International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science
Conducting an effective Covid-19 vaccine is a global public health necessity in containing the pa... more Conducting an effective Covid-19 vaccine is a global public health necessity in containing the pandemic. Vaccines are one of the most reliable and cost-effective public health interventions ever implemented that are saving millions of lives each year. The purpose of this study was to identify public acceptance of the Covid-19 vaccination program in the South Kalimantan region. Quantitative research by using a cross-sectional approach. The number of samples is 252 people. The sampling technique is accidental sampling. The study was conducted in South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Predictors of acceptance of the vaccine program were identified from vaccination status, views on vaccine effectiveness, vaccine safety, pandemic conspiracy, trustworthiness of information about Covid-19, and willingness to pay for vaccines. Data collection was done online using a Google Form questionnaire. Based on the predictors of acceptance of the covid-19 vaccination program, it can be seen that the m...
The Covid-19 death rate in Banjarbaru Utara District ranks first, followed by Liang Anggang Distr... more The Covid-19 death rate in Banjarbaru Utara District ranks first, followed by Liang Anggang District. This requires an integrated effort from all elements of society to help suppress the spread of COVID-19 cases through community empowerment, including students in the school environment. SMK Telkom Banjarbaru is one of the schools located in the North Banjarbaru sub-district, which has the potential as a cluster for the spread of covid 19. In this regard, it is necessary to provide counseling about the spread of Covid-19 and incinerators as infectious waste processors. The method used is lecture, discussion, and question and answer. The activity was attended by 90 students and teachers, consisting of 81 students and 9 teachers. The training went smoothly. The participants were enthusiastic in listening to the presentation of the material, and were active in asking questions about the spread of Covid-19 and the processing of infectious waste. The conclusion of this activity was that ...
Buku ini berisi pedoman dan bahan ajar yang mampu untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan serta diap... more Buku ini berisi pedoman dan bahan ajar yang mampu untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan serta diaplikasikan di bidang medikolegal
Background: The prevalence of confirmed cases of Covid-19 is quite high and tends to continue to ... more Background: The prevalence of confirmed cases of Covid-19 is quite high and tends to continue to increase. Based on data, South Kalimantan Province in early mid-2021 experienced a high spike in cases, resulting in a large number of deaths, especially in the City of Banjarbaru. Covid-19 active cases in South Kalimantan in July 2021 were recorded at 5,279 cases (12.41%) out of a total of 42,527 positive cases. Many research results on risk factors for Covid-19 cases, the results vary widely. People with comorbidities are a very vulnerable group. Objective: to analyze whether comorbid status has implications for the final status of Covid-19 patients in inpatients at the Idaman Hospital, Banjarbaru City. Methods: Quantitative research using an observational design through a case-control approach. The population is 300 respondents and the research sample is 60 respondents with a sample group of 30 people and a control group of 30 people. The data used is data from the case form report (CFR). The dependent variable in this study was the final status (died/recovered) in inpatients diagnosed as positive for Covid-19 at the Idaman Hospital, Banjarbaru City, while the independent variables were age, gender, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, pneumonia, heart failure, kidney failure. chronic chronic disease (CKD) and stroke (CVA). Data were analyzed univariately and bivariately with chi-square to obtain adjusted OR. Results: Analysis using the chi-square test showed that chronic kidney failure (p=0, 026) has implications for the mortality status of patients with a risk of dying 10 times compared to patients without comorbidities, and heart disease (p=0.045) with a risk of dying 6 times compared to patients without heart disease. Conclusion: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and heart disease are the highest risk factors that affect death in patients with Covid-19.
Cyanide is one of the rapid acting poisons. Exposure to cyanide can cause several health problems... more Cyanide is one of the rapid acting poisons. Exposure to cyanide can cause several health problems, including liver cells damaged. However, the mechanism of liver cells damage by cyanide still not clear. In this present study, we proposed that cyanide could induced liver cells damaged via oxidative and chlorinative stress pathway. Thus, our study aimed to investigated the effect of cyanide on liver cells via oxidative and chlorinative stress pathway by measuring the levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) malondialdehyde (MDA), Advanced Oxidation Protein Products (AOPPs), the myeloperoxidase (MPO) acivity, and the chlorinative index (CI). The results revealed that cyanide exposure positively correlated with H2O2, MDA, AOPPs level, and CI, and negatively correlated with MPO activity in liver cells homogenate. These results indicated that cyanide exposure induce liver cells damage through the oxidative and chlorinative stress pathway which can be seen from the correlation between cyanide ex...
