DEPOIMENTO ESPECIAL by Heitor Moreira de Oliveira
Direito da Criança e do Adolescente à Saúde, 2024
Revista Jurídica Cesumar, 2024
The scope of this paper is to examine the arguments that substantiate the judgment o... more The scope of this paper is to examine the arguments that substantiate the judgment of Appeal No. 2,330,912 - DF, held in August 2023. When judging the aforementioned appeal, the Court of Appeal understood that the victim’s permission eliminates the violation of an urgent protective measure granted based on the provisions of the “Maria da Penha” Law. Thus, according to this judgment, this article aims to carry out a critical analysis of the legal impact that the consent of women, children and/or adolescents who are victims of domestic and family violence has on the characterization (or not) of the crimes in the article 24-A of Law 11,340/2006 and article 25 of Law 14,344/2022. The research is qualitative in nature and the methodology used consists of a hypothetical-deductive method, through an extensive bibliographic review of documentary sources. In the end, it is concluded that consent to the offense can remove the suitability to the type of crime, but must be subjected to a careful case-by-case analysis of the capacity to consent and the absence of possible coercion.
Direito, Ação e Jurisdição, 2023
Sob o pálio da doutrina da proteção integral, crianças e adolescentes são sujeitos de direitos. I... more Sob o pálio da doutrina da proteção integral, crianças e adolescentes são sujeitos de direitos. Inclusive, crianças e adolescentes titularizam direitos específicos quando em contato com o sistema judiciário, na condição de vítimas ou testemunhas. O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar um destes direitos, a saber, o direito à assistência jurídica autônoma, isto é, ser designado, em seu favor, um advogado ou defensor para atuar no interesse próprio do infante. Em que pese previsto em normativa internacional e, mais recentemente, nacional, o citado direito encontrou obstáculos quanto à sua efetivação prática, o que prejudica o acesso de crianças e adolescentes à jurisdição. Empregou-se o método hipotético-dedutivo, mediante revisão bibliográfica, inclusive com o exame de atos normativos administrativos expedidos em âmbito nacional e no Estado de São Paulo. Ao final, conclui-se que a assistência jurídica é direito essencial para assegurar a jurisdição ao público infantojuvenil.
Revista do CNMP - 11ª edição, 2023
The present paper dialogues with the article published on the 9th edition of CNMP Journal, that s... more The present paper dialogues with the article published on the 9th edition of CNMP Journal, that spoke about the impossibility of the coercive conduction of children and teenager, victims or witness of violence, on Brazilian criminal proceedings. On the same line, it aims to demonstrate that, by the warranty system of children and teenager victims or witnesses rights and the commands of the Law No. 13,341/2017, notably the articles No. 9 and 12, § 3rd, in addiction of not being possible the coercive conduction, equally it is not allowed either the confrontation with the alleged aggressor, under the risk of it characterizes unacceptable revictimization derived from an institutional violence. It is used the hypothetical-deductive method and, by the end, its concluded that the impossibility of confrontation is one more rule of procedure adaptation that allows the exercise of children and teenagers participation right and saves them of suffering in the course of the process.
International Journal of Judicial Law, 2023
This article shows the descriptive research results, based on the deductive method and extensive ... more This article shows the descriptive research results, based on the deductive method and extensive bibliographical review, about the practical application of Law No. 13,431/2017 in Brazil, which established a system of guarantees for the rights of child victims or witnesses of violence. According to this law, children began to be heard in the courts through a protective listening procedure named Special Testimony. The history of approval of this law, the development of its application over the five years of its validity, the challenges for the complete implementation of the new law in Brazilian forensic practice and the perspectives for the future will be analyzed.
