Kreativni je sektor u Republici Hrvatskoj ekonomski i pravno nedovoljno uređen što je posljedica ... more Kreativni je sektor u Republici Hrvatskoj ekonomski i pravno nedovoljno uređen što je posljedica njegove višegodišnje neinstitucionaliziranosti. Osnivanjem Hrvatskog klastera kreativnih i kulturnih industrija 2013. godine na poticaj Ministarstva gospodarstva te provedbom projektne studije Rašić Bakarić, Bačić i Božić Mapiranje kreativnih i kulturnih industrija iz 2015. godine započinje razdoblje postojećeg stanja kreativne industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj čime se nastoji poticati sektorska i međusektorska umrežavanja. Namjera je ovog rada prikazati studiju slučaja u području kreativne ekonomije, a na primjeru popularizacijskog simpozija Kreativna riznica čija je misija populariziranje kreativne industrije s ciljem uspostavljanja 12 sektora kreativne industrije. U radu su opisana ograničenja kako samog simpozija tako i institucionaliziranja kreativne industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Pojašnjen je idejni koncept simpozija te njegova usmjerenost na uporabu digitalnih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u susretanjima, dijalozima i suradnji dionika kreativne industrije, izlagača, posjetitelja i organizatora. Kako je kreativna industrija projektna industrija te industrija znanja i inovacija, praktični eksperiment obuhvatio je nove komunikacijske strategije u uspostavljanju mreže heterogenih kreativaca te u oblikovanju i razvoju publike. Opisano je i ostvarivanje timskog rada u organiziranju simpozija Kreativna riznica kojim je upravljano uz pomoć digitalne podrške.
Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpost... more Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpostavke organiziranja analiziraju u ovom zavrsnom radu
Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpost... more Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpostavke organiziranja analiziraju u ovom završnom radu. U organiziranju popularizacijskog simpozija javna visokoobrazovna ustanova sudjeluje svojim resursima u njegovu organiziranju i provođenju. Završni rad oprimjerio je popularizacijski simpozij Kreativnu riznicu koja popularizira kreativnu i kulturnu industriju Republike Hrvatske. Javna visokoobrazovna ustanova Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku glavni je inicijator i organizator analiziranog simpozija. Cilj ovog rada prikazati je tijek planiranja, organiziranja i provođenja velikog događanja – Kreativna riznica. Riječ je o javnom, besplatnom događanju svih dionika kulturnih i kreativnih industrija otvorenom za javnost, izlagače i posjetitelje svih dobnih skupina i obrazovnih razina, ispunjeno brojnim programima: predavanjima, radionicama, okruglim stolovima, multimedijskim događanjima, izložbama i predstavljanjima knjiga. U ovom radu opisuje ...
Kreativni je sektor u Republici Hrvatskoj ekonomski i pravno nedovoljno uređen što je posljedica ... more Kreativni je sektor u Republici Hrvatskoj ekonomski i pravno nedovoljno uređen što je posljedica njegove višegodišnje neinstitucionaliziranosti. Osnivanjem Hrvatskog klastera kreativnih i kulturnih industrija 2013. godine na poticaj Ministarstva gospodarstva te provedbom projektne studije Rašić Bakarić, Bačić i Božić Mapiranje kreativnih i kulturnih industrija iz 2015. godine započinje razdoblje postojećeg stanja kreativne industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj čime se nastoji poticati sektorska i međusektorska umrežavanja. Namjera je ovog rada prikazati studiju slučaja u području kreativne ekonomije, a na primjeru popularizacijskog simpozija Kreativna riznica čija je misija populariziranje kreativne industrije s ciljem uspostavljanja 12 sektora kreativne industrije. U radu su opisana ograničenja kako samog simpozija tako i institucionaliziranja kreativne industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Pojašnjen je idejni koncept simpozija te njegova usmjerenost na uporabu digitalnih i komunikacijskih ...