Sea cucumber is one of the marine biotas and used as drugs composition or as an additional compon... more Sea cucumber is one of the marine biotas and used as drugs composition or as an additional component of foods. Its complete nutritional compositions, antioxidant and antiviral activities have been widely studied and are known useful for human health. Each sea cucumber species, may have different antioxidant activity values, also depends on its forms, organic or aqueous extract. In the right dose and duration of consumption of sea cucumber extract, it has significant therapeutic effect in several medical problems. Not only as an antioxidant and antiviral, but sea cucumber has also been knowncontain antifungal, antimetastase, cytotoxic, and various other roles that can be supplied for medical treatment
Identifikasi adalah menentukan identitas orang yang masih hidup atau sudah meninggal, berdasarkan... more Identifikasi adalah menentukan identitas orang yang masih hidup atau sudah meninggal, berdasarkan temuan khusus yang terdapat pada orang tersebut. Penentuan tinggi badan memiliki arti yang penting dalam situasi dimana yang harus diperiksa hanya berupa potongan-potongan atau rangka tubuh, atau hanya sebagian dari tulang. Perkiraan tinggi badan bisa diperoleh dengan menggunakan formula regresi. Keakuratan dari formula regresi dalam menentukan tinggi badan seseorang dipengaruhi oleh pola dan proporsionalitas antara berbagai macam takaran dari berbagai bagian tubuh. Telah diketahui bahwa konsep alometri. Hubungan alometri diantara tulang – tulang adalah sistematis tapi tidak pasti. Pola penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis cross sectional . Hasil yang dipantau berupa dalam bentuk persamaan regresi dan tingkat korelasi yang koefisien pada kedua bentuk persamaan. Hasil analisi penelitian diselesaikan dengan cara membandingkan koefisien korelasi dari metode pengukuran tibia perkutaneu...
Dayak Ngaju tribe lived scattered along the Kapuas and Kahayan river. Meanwhile, the Dayak Bukit ... more Dayak Ngaju tribe lived scattered along the Kapuas and Kahayan river. Meanwhile, the Dayak Bukit tribe lived scattered the mountain and valley area. Kinship between Dayak Bukit and Dayak Ngaju tribe is still under debate. DNA examination is one of the most reliable methods in determining personal identity, community, and kinship relationship. FBI has recommended DNA analysis using 13 short tandem repeat loci, known as CODIS 13 for DNA test. We used the system to identify the difference between Dayak Ngaju and Dayak Bukit tribe and analyze the kinship between these two tribes. There are loci and alleles that always owned by each individual of Dayak Ngaju tribe. The Dayak Ngaju characteristic which cannot be discovered in Dayak Bukit tribe are TPOX allele 6 locus, FGA allele 25.2 locus, CSF allele 8, 10.3, 11 locus, VWA allele 13, 15.1 locus, D18S51 allele 9, 13, 18, 20 locus, D21S11 allele 34 locus, D7S870 allele 12.1 locus. Dayak Bukit tribe has locus and allele that owned by each i...
Background: The island of Borneo is inhabited by various tribes such as Dayak Ngaju tribe, Dayak ... more Background: The island of Borneo is inhabited by various tribes such as Dayak Ngaju tribe, Dayak Bukit tribe and Banjar Hulu tribe. According to Radam (1987) the Dayak Bukit and Banjar Hulu tribes have the closest kinship, while the theory of Tjilik Riwut (1979) says Dayak Bukit tribe is part of Dayak Ngaju tribe. The difference between the two theories is still debatable so it needs to be identified. Identification of all three groups is by using the chepalic index. Objective: To find out the average head width, head length and chepalic index between men and women in the three groups of tribes in Kalimantan. Method: This study was an observational analytic study with cross sectional design, using respondents of 180 people consisting of 60 people in each tribe groups. Characteristic of head shape was measured by using chepalic index. Results: Research data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis test. The Kruskall Wallis test of head width, head length and chepalic index yielded p = 0,0...
