelatihan diadakan evaluasi pembuatan media pembelajaran yang interaktif, kemudian diadakan pendampingan ke SD untuk melihat penerapan hasil pelatihan, disamping pendampingan juga diadakan lomba dengan kriteria terbaik dalam pembuatan media pembela...
Aim of this research is to apply Neural Network Algorithm to predict score of mathematic in the n... more Aim of this research is to apply Neural Network Algorithm to predict score of mathematic in the national exam. During the time, the teacher only provided national exam materials and additional tryout tests without knowing how to predict the exam scores in mathematics subject. Data mining neural network algorithm obtained \Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values which were used as basic improvement and clustering class By conducting research using data mining neural network algorithm, it proved that this model can be used to predict scores of Mathematics subject at SMK Negeri 1 Pakis Aji.. The result of this research by using data mining neural network algorithm found RMSE 0138 +/- 0.092. The lower the RMSE values the more accurate the neural network to predict mathematics scores of SMK Negeri 1 Pakis Aji.Received: 18 Agustus 2019; Accepted: 5 Januari 2020; Published: 14 January 2020
Simetris : Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer, 2016
Teori Dempster-Shafer adalah teori matematika bukti berdasarkan fungsi keyakinan dan penalaran ya... more Teori Dempster-Shafer adalah teori matematika bukti berdasarkan fungsi keyakinan dan penalaran yang masuk akal, yang digunakan untuk menggabungkan bagian yang terpisah dari informasi. Dempster- Shafer teori alternatif teori probabilistik tradisional untuk representasi matematis dari ketidakpastian. Dalam diagnosis penyakit informasi kehamilan yang diperoleh dari pasien kadang-kadang tidak lengkap, dengan metode dan sistem pakar Dempster-Shafer aturan bisa menjadi kombinasi dari gejala yang tidak lengkap untuk mendapatkan diagnosis yang tepat sedangkan pohon keputusan digunakan sebagai alat pendukung keputusan pelacakan referensi gejala penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah sistem pakar yang dapat melakukan diagnosis kehamilan menggunakan metode Dempster Shafer, yang dapat menghasilkan nilai kepercayaan untuk diagnosis penyakit. Berdasarkan hasil tes diagnostik Dempster-Shafer metode dan ahli sistem, akurasi yang dihasilkan dari 76%. Kata kunci: sistem ahli, p...
RT/RW are a community institution that is closest to citizens, and formed through deliberation in... more RT/RW are a community institution that is closest to citizens, and formed through deliberation in the framework of government and community services that are recognized and determined by the Village Government. In the era of information technology, the RT / RW environment is still very little in using information technology to meet the needs of citizens such as RT financial reporting, writing letters, delivering aspirations, and activities agenda in RT neighborhoods. By utilizing information technology in the neighborhood, the communication and activities between the residents and the village apparatus such as the RT head can run effectively. Therefore, a web-based information system is created in the neighborhood of the RT / RW named Smart by using a dashboard panel that can display infographics in RT / RW environments.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
East Kalimantan is a very rich area with water sources, in the form of river streams that branch ... more East Kalimantan is a very rich area with water sources, in the form of river streams that branch to the remote areas. The conditions of natural potency like this become alternative solution for area that has not been reached by the availability of electric energy from State Electricity Company. The river water in selected location (catchment area) which is channelled to the canal, pipeline or penstock can be used to drive the waterwheel or turbine. The amount of power obtained depends on the volume/water discharge and headwater (the effective height between the reservoir and the turbine). The water discharge is strongly influenced by the amount of rainfall. Rainfall is the amount of water falling on the flat surface for a certain period measured, in units of mm3, above the horizontal surface in the absence of evaporation, run-off and infiltration. In this study, the prediction of rainfall is done in the area of East Kalimantan which has 13 watersheds which, in principle, have the potential for the construction of Micro Hydro Power Plant. Rainfall time series data is modelled by using AR (Auto Regressive) Model based on FIS (Fuzzy Inference System). The FIS structure of the training results is then used to predict the next two years rainfall.
