The purpose of this report is to improve and make higher benefits on human diet through the consu... more The purpose of this report is to improve and make higher benefits on human diet through the consumption of seeds having high nutritional values. Different combinations of amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds and precooked soybean were used to elaborate a new sweet food. Mixed seeds (flour) and soybean whit peanut, sugar or stevia, glucose, hydrogenated oil and natural essence were prepared and tasted by people of both sex and age range from 1 to 78 years old. Previously nutritional composition was analyzed in the different samples. Sweet foods samples were given to persons to evaluate the acceptance and preference of them compared with two market candies of similar composition. The association analysis was performed using t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni´s multiple comparisons for quantitative variables and chi square test for qualitative variables. From all the samples having a standard protein content (more than 10% each), have a higher acceptance those composed by amaranth, chia and quinoa, including more acceptance by women. The same result was obtained respect the preference. The production for human consumption of this new sweet food would imply a better use of vegetable proteins as a complement of the diet animal proteins and improve the health preventive advantages.
A chickpea in Tucumán province (northwest region of Argentina-NOA) is processed like dry grains a... more A chickpea in Tucumán province (northwest region of Argentina-NOA) is processed like dry grains and does not require industrialization. The harvest in Tucumán began in 2004; in 2017 Argentine chickpeas exports was 33.60% from the 613.376 legumes tons exported, with India, Europe and South America being the main destinations. In this study, tests were carried out to select the grain for chickpeas canning production. Grains were sieved and their density and humidity were determined. The optimum soaking time and cooking time were determined as well. The grain classification was according to standard calibers since different sizes have different industrial applications. Grains should be free of blemishes, and small gauge and broken are intended to flour production. It was determined that the suitable sample for canning had a grain size of 10.8 mm and 92% of average diameter after cooking. For the chickpeas flour production, two processes were performed. The best was determined taking into account the yields obtained and process stages, making a flow sheet chart for industrial level. The economic indicator Net Present Value is U$S450.743.-with Internal Return Rate of 107%, suggesting the project viability. These results give chickpeas added value for canning industry. To make precooked chickpeas flour, technology was developed to promote nonexistent industrial activity at NOA.
Benefits for human health: soybean and okara; amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds in the diet. An art... more Benefits for human health: soybean and okara; amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds in the diet. An article.
This letter highlights the nutritional benefits and advantages for human health of soybean and so... more This letter highlights the nutritional benefits and advantages for human health of soybean and some seeds of high nutritional value such as amaranth, chia and quinoa when they are incorporated into the diet. We will also consider a food for humans and animals a residue derived from the manufacture of liquid soybean feed called “okara”.
Benefits for human health: soybean and okara; amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds in the diet. An art... more Benefits for human health: soybean and okara; amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds in the diet. An article.
Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocc... more Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocción o frituras. Terminado el proceso, el aceite quemado se desecha a drenajes sin recibir un tratamiento previo. Al no contar con alternativas del uso o reciclaje ...
The purpose of this report is to improve and make higher benefits on human diet through the consu... more The purpose of this report is to improve and make higher benefits on human diet through the consumption of seeds having high nutritional values. Different combinations of amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds and precooked soybean were used to elaborate a new sweet food. Mixed seeds (flour) and soybean whit peanut, sugar or stevia, glucose, hydrogenated oil and natural essence were prepared and tasted by people of both sex and age range from 1 to 78 years old. Previously nutritional composition was analyzed in the different samples. Sweet foods samples were given to persons to evaluate the acceptance and preference of them compared with two market candies of similar composition. The association analysis was performed using t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni´s multiple comparisons for quantitative variables and chi square test for qualitative variables. From all the samples having a standard protein content (more than 10% each), have a higher acceptance those composed ...
Biocell : official journal of the Sociedades Latinoamericanas de Microscopía Electronica ... et. al, 1996
The formation of vitelline envelope (VE) during the oogenesis of Bufo arenarum (Amphibia Anura) i... more The formation of vitelline envelope (VE) during the oogenesis of Bufo arenarum (Amphibia Anura) is described. At the stage of early vitellogenesis, the first structures appear: the number of oocyte microvilli increases, and many cross sections of them are observed between the follicle cells and the oocyte. A filamentous material is observed inside the follicle cells and between the follicle cells and the oocyte. Multivesicular bodies are also found in the follicle cells, and in the perivitelline space. The micrographs also suggest the participation of the oocyte in the process of VE formation: large vesicles are present in the cortex of the oocyte, filled with an amorphous material of low and uniform electron density. Some of them are in the process of releasing their content to the perivitelline space. Many vesicles (probably resulting from microvilli fragmentation) are also observed in the perivitelline space. During late vitellogenesis the VE is a continuous structure between the...