Cultural institutions, specifically theatres, which are the main focus of this research paper, ar... more Cultural institutions, specifically theatres, which are the main focus of this research paper, are struggling to find the best way to approach and attract the audience, in particular the young audience (in this case Generation Y). The authors of the paper believe that unconventional marketing has potential as a tool of communication with the audience in terms of both future research and practical application. Unconventional marketing can be used for the benefit of not only the theatres, but also the whole society by building a theatre audience and in general by raising awareness of the role cultural institutions play in the economic development of a country. Based on empirical research of city and national theatres in the Republic of Croatia, the objective of this paper was to identify and understand unconventional marketing and determine if it can be a useful marketing tool for communication with Generation Y. The research focused on two types of theatres (i.e. city and national th...
Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpost... more Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpostavke organiziranja analiziraju u ovom zavrsnom radu
Volontiranje je drustveno odgovorno i dobrovoljno ponasanje pojedinca sa sve vecom ulogom u razvo... more Volontiranje je drustveno odgovorno i dobrovoljno ponasanje pojedinca sa sve vecom ulogom u razvoju zajednice i drustva u cjelini. Ovaj rad usmje
Volontiranje je drustveno odgovorno i dobrovoljno ponasanje pojedinca sa sve vecom ulogom u razvo... more Volontiranje je drustveno odgovorno i dobrovoljno ponasanje pojedinca sa sve vecom ulogom u razvoju zajednice i drustva u cjelini. Ovaj rad usmje
Cultural institutions, specifically theatres, which are the main focus of this research paper, ar... more Cultural institutions, specifically theatres, which are the main focus of this research paper, are struggling to find the best way to approach and attract the audience, in particular the young audience (in this case Generation Y). The authors of the paper believe that unconventional marketing has potential as a tool of communication with the audience in terms of both future research and practical application. Unconventional marketing can be used for the benefit of not only the theatres, but also the whole society by building a theatre audience and in general by raising awareness of the role cultural institutions play in the economic development of a country. Based on empirical research of city and national theatres in the Republic of Croatia, the objective of this paper was to identify and understand unconventional marketing and determine if it can be a useful marketing tool for communication with Generation Y. The research focused on two types of theatres (i.e. city and national theatres) and comprised two surveys, one for theatre employees, n=41, and the other for Generation Y, n=285. Research hypotheses were focused on analysing the effectiveness of both promotional methods used by the theatres and unconventional marketing targeting Generation Y. Research results indicate that theatres have not adapted their promotional activities to Generation Y. However, they also show that unconventional marketing has great potential in both groups with respect to theatre events. Psychometric analysis confirmed the good metric properties of the proposed Theatre PUMA Scale, which measures the potential of unconventional theatre marketing.
Volunteering is a socially responsible and voluntary behavior of an individual with an increasing... more Volunteering is a socially responsible and voluntary behavior of an individual with an increasing role in the development of the community and society as a whole. Linking volunteering with the development of the creative sector contributes to shaping innovative creative production and thus to the processes of institutionalizing the creative industry. This paper examines and analyzes what motivates youth to participate in volunteering activities during their formal education. The paper is focused on an example of positive practice of a higher education institution. This is a popularization symposium of the creative industry called Creative Treasury, which rests upon voluntary engagement of professors, students, creative professionals, amateurs and other volunteers. Such work resulted in the development of a volunteer network, which records an increasing number of volunteer hours dedicated every year to the organizational and program activities of the event. The survey was conducted in 2018 and 2019, and the respondents (n = 122) are active volunteers of the Creative Treasury project whose views were collected through a structured questionnaire. It was confirmed that there is a high correlation between the development of personal and social skills and the opportunities for self-improvement. The paper provides recommendations to future researchers of related phenomena to establish student volunteer projects as a type of formal learning, a collaborative way of developing the skills of both mentors and students, and a way of branding an educational institution. The contribution of volunteer projects of the academic institution confirms the second hypothesis of the paper stating that volunteer projects conducted by the academic institution link theoretical knowledge and practical needs of the economy (development of the creative industry), as well as research and practical cooperation of mentors and students, and contribute to developing and improving students’ skills as a fundamental competitive advantage in the labor market.
