Surrogate Motherhood as a Way of Overcoming Childlessness 41 reproduction techniques and enable a... more Surrogate Motherhood as a Way of Overcoming Childlessness 41 reproduction techniques and enable all parties to receive socialpsychological counselling and then to receive advice from the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. n
Older age can be accompanied by a lot of changes in the field of health, which influence the soci... more Older age can be accompanied by a lot of changes in the field of health, which influence the social functioning of seniors.One of the factors influencing the quality of life of seniors is the connection of healthcare and social care, built on the interdepartmental cooperation. This approach is still absent in Slovakia.The aim of the paper is therefore to emphasize the importance and need of integrated care and to describe the barriers that prevent its implementation in Slovakia. In search of answers to the questions: “When and why was the healthcare and social care department of seniors established in Slovakia? What are the reasons persisting in this condition? What are the consequences of this divided care for the seniors in practice? What strategies use facilities for seniors to overcome this situation during the COVID-19 pandemic?” the authors used the method of the case study (Yin, 2003) focused on the Trnava self-governing region. Persistent structural, procedural, legislative ...
Young people are often exposed to various life situations that gradually come during their lives.... more Young people are often exposed to various life situations that gradually come during their lives. The quality of life of young people in Slovakia is conditioned by several areas of social policy therefore, these issues are very important for research. The aim of the paper is to point out the analysis of selected factors (areas) that affect the life situations of young people in Slovakia. We pay attention to the areas of support and protection of the establishment of young families and preparation for parenthood, support of employment of young people and support of housing policy of young people. In this paper we work with the analysis of secondary data, which relate to selected monitored areas focused on young people in Slovakia. The data we use in the article are of a quantitative character. We will use the method of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction to achieve the set goals. Another key method that we use in the paper is descriptive statistics (Rimarčík, 2007; Chajdiak,...
This paper reports about the most significant document that was created in the environment of soc... more This paper reports about the most significant document that was created in the environment of social work over the past three decades. The authors inform about the creation and content of the document, then they point to the impact fn the document on the discuss about current challenges and future direction of social work. The paper also presents a new proposal for the definition of social work, which is expected to be formally adopted at the joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, which will be held in Melbourne in July 2014. The link between the Global Agenda and new definition of social work is explained. The authors reflect on why this document remains almost unknown for the Czech and Slovak social workers. Potential of the Global Agenda document from the perspective of profession identity is discussed.
Anotace: Zařízení pro děti vyžadující okamžitou pomoc jsou specifická tím, že jejich jednoznačné ... more Anotace: Zařízení pro děti vyžadující okamžitou pomoc jsou specifická tím, že jejich jednoznačné zařazení do jedné z forem institutu náhradní výchovy je více než problematické. Tato zařízení jsou určena pro děti vyžadující „okamžitou pomoc", ale jak dlouho trvá poskytování takovéto pomoci není nikde přesně stanoveno. Autorky se v textu proto zamýšlí nad tím, co to je „okamžitá pomoc". Následné pak se zabývají porovnáním původního účelu této instituce s výsledky jejich výzkumného šetření, které bylo zaměřené do této oblasti. Při realizaci výzkumného šetření byla použita kvantitativní výzkumná strategie, konkrétně technika analýzy dat.
Presence of a child with disability determines a family functioning in all dimensions and child c... more Presence of a child with disability determines a family functioning in all dimensions and child care is a source of stress and burden for all family members. The optimal social network, which is the source of social support, greatly eliminates stress and improves adaptation of the parents to the disability of their child. The aim of study is to define how parents of children with disabilities perceive the usefulness of formal and informal source of social support. A quantitative research strategy has been used in the study, more specifically a standardised questionnaire Family Support Scale (by Dunst, Jenkins and Trivette (1984)). 493 parents of children with different types of disabilities were enrolled in the study. The results show that informal support in the form of a partner and close people has been perceived as the most useful. Programmes and organisations have been estimated as the least useful source of support in the parents' viewpoint. A significant difference was de...
Not so long ago, when the issue of physical punishment of children was not discussed at all. Prog... more Not so long ago, when the issue of physical punishment of children was not discussed at all. Progress occurred in the second half of the 20th century when children began to be perceived as authentic and legally protected beings. Over the past two decades we have seen an international shift in perspectives concerning the physical punishment of children. In 1990, research showing an association between physical punishment and negative developmental outcomes was starting to accumulate, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child had just been adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The aim of our research was to find out how citizens of the Slovak Republic perceive physical punishments of children and how they apply them in the educational process. We have found out whether opinions on physical punishments are varied according to gender, education and religion of respondents. The research has been conducted using a quantitative research strategy. In order to collect th...
Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra sociálnej práce Un... more Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra sociálnej práce Univerzita Hradec Králové, Ústav sociální práce Summary Based on the ecological perspective, we can understand sudden changes in the health condition and associated requirements for position in the year-round inclusion of seniors as a situation, in which all the three causes are accumulated referred to by authors as possible reasons for the maladaptation (Germain, Bloom, 1991; Germain, Gitterman, 2011). The examination of effects on the client due to this cluster of causes is tedious, but it is unavoidable. Within the framework of a specific research 5/2011 "Process of adaptation of seniors to their life under the institutional care", I attempted to acquire data which could make it possible not only to improve understanding the client (man or women) in the course of the adaptation process, but also to determine whether the ecological perspective can bring a contribution to better understanding of his/her adaptation process. In my contribution, I mention only partial results of this research project concerning the research examination implemented in institutions for seniors in Slovakia. Given the target, I chose a qualitative research strategy, particularly design of an illustrative case study (Yin, 2003; Zainal, 2007). In the research work designed in this way, the investigator works with a minimum number of cases examined, which makes him/her possible to consider problems from different points of view. The research sample consisted of two seniors (a men aged 82 years and women aged 76 years), who were clients of the institution and in the course of our research, they were subjected to the adaptation process, two social workers, two nurses and members of families of the seniors. In one case, this was a daughter and son-in-law of the female client, and in the second case, this was a son and granddaughter of the male client. The results acquired demonstrated relationships between the social role played by the male senior/female senior in the previous period and success of the adaptation itself. The data obtained simultaneously indicate possibilities brought into the social work practice just by the ecological approach.
Trnavská univerzita, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra teórie sociálnej práce Summ... more Trnavská univerzita, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra teórie sociálnej práce Summary Situations can be encountered in the human life, in which a person pretends to be on the fringe of the society. He/she feels his/her elimination from the society to variable extent. Thus, the social rehabilitation is simultaneously a possibility of the consideration of the approach to reintegration of an individual into the society.
Trnavská univerzita, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra teórie sociálnej práce Summ... more Trnavská univerzita, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra teórie sociálnej práce Summary Changes in the health condition as consequences of diseases and particularly of injuries affect our lives ever more frequently. The enhanced abundance of people with specific needs (as consequences of changes in the health condition) in the course of the last two decades presents a question, what is necessary for these individuals to provide the desirable quality of their lives. One of possibilities of managing severe life situations is just the social support that is discussed in our contribution. Key words: social support-social net-management of problems-burden-change Súhrn Zmeny zdravotného stavu ako dôsledku choroby a najmä úrazu čoraz častejšie vstupujú do naších životov. Zvýšený výskyt ľudí so špecifickými potrebami (ako dôsledku zmeny v zdravotnom stave) v posledných dvoch desaťročiach nás vedie k otázke, čo títo jedinci potrebujú, aby si ich život udržal potrebnú kvalitu. Jednou z možností pri zvládaní životne záťažových situácií je práve sociálna opora, ktorou sa v príspevku zaoberáme. Kľúčové slová: sociálna opora-sociálna sieť-zvládanie-záťaž-zmena
This study aims to examine how life in poverty affects the functioning of family system. We focus... more This study aims to examine how life in poverty affects the functioning of family system. We focused on family functioning in the dimensions based on McMaster model. We employed The Family Assessment Device. The result shows that there is an association between poverty and disrupted family functioning. Family functioning in different dimensions is in the range of "unhealthy", mainly in communication, behaviour control and family role. Family stress caused by problems with the fulfilment of the family economic function, affects the way parents fulfill their parental role. We consider it necessary to focus on effective interventions to help families living in poverty in the restoration of family functioning in different dimensions.
Problem statement: A specific group of school children with disability. Preparation for school an... more Problem statement: A specific group of school children with disability. Preparation for school and care for these children brings also a considerable degree of stress. In this study we focus on the load of mental stress of home carers. Research questions: Does the mental stress of carer change due to the child´s age? Purpose of study: The study aims to prove if the age of the chid (with disability) influences carer´s mental stress. We expect that with the age of the child (and the length of the care) the stress would increase. Research methods: A questionnaire of selfconstruction for data obtaining about the carer and a person who is cared for, Meister´s questionnaire of mental stress (ten areas, where stress load is perceived). Findings: Mental stress of people caring for a child with disability covers the whole range of 0 up to 100 points. Stress appears to be completely independent of age (Pearson´s correlation from-,187 up to ,122). But the stress significantly correlates with the level of child´s disability (regardless of age). Conclusion: People caring for a child with disability perceive mental stress depending on the degree of disability, the stress load depends on the age of the child, and the stress is independent of the child´s age and also the length care.
