Papers by Jan Sawicki
L'opera collettanea che viene presa in considerazione si inserisce in un filone ormai consoli... more L'opera collettanea che viene presa in considerazione si inserisce in un filone ormai consolidato di studi consacrati alle più recenti insidie al costituzionalismo e, in particolare, al ricco versante delle "democrazie illiberali".
DPCE Online , 2021
Majority principle and political parties. Problematic aspects of decision-making quorums in some ... more Majority principle and political parties. Problematic aspects of decision-making quorums in some votes of constitutional significance-The article, starting from some theoretical aspects and features of the way the majority principle was and is now understood, tries to address the question of how the breaking out of the political parties has conditioned the functioning of the different ideas of majority. Especially when it comes to supermajorities or qualified majorities, the structure of the party system can have a significant impact on the legitimacy of high importance decisions.
Nomos Le attualità nel diritto, 2022
La democrazia illiberale come democrazia ipermaggioritaria: un concetto che divora se stesso? Rif... more La democrazia illiberale come democrazia ipermaggioritaria: un concetto che divora se stesso? Riflessioni a partire dal caso ungherese ** SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione.-2. Le scelte costituenti originarie: in parte maggioritarie, in parte consensuali.-3. La loro interpretazione dopo il 2010: verso una piega ipermaggioritaria illimitata.-4. La sottomissione della Corte costituzionale alla logica maggioritaria: effetto paradossale di una scelta di 'democratizzazione'. * Dottore di ricerca in Teoria dello Stato e istituzioni politiche comparate. ** Contributo sottoposto a peer-review. Il presente contributo costituisce una versione ampliata e rielaborata della relazione tenuta nell'ambito del Seminario "Evoluzione del sistema elettorale e democrazia pluralista: il caso dell'Ungheria", organizzato dal Dottorato della Sapienza in Diritto pubblico, comparato e internazionale il 30 novembre 2022. 1 Su cui restano sempre da ricordare le risalenti riflessioni di due Autori più volte ripubblicate:
Nomos Le attualità nel diritto , 2022
Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie: Diritto, Istituzioni, Società (NAD-DIS)
Poland and Hungary have played a pivotal role in the post-socialist democratic transformation, ev... more Poland and Hungary have played a pivotal role in the post-socialist democratic transformation, even in the field of elections and electoral legislation. The two countries differed from each other. Hungary opted for a mixed electoral system, in which the majoritarian component was dominant. Poland, instead, chose a proportional system. From a general standpoint, the judiciary system of the two countries – and, in particular, their constitutional courts – did not raise any particular objection to the basic guidelines of electoral legislation. The judicial intervention only took place occasionally, and more incisively in Hungary, when a significant departure from proclaimed principles occurred. This was particularly relevant with reference to the voting rights of citizens who live abroad.
Forum di Quaderni costituzionali, 2022
some considerations on the restoring of constitutionalism in Hungary
DPCE Online, 2021
The unavoidable collision between primary European law and internal constitutional law as a produ... more The unavoidable collision between primary European law and internal constitutional law as a product of an hermeneutic tamper of the latter-There is an argument which allows to put in doubt the alleged incompatibility between EU law and Polish constitutional law, as it seems to have appeared following CJEU Judgment, C-791/19, and Decision in case K 3/21 by the captured Polish Constitutional Tribunal (which in turn is the response to another CJEU decision, in case A.B.). Contrary to the official judicial or governmental opinion, endorsed by authors who for some reason surrendered to the new illiberal course (and storytelling) in some EU countries, nothing basically appears to have changed in the Court's case-law guideline, or in the system of values it professes, apart from the new challenges the Court itself is called to take up. Instead, one or two clues of overruling have taken place in domestic judicial decisions-in strictly understood rule of law matters-, and they might well explain why the self-proclaimed long-term continuity in internal jurisprudence, concerning the relationship between national and EU law, is nothing but appearance.
The unavoidable collision between primary European law and internal constitutional law as a produ... more The unavoidable collision between primary European law and internal constitutional law as a product of an hermeneutic tamper of the latter-There is an argument which allows to put in doubt the alleged incompatibility between EU law and Polish constitutional law, as it seems to have appeared following CJEU Judgment, C-791/19, and Decision in case K 3/21 by the captured Polish Constitutional Tribunal (which in turn is the response to another CJEU decision, in case A.B.). Contrary to the official judicial or governmental opinion, endorsed by authors who for some reason surrendered to the new illiberal course (and storytelling) in some EU countries, nothing basically appears to have changed in the Court's case-law guideline, or in the system of values it professes, apart from the new challenges the Court itself is called to take up. Instead, one or two clues of overruling have taken place in domestic judicial decisions-in strictly understood rule of law matters-, and they might well explain why the self-proclaimed long-term continuity in internal jurisprudence, concerning the relationship between national and EU law, is nothing but appearance., 2020
The article aims to highlight some attempts to stem the rule of law crisis in the European Union,... more The article aims to highlight some attempts to stem the rule of law crisis in the European Union, in particular in Poland and Hungary, through the judicial channel interpreted by the Court of Justice. In addition to the objective difficulty of containing this crisis at European level and via the courts, some possible shortcomings appear in the motivation of individual judgments. These shortcomings, perhaps inevitable, are explained by the impossibility of going back to historical and comparative arguments in order to justify the need to make institutional choices differing from one another, in different countries, with a view to achieving homogeneity.