Cadernos Jurídicos EPM, 2022
The law nº 13.431/2017 established the warranty system of children and teenagers victims or witne... more The law nº 13.431/2017 established the warranty system of children and teenagers victims or witnesses of violence rights, consigning them to be heard by expert listening and/or special testimony. On the line of the 8th article of the cited law, the special testimony is the procedure of hearing the child and the teenager, before police and judicial authorities, in a way that can assure, concomitantly, the quality of the testimonial proof and the non-revictimization of the juvenile deponents. To pursue your purposes, the special deponents is mediated by qualified and trained technical professional, in a cozy and proper environment for the act, physically apart and virtually connected to the hearing room. However, the social isolation measures associated to the persistence of the Covid-19 pandemics brought the need to pursue the possibility of realization of the special testimonial, in its completeness, by videoconference. In this path, the present paper objectives to consider the legal and psychological admissibility of the special testimonial by videoconference, precisely on the hypothesis that the child or the teenager aren’t in the physical presence of the interviewer, but are able to communicate at a distance, by electronic means (on-line). Therefore, the study initiates with bibliographical review about the subject, notably seeking for papers that talk about the proceeding typical features swaged on the law nº 13.431/2017. After that, the study approaches empirical data for reflection, with a story sharing by the coauthor, judicial psychologist in the state of São Paulo, about the inferences drawn from a concrete case (with anonymized data, for ensure the procedural confidentiality) when the coauthor acts in a special testimony fully harvested on virtual environment. By the end, it can be concluded that, despite being potentially admissible in exceptional situations, the theme deserves a greater depth of the professionals dedicated to the study of special testimony, in order to identify in what way the form of the judicial act can bind the proper exercise of children and teenager rights, without exposition to a new violence.
Revista CEJ, 2023
This article aims to make the first legal comments on the Law n. 14,321, of March 31, 2022. The s... more This article aims to make the first legal comments on the Law n. 14,321, of March 31, 2022. The study aims to analyze the main aspects of the new crime of institutional violence, in criminal law, with focus on the case in which the crime is committed against people under eighteen years old.
Revista de Vitimologia e Justiça Restaurativa, 2023
A recente divulgação pela imprensa nacional de mídias de gravações de audiências judi... more A recente divulgação pela imprensa nacional de mídias de gravações de audiências judiciais nas quais ficou evidenciado constrangimento à vítima mulher e/ou criança trouxe luz à exigência de instrumentos e mecanismos que garantam que a participação de tais pessoas no curso do processo penal ocorra de forma humanizada e sem que lhe seja infligida nova violência, de natureza institucional. O artigo tem por objetivo analisar os dispositivos inseridos pela Lei nº 14.245/2021, destacando-se o impacto prático e os pontos divergentes de aplicação da nova lei. Emprega-se o método hipotético-dedutivo, a partir de revisão sistemática das fontes bibliográficas.
Revista do Tribunal Regional Federal da 1ª Região, 2022
The Law 13,431/2017 has completed five years of existence in the current year of 2022. It is an i... more The Law 13,431/2017 has completed five years of existence in the current year of 2022. It is an important legislative diploma that establishes the warranty system of children and adolescents victims or witnesses of violence rights and it predicts that the childish and juvenile public will be heard by the judicial authority through an adapted procedure called “special testimony”. So that can impacts in a positive way on the concrete sphere, its essential that the normative prediction be accompanied by an effective culture changing on the heartwood of the judicial bodies, what being made possible, especially, by continued capacitations and trainings of the judges and court officials. With no doubt, the law has changed routines on State Justice. Nevertheless, it was not different on Federal Justice, that, not infrequently, is also stage of children and/or teenagers victims or witnesses of acts of violence hearings, under different forms. The present paper is based on the hypothetical-deductive method, using, methodologically, wide bibliographical revision, and it aims to examine the impact, theorical and practical, of the special testimony on Federal Justice, mainly in the first degree court. Finally, its concluded the relevance of it also exists the capacitation of federal judges to the special testimony, what certainly will contribute to avoid regretful cases of institutional violence and revictimization on Federal Court.
