Papers by Hilde Rigmor Amundsen
There is a rich, but unacknowledged, heritage of rural subalterns, crofters, in Scandinavia. A Sw... more There is a rich, but unacknowledged, heritage of rural subalterns, crofters, in Scandinavia. A Swedish-Norwegian interdisciplinary research-network investigated the most prominent category – the remains of crofts. Due to industrialisation, urbanisation and the modern welfare state, the institution of crofting was abolished, and many crofters left for opportunities elsewhere. The welfare state transformed a landscape of living and working people into a one filled with relicts mostly from the nineteenth century. Although numerous and important to local citizens, these sites fall outside the authorised heritage discourse (AHD) in terms of both research and heritage management. This paper takes an environmental justice perspective to challenge the AHD. Three themes are in focus: (1) bringing out the history of a
subaltern and marginalised group of people; (2) promoting crofts as heritage of importance to local citizens and demanding complex management due to the various historical narratives and risks; (3) considering the crofting landscapes in relation to the (economisation) framing of heritage in development processes, especially in relation to fair development in present rural communities.
En saeregen kulturminnetype i fjellene er såkalte ruseformete massefangstanlegg for villrein. I H... more En saeregen kulturminnetype i fjellene er såkalte ruseformete massefangstanlegg for villrein. I Hedmark fylke er det kjent tre anlegg av denne typen, som i det følgende omtales som Hedmarksanleggene. De ligger i de nordre fjellområdene, i henholdsvis Alvdal, Rendalen og Engerdal. Anleggene består av konvergerende ledegjerder der reinen ble ledet inn mot et avstengt område, i form av fangstbåser eller samlekve. Størrelsen på anleggene varierer, avhengig av topografi, formålet med og omfanget av fangsten samt av reinens bevegelser og trekkveier. At reinsdyr var en viktig økonomisk ressurs i tidligere tider, er reflektert i tiden det må ha tatt å bygge og vedlikeholde disse komplekse anleggene, organiseringen av fangsten, behandling av viltet, transport og distribusjon av utbyttet. Mange mennesker må ha samarbeidet og deltatt i de ulike operasjonene, -og hvem var disse menneskene?
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Papers by Hilde Rigmor Amundsen
subaltern and marginalised group of people; (2) promoting crofts as heritage of importance to local citizens and demanding complex management due to the various historical narratives and risks; (3) considering the crofting landscapes in relation to the (economisation) framing of heritage in development processes, especially in relation to fair development in present rural communities.
subaltern and marginalised group of people; (2) promoting crofts as heritage of importance to local citizens and demanding complex management due to the various historical narratives and risks; (3) considering the crofting landscapes in relation to the (economisation) framing of heritage in development processes, especially in relation to fair development in present rural communities.