Jepara furniture industry is currently working on carving products are always done by manual usin... more Jepara furniture industry is currently working on carving products are always done by manual using conventional chiseling tools so that carving products are always different from craftsmen to each other, this is due to the condition of different craftsmen skills so that the results are also different both in terms of quality sculpture, precision and Character of carving results so that in the industrial world it becomes a problem should be avoided considering the problem of product uniformity and quality.dibutuhkan alternative solutions from the production side that can be developed in this study related to the transfer of machinery technology carved using CNC machine. The location of research on furniture industry which has CNC machine with focus of research is more to technical 3-dimensional design and design conversion process into G code and its execution using CNC machine in Jepara. This research uses qualitative research design with interdisciplinary approach, this research ge...
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di dunia pendidikan khususnya pendidikan dasar atau sekolah dasa... more Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di dunia pendidikan khususnya pendidikan dasar atau sekolah dasar ternyata tidak diiringi dengan kemampuan guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi tersebut, penggunaan media pembelajaran power point masih belum di maksimalkan oleh guru SD di lingkungan UPTD Pendidikan Semarang Selatan, Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukakan memang sangat diharapkan oleh UPTD Pendidikan Semarang Selatan guna meningkatkan kompetensi guru seiring dengan mulai diterapkannya SDC (Semarang Digital Class), metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah identifikasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan, pelatihan diikuti oleh 22 guru SD dengan materi pembuatan media pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan power point, setelah pelatihan diadakan evaluasi pembuatan media pembelajaran yang interaktif, kemudian diadakan pendampingan ke SD untuk melihat penerapan hasil pelatihan, disamping pendampingan juga diadakan lomba dengan kriteria terbaik dalam pembuatan media pembela...
2018 2nd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), 2018
Face recognition system is the development of basic methods of authentication systems by using th... more Face recognition system is the development of basic methods of authentication systems by using the natural characteristics of the human face as a basis. The process of recognizing the facial image through several stages of the training phase and testing phase. This study has used datasets in the form of facial image samples obtained with various light intensities, distances, and positions toward the acquisition devices. This study has implemented the Centroid method and Canny edge detection to get image patterns from preprocessed image samples. Image features were obtained from image patterns using Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). PNN has used as a classification of image patterns. The results of this study showed that the combination of the Centroid and GLCM methods (accuracy of 93.33%) is better than the combination of Canny edge detection and the GLCM method (accuracy of 66.43%). The results of this study also showed that the farther the spatial distance to build the GLCM ...
Jepara furniture industry is currently working on carving products are always done by manual usin... more Jepara furniture industry is currently working on carving products are always done by manual using conventional chiseling tools so that carving products are always different from craftsmen to each other, this is due to the condition of different craftsmen skills so that the results are also different both in terms of quality sculpture, precision and Character of carving results so that in the industrial world it becomes a problem should be avoided considering the problem of product uniformity and quality.dibutuhkan alternative solutions from the production side that can be developed in this study related to the transfer of machinery technology carved using CNC machine. The location of research on furniture industry which has CNC machine with focus of research is more to technical 3-dimensional design and design conversion process into G code and its execution using CNC machine in Jepara. This research uses qualitative research design with interdisciplinary approach, this research ge...