Revista IBDFAM : Família e Sucessões, 2022
The law n. 12,318/2010 established parental alienation in the Brazilian legal system, characteriz... more The law n. 12,318/2010 established parental alienation in the Brazilian legal system, characterizing it as a disturbance on children and teenagers psychological formation, with the spurious purpose of causing damages to the establishment of healthy bonds with the alienated genitor, even leading to rejection. After more than ten years of the validity of the law, the parental alienation still brings up fiery controversies on the doctrinal field and it is object of relevant papers on the academic field. The present paper has the purpose of examinate the legal procedure dispensed to inquire the parental alienation, including, above all, the hearing of the child or the teenager, victim of the act of alienation. Thus, by these preambles, using the bibliographical and jurisprudential analysis method, the research, of qualitative nature, has scoped to examinate the suitable way which the Judiciary must handle the child or the teenager that arrives to the legal system as a victim of a parental alienation act, classified by the law n. 13,431/2017 as a psychological violence. By the end, it can be concluded that is a right of the child and the teenager to express their points of view and to be heard in the course of the procedure which aims to ascertain the parental alienation, under the special testimony rite, foreseen on the law n. 13,431/2017, serving the hearing as a complementary analysis mechanism of the syndrome, that, therefore, must be associated to the psychological or biopsychosocial judicial investigation mentioned on the article no. 5 of the law n. 12,318/2010.
Revista IBDFAM : Família e Sucessões, 2022
The present paper aims to complement the study published on the n. 50 edition (march/april 2022) ... more The present paper aims to complement the study published on the n. 50 edition (march/april 2022) of the journal IBDFAM: Family and Successions about the special hearing of children and teenagers victims of parental alienation act, considered by the law n. 13,431/2017 as a kind of psychological violence against the childish and juvenile public. On that opportunity it was argued to be essential that the hearing of children and teenagers supposedly submitted to parental alienation occurs, when necessary, according to the guidelines provided in the law n. 13,431/2017. After the publication of the study, supervened the new law n. 14,340/2022, that changed the law n. 12,318/2010, adding to it the article 8ª-A, that, in a general way, referends and materializes what we earlier stood for. Thereby, the present paper scopes to actualize the previous paper, bringing new considerations about the special testimony on the context of parental alienation, from the perspective of the innovations inserted on Brazilian legal system. On top of that, comments about all the articles of the law n. 14,340/2022 will be made, that changes procedures related to parental alienation. Over again, will be used the method of bibliographical and jurisprudential analysis. By the end, it is concluded that the law n. 14,340/2022 has validated the right of children and teenagers to be heard on the course of the procedure that aims to investigate the practice of parental alienation, by the rite of special testimony, foreseen in the law n. 13,431/2017.
Direito contemporâneo: estado e sociedade, 2023
O presente artigo tem por objetivo traçar breve estudo acerca da produção probatória nas ações em... more O presente artigo tem por objetivo traçar breve estudo acerca da produção probatória nas ações em que se discute supostos atos de alienação parental, tema bastante controvertido e de inegável atualidade. É examinada a antecipação processual do momento adequado para a produção de provas tendentes a demonstrar a alegada ocorrência da alienação parental. É analisada a possibilidade de produção antecipada de provas nos autos dos processos em que se discute a alienação parental, seja para a realização da perícia psicológica ou biopsicossocial, seja para a tomada do depoimento especial da criança ou adolescente vítima da alienação parental. Empregou-se o método hipotéticodedutivo, com a utilização de ampla revisão sistemática das fontes bibliográficas. Ao final, conclui-se a produção antecipada de provas é instrumento processual que favorece a instrução judicial nas ações em que se alega a alienação parental e, acima de tudo, assegura a proteção integral da criança e do adolescente.