Authors focus on issue of health psychology in the context of university teaching of social work ... more Authors focus on issue of health psychology in the context of university teaching of social work students. Within the framework of a study programme there is health psychology presented as interdisciplinary field of science which is based on bio-psychosocial model of health/disease. The starting premise it the assumption of functional connection of socio-psychological training with educative process (interactive form of teaching) within the subject of health psychology. The aim is to find out how students perceive learning of this subject and its benefits into practice from the view of a used formed of educational process.
The attention of this article is pointed on individual socio-political aspects interconnected wit... more The attention of this article is pointed on individual socio-political aspects interconnected with right-wing the Slovak republic. This work reflects contemporary knowledge in the field of socio-scientific disciplines, while directly dealing with the topic of the article, and focuses the attention on the most important relations of examined phenomenon. One of the important aspects, in the framework of theoretical definition of the topic, are concepts of works written by Neil J. Smelser (1963) and William Kornhauser (2008), who deal with collective behavior and mass society. The main instrument for the implementation of quantitative research is a standardized questionnaire to monitor right-wing extremism, xenophobia and intolerance in the attitudes of Slovak population. The sample consists of 1000 respondents from eastern regions of the Slovak Republic. Social research focused on the extreme right helps to understand the whole set of phenomena and events in historical and social contexts. It also helps to create a professional and fair public debate on this complex social phenomenon. The ambition of this article is to highlight the need for a new perspective on the issue of extreme right-wing movements and subcultures and the far right as a whole, given an objective and comprehensive picture of the social realities that are part of this phenomenon.
Aktuální otázky a možnosti v oblasti intervence o osoby se speciálními potřebami, 2021
Teoretickým východiskom príspevku je Senov koncept sociálnej spravodlivosti fokusovaný na ľudí so... more Teoretickým východiskom príspevku je Senov koncept sociálnej spravodlivosti fokusovaný na ľudí so zdravotným postihnutím. Inklúzia ľudí so špecifickými potrebami predpokladá, že jednotlivé subsystémy zabezpečujúce podporu a starostlivosť o týchto klientov sú funkčne prepojené. V SR napriek dlhoročnej snahe o zavedenie komplexnej koordinovanej starostlivosti nie sú vytvorené legislatívne a štrukturálne podmienky, ktoré by podporovali vznik takéhoto typu starostlivosti. Príspevok je spracovaný v dizajne teoretickej štúdie. Cieľom príspevku je poukázať na možné prínosy sociálnej práce, ktorá by prostredníctvom role prípadového manažéra mohla prispieť k preklenutiu rezortnej izolácie a k vytvoreniu funkčného systému fokusovaného na ľudí so zdravotným postihnutím. Klúčové slová ľudia so zdravotným postihnutím, inkluzívna spoločnosť, komplexná koordinovaná starostlivosť, prípadový manažér, sociálna spravodlivosť, sociálna práca
Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention, 2016
This article reflects the development of Slovak Social Work in the context of the political devel... more This article reflects the development of Slovak Social Work in the context of the political development of the country. The Authors searched for answers to the following questions: Was Social Work really abolished in Slovakia after 1951? Is there evidence casting doubt upon that assertion? The aim of this article is to contribute to overcoming the claim that after 1951 there was a violent abolition of Social Work in the former Czechoslovakia and point out the consequences for the development and current state of Social Work in Slovakia brought on by ignoring events in the given period.
In the context of salutogenesis, coping with diabetes is perceived as a dynamic process of change... more In the context of salutogenesis, coping with diabetes is perceived as a dynamic process of changes in all aspects of biopsychosocial model of health/disease. Understanding of salutoprotective factors allows for estimation of client's extent of vulnerability and ability to cope with the disease. The objective of the study is to assess selected salutoprotective factors in diabetic clients (SOC-type hardiness, well-being-subjective feelings and states scale [SUPOS], perceived social support scale [PSSS]). Low values of SOC, PSSS, and SUPOS suggest an increased need in psychosocial care. The possibility to strengthen an individual's hardiness and to influence perceived social support adverts to the irreplaceable role of social workers at counseling and educational levels as well as that of a form of social support.
