Papers by Irena Pogorzelska
Археологія, 2022, N 4, 2022
The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of research and the introduction into scienti... more The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of research and the introduction into scientific circulation of data on Slavic fabrics of the last quarter of the first millennium AD. In order to establish potential research opportunities, the general state of the study of fabrics in Ukraine according to archaeological remains is examined.Until now, the fabrics of the Slavs of the first quarter of the 1st millennium AD on the territory of modern Ukraine have not been studied. Their study is now available on the basis of fabric prints on clay products (13), as well as on the iron plate (1); the findings of actual fabrics of this period are currently unknown to the researchers. Such prints should be considered accidental, and their findings are extremely rare. It is hardly possible to count on further fast filling of this database.Local fabrication is not in doubt. Potentially, the existence of raw materials is evidenced by biological definitions (plants — flax and hemp; animals — sheep / goats) and the existence of the possibility of getting wool (spring scissors). The findings of spindle whorls directly certify the manufacture of threads.According to the imprints of the fibers, the existence of threads of both plant and animal origin was established. In four cases from Radychivske 3, the use of a stronger thread of vegetable origin for the warp and of animal thread for wefting was witnessed. In this way a better wear resistance of the fabric was achieved.The fabrics were plain weave, mostly the simplest, but from Radychivskе 3 comes their more complex type — mat R 4/4. The prevalence of this type should be left in question. A wide range of thread compressibility is indicated. It is from 0.03 to 2.5 mm. However, the thinnest of them probably indicate the wear of the fabric. Accordingly, the tissue density also differed significantly. The imprint with the densest weave — 23 × 23 n./cm2, comes from an iron plate.
Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету, серія "Історія", 2020
This article deals with an analysis of one of these burials (No. 32). The burial was well preserv... more This article deals with an analysis of one of these burials (No. 32). The burial was well preserved: under the vault, the upper and lower parts of the postcranial skeleton were found. According to the skull bones and the tubular bones' morphology, it was established that the burial belonged to a man aged 25–35. The items found here are relatively rare, and most importantly, they were accurately recorded. Among them, there were coffin rivets, numerous black beads from the rosary, and the copper medallion that were initially connected, and three gold rings. Analysis of these finds enabled dating the burial around the first half of the XVII century. Special attention was paid to the identified metal parts of clothing and fragments of textiles.
У статті проаналізовано результати дослідження археологічного текстилю XVII ст., виявленого при н... more У статті проаналізовано результати дослідження археологічного текстилю XVII ст., виявленого при небіжчику у труні. Зроблено попередні висновки, що небіжчик був місіонером-бенедиктцем (за супровідними знахідками), який прибув до францисканців у Межиріч. Тут загинув чи помер і був похований. Зважаючи на обряд поховання (використання досить дорогих тканин для декорування труни) - статус цього місіонера був досить значним.
Науково-дослідний центр "Часи козацькі" Українське товариство охорони пам'яток історії та культур... more Науково-дослідний центр "Часи козацькі" Українське товариство охорони пам'яток історії та культури Центр пам'яткознавства НАН України і УТОПІК Історико-культурна асоціація "Україна-Туреччина" Інститут мовознавства ім. О.О. Потебні НАН України Інститут археології НАН України НОВІ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ПАМ'ЯТОК КОЗАЦЬКОЇ ДОБИ В УКРАЇНІ Збірник наукових статей Випуск 26 Київ -2017 УДК 94
PolIssya Icons as a source for dress of the end of the XVI–XVII c. studyIng
On the base of combin... more PolIssya Icons as a source for dress of the end of the XVI–XVII c. studyIng
On the base of combing text sources and iconogra- phy author of article study history of clothe on Polis- sya’s baroque icon, trace material culture of many society layers, their clothe, contacts, as a result of changing fashion, traditions of decorative art. This studying is a foundation for analysis of archeological materials, their dating, making replicas and copies, reenaction of technological process of creation ele- ments of clothe.
(за знахідками текстилю в колишньому костьолі бернардинів)
Conference Presentations by Irena Pogorzelska
Нові дослідження пам’яток козацької доби в Україні, вип. 28, 2019 р, 2019
Old textile, archeological textiles, ancient clothing
Papers by Irena Pogorzelska
On the base of combing text sources and iconogra- phy author of article study history of clothe on Polis- sya’s baroque icon, trace material culture of many society layers, their clothe, contacts, as a result of changing fashion, traditions of decorative art. This studying is a foundation for analysis of archeological materials, their dating, making replicas and copies, reenaction of technological process of creation ele- ments of clothe.
Conference Presentations by Irena Pogorzelska
On the base of combing text sources and iconogra- phy author of article study history of clothe on Polis- sya’s baroque icon, trace material culture of many society layers, their clothe, contacts, as a result of changing fashion, traditions of decorative art. This studying is a foundation for analysis of archeological materials, their dating, making replicas and copies, reenaction of technological process of creation ele- ments of clothe.