Boletim de Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente, 2022
A Lei nº 13.431/2017 completou cinco anos de existência
em 2022. Trata-se de importante diploma l... more A Lei nº 13.431/2017 completou cinco anos de existência
em 2022. Trata-se de importante diploma legislativo que consolida
a escuta protetiva de crianças e adolescentes vítimas ou
testemunhas de atos de violência sob as modalidades do
depoimento especial e da escuta especializada. Sem embargo da
relevante contribuição dada pela lei, é possível identificar algumas
deficiências no texto legal, a exigir o seu aperfeiçoamento. O
presente artigo se debruça sobre uma omissão da Lei nº
13.431/2017: a falta de previsão expressa da pessoa de apoio
(support person) à criança ou adolescente. Nessa toada, será
abordada a previsão normativa, as funções e as hipóteses de
admissibilidade da pessoa de apoio, bem como exame da
compatibilidade com a Lei nº 13.431/2017, com intuito propositivo,
com vistas à melhoria da legislação, para previsão de garantia das
crianças e adolescentes.
Direito na era digital, 2022
A Lei nº 13.431, de 4 de abril de 2017, estabeleceu sistema de garantia de direitos da criança e ... more A Lei nº 13.431, de 4 de abril de 2017, estabeleceu sistema de garantia de direitos da criança e do adolescente vítima ou testemunha de violência e sistematizou procedimento adaptado para oitiva do público infanto-juvenil. Para além de estabelecer a oitiva da criança, perante a autoridade judiciária ou policial, sob a modalidade de depoimento especial, com finalidade probatória, visando à responsabilização penal do suposto agressor, a lei inova ao inscrever a necessidade (*) Heitor Moreira de Oliveira é Juiz Substituto da 31ª Circunscrição Judiciária-Marília, em São Paulo. Foi analista de controle externo no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Goiás, escrevente técnico judiciário e conciliador/mediador junto ao Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de Goiás. Atualmente está cursando Mestrado em
Seqüência: Estudos jurídicos e políticos, 2024
The CNJ Resolution No. 531/2023 establishes the National Judiciary Exam as a prerequisite for app... more The CNJ Resolution No. 531/2023 establishes the National Judiciary Exam as a prerequisite for applying to a judicial position, consisting of an objective test with fifty questions divided into eight thematic blocks. Children’s and Ado-lescents’ Rights do not appear among the subdivisions of knowledge selected to compose the groups of questions for the exam. This article aims to investigate what this absence it means in the broader context of juridical education in Brazil. To this end, we conducted a review of bibliographic texts that examine the historical evolution of this area of Law, as well as sources that evaluate the formatting of the curricular matrix of legal courses in Brazil. Additionally, a survey of empirical data was carried out on the presence or absence of Children’s and Adolescents’ Rights in the curriculum of Law courses in the twenty best-evaluated universities in the RUF 2023 ranking. The results collected in the research showed that the absence of this area of legal knowledge in the National Exam reflects the undisguised negligence given to the discipline in the academic and professional training of students who will become judges and goes back to the historical evolution of the profile of childhood and youth magistrates in Brazil.
InSURgência: revista de direitos e movimentos sociais, 2023
Este trabalho está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons 4.0. Este trabajo es licenciada ba... more Este trabalho está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons 4.0. Este trabajo es licenciada bajo una Licencia Creative Commons 4.0. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. dossiê A institucionalização de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil à luz da Política Nacional Judicial de Atenção a Pessoas em Situação de Rua e suas interseccionalidades La institucionalización de niños y adolescentes en Brasil a la luz de la política nacional judicial de atención a personas en situación de calle y sus interseccionalidades The children and adolescents institutionalization in Brazil under the Judicial National Policy for the care of Homeless People and its intersectionalities
Revista da Defensoria Pública da União, 2022
This article’s primary purpose is to assimilate the category “children and adolescents in homeles... more This article’s primary purpose is to assimilate the category “children and adolescents in homeless situation,” from critical reflections about the historical process that followed the trajectory of the figure of the “minor” until its definitive recognition as a person with full rights. More specifically, the study object will be the place that homeless children and adolescents occupy in this context of overcoming the marginalized subcategory of a “minor”, under the former irregular situation model, and the reminiscences of this process today. The article will also use normative subsidies, notably Decree 7053/2009, CNDH Resolution No. 40/2020, CNJ Resolution No. 425/2021, and general comment No. 21 of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. Finally, this article concludes that, despite the current recognition of the legal subjectivity of children, advancing the legal treatment specifically granted to homeless children and adolescents is still necessary, so that they are not alienated from the achievements observed during the historical process that culminated in the elimination of the term “minor.”
