Papers by Humber Mec_Precisão
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2017
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films have been investigated for a wide range of applications due ... more Diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films have been investigated for a wide range of applications due to their excellent electrical and mechanical properties. In the last decade, several researches and development activities have been conducted on the use of these thin films as piezoresistors in MEMS pressure sensors. This paper provides an overview on the design of a piezoresistive pressure sensor constituted of a silicon circular diaphragm with four DLC thin-film piezoresistors arranged in the Wheatstone bridge configuration. The sensor was designed from analytical formulas found in the literature.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this chapter is to present an overview on the modeling of MEMS piezoresis... more ABSTRACT The purpose of this chapter is to present an overview on the modeling of MEMS piezoresistive sensors: accelerometers and pressure sensors. Analytical and FEA modeling of these sensors are presented. The design and modeling of MEMS sensors using FEA (Finite Element Analysis) and analytical solutions has been subject of several studies. In general, analytical solutions are used to model simple structures such as the of the piezoresistive pressure sensor, whereas FEA has become an important tool in the desi gn, optimization and analysis of MEMS sensors.
2014 IEEE 9th IberoAmerican Congress on Sensors, 2014
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2019
The purpose of this chapter is to present an overview on the modeling of MEMS piezoresistive sens... more The purpose of this chapter is to present an overview on the modeling of MEMS piezoresistive sensors: accelerometers and pressure sensors. Analytical and FEA modeling of these sensors are presented. The design and modeling of MEMS sensors using FEA (Finite Element Analysis) and analytical solutions has been subject of several studies. In general, analytical solutions are used to model simple structures such as piezoresistive pressure sensor, whereas FEA has become an important tool in the design, optimization and analysis of MEMS sensors.
Considerable research efforts have been devoted to the development of MEMS sensor packaging base... more Considerable research efforts have been devoted to the development of MEMS sensor packaging based on different material types (ceramic, plastic and metal). In this work, we describe the design, fabrication and test of a metal packaging with high reliability and low cost. The novelty of our research is on the packaging assembly by mechanical interference replacing the expensive plasma welding process that is used commonly in the development of traditional metal packaging.
Books by Humber Mec_Precisão
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films have been investigated for a wide range of applications due ... more Diamond-like carbon (DLC) thin films have been investigated for a wide range of applications due to their excellent electrical and mechanical properties. In the last decade, several researches and development activities have been conducted on the use of these thin films as piezoresistors in MEMS pressure sensors. This paper provides an overview on the design of a piezoresistive pressure sensor constituted of a silicon circular diaphragm with four DLC thin-film piezoresistors arranged in the Wheatstone bridge configuration. The sensor was designed from analytical formulas found in the literature.
Conference Presentations by Humber Mec_Precisão
13º Congresso Ibero-americano de Engenharia Mecânica, 2017
Resumo Neste trabalho são apresentados resultados de ensaios de tração mecânica, para determinaçã... more Resumo Neste trabalho são apresentados resultados de ensaios de tração mecânica, para determinação de propriedades mecânicas do papel tipo A4 utilizado como substrato para desenvolvimento de elementos sensores piezoresistivos fabricados a partir de grafite-GOP-Graphite on Paper, obtidos por esfoliação mecânica de grafite 2B. As diferentes propriedades e a estrutura de rede do papel escolhido para o desenvolvimento de dispositivos sensores visam aplicações práticas em projetos de dispositivos eletromecânicos tipo MEMS. O procedimento experimental segue a norma ABNT NBR NM ISO 1924-2:2012 e os resultados obtidos são comparados com simulação numérica computacional. Os contatos elétricos do elemento sensor foram feitos usando finos fios de cobre. A uniformidade da deposição do grafite foi observada com um microscópio digital Dino-lite modelo AM-313T. A técnica da viga engastada foi utilizada para caracterizar mecânica, elétrica e termicamente o elemento sensor. A variação da resistência elétrica em função da tensão mecânica aplicada e em função da variação da temperatura foi obtida através de um multímetro digital de 61/2 dígitos modelo HP 34401 A. A estrutura fabricada sobre o substrato de papel teve sua temperatura variando em passos de 10 o C em 10 o C, a partir da temperatura ambiente, até a faixa de 100 o C controlado com um Hot Plate. Na aplicação das tensões mecânicas utilizaram-se pequenas massas variando de 0,095 g a 1,5 g acoplados na viga engastada.
Papers by Humber Mec_Precisão
Books by Humber Mec_Precisão
Conference Presentations by Humber Mec_Precisão