Papers by Iwona Grzegorzewska

Agresja mlodych ludzi zarowno jako zjawisko spoleczne, jak i problem psychologiczny jest przedmio... more Agresja mlodych ludzi zarowno jako zjawisko spoleczne, jak i problem psychologiczny jest przedmiotem wielu analiz teoretycznych i badan naukowych. Zazwyczaj ich celem jest określenie konsekwencji zachowan agresywnych, zwlaszcza w postaci rozwoju zachowan przestepczych. Wciąz brakuje jednak opracowan empirycznych dotyczących związku zachowan agresywnych polskiej mlodziezy z czynnikami intrapersonalnymi. Glownym celem prezentowanych badan bylo określenie związku miedzy przywiązaniem, temperamentem, agresywnością a zachowaniami agresywnymi mlodych ludzi. W badaniach przyjeto wielowymiarowy model agresji Andersona i Bushmana. Do pomiaru wykorzystano Skale do badania agresywności Bussa-Perry’ego, Inwentarz przywiązania do rodzicow i rowieśnikow Armsdena i Greenberga, Skale temperamentu Bussa i Plomina oraz Kwestionariusz Mini DIA Osterman i Bjorkqvista. Grupe badaną stanowilo 120 osob w wieku 16–19 lat. Na podstawie badan mozna stwierdzic, ze dominującą cechą temperamentu u osob z wysoki...

Health Psychology Report, 2015
Background Attachment is one of the more important developmental aspects for predicting a person’... more Background Attachment is one of the more important developmental aspects for predicting a person’s level of adaptation and mental health. Previous research in this area suggests a relationship between insecure attachment and behavioural disorders, deviations as well as depression and other affective disorders. The goal of this study was to determine the relationships between adolescents’ attachment patterns and aggression as well as internalisation and externalisation of problems – expressed as a tendency to assume the role of the victim or the perpetrator. We hypothesised that insecure patterns of attachment foster both aggression (as a personality feature) and a tendency towards mental health issues, through increasing the frequency of entering the role of a victim or a perpetrator. participants and procedure One hundred and twenty individuals aged 14-19 took part in the study, mainly high school and university students. The study was conducted in groups, with the consent of parti...

Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 2015
Background Youthful aggression, perceived both as a social phenomenon and a psychological issue, ... more Background Youthful aggression, perceived both as a social phenomenon and a psychological issue, is the subject matter of numerous theoretical analyses and scientific studies. Usually, their aim is to determine the consequences of aggressive behaviour, especially the development of criminal behaviour. However, empirical studies devoted to the relations between aggressive behaviour of Polish youth and intrapersonal factors are still lacking. The main aim of the research presented in this paper was to determine the relationship between attachment, temperament, aggressiveness and aggressive behaviour among young people. For research purposes, the multidimensional aggression model developed by Anderson and Bushman was used. Participants and procedure Measurements were carried out with the Buss-Perry Aggressiveness Scale, the Parent and Peer Attachment Inventory by Armsden and Greenberg, the Buss and Plomin Temperament Scale and the Mini DIA Questionnaire (Österman and Björqvist). The st...

The Open Psychology Journal, 2015
The objective of the presented research was to find the family determinants for undertaking the a... more The objective of the presented research was to find the family determinants for undertaking the aggressor or victim role. The obtained results enabled the description of environmental (family-related) and developmental factors that have a bearing on the formation of perpetrator or victim identity. For that purpose, two groups of variables were identified. The first group included child-independent variables shaping the socio-economic status of the family (parents’ education, material status, number of siblings), while the second group pertained to the patterns of attachment to each parent. The sample consisted of 120 adolescents aged 13 to 20. The research tools were Mini – DIA, the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment – IPPA, and Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire. The results revealed a number of determinants for persons involved in perpetration or victimization, such as the type of relationship with parents (secure or insecure pattern), personal experience of being in the vic...

Psychology, 2013
The aim of the article was to describe the process of resilience in school children of alcoholics... more The aim of the article was to describe the process of resilience in school children of alcoholics. Additionally, it was important to determine how risk and protective factors, personal resources and the social environment (within the family and without) determine the occurrence of positive adaptation. Methods: The study involved 182 children in two comparison groups (children of alcoholics and children of non-alcoholics) in aged 9-12. The clinical group consisted of 90 children from families with alcohol problems highlighted on the basis of a CAST screening test. The control group comprised 92 people from families without alcohol problems. An expression of the resilience of children of alcoholics was the level of a positive adaptation, as measured by two indicators: developmental tasks and life satisfaction. There has also been measuring individual and environmental predisposition. Results: The results pointed to the need for the adaptation of therapeutic and preventive treatment to the current stage of development as indicated by developmental tasks.