Kegiatan pengabdian pengelolaan unit BUMDes melalui aplikasi LK-BUMDes dilakukan pada BUMDes Aman... more Kegiatan pengabdian pengelolaan unit BUMDes melalui aplikasi LK-BUMDes dilakukan pada BUMDes Amanah Jati di Desa Jambu Timur Jepara yang merupakan tindak lanjut dari pelaksanaan Training of Trainers yang dilaksanakan Sekolah BUMDes Jepara terhadap para mitra BUMDes. Program kemitraan ini dilatar belakangi oleh banyaknya BUMDes khususnya di Kabupaten Jepara yang masih belum terbentuk dan berpredikat dasar. Untuk itu, kegiatan ini bertujuan supaya aplikasi LK-BUMDes dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi pengurus BUMDes dalam meningkatkan keuntungan disetiap unitnya. Metode yang digunakan melalui edukasi, training, dan pendampingan yang terdiri tiga tahap, yaitu: persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan, seperti: 1) pemetaan potensi dan masalah, 2) pelatihan penyusunan administrasi BUMDes, 3) pelatihan penguatan kepengurusan BUMDes, dan 4) pelatihan LK-BUMDes. Hasil pengabdian ini berisi tentang administrasi BUMDes yang lebih lengkap, penerapan job desk dan SOP pada k...
Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di dunia pendidikan khususnya pendidikan dasar atau sekolah dasa... more Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di dunia pendidikan khususnya pendidikan dasar atau sekolah dasar ternyata tidak diiringi dengan kemampuan guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi tersebut, penggunaan media pembelajaran power point masih belum di maksimalkan oleh guru SD di lingkungan UPTD Pendidikan Semarang Selatan, Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukakan memang sangat diharapkan oleh UPTD Pendidikan Semarang Selatan guna meningkatkan kompetensi guru seiring dengan mulai diterapkannya SDC (Semarang Digital Class), metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah identifikasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan, pelatihan diikuti oleh 22 guru SD dengan materi pembuatan media pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan power point, setelah pelatihan diadakan evaluasi pembuatan media pembelajaran yang interaktif, kemudian diadakan pendampingan ke SD untuk melihat penerapan hasil pelatihan, disamping pendampingan juga diadakan lomba dengan kriteria terbaik dalam pembuatan media pembela...
Aim of this research is to apply Neural Network Algorithm to predict score of mathematic in the n... more Aim of this research is to apply Neural Network Algorithm to predict score of mathematic in the national exam. During the time, the teacher only provided national exam materials and additional tryout tests without knowing how to predict the exam scores in mathematics subject. Data mining neural network algorithm obtained \Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values which were used as basic improvement and clustering class By conducting research using data mining neural network algorithm, it proved that this model can be used to predict scores of Mathematics subject at SMK Negeri 1 Pakis Aji.. The result of this research by using data mining neural network algorithm found RMSE 0138 +/- 0.092. The lower the RMSE values the more accurate the neural network to predict mathematics scores of SMK Negeri 1 Pakis Aji.Received: 18 Agustus 2019; Accepted: 5 Januari 2020; Published: 14 January 2020
Simetris : Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer, 2016
Teori Dempster-Shafer adalah teori matematika bukti berdasarkan fungsi keyakinan dan penalaran ya... more Teori Dempster-Shafer adalah teori matematika bukti berdasarkan fungsi keyakinan dan penalaran yang masuk akal, yang digunakan untuk menggabungkan bagian yang terpisah dari informasi. Dempster- Shafer teori alternatif teori probabilistik tradisional untuk representasi matematis dari ketidakpastian. Dalam diagnosis penyakit informasi kehamilan yang diperoleh dari pasien kadang-kadang tidak lengkap, dengan metode dan sistem pakar Dempster-Shafer aturan bisa menjadi kombinasi dari gejala yang tidak lengkap untuk mendapatkan diagnosis yang tepat sedangkan pohon keputusan digunakan sebagai alat pendukung keputusan pelacakan referensi gejala penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah sistem pakar yang dapat melakukan diagnosis kehamilan menggunakan metode Dempster Shafer, yang dapat menghasilkan nilai kepercayaan untuk diagnosis penyakit. Berdasarkan hasil tes diagnostik Dempster-Shafer metode dan ahli sistem, akurasi yang dihasilkan dari 76%. Kata kunci: sistem ahli, p...
Papers by Joko Minardi