John Keiger
Diplomé de l' Institut d'Etudes Politiques d'Aix-en-Provence, section Relations Internationales (1971-74); Phd in History, Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge (1980).
After a Social Science Research Council scholarship for doctoral research at Cambridge, where he taught history as a graduate teaching assistant, John Keiger moved to the University of Salford. He returned to the University of Cambridge in November 2012 until 2017 where he was a member of the Department of Politics and International Studies.
His research and publications have concentrated on the international history of Europe from the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries. His research focus is principally French foreign policy, its bureaucratic politics, how it is formulated, by whom and how it is executed.
Until December 2009 he was Director of the European Studies Research Institute and then Associate Dean Research for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in the University of Salford. He has been Visiting Professor at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques, University of Aix-Marseille III, the University of Clermont-Ferrand, the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris (Sciences Po) and University of Paris 13. John Keiger has, in addition, given advice to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, evidence to the House of Commons Defence Select Committee and to the French Assemblée Nationale. He is an external member of the board of the Ecole doctorales of the University of Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle. He has served on a number of journal editorial boards in France and Britain and is President of the Association Internationale d'Histoire Contemporaine de l'Europe based in Strasbourg. He was a member of the French government 'Commission Nationale Université-Emploi' (Commission Hetzel, 2006) on the reform of French Higher Education. Since 2007 he has been an 'expert' for the French Agence d'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur (AERES now Haut Conseil pour l'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur, HCERES) for historical research and as president of the evaluation committees of French and francophone higher education institutions, such as Université Paris Dauphine, Université Saint Joseph, Beirut,the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Université Toulouse-Capitole, Université Aix-Marseille 3, the Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient, the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme. In January 2012 he was a member of the AERES international panel to evaluate France's Agence Nationale de la Recherche. From 2013 to 2017 he was the principal investigator for a UK Arts and Humanities Research Council major grant comparing the British and French foreign ministries 1919 to 1973 and the idea of Europe entitled 'Networks and Actors in the British and French Foreign Ministries and the Idea of Europe'.
John Keiger is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
After a Social Science Research Council scholarship for doctoral research at Cambridge, where he taught history as a graduate teaching assistant, John Keiger moved to the University of Salford. He returned to the University of Cambridge in November 2012 until 2017 where he was a member of the Department of Politics and International Studies.
His research and publications have concentrated on the international history of Europe from the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries. His research focus is principally French foreign policy, its bureaucratic politics, how it is formulated, by whom and how it is executed.
Until December 2009 he was Director of the European Studies Research Institute and then Associate Dean Research for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in the University of Salford. He has been Visiting Professor at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques, University of Aix-Marseille III, the University of Clermont-Ferrand, the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris (Sciences Po) and University of Paris 13. John Keiger has, in addition, given advice to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, evidence to the House of Commons Defence Select Committee and to the French Assemblée Nationale. He is an external member of the board of the Ecole doctorales of the University of Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle. He has served on a number of journal editorial boards in France and Britain and is President of the Association Internationale d'Histoire Contemporaine de l'Europe based in Strasbourg. He was a member of the French government 'Commission Nationale Université-Emploi' (Commission Hetzel, 2006) on the reform of French Higher Education. Since 2007 he has been an 'expert' for the French Agence d'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur (AERES now Haut Conseil pour l'Evaluation de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur, HCERES) for historical research and as president of the evaluation committees of French and francophone higher education institutions, such as Université Paris Dauphine, Université Saint Joseph, Beirut,the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Université Toulouse-Capitole, Université Aix-Marseille 3, the Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient, the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme. In January 2012 he was a member of the AERES international panel to evaluate France's Agence Nationale de la Recherche. From 2013 to 2017 he was the principal investigator for a UK Arts and Humanities Research Council major grant comparing the British and French foreign ministries 1919 to 1973 and the idea of Europe entitled 'Networks and Actors in the British and French Foreign Ministries and the Idea of Europe'.
John Keiger is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
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Books by John Keiger
• First scholarly biography in English of a major statesperson • Uses new material from Ministry of Finance archives as well as the Poincaré diaries which were unavailable to MIQUEL (1961) • Synthesizes French political and international history of 3rd Republic
Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1. The private man; 2. Poincaré the politician; 3. Poincaré the opportunist; 4. Poincaré en réserve de la République; 5. Poincaré the diplomat; 6. Poincaré President of the Republic; 7. Poincaré-la-guerre; 8. Poincaré-la-paix; 9. Poincaré-la-Ruhr; 10. Poincaré-le-franc; Conclusion: Poincaré remembered; Select bibliography.