Background: Indonesia has peatlands which spread all over the state and one of them is in Borneo ... more Background: Indonesia has peatlands which spread all over the state and one of them is in Borneo (Kalimantan). More than three million hectares of peatland spreads in South Borneo. Peatlands have relatively high acidity level with pH range of 3-5. The peatlands in South Borneo is generally used for farming or public cemetery. In certain situation, peatlands is often used as a dumping ground for criminal victims. Sometimes, the authority finds it hard to identify the victim because the body is already decomposed. To identify the victim and to analyse the cause of death, identification process is necessary. Teeth can be used to help the identification process. Biological elements from the teeth namely dental pulp contains antigens that were useful to bloodgroups determination by absorption elution method. Purpose: The objective of this research is to discover the effect of peatlands acidity level and teeth submersions durations in determining blood-group accuracy from dental pulp. Met...
Stature is one of the most important and useful anthropometric parameter and its estimation hold ... more Stature is one of the most important and useful anthropometric parameter and its estimation hold a special place in the field of Forensic Anthropometry. The goal of the present study was to correlate and estimate the stature of Banjar tribe of adult males from forearm length of individuals having age group of 20-25, in Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The present study was observational analytic with cross sectional approximation. All individuals were measured for height with microtoise and forearm length with metering tape. The data thus obtained has been subjected to statistical computation for deriving the regression equations. The results obtained concluded that forearm length exhibit significant correlation in Banjar tribe of adult male.
Background: The socket preservation has important role in alveolar bone resorption after tooth ex... more Background: The socket preservation has important role in alveolar bone resorption after tooth extraction. Various graft materials can be used in socket preservation must have osteoconductive, osteoinductive and osteoproliferation properties. Autogenous bone graft from dentin can be used because it has good osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties. One of the active substances of MoringaoleiferaLam is flavonoidsthat have several beneficial characteristics as an anti‑inflammatory. The combination of anti-inflammatory with MO extract and Demineralization Freeze Dried Dentin Matrix (DFDDM) is expected to provide a good response to bone formation. Aim: To determine the potentialof combination MO and DFDDM in formation of Fibroblast and Osteoblasts cells in post extraction caviacobayas tooth. Method: The mandibular incisors of 45 Caviacobaya were extracted and divided into five groups subjected to different socket preservation treatments sequentially with MO, DFDDM, combination of...
International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science
Conducting an effective Covid-19 vaccine is a global public health necessity in containing the pa... more Conducting an effective Covid-19 vaccine is a global public health necessity in containing the pandemic. Vaccines are one of the most reliable and cost-effective public health interventions ever implemented that are saving millions of lives each year. The purpose of this study was to identify public acceptance of the Covid-19 vaccination program in the South Kalimantan region. Quantitative research by using a cross-sectional approach. The number of samples is 252 people. The sampling technique is accidental sampling. The study was conducted in South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Predictors of acceptance of the vaccine program were identified from vaccination status, views on vaccine effectiveness, vaccine safety, pandemic conspiracy, trustworthiness of information about Covid-19, and willingness to pay for vaccines. Data collection was done online using a Google Form questionnaire. Based on the predictors of acceptance of the covid-19 vaccination program, it can be seen that the m...
The Covid-19 death rate in Banjarbaru Utara District ranks first, followed by Liang Anggang Distr... more The Covid-19 death rate in Banjarbaru Utara District ranks first, followed by Liang Anggang District. This requires an integrated effort from all elements of society to help suppress the spread of COVID-19 cases through community empowerment, including students in the school environment. SMK Telkom Banjarbaru is one of the schools located in the North Banjarbaru sub-district, which has the potential as a cluster for the spread of covid 19. In this regard, it is necessary to provide counseling about the spread of Covid-19 and incinerators as infectious waste processors. The method used is lecture, discussion, and question and answer. The activity was attended by 90 students and teachers, consisting of 81 students and 9 teachers. The training went smoothly. The participants were enthusiastic in listening to the presentation of the material, and were active in asking questions about the spread of Covid-19 and the processing of infectious waste. The conclusion of this activity was that ...