Minorias e direitos fundamentais, 2022
Temas de Direito Criminal – Reflexões sobre Violência de Gênero, 2022
Revista de Direito Civil, 2023
Aviolência doméstica e familiar contra crianças e adolescentes não é fenômeno social recente e, ... more Aviolência doméstica e familiar contra crianças e adolescentes não é fenômeno social recente e, ao contrário, vem se perpetuando ao longo dos anos em decorrência de características comumente observadas nos casos concretos, como a revelação tardia, a síndrome do segredo, a dependência afetiva da vítima para com o ofensor, a pressão familiar e expressiva subnotificação. A fim de consolidar políticas públicas que contribuam para a reversão dos crescentes números de violência intrafamiliar contra o público infantojuvenil, a novel Lei nº 14.344/2022, na trilha da Lei Maria da Penha, cria mecanismos para combate e enfrentamento desse lamentável quadro, incluindo a previsão de concessão de medidas protetivas de urgência em favor da vítima infantil. Nessa toada, o presente artigo, pautado no método hipotético-dedutivo e a partir de ampla revisão sistemática de bibliografia, tece os primeiros comentários acerca do recente diploma legislativo.
DEPOIMENTO ESPECIAL by Heitor Moreira de Oliveira
em 2022. Trata-se de importante diploma legislativo que consolida
a escuta protetiva de crianças e adolescentes vítimas ou
testemunhas de atos de violência sob as modalidades do
depoimento especial e da escuta especializada. Sem embargo da
relevante contribuição dada pela lei, é possível identificar algumas
deficiências no texto legal, a exigir o seu aperfeiçoamento. O
presente artigo se debruça sobre uma omissão da Lei nº
13.431/2017: a falta de previsão expressa da pessoa de apoio
(support person) à criança ou adolescente. Nessa toada, será
abordada a previsão normativa, as funções e as hipóteses de
admissibilidade da pessoa de apoio, bem como exame da
compatibilidade com a Lei nº 13.431/2017, com intuito propositivo,
com vistas à melhoria da legislação, para previsão de garantia das
crianças e adolescentes.
em 2022. Trata-se de importante diploma legislativo que consolida
a escuta protetiva de crianças e adolescentes vítimas ou
testemunhas de atos de violência sob as modalidades do
depoimento especial e da escuta especializada. Sem embargo da
relevante contribuição dada pela lei, é possível identificar algumas
deficiências no texto legal, a exigir o seu aperfeiçoamento. O
presente artigo se debruça sobre uma omissão da Lei nº
13.431/2017: a falta de previsão expressa da pessoa de apoio
(support person) à criança ou adolescente. Nessa toada, será
abordada a previsão normativa, as funções e as hipóteses de
admissibilidade da pessoa de apoio, bem como exame da
compatibilidade com a Lei nº 13.431/2017, com intuito propositivo,
com vistas à melhoria da legislação, para previsão de garantia das
crianças e adolescentes.
it was aimed to investigate the normative conditions that must be observed to guarantee the validity of electronical proofs, with special highlight on the virtual oral exams, that is, the hearing of the victim and the hearing of the witnesses, as well as the defendant interrogation, on videoconference hearing. By the end, it was possible to conclude that, since the internet advent and expansion, especially from the 90’s onwards, the electronical proofs started to be used on the penal procedure field, however, recently, mainly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemics, its been considerably marked the use of virtual proofs, what, in other ways, requires greater rigor on the feasibility check under the procedural rules that guides the feasibility of criminal proceeding proofs.