Surrogate Motherhood as a Way of Overcoming Childlessness 41 reproduction techniques and enable a... more Surrogate Motherhood as a Way of Overcoming Childlessness 41 reproduction techniques and enable all parties to receive socialpsychological counselling and then to receive advice from the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. n
Older age can be accompanied by a lot of changes in the field of health, which influence the soci... more Older age can be accompanied by a lot of changes in the field of health, which influence the social functioning of seniors.One of the factors influencing the quality of life of seniors is the connection of healthcare and social care, built on the interdepartmental cooperation. This approach is still absent in Slovakia.The aim of the paper is therefore to emphasize the importance and need of integrated care and to describe the barriers that prevent its implementation in Slovakia. In search of answers to the questions: “When and why was the healthcare and social care department of seniors established in Slovakia? What are the reasons persisting in this condition? What are the consequences of this divided care for the seniors in practice? What strategies use facilities for seniors to overcome this situation during the COVID-19 pandemic?” the authors used the method of the case study (Yin, 2003) focused on the Trnava self-governing region. Persistent structural, procedural, legislative ...
Young people are often exposed to various life situations that gradually come during their lives.... more Young people are often exposed to various life situations that gradually come during their lives. The quality of life of young people in Slovakia is conditioned by several areas of social policy therefore, these issues are very important for research. The aim of the paper is to point out the analysis of selected factors (areas) that affect the life situations of young people in Slovakia. We pay attention to the areas of support and protection of the establishment of young families and preparation for parenthood, support of employment of young people and support of housing policy of young people. In this paper we work with the analysis of secondary data, which relate to selected monitored areas focused on young people in Slovakia. The data we use in the article are of a quantitative character. We will use the method of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction to achieve the set goals. Another key method that we use in the paper is descriptive statistics (Rimarčík, 2007; Chajdiak,...
This paper reports about the most significant document that was created in the environment of soc... more This paper reports about the most significant document that was created in the environment of social work over the past three decades. The authors inform about the creation and content of the document, then they point to the impact fn the document on the discuss about current challenges and future direction of social work. The paper also presents a new proposal for the definition of social work, which is expected to be formally adopted at the joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, which will be held in Melbourne in July 2014. The link between the Global Agenda and new definition of social work is explained. The authors reflect on why this document remains almost unknown for the Czech and Slovak social workers. Potential of the Global Agenda document from the perspective of profession identity is discussed.
Anotace: Zařízení pro děti vyžadující okamžitou pomoc jsou specifická tím, že jejich jednoznačné ... more Anotace: Zařízení pro děti vyžadující okamžitou pomoc jsou specifická tím, že jejich jednoznačné zařazení do jedné z forem institutu náhradní výchovy je více než problematické. Tato zařízení jsou určena pro děti vyžadující „okamžitou pomoc", ale jak dlouho trvá poskytování takovéto pomoci není nikde přesně stanoveno. Autorky se v textu proto zamýšlí nad tím, co to je „okamžitá pomoc". Následné pak se zabývají porovnáním původního účelu této instituce s výsledky jejich výzkumného šetření, které bylo zaměřené do této oblasti. Při realizaci výzkumného šetření byla použita kvantitativní výzkumná strategie, konkrétně technika analýzy dat.
Presence of a child with disability determines a family functioning in all dimensions and child c... more Presence of a child with disability determines a family functioning in all dimensions and child care is a source of stress and burden for all family members. The optimal social network, which is the source of social support, greatly eliminates stress and improves adaptation of the parents to the disability of their child. The aim of study is to define how parents of children with disabilities perceive the usefulness of formal and informal source of social support. A quantitative research strategy has been used in the study, more specifically a standardised questionnaire Family Support Scale (by Dunst, Jenkins and Trivette (1984)). 493 parents of children with different types of disabilities were enrolled in the study. The results show that informal support in the form of a partner and close people has been perceived as the most useful. Programmes and organisations have been estimated as the least useful source of support in the parents' viewpoint. A significant difference was de...
Not so long ago, when the issue of physical punishment of children was not discussed at all. Prog... more Not so long ago, when the issue of physical punishment of children was not discussed at all. Progress occurred in the second half of the 20th century when children began to be perceived as authentic and legally protected beings. Over the past two decades we have seen an international shift in perspectives concerning the physical punishment of children. In 1990, research showing an association between physical punishment and negative developmental outcomes was starting to accumulate, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child had just been adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The aim of our research was to find out how citizens of the Slovak Republic perceive physical punishments of children and how they apply them in the educational process. We have found out whether opinions on physical punishments are varied according to gender, education and religion of respondents. The research has been conducted using a quantitative research strategy. In order to collect th...
Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra sociálnej práce Un... more Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra sociálnej práce Univerzita Hradec Králové, Ústav sociální práce Summary Based on the ecological perspective, we can understand sudden changes in the health condition and associated requirements for position in the year-round inclusion of seniors as a situation, in which all the three causes are accumulated referred to by authors as possible reasons for the maladaptation (Germain, Bloom, 1991; Germain, Gitterman, 2011). The examination of effects on the client due to this cluster of causes is tedious, but it is unavoidable. Within the framework of a specific research 5/2011 "Process of adaptation of seniors to their life under the institutional care", I attempted to acquire data which could make it possible not only to improve understanding the client (man or women) in the course of the adaptation process, but also to determine whether the ecological perspective can bring a contribution to better understanding of his/her adaptation process. In my contribution, I mention only partial results of this research project concerning the research examination implemented in institutions for seniors in Slovakia. Given the target, I chose a qualitative research strategy, particularly design of an illustrative case study (Yin, 2003; Zainal, 2007). In the research work designed in this way, the investigator works with a minimum number of cases examined, which makes him/her possible to consider problems from different points of view. The research sample consisted of two seniors (a men aged 82 years and women aged 76 years), who were clients of the institution and in the course of our research, they were subjected to the adaptation process, two social workers, two nurses and members of families of the seniors. In one case, this was a daughter and son-in-law of the female client, and in the second case, this was a son and granddaughter of the male client. The results acquired demonstrated relationships between the social role played by the male senior/female senior in the previous period and success of the adaptation itself. The data obtained simultaneously indicate possibilities brought into the social work practice just by the ecological approach.
Trnavská univerzita, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra teórie sociálnej práce Summ... more Trnavská univerzita, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra teórie sociálnej práce Summary Situations can be encountered in the human life, in which a person pretends to be on the fringe of the society. He/she feels his/her elimination from the society to variable extent. Thus, the social rehabilitation is simultaneously a possibility of the consideration of the approach to reintegration of an individual into the society.
Trnavská univerzita, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra teórie sociálnej práce Summ... more Trnavská univerzita, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, katedra teórie sociálnej práce Summary Changes in the health condition as consequences of diseases and particularly of injuries affect our lives ever more frequently. The enhanced abundance of people with specific needs (as consequences of changes in the health condition) in the course of the last two decades presents a question, what is necessary for these individuals to provide the desirable quality of their lives. One of possibilities of managing severe life situations is just the social support that is discussed in our contribution. Key words: social support-social net-management of problems-burden-change Súhrn Zmeny zdravotného stavu ako dôsledku choroby a najmä úrazu čoraz častejšie vstupujú do naších životov. Zvýšený výskyt ľudí so špecifickými potrebami (ako dôsledku zmeny v zdravotnom stave) v posledných dvoch desaťročiach nás vedie k otázke, čo títo jedinci potrebujú, aby si ich život udržal potrebnú kvalitu. Jednou z možností pri zvládaní životne záťažových situácií je práve sociálna opora, ktorou sa v príspevku zaoberáme. Kľúčové slová: sociálna opora-sociálna sieť-zvládanie-záťaž-zmena
This study aims to examine how life in poverty affects the functioning of family system. We focus... more This study aims to examine how life in poverty affects the functioning of family system. We focused on family functioning in the dimensions based on McMaster model. We employed The Family Assessment Device. The result shows that there is an association between poverty and disrupted family functioning. Family functioning in different dimensions is in the range of "unhealthy", mainly in communication, behaviour control and family role. Family stress caused by problems with the fulfilment of the family economic function, affects the way parents fulfill their parental role. We consider it necessary to focus on effective interventions to help families living in poverty in the restoration of family functioning in different dimensions.
Problem statement: A specific group of school children with disability. Preparation for school an... more Problem statement: A specific group of school children with disability. Preparation for school and care for these children brings also a considerable degree of stress. In this study we focus on the load of mental stress of home carers. Research questions: Does the mental stress of carer change due to the child´s age? Purpose of study: The study aims to prove if the age of the chid (with disability) influences carer´s mental stress. We expect that with the age of the child (and the length of the care) the stress would increase. Research methods: A questionnaire of selfconstruction for data obtaining about the carer and a person who is cared for, Meister´s questionnaire of mental stress (ten areas, where stress load is perceived). Findings: Mental stress of people caring for a child with disability covers the whole range of 0 up to 100 points. Stress appears to be completely independent of age (Pearson´s correlation from-,187 up to ,122). But the stress significantly correlates with the level of child´s disability (regardless of age). Conclusion: People caring for a child with disability perceive mental stress depending on the degree of disability, the stress load depends on the age of the child, and the stress is independent of the child´s age and also the length care.