Buku ini berisi pedoman dan bahan ajar yang mampu untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan serta diap... more Buku ini berisi pedoman dan bahan ajar yang mampu untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan serta diaplikasikan di bidang medikolegal
Background: The prevalence of confirmed cases of Covid-19 is quite high and tends to continue to ... more Background: The prevalence of confirmed cases of Covid-19 is quite high and tends to continue to increase. Based on data, South Kalimantan Province in early mid-2021 experienced a high spike in cases, resulting in a large number of deaths, especially in the City of Banjarbaru. Covid-19 active cases in South Kalimantan in July 2021 were recorded at 5,279 cases (12.41%) out of a total of 42,527 positive cases. Many research results on risk factors for Covid-19 cases, the results vary widely. People with comorbidities are a very vulnerable group. Objective: to analyze whether comorbid status has implications for the final status of Covid-19 patients in inpatients at the Idaman Hospital, Banjarbaru City. Methods: Quantitative research using an observational design through a case-control approach. The population is 300 respondents and the research sample is 60 respondents with a sample group of 30 people and a control group of 30 people. The data used is data from the case form report (CFR). The dependent variable in this study was the final status (died/recovered) in inpatients diagnosed as positive for Covid-19 at the Idaman Hospital, Banjarbaru City, while the independent variables were age, gender, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, pneumonia, heart failure, kidney failure. chronic chronic disease (CKD) and stroke (CVA). Data were analyzed univariately and bivariately with chi-square to obtain adjusted OR. Results: Analysis using the chi-square test showed that chronic kidney failure (p=0, 026) has implications for the mortality status of patients with a risk of dying 10 times compared to patients without comorbidities, and heart disease (p=0.045) with a risk of dying 6 times compared to patients without heart disease. Conclusion: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and heart disease are the highest risk factors that affect death in patients with Covid-19.
Cyanide is one of the rapid acting poisons. Exposure to cyanide can cause several health problems... more Cyanide is one of the rapid acting poisons. Exposure to cyanide can cause several health problems, including liver cells damaged. However, the mechanism of liver cells damage by cyanide still not clear. In this present study, we proposed that cyanide could induced liver cells damaged via oxidative and chlorinative stress pathway. Thus, our study aimed to investigated the effect of cyanide on liver cells via oxidative and chlorinative stress pathway by measuring the levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) malondialdehyde (MDA), Advanced Oxidation Protein Products (AOPPs), the myeloperoxidase (MPO) acivity, and the chlorinative index (CI). The results revealed that cyanide exposure positively correlated with H2O2, MDA, AOPPs level, and CI, and negatively correlated with MPO activity in liver cells homogenate. These results indicated that cyanide exposure induce liver cells damage through the oxidative and chlorinative stress pathway which can be seen from the correlation between cyanide ex...
Sea cucumber is one of the marine biotas and used as drugs composition or as an additional compon... more Sea cucumber is one of the marine biotas and used as drugs composition or as an additional component of foods. Its complete nutritional compositions, antioxidant and antiviral activities have been widely studied and are known useful for human health. Each sea cucumber species, may have different antioxidant activity values, also depends on its forms, organic or aqueous extract. In the right dose and duration of consumption of sea cucumber extract, it has significant therapeutic effect in several medical problems. Not only as an antioxidant and antiviral, but sea cucumber has also been knowncontain antifungal, antimetastase, cytotoxic, and various other roles that can be supplied for medical treatment
Identifikasi adalah menentukan identitas orang yang masih hidup atau sudah meninggal, berdasarkan... more Identifikasi adalah menentukan identitas orang yang masih hidup atau sudah meninggal, berdasarkan temuan khusus yang terdapat pada orang tersebut. Penentuan tinggi badan memiliki arti yang penting dalam situasi dimana yang harus diperiksa hanya berupa potongan-potongan atau rangka tubuh, atau hanya sebagian dari tulang. Perkiraan tinggi badan bisa diperoleh dengan menggunakan formula regresi. Keakuratan dari formula regresi dalam menentukan tinggi badan seseorang dipengaruhi oleh pola dan proporsionalitas antara berbagai macam takaran dari berbagai bagian tubuh. Telah diketahui bahwa konsep alometri. Hubungan alometri diantara tulang – tulang adalah sistematis tapi tidak pasti. Pola penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis cross sectional . Hasil yang dipantau berupa dalam bentuk persamaan regresi dan tingkat korelasi yang koefisien pada kedua bentuk persamaan. Hasil analisi penelitian diselesaikan dengan cara membandingkan koefisien korelasi dari metode pengukuran tibia perkutaneu...