'Professor Keiger … has produced a life of Poincaré that is not only a model of scholarship, but also remarkably fair and understanding.' John Grigg, The Times
For years, with few exceptions, writers have overwhelmingly examined the Algerian crisis through the prism of French party politics, personal testimony and more recently, memory. But, far from being "a war with no name" the fighting in Algeria was on a massive scale involving some two million French soldiers. This collection, published for the 40th anniversary of the war's end, firmly situates the battles they fought in strategy, operations and diplomacy.
The "War without a Name", the French Army and the Algerians: Recovering Experiences, Images and Testimonies--M.S. Alexander, M. Evans & J.F.V. Keiger * Part I: Experiences * From Indochina to Algeria: Counterinsurgency Lessons--A.J. Zervoudakis * Algeria and the 'Official Mind': The Impact of North Africa on French Colonial Policy South of the Sahara, 1944-58--M. Shipway * The Sahara and the Algerian War--J. Frémeaux * From One Crisis to Another: The Morale of the French Foreign Legion during the Algerian War--E. Michels * The War Culture of French Combatants in the Algerian Conflict--J.C. Jauffret * The Harkis: The Experience and Memory of France's Muslim Auxiliaries--M. Evans * Part II: Images * AngloSaxon Literary and Filmic Representations of the French Army in Algeria--P.D. Dine * The Image of the French Army in the Cinematic Representation of the Algerian War: The Revolutionary Politics of "The Battle of Algiers"--H. Roberts * The Algerian War Through the Prism of AngloSaxon Literature, 1954-66--M. Brett * Le Monde's Coverage of the Army and Civil Liberties During the Algerian War, 1954-58--M. Khane * Psychological Propaganda During the Algerian War Based on a Study of French Army Pamphlets--N. Aggoun * Remembering the Algerian War: Memory/ies and Identity/ies in Téchiné's Les Roseaux Sauvages --B. Rollet * The Children of the Occupation and Colonial Ideology--B. Sigg * Part III: Witness Testimonies Biographical Details Officer Corps Veterans; General Alain Bizard, Colonel Henri Coustaux, Major Paul-Alain Léger, AntiWar Activists; Professor André Mandouze, Georges Mattéi, Dr Francous Sirkidji
Papers by John Keiger
• First scholarly biography in English of a major statesperson • Uses new material from Ministry of Finance archives as well as the Poincaré diaries which were unavailable to MIQUEL (1961) • Synthesizes French political and international history of 3rd Republic
Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1. The private man; 2. Poincaré the politician; 3. Poincaré the opportunist; 4. Poincaré en réserve de la République; 5. Poincaré the diplomat; 6. Poincaré President of the Republic; 7. Poincaré-la-guerre; 8. Poincaré-la-paix; 9. Poincaré-la-Ruhr; 10. Poincaré-le-franc; Conclusion: Poincaré remembered; Select bibliography.
'Professor Keiger … has produced a life of Poincaré that is not only a model of scholarship, but also remarkably fair and understanding.' John Grigg, The Times
For years, with few exceptions, writers have overwhelmingly examined the Algerian crisis through the prism of French party politics, personal testimony and more recently, memory. But, far from being "a war with no name" the fighting in Algeria was on a massive scale involving some two million French soldiers. This collection, published for the 40th anniversary of the war's end, firmly situates the battles they fought in strategy, operations and diplomacy.
The "War without a Name", the French Army and the Algerians: Recovering Experiences, Images and Testimonies--M.S. Alexander, M. Evans & J.F.V. Keiger * Part I: Experiences * From Indochina to Algeria: Counterinsurgency Lessons--A.J. Zervoudakis * Algeria and the 'Official Mind': The Impact of North Africa on French Colonial Policy South of the Sahara, 1944-58--M. Shipway * The Sahara and the Algerian War--J. Frémeaux * From One Crisis to Another: The Morale of the French Foreign Legion during the Algerian War--E. Michels * The War Culture of French Combatants in the Algerian Conflict--J.C. Jauffret * The Harkis: The Experience and Memory of France's Muslim Auxiliaries--M. Evans * Part II: Images * AngloSaxon Literary and Filmic Representations of the French Army in Algeria--P.D. Dine * The Image of the French Army in the Cinematic Representation of the Algerian War: The Revolutionary Politics of "The Battle of Algiers"--H. Roberts * The Algerian War Through the Prism of AngloSaxon Literature, 1954-66--M. Brett * Le Monde's Coverage of the Army and Civil Liberties During the Algerian War, 1954-58--M. Khane * Psychological Propaganda During the Algerian War Based on a Study of French Army Pamphlets--N. Aggoun * Remembering the Algerian War: Memory/ies and Identity/ies in Téchiné's Les Roseaux Sauvages --B. Rollet * The Children of the Occupation and Colonial Ideology--B. Sigg * Part III: Witness Testimonies Biographical Details Officer Corps Veterans; General Alain Bizard, Colonel Henri Coustaux, Major Paul-Alain Léger, AntiWar Activists; Professor André Mandouze, Georges Mattéi, Dr Francous Sirkidji