Authors focus on issue of health psychology in the context of university teaching of social work ... more Authors focus on issue of health psychology in the context of university teaching of social work students. Within the framework of a study programme there is health psychology presented as interdisciplinary field of science which is based on bio-psychosocial model of health/disease. The starting premise it the assumption of functional connection of socio-psychological training with educative process (interactive form of teaching) within the subject of health psychology. The aim is to find out how students perceive learning of this subject and its benefits into practice from the view of a used formed of educational process.
The attention of this article is pointed on individual socio-political aspects interconnected wit... more The attention of this article is pointed on individual socio-political aspects interconnected with right-wing the Slovak republic. This work reflects contemporary knowledge in the field of socio-scientific disciplines, while directly dealing with the topic of the article, and focuses the attention on the most important relations of examined phenomenon. One of the important aspects, in the framework of theoretical definition of the topic, are concepts of works written by Neil J. Smelser (1963) and William Kornhauser (2008), who deal with collective behavior and mass society. The main instrument for the implementation of quantitative research is a standardized questionnaire to monitor right-wing extremism, xenophobia and intolerance in the attitudes of Slovak population. The sample consists of 1000 respondents from eastern regions of the Slovak Republic. Social research focused on the extreme right helps to understand the whole set of phenomena and events in historical and social contexts. It also helps to create a professional and fair public debate on this complex social phenomenon. The ambition of this article is to highlight the need for a new perspective on the issue of extreme right-wing movements and subcultures and the far right as a whole, given an objective and comprehensive picture of the social realities that are part of this phenomenon.
Aktuální otázky a možnosti v oblasti intervence o osoby se speciálními potřebami, 2021
Teoretickým východiskom príspevku je Senov koncept sociálnej spravodlivosti fokusovaný na ľudí so... more Teoretickým východiskom príspevku je Senov koncept sociálnej spravodlivosti fokusovaný na ľudí so zdravotným postihnutím. Inklúzia ľudí so špecifickými potrebami predpokladá, že jednotlivé subsystémy zabezpečujúce podporu a starostlivosť o týchto klientov sú funkčne prepojené. V SR napriek dlhoročnej snahe o zavedenie komplexnej koordinovanej starostlivosti nie sú vytvorené legislatívne a štrukturálne podmienky, ktoré by podporovali vznik takéhoto typu starostlivosti. Príspevok je spracovaný v dizajne teoretickej štúdie. Cieľom príspevku je poukázať na možné prínosy sociálnej práce, ktorá by prostredníctvom role prípadového manažéra mohla prispieť k preklenutiu rezortnej izolácie a k vytvoreniu funkčného systému fokusovaného na ľudí so zdravotným postihnutím. Klúčové slová ľudia so zdravotným postihnutím, inkluzívna spoločnosť, komplexná koordinovaná starostlivosť, prípadový manažér, sociálna spravodlivosť, sociálna práca
Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention, 2016
This article reflects the development of Slovak Social Work in the context of the political devel... more This article reflects the development of Slovak Social Work in the context of the political development of the country. The Authors searched for answers to the following questions: Was Social Work really abolished in Slovakia after 1951? Is there evidence casting doubt upon that assertion? The aim of this article is to contribute to overcoming the claim that after 1951 there was a violent abolition of Social Work in the former Czechoslovakia and point out the consequences for the development and current state of Social Work in Slovakia brought on by ignoring events in the given period.
In the context of salutogenesis, coping with diabetes is perceived as a dynamic process of change... more In the context of salutogenesis, coping with diabetes is perceived as a dynamic process of changes in all aspects of biopsychosocial model of health/disease. Understanding of salutoprotective factors allows for estimation of client's extent of vulnerability and ability to cope with the disease. The objective of the study is to assess selected salutoprotective factors in diabetic clients (SOC-type hardiness, well-being-subjective feelings and states scale [SUPOS], perceived social support scale [PSSS]). Low values of SOC, PSSS, and SUPOS suggest an increased need in psychosocial care. The possibility to strengthen an individual's hardiness and to influence perceived social support adverts to the irreplaceable role of social workers at counseling and educational levels as well as that of a form of social support.
Papers by Jana Levicka