Kreativni je sektor u Republici Hrvatskoj ekonomski i pravno nedovoljno uređen što je posljedica ... more Kreativni je sektor u Republici Hrvatskoj ekonomski i pravno nedovoljno uređen što je posljedica njegove višegodišnje neinstitucionaliziranosti. Osnivanjem Hrvatskog klastera kreativnih i kulturnih industrija 2013. godine na poticaj Ministarstva gospodarstva te provedbom projektne studije Rašić Bakarić, Bačić i Božić Mapiranje kreativnih i kulturnih industrija iz 2015. godine započinje razdoblje postojećeg stanja kreativne industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj čime se nastoji poticati sektorska i međusektorska umrežavanja. Namjera je ovog rada prikazati studiju slučaja u području kreativne ekonomije, a na primjeru popularizacijskog simpozija Kreativna riznica čija je misija populariziranje kreativne industrije s ciljem uspostavljanja 12 sektora kreativne industrije. U radu su opisana ograničenja kako samog simpozija tako i institucionaliziranja kreativne industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Pojašnjen je idejni koncept simpozija te njegova usmjerenost na uporabu digitalnih i komunikacijskih tehnologija u susretanjima, dijalozima i suradnji dionika kreativne industrije, izlagača, posjetitelja i organizatora. Kako je kreativna industrija projektna industrija te industrija znanja i inovacija, praktični eksperiment obuhvatio je nove komunikacijske strategije u uspostavljanju mreže heterogenih kreativaca te u oblikovanju i razvoju publike. Opisano je i ostvarivanje timskog rada u organiziranju simpozija Kreativna riznica kojim je upravljano uz pomoć digitalne podrške.
Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpost... more Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpostavke organiziranja analiziraju u ovom zavrsnom radu
Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpost... more Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpostavke organiziranja analiziraju u ovom završnom radu. U organiziranju popularizacijskog simpozija javna visokoobrazovna ustanova sudjeluje svojim resursima u njegovu organiziranju i provođenju. Završni rad oprimjerio je popularizacijski simpozij Kreativnu riznicu koja popularizira kreativnu i kulturnu industriju Republike Hrvatske. Javna visokoobrazovna ustanova Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku glavni je inicijator i organizator analiziranog simpozija. Cilj ovog rada prikazati je tijek planiranja, organiziranja i provođenja velikog događanja – Kreativna riznica. Riječ je o javnom, besplatnom događanju svih dionika kulturnih i kreativnih industrija otvorenom za javnost, izlagače i posjetitelje svih dobnih skupina i obrazovnih razina, ispunjeno brojnim programima: predavanjima, radionicama, okruglim stolovima, multimedijskim događanjima, izložbama i predstavljanjima knjiga. U ovom radu opisuje ...
Kreativni je sektor u Republici Hrvatskoj ekonomski i pravno nedovoljno uređen što je posljedica ... more Kreativni je sektor u Republici Hrvatskoj ekonomski i pravno nedovoljno uređen što je posljedica njegove višegodišnje neinstitucionaliziranosti. Osnivanjem Hrvatskog klastera kreativnih i kulturnih industrija 2013. godine na poticaj Ministarstva gospodarstva te provedbom projektne studije Rašić Bakarić, Bačić i Božić Mapiranje kreativnih i kulturnih industrija iz 2015. godine započinje razdoblje postojećeg stanja kreativne industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj čime se nastoji poticati sektorska i međusektorska umrežavanja. Namjera je ovog rada prikazati studiju slučaja u području kreativne ekonomije, a na primjeru popularizacijskog simpozija Kreativna riznica čija je misija populariziranje kreativne industrije s ciljem uspostavljanja 12 sektora kreativne industrije. U radu su opisana ograničenja kako samog simpozija tako i institucionaliziranja kreativne industrije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Pojašnjen je idejni koncept simpozija te njegova usmjerenost na uporabu digitalnih i komunikacijskih ...
