Homere Ngandam
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Papers by Homere Ngandam
with 1 and 0, they are weighted by the FAHP priority vector and membership approach to give the “suitability layer”. Then, the number of occurrences of each aspect of the sustainability is counted in each of the two preceding processes to perform the UF. The resulting value, that is 0.542 for the capability process and 0.315 for the suitability process, serves to weight their respective layers, and their sum gives the final map with the best oil palm site planting in the northern part of the study area, on about 34,950 ha, representing 44.8% of Njimom district.
with 1 and 0, they are weighted by the FAHP priority vector and membership approach to give the “suitability layer”. Then, the number of occurrences of each aspect of the sustainability is counted in each of the two preceding processes to perform the UF. The resulting value, that is 0.542 for the capability process and 0.315 for the suitability process, serves to weight their respective layers, and their sum gives the final map with the best oil palm site planting in the northern part of the study area, on about 34,950 ha, representing 44.8% of Njimom district.
So, this poster proposes an alternative method based on Landsat 8 satellite image. The years considered are 1987, 2003 and 2018, and the dry months of january and March/April are used. The first step is the Vegetation Moisture Index (VMI), generated around a NDWI, SAVI and Blue band normalized difference ratio. The second step is the Normalized Difference Soil Drought Index, built on the normalized difference ratio, with adjusting values, between Red and SWIR1 bands on one hand, and blue bands on another. The third step is the Land Surface General Drought Index (LSGDI), a normalized difference composed index between the two previous indices. Finally, an image difference is plotted from the oldest to the recent image index for January and for March/April, the product of the two results are multiplied my an epsilon value (depending on the operator), to obtain the potential desert areas.
The results are better than those of the above mentioned indices, and the ongoing experiments on Google Earth Engine are validating the model.