Sommario: 1. Alcune premesse e una delimitazione del campo d'indagine; 2. Perché comparare istitu... more Sommario: 1. Alcune premesse e una delimitazione del campo d'indagine; 2. Perché comparare istituti e tradizioni così diverse? Perché non farlo sarebbe peggio; 3. Le controversie giudiziarie tra Polonia e Corte di giustizia (con l'Ungheria sullo sfondo); 3.1. La causa C-619/18. Con lo stop al pensionamento anticipato dei giudici, una ritirata strategica del governo polacco; 3.2. Le cause riunite C-585/18, C-624/18 e C-625/18. Quando le riforme guardano al futuro, neanche un passo indietro; 3.2.1. La timida pronuncia di Lussemburgo e il seguito giudiziario nazionale; 3.2.2. Il seguito legislativo nazionale. Invece di attuazione, repressione; 3.3. La Commissione europea sull'indipendenza della sezione disciplinare (C-791/19) e il rinnovato non arretramento del governo; 4. La selezione dei giudici in due ordinamenti europei di consolidata democrazia: una comparazione; 5. Qualche considerazione conclusiva: diversi modelli per simili risultati., 2020
La riconferma scontata (ma non plebiscitaria) di Duda alle elezioni presidenziali polacche: un ul... more La riconferma scontata (ma non plebiscitaria) di Duda alle elezioni presidenziali polacche: un ulteriore vulnus per lo stato di salute della democrazia in Europa?
Osservatorio costituzionale , 2019
La via giudiziaria come possibile soluzione alle minacce per lo stato di diritto di Jan Sawicki-D... more La via giudiziaria come possibile soluzione alle minacce per lo stato di diritto di Jan Sawicki-Dottore di ricerca in Teoria dello Stato e istituzioni politiche comparate ABSTRACT: The article deals with the decision taken by the European Commission to refer Poland to the Court of Justice of the EU in connection with the adoption of a legislative reform which is under serious suspicion of undermining the principle of independence of the judiciary. When taking into account the national response to that decision, other somehow hidden challenges to the said principle emerge, which deserve to be discussed. The case is made, subsequently, for the European Court of Justice also considering the preliminary rulings sent by Polish courts and judges, as these raise other questions of great importance. In this case, the protection of European law can fully coincide with the aim of strengthening the damaged domestic constitutional law. SOMMARIO: 1. Il metodo 'giudiziario' contro quello 'politico': caratteri, limiti e potenzialità.-2. La risposta nazionale: un adeguamento irto di pericoli e tranelli.-3. Il rinvio pregiudiziale come lesa maestà nazionale: un possibile, nuovo motivo di attrito tra Polonia e UE.-4. Un cenno a due aspetti problematici.-5. Una postilla. 1. Il metodo 'giudiziario' contro quello 'politico': caratteri, limiti e potenzialità Allo stato attuale delle cose, più che il metodo politico poté quello giurisdizionale, o almeno così pare evidente. Ci si riferisce alle procedure e ai canali di cui l'Unione europea, complessivamente intesa, dispone al fine di spingere qualche suo membro molto recalcitrante al rispetto dei principi, 2018
'Costituzione finanziaria', UE, USA. Equilibrio di bilancio. Sanzioni interne, sanzioni europee.
Sommario: 1. Introduzione -2. La Costituzione e il debito come problema storico -3. Il disavanzo ... more Sommario: 1. Introduzione -2. La Costituzione e il debito come problema storico -3. Il disavanzo come problema strutturale nel XX secolo e le misure legislative di sistema approvate per combatterlo -4. Il debt ceiling e il contenimento del debito federale -5. I tentativi infruttuosi di introdurre un emendamento costituzionale volto al balanced budget -6. Considerazioni conclusive.
Book Reviews by Jan Sawicki
eleven international publishing, 2019
The Volume addresses, in a broad comparative perspective, the constitutional development of the c... more The Volume addresses, in a broad comparative perspective, the constitutional development of the countries of Central-Eastern, Baltic and Balkan Europe. Based on a framework of deep historical and political analysis, the Volume carefully examines the most recent constitutional dynamics, focusing in particular on the path following the collapse of socialist regimes. A large number of countries is examined which demonstrates the complexity of this area from the point of view of the phenomenon of state-building. The Volume analyzes in significant detail the various constitutions, with a focus on debates within constituent assemblies and the influence of European democratic conditionality as well as focusing on topics such as (a or the) the bill of rights, their enforcement and their protection. It also looks at systems of government, territorial decentralization and constitutional justice.
Papers by Jan Sawicki
Book Reviews by Jan Sawicki