Cultural institutions, specifically theatres, which are the main focus of this research paper, ar... more Cultural institutions, specifically theatres, which are the main focus of this research paper, are struggling to find the best way to approach and attract the audience, in particular the young audience (in this case Generation Y). The authors of the paper believe that unconventional marketing has potential as a tool of communication with the audience in terms of both future research and practical application. Unconventional marketing can be used for the benefit of not only the theatres, but also the whole society by building a theatre audience and in general by raising awareness of the role cultural institutions play in the economic development of a country. Based on empirical research of city and national theatres in the Republic of Croatia, the objective of this paper was to identify and understand unconventional marketing and determine if it can be a useful marketing tool for communication with Generation Y. The research focused on two types of theatres (i.e. city and national th...
Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpost... more Popularizacijski simpozij nova je vrsta velikog događanja te se njegove karakteristike i pretpostavke organiziranja analiziraju u ovom zavrsnom radu
Volontiranje je drustveno odgovorno i dobrovoljno ponasanje pojedinca sa sve vecom ulogom u razvo... more Volontiranje je drustveno odgovorno i dobrovoljno ponasanje pojedinca sa sve vecom ulogom u razvoju zajednice i drustva u cjelini. Ovaj rad usmje
Volontiranje je drustveno odgovorno i dobrovoljno ponasanje pojedinca sa sve vecom ulogom u razvo... more Volontiranje je drustveno odgovorno i dobrovoljno ponasanje pojedinca sa sve vecom ulogom u razvoju zajednice i drustva u cjelini. Ovaj rad usmje
Cultural institutions, specifically theatres, which are the main focus of this research paper, ar... more Cultural institutions, specifically theatres, which are the main focus of this research paper, are struggling to find the best way to approach and attract the audience, in particular the young audience (in this case Generation Y). The authors of the paper believe that unconventional marketing has potential as a tool of communication with the audience in terms of both future research and practical application. Unconventional marketing can be used for the benefit of not only the theatres, but also the whole society by building a theatre audience and in general by raising awareness of the role cultural institutions play in the economic development of a country. Based on empirical research of city and national theatres in the Republic of Croatia, the objective of this paper was to identify and understand unconventional marketing and determine if it can be a useful marketing tool for communication with Generation Y. The research focused on two types of theatres (i.e. city and national theatres) and comprised two surveys, one for theatre employees, n=41, and the other for Generation Y, n=285. Research hypotheses were focused on analysing the effectiveness of both promotional methods used by the theatres and unconventional marketing targeting Generation Y. Research results indicate that theatres have not adapted their promotional activities to Generation Y. However, they also show that unconventional marketing has great potential in both groups with respect to theatre events. Psychometric analysis confirmed the good metric properties of the proposed Theatre PUMA Scale, which measures the potential of unconventional theatre marketing.
Volunteering is a socially responsible and voluntary behavior of an individual with an increasing... more Volunteering is a socially responsible and voluntary behavior of an individual with an increasing role in the development of the community and society as a whole. Linking volunteering with the development of the creative sector contributes to shaping innovative creative production and thus to the processes of institutionalizing the creative industry. This paper examines and analyzes what motivates youth to participate in volunteering activities during their formal education. The paper is focused on an example of positive practice of a higher education institution. This is a popularization symposium of the creative industry called Creative Treasury, which rests upon voluntary engagement of professors, students, creative professionals, amateurs and other volunteers. Such work resulted in the development of a volunteer network, which records an increasing number of volunteer hours dedicated every year to the organizational and program activities of the event. The survey was conducted in 2018 and 2019, and the respondents (n = 122) are active volunteers of the Creative Treasury project whose views were collected through a structured questionnaire. It was confirmed that there is a high correlation between the development of personal and social skills and the opportunities for self-improvement. The paper provides recommendations to future researchers of related phenomena to establish student volunteer projects as a type of formal learning, a collaborative way of developing the skills of both mentors and students, and a way of branding an educational institution. The contribution of volunteer projects of the academic institution confirms the second hypothesis of the paper stating that volunteer projects conducted by the academic institution link theoretical knowledge and practical needs of the economy (development of the creative industry), as well as research and practical cooperation of mentors and students, and contribute to developing and improving students’ skills as a fundamental competitive advantage in the labor market.