Structures were found by transmission electron microscopy, they were located within follicular ce... more Structures were found by transmission electron microscopy, they were located within follicular cells and the oocyte, and in the interspace between them in follicles of the teleost fish Betta splendens. Some structures with features characteristic or lamellar bodies were found in small follicles. The possible role of these structures in the formation of the vitelline envelope as well as in the material transference is discussed. Vacuoles, vesticles and particles intensely stained were found in the microvilli and the cortical cytoplasm of the oocyte at the onset of vitellogenesis. These results suggest that different substances present in the cellular components of the follicle might be transferred from cell to cell through the extracellular space and through the prolongations that cross the extracellular space.
In Tucumán (Argentina) a registered trade marked soy food is manufactured. The industrial residue... more In Tucumán (Argentina) a registered trade marked soy food is manufactured. The industrial residue named “okara” has a standard protein content. A candy (nougat) with okara, peanut, glucose, hydrogenated oil, sugar and natural essences was produced. Modifying the okara and peanut contents, three samples were prepared: A (18.3% okara and 27.4% peanut); B (27.4% and 18.3%) and C (36.6% and
Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocc... more Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocción o frituras. Terminado el proceso, el aceite quemado se desecha a drenajes sin recibir un tratamiento previo. Al no contar con alternativas del uso o reciclaje ...
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas Universidad del Valle resumen En Tucumán, Argentina, se ... more Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas Universidad del Valle resumen En Tucumán, Argentina, se desarrolló la producción de duraznos (Prunus persica) destinada al mercado local para consumo como fruta fresca y para la industria. La vida comercial de la fruta fresca es limitada y depende del tratamiento de conservación poscosecha. A fin de proponer un método para prolongar la vida útil de duraznos, se estudió el uso de coberturas de ésteres de sacarosa, producto biodegradable de reconocido efecto en otras frutas. Lotes de duraznos seleccionados se trataron con soluciones acuosas de ésteres de sacarosa al 0,5% y 5%, conservándolos luego en frío. Se determinaron las siguientes variables de calidad: pérdida de peso, sólidos solubles totales y tamaño, comparando con duraznos sin tratar. Los resultados obtenidos con soluciones de ésteres de sacarosa al 5% evidenciaron: reducción en la pérdida de peso fisiológica y mayor diámetro en las frutas tratadas. Las variaciones de sólidos solubles son favorables en duraznos tratados. Soluciones de ésteres de sacarosa al 0,5% no ejercen efecto y causan alteraciones en las muestras. Se concluye que la refrigeración de duraznos frescos previamente tratados con soluciones de ésteres de sacarosa al 5% resultaría favorable para su conservación e incrementaría la duración y disponibilidad de los mismos en el mercado.
The temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) G1 mutants cdc28 and cdc35 show decreased mit... more The temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) G1 mutants cdc28 and cdc35 show decreased mitochondrial volumes with respect to the wild type strain A364A (WT) at the restrictive temperature. Of the three criteria of mitochondrial biogenesis studied, that is, number of mitochondria per cell, relative area of the cell occupied by mitochondria, or relative area of mitochondria occupied by inner membranes, only the second indicator was significantly lower in cdc mutants than in the WT. The mitochondrial inner membranes development did not compensate for the decrease in the organelles volume. Apparently, the reduced mitochondrial biogenesis was not due to the temperature shift because the relative area of the cell occupied by mitochondria was already significantly lower at 25~ in cdc mutants. The specific fluxes of oxygen consumption confirmed that the respiratory capacity of cdc mutants is largely impaired in respect to the WT. Cdc28 and cdc35 mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae had been previously shown to exhibit high respiratory quotients (from 3 to 7) in respect to the WT (RQ ~ 1.0), which correlated with carbon and energy uncoupling probably the result of glucose-induced catabolite repression [Aon MA, Mdnaco ME, Cortassa S (1995) Exp Cell Res 217, 42-51; Mdnaco ME, Valdecantos PA, Aon MA (1995) Exp Cell Res 217, 52-56].
Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocc... more Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocción o frituras. Terminado el proceso, el aceite quemado se desecha a drenajes sin recibir un tratamiento previo. Al no contar con alternativas del uso o reciclaje ...