Dayak Ngaju tribe lived scattered along the Kapuas and Kahayan river. Meanwhile, the Dayak Bukit ... more Dayak Ngaju tribe lived scattered along the Kapuas and Kahayan river. Meanwhile, the Dayak Bukit tribe lived scattered the mountain and valley area. Kinship between Dayak Bukit and Dayak Ngaju tribe is still under debate. DNA examination is one of the most reliable methods in determining personal identity, community, and kinship relationship. FBI has recommended DNA analysis using 13 short tandem repeat loci, known as CODIS 13 for DNA test. We used the system to identify the difference between Dayak Ngaju and Dayak Bukit tribe and analyze the kinship between these two tribes. There are loci and alleles that always owned by each individual of Dayak Ngaju tribe. The Dayak Ngaju characteristic which cannot be discovered in Dayak Bukit tribe are TPOX allele 6 locus, FGA allele 25.2 locus, CSF allele 8, 10.3, 11 locus, VWA allele 13, 15.1 locus, D18S51 allele 9, 13, 18, 20 locus, D21S11 allele 34 locus, D7S870 allele 12.1 locus. Dayak Bukit tribe has locus and allele that owned by each i...
Background: The island of Borneo is inhabited by various tribes such as Dayak Ngaju tribe, Dayak ... more Background: The island of Borneo is inhabited by various tribes such as Dayak Ngaju tribe, Dayak Bukit tribe and Banjar Hulu tribe. According to Radam (1987) the Dayak Bukit and Banjar Hulu tribes have the closest kinship, while the theory of Tjilik Riwut (1979) says Dayak Bukit tribe is part of Dayak Ngaju tribe. The difference between the two theories is still debatable so it needs to be identified. Identification of all three groups is by using the chepalic index. Objective: To find out the average head width, head length and chepalic index between men and women in the three groups of tribes in Kalimantan. Method: This study was an observational analytic study with cross sectional design, using respondents of 180 people consisting of 60 people in each tribe groups. Characteristic of head shape was measured by using chepalic index. Results: Research data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis test. The Kruskall Wallis test of head width, head length and chepalic index yielded p = 0,0...
Background: Indonesia has peatlands which spread all over the state and one of them is in Borneo ... more Background: Indonesia has peatlands which spread all over the state and one of them is in Borneo (Kalimantan). More than three million hectares of peatland spreads in South Borneo. Peatlands have relatively high acidity level with pH range of 3-5. The peatlands in South Borneo is generally used for farming or public cemetery. In certain situation, peatlands is often used as a dumping ground for criminal victims. Sometimes, the authority finds it hard to identify the victim because the body is already decomposed. To identify the victim and to analyse the cause of death, identification process is necessary. Teeth can be used to help the identification process. Biological elements from the teeth namely dental pulp contains antigens that were useful to bloodgroups determination by absorption elution method. Purpose: The objective of this research is to discover the effect of peatlands acidity level and teeth submersions durations in determining blood-group accuracy from dental pulp. Met...
Stature is one of the most important and useful anthropometric parameter and its estimation hold ... more Stature is one of the most important and useful anthropometric parameter and its estimation hold a special place in the field of Forensic Anthropometry. The goal of the present study was to correlate and estimate the stature of Banjar tribe of adult males from forearm length of individuals having age group of 20-25, in Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. The present study was observational analytic with cross sectional approximation. All individuals were measured for height with microtoise and forearm length with metering tape. The data thus obtained has been subjected to statistical computation for deriving the regression equations. The results obtained concluded that forearm length exhibit significant correlation in Banjar tribe of adult male.
Background: The socket preservation has important role in alveolar bone resorption after tooth ex... more Background: The socket preservation has important role in alveolar bone resorption after tooth extraction. Various graft materials can be used in socket preservation must have osteoconductive, osteoinductive and osteoproliferation properties. Autogenous bone graft from dentin can be used because it has good osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties. One of the active substances of MoringaoleiferaLam is flavonoidsthat have several beneficial characteristics as an anti‑inflammatory. The combination of anti-inflammatory with MO extract and Demineralization Freeze Dried Dentin Matrix (DFDDM) is expected to provide a good response to bone formation. Aim: To determine the potentialof combination MO and DFDDM in formation of Fibroblast and Osteoblasts cells in post extraction caviacobayas tooth. Method: The mandibular incisors of 45 Caviacobaya were extracted and divided into five groups subjected to different socket preservation treatments sequentially with MO, DFDDM, combination of...
Papers by Iwan Aflanie