Papers by Ivana Jobst
Generation Y). The authors of the paper believe that unconventional marketing has potential as a tool of
communication with the audience in terms of both future research and practical application. Unconventional marketing can be used for the benefit of not only the theatres, but also the whole society by building
a theatre audience and in general by raising awareness of the role cultural institutions play in the economic
development of a country. Based on empirical research of city and national theatres in the Republic of Croatia, the objective of this
paper was to identify and understand unconventional marketing and determine if it can be a useful marketing tool for communication with Generation Y. The research focused on two types of theatres (i.e. city and
national theatres) and comprised two surveys, one for theatre employees, n=41, and the other for Generation Y, n=285. Research hypotheses were focused on analysing the effectiveness of both promotional methods used by the theatres and unconventional marketing targeting Generation Y. Research results indicate
that theatres have not adapted their promotional activities to Generation Y. However, they also show that
unconventional marketing has great potential in both groups with respect to theatre events. Psychometric
analysis confirmed the good metric properties of the proposed Theatre PUMA Scale, which measures the
potential of unconventional theatre marketing.
The paper is focused on an example of positive practice of a higher education institution. This is a popularization symposium of the creative industry called Creative Treasury, which rests upon voluntary engagement of professors, students, creative professionals, amateurs and other volunteers. Such work resulted in the development of a volunteer network, which records an increasing number of volunteer hours dedicated every year to the organizational and program activities of the event.
The survey was conducted in 2018 and 2019, and the respondents (n = 122) are active volunteers of the Creative Treasury project whose views were collected through a structured questionnaire. It was confirmed that there is a high correlation between the development of personal and social skills and the opportunities for self-improvement. The paper provides recommendations to future researchers of related phenomena to establish student volunteer projects as a type of formal learning, a collaborative way of developing the skills of both mentors and students, and a way of branding an educational institution. The contribution of volunteer projects of the academic institution confirms the second hypothesis of the paper stating that volunteer projects conducted by the academic institution link theoretical knowledge and practical needs of the economy (development of the creative industry), as well as research and practical cooperation of mentors and students, and contribute to developing and improving students’ skills as a fundamental competitive advantage in the labor market.
Generation Y). The authors of the paper believe that unconventional marketing has potential as a tool of
communication with the audience in terms of both future research and practical application. Unconventional marketing can be used for the benefit of not only the theatres, but also the whole society by building
a theatre audience and in general by raising awareness of the role cultural institutions play in the economic
development of a country. Based on empirical research of city and national theatres in the Republic of Croatia, the objective of this
paper was to identify and understand unconventional marketing and determine if it can be a useful marketing tool for communication with Generation Y. The research focused on two types of theatres (i.e. city and
national theatres) and comprised two surveys, one for theatre employees, n=41, and the other for Generation Y, n=285. Research hypotheses were focused on analysing the effectiveness of both promotional methods used by the theatres and unconventional marketing targeting Generation Y. Research results indicate
that theatres have not adapted their promotional activities to Generation Y. However, they also show that
unconventional marketing has great potential in both groups with respect to theatre events. Psychometric
analysis confirmed the good metric properties of the proposed Theatre PUMA Scale, which measures the
potential of unconventional theatre marketing.
The paper is focused on an example of positive practice of a higher education institution. This is a popularization symposium of the creative industry called Creative Treasury, which rests upon voluntary engagement of professors, students, creative professionals, amateurs and other volunteers. Such work resulted in the development of a volunteer network, which records an increasing number of volunteer hours dedicated every year to the organizational and program activities of the event.
The survey was conducted in 2018 and 2019, and the respondents (n = 122) are active volunteers of the Creative Treasury project whose views were collected through a structured questionnaire. It was confirmed that there is a high correlation between the development of personal and social skills and the opportunities for self-improvement. The paper provides recommendations to future researchers of related phenomena to establish student volunteer projects as a type of formal learning, a collaborative way of developing the skills of both mentors and students, and a way of branding an educational institution. The contribution of volunteer projects of the academic institution confirms the second hypothesis of the paper stating that volunteer projects conducted by the academic institution link theoretical knowledge and practical needs of the economy (development of the creative industry), as well as research and practical cooperation of mentors and students, and contribute to developing and improving students’ skills as a fundamental competitive advantage in the labor market.