The purpose of this report is to improve and make higher benefits on human diet through the consu... more The purpose of this report is to improve and make higher benefits on human diet through the consumption of seeds having high nutritional values. Different combinations of amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds and precooked soybean were used to elaborate a new sweet food. Mixed seeds (flour) and soybean whit peanut, sugar or stevia, glucose, hydrogenated oil and natural essence were prepared and tasted by people of both sex and age range from 1 to 78 years old. Previously nutritional composition was analyzed in the different samples. Sweet foods samples were given to persons to evaluate the acceptance and preference of them compared with two market candies of similar composition. The association analysis was performed using t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni´s multiple comparisons for quantitative variables and chi square test for qualitative variables. From all the samples having a standard protein content (more than 10% each), have a higher acceptance those composed by amaranth, chia and quinoa, including more acceptance by women. The same result was obtained respect the preference. The production for human consumption of this new sweet food would imply a better use of vegetable proteins as a complement of the diet animal proteins and improve the health preventive advantages.
A chickpea in Tucumán province (northwest region of Argentina-NOA) is processed like dry grains a... more A chickpea in Tucumán province (northwest region of Argentina-NOA) is processed like dry grains and does not require industrialization. The harvest in Tucumán began in 2004; in 2017 Argentine chickpeas exports was 33.60% from the 613.376 legumes tons exported, with India, Europe and South America being the main destinations. In this study, tests were carried out to select the grain for chickpeas canning production. Grains were sieved and their density and humidity were determined. The optimum soaking time and cooking time were determined as well. The grain classification was according to standard calibers since different sizes have different industrial applications. Grains should be free of blemishes, and small gauge and broken are intended to flour production. It was determined that the suitable sample for canning had a grain size of 10.8 mm and 92% of average diameter after cooking. For the chickpeas flour production, two processes were performed. The best was determined taking into account the yields obtained and process stages, making a flow sheet chart for industrial level. The economic indicator Net Present Value is U$S450.743.-with Internal Return Rate of 107%, suggesting the project viability. These results give chickpeas added value for canning industry. To make precooked chickpeas flour, technology was developed to promote nonexistent industrial activity at NOA.
Benefits for human health: soybean and okara; amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds in the diet. An art... more Benefits for human health: soybean and okara; amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds in the diet. An article.
This letter highlights the nutritional benefits and advantages for human health of soybean and so... more This letter highlights the nutritional benefits and advantages for human health of soybean and some seeds of high nutritional value such as amaranth, chia and quinoa when they are incorporated into the diet. We will also consider a food for humans and animals a residue derived from the manufacture of liquid soybean feed called “okara”.
Benefits for human health: soybean and okara; amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds in the diet. An art... more Benefits for human health: soybean and okara; amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds in the diet. An article.
Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocc... more Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocción o frituras. Terminado el proceso, el aceite quemado se desecha a drenajes sin recibir un tratamiento previo. Al no contar con alternativas del uso o reciclaje ...
The purpose of this report is to improve and make higher benefits on human diet through the consu... more The purpose of this report is to improve and make higher benefits on human diet through the consumption of seeds having high nutritional values. Different combinations of amaranth, chia and quinoa seeds and precooked soybean were used to elaborate a new sweet food. Mixed seeds (flour) and soybean whit peanut, sugar or stevia, glucose, hydrogenated oil and natural essence were prepared and tasted by people of both sex and age range from 1 to 78 years old. Previously nutritional composition was analyzed in the different samples. Sweet foods samples were given to persons to evaluate the acceptance and preference of them compared with two market candies of similar composition. The association analysis was performed using t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni´s multiple comparisons for quantitative variables and chi square test for qualitative variables. From all the samples having a standard protein content (more than 10% each), have a higher acceptance those composed ...
Biocell : official journal of the Sociedades Latinoamericanas de Microscopía Electronica ... et. al, 1996
The formation of vitelline envelope (VE) during the oogenesis of Bufo arenarum (Amphibia Anura) i... more The formation of vitelline envelope (VE) during the oogenesis of Bufo arenarum (Amphibia Anura) is described. At the stage of early vitellogenesis, the first structures appear: the number of oocyte microvilli increases, and many cross sections of them are observed between the follicle cells and the oocyte. A filamentous material is observed inside the follicle cells and between the follicle cells and the oocyte. Multivesicular bodies are also found in the follicle cells, and in the perivitelline space. The micrographs also suggest the participation of the oocyte in the process of VE formation: large vesicles are present in the cortex of the oocyte, filled with an amorphous material of low and uniform electron density. Some of them are in the process of releasing their content to the perivitelline space. Many vesicles (probably resulting from microvilli fragmentation) are also observed in the perivitelline space. During late vitellogenesis the VE is a continuous structure between the...