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, Dec 1, 2015
Introduction: Children of parents with alcohol related problems have been a focus of study for cl... more Introduction: Children of parents with alcohol related problems have been a focus of study for clinical psychologists for many years. This is due, on the one hand, to the unfortunately high incidence of alcoholism in modern society, and on the other, to the notably specific functioning of those families that suffer from alcohol problems. Today, we know that the offspring of alcohol dependent parents are typically characterised by an increased susceptibility to a variety of problems. However, it must be stressed that some children from family with alcoholism do develop properly, going on to lead a satisfactory life free from mental disorders or issues. The aim of the presentation was to assess the vulnerable children of parents with alcoholism and analyse the odds ratio (OR) for developing positive adaptation. Material and methods: The total number of participants was 540 respondents, aged 9-20 in two comparison groups. Results: Children of alcoholics are a heterogenic population that, despite increased susceptibility to disorders observed in children, coped well with the requirements of life and showed a low level of symptoms of externalisation and internalisation. Conclusions: Appropriate intervention for children from alcoholic families can reduce the risk of mental disorders and negative outcomes.

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, 2015
Introduction: Children of parents with alcohol related problems have been a focus of study for cl... more Introduction: Children of parents with alcohol related problems have been a focus of study for clinical psychologists for many years. This is due, on the one hand, to the unfortunately high incidence of alcoholism in modern society, and on the other, to the notably specific functioning of those families that suffer from alcohol problems. Today, we know that the offspring of alcohol dependent parents are typically characterised by an increased susceptibility to a variety of problems. However, it must be stressed that some children from family with alcoholism do develop properly, going on to lead a satisfactory life free from mental disorders or issues. The aim of the presentation was to assess the vulnerable children of parents with alcoholism and analyse the odds ratio (OR) for developing positive adaptation. Material and methods: The total number of participants was 540 respondents, aged 9-20 in two comparison groups. Results: Children of alcoholics are a heterogenic population that, despite increased susceptibility to disorders observed in children, coped well with the requirements of life and showed a low level of symptoms of externalisation and internalisation. Conclusions: Appropriate intervention for children from alcoholic families can reduce the risk of mental disorders and negative outcomes.

Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, 2014
This study examines whether social support perceived from different sources can significantly pre... more This study examines whether social support perceived from different sources can significantly predict behavioral problems in children from alcoholic families. Participants are composed of 540 children in three age groups. We use the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale and Youth Self Report/YSR 11-18. Our finding was that children of alcoholics have a greater risk of externalizing symptoms in comparison to children of non-alcoholics. Social support significantly predicts behaviour problems in the different life periods. In alcoholic families it was observed that mother, teacher and peer support negatively correlated with externalizing problems in the different developmental periods. Regression Analysis showed that the important predictors for externalizing such problems are low levels of support from teachers (in middle childhood and late adolescence), peers (in middle childhood) and mothers (in early adolescence). Our concluding remark is that social support perceived by child...

Polish Psychological Bulletin, 2011
Developmental Task Attainment in Adolescents from Families with a Recovering Alcoholic or Active ... more Developmental Task Attainment in Adolescents from Families with a Recovering Alcoholic or Active Alcoholic Father The problem under consideration is the issue of adolescent developmental tasks in families with alcohol-related problems, especially in families which contain one or more treated alcoholics. In the present work it was hypothesised that the treatment of alcoholic fathers would be one of the more important protective factors in families coping with alcoholism. The participants of the study included 91 children, aged 17-18. The research sample was comprised of three groups: 31 children of active alcoholics, 30 children of treated alcoholics, and 30 children of non-alcoholic parents. In general, the results of the study highlight the roles of temperament and parenting practices in the progress of developmental tasks. The data revealed that family characteristics were correlated to the predictors of these tasks. The groups used in the study were differed according to the fact...

Religions, 2021
Mental health is an area of continuous analysis, both in the context of understanding increasingl... more Mental health is an area of continuous analysis, both in the context of understanding increasingly precise diagnostic criteria and the impact of therapeutic methods. In addition to these well-established directions of analysis and search, psychology tries to explore the factors that bring us closer to understanding the mechanisms of the genesis and development of disorders, as well as their importance in psychoeducation or therapy. The increased interest in issues of spirituality/religion observed in recent years translates into the pursuit to explore the relationship between religion/spirituality and health. This article reviews research into the ability of religion and spirituality to benefit or harm the mental health of believers. We also examine the mechanism of developing religious delusions in schizophrenia. Religion and spirituality can promote or damage mental health. This potential demands an increased awareness of religious matters by mental health practitioners, as well a...
Papers by Iwona Grzegorzewska