Structures were found by transmission electron microscopy, they were located within follicular ce... more Structures were found by transmission electron microscopy, they were located within follicular cells and the oocyte, and in the interspace between them in follicles of the teleost fish Betta splendens. Some structures with features characteristic or lamellar bodies were found in small follicles. The possible role of these structures in the formation of the vitelline envelope as well as in the material transference is discussed. Vacuoles, vesticles and particles intensely stained were found in the microvilli and the cortical cytoplasm of the oocyte at the onset of vitellogenesis. These results suggest that different substances present in the cellular components of the follicle might be transferred from cell to cell through the extracellular space and through the prolongations that cross the extracellular space.
In Tucumán (Argentina) a registered trade marked soy food is manufactured. The industrial residue... more In Tucumán (Argentina) a registered trade marked soy food is manufactured. The industrial residue named “okara” has a standard protein content. A candy (nougat) with okara, peanut, glucose, hydrogenated oil, sugar and natural essences was produced. Modifying the okara and peanut contents, three samples were prepared: A (18.3% okara and 27.4% peanut); B (27.4% and 18.3%) and C (36.6% and
Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocc... more Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocción o frituras. Terminado el proceso, el aceite quemado se desecha a drenajes sin recibir un tratamiento previo. Al no contar con alternativas del uso o reciclaje ...
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas Universidad del Valle resumen En Tucumán, Argentina, se ... more Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas Universidad del Valle resumen En Tucumán, Argentina, se desarrolló la producción de duraznos (Prunus persica) destinada al mercado local para consumo como fruta fresca y para la industria. La vida comercial de la fruta fresca es limitada y depende del tratamiento de conservación poscosecha. A fin de proponer un método para prolongar la vida útil de duraznos, se estudió el uso de coberturas de ésteres de sacarosa, producto biodegradable de reconocido efecto en otras frutas. Lotes de duraznos seleccionados se trataron con soluciones acuosas de ésteres de sacarosa al 0,5% y 5%, conservándolos luego en frío. Se determinaron las siguientes variables de calidad: pérdida de peso, sólidos solubles totales y tamaño, comparando con duraznos sin tratar. Los resultados obtenidos con soluciones de ésteres de sacarosa al 5% evidenciaron: reducción en la pérdida de peso fisiológica y mayor diámetro en las frutas tratadas. Las variaciones de sólidos solubles son favorables en duraznos tratados. Soluciones de ésteres de sacarosa al 0,5% no ejercen efecto y causan alteraciones en las muestras. Se concluye que la refrigeración de duraznos frescos previamente tratados con soluciones de ésteres de sacarosa al 5% resultaría favorable para su conservación e incrementaría la duración y disponibilidad de los mismos en el mercado.
The temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) G1 mutants cdc28 and cdc35 show decreased mit... more The temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) G1 mutants cdc28 and cdc35 show decreased mitochondrial volumes with respect to the wild type strain A364A (WT) at the restrictive temperature. Of the three criteria of mitochondrial biogenesis studied, that is, number of mitochondria per cell, relative area of the cell occupied by mitochondria, or relative area of mitochondria occupied by inner membranes, only the second indicator was significantly lower in cdc mutants than in the WT. The mitochondrial inner membranes development did not compensate for the decrease in the organelles volume. Apparently, the reduced mitochondrial biogenesis was not due to the temperature shift because the relative area of the cell occupied by mitochondria was already significantly lower at 25~ in cdc mutants. The specific fluxes of oxygen consumption confirmed that the respiratory capacity of cdc mutants is largely impaired in respect to the WT. Cdc28 and cdc35 mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae had been previously shown to exhibit high respiratory quotients (from 3 to 7) in respect to the WT (RQ ~ 1.0), which correlated with carbon and energy uncoupling probably the result of glucose-induced catabolite repression [Aon MA, Mdnaco ME, Cortassa S (1995) Exp Cell Res 217, 42-51; Mdnaco ME, Valdecantos PA, Aon MA (1995) Exp Cell Res 217, 52-56].
Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocc... more Resumen La industria de alimentos emplea desde hace años, aceites vegetales para procesos de cocción o frituras. Terminado el proceso, el aceite quemado se desecha a drenajes sin recibir un tratamiento previo. Al no contar con alternativas del uso o reciclaje ...
Papers by Hugo Genta