We analyze in this article to what extent beginning teacher education students at the primary sch... more We analyze in this article to what extent beginning teacher education students at the primary school level differ with respect to previous educational pathways, socio-demographic characteristics, academic self-concepts and occupational motivations. In order to overcome methodological problems of most previous empirical studies on teacher recruitment we draw on data from a recent comparative study on teacher recruitment based on two different samples: In both Denmark and Finland we surveyed a representative group of first year teacher education students as well as last year upper-secondary pupils. The nature of the data collected enables us to characterize teacher education students in contrast to a baseline reference group eligible to apply for teacher education and to compare these differences across countries (difference-indifferences estimation). This analytical strategy allows us to overcome problems of most previous studies that use samples of teacher-education students only in order to characterize teacher education students and to estimate differences between beginning teacher students across countries more reliably. Our results clearly show that Finish and Danish beginning teacher education students for the primary school level differ markedly with respect to previous academic pathways, academic self-concepts as well as occupational motivations.
The present article discusses, first, a conception of learning progression which understands pupi... more The present article discusses, first, a conception of learning progression which understands pupils’ (history) learning as a question of their ‘ascending’ to more and more advanced taxonomical levels of reflection – and which has played a major role in history didactics generally as well as in a Danish context in particular. Against this conception the article argues that (history) learning progression should be understood as a many-sided phenomenon to which a number of different forms of knowledge contribute and which cannot adequately be conceived as an increasing command of a sequence of (meta-)levels of reflection but needs a wider understanding of the nature of knowledge.
Med udgangspunkt i Basil Bernsteins teori om viden, kompetence og performance,diskuterer artiklen... more Med udgangspunkt i Basil Bernsteins teori om viden, kompetence og performance,diskuterer artiklen det, den betegner som laereruddannelses vidensgrundlag. Detkonkrete udgangspunkt er bekendtgorelsen for uddannelseselementet Almenundervisningskompetence (fra 2013-reformen), som sammenlignes med det tilsvarendefag i den tidligere laereruddannelse, Almen didaktik. Via denne sammenligningargumenteres der for, at laereruddannelsens vidensgrundlag ikke har bevaegetsig i retning af det ogede fokus pa kompetence, som ligger i uddannelsens aktuelleselvbeskrivelse – men derimod har bevaeget sig i retning af et oget fokus pa performance.Videre argumenteres der for, at det fokus pa generiske kompetencer, somtilstraebes via bevaegelsen mod kompetencer, ikke vil kraeve mindre, men et storrefokus pa domaenespecifi k viden.
Hans Christian Dorf & Niels Rosendal Jensen 1 (2016): A nation at risk?-Danish citizenship policy... more Hans Christian Dorf & Niels Rosendal Jensen 1 (2016): A nation at risk?-Danish citizenship policy under austerity.
Against the background of different admission selectivity, structure and status of teacher educat... more Against the background of different admission selectivity, structure and status of teacher education in Denmark and Finland we analyze to what extent beginning teacher education students differ with respect to previous educational pathways, socio-demographic characteristics, academic self-concepts and occupational motivations. In both Denmark and Finland representative groups of first year teacher education students as well as last year upper-secondary students were surveyed. The collected data enabled us to characterize teacher education students in contrast to a baseline reference group of school students and to compare these differences across countries (difference-in-differences estimation). The results of our study indicate that Danish student teachers lag behind their Finnish peers in the valuation of their math skills. In addition, the average motivational profiles of Danish and Finnish teacher education students differ markedly. Implications of our findings are discussed.
Compare a Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2014
ABSTRACT This article reports the findings of a comparative study of teaching in Denmark and Engl... more ABSTRACT This article reports the findings of a comparative study of teaching in Denmark and England. Its broader aim is to help develop an approach for comparing pedagogy. Lesson observations and interviews identified the range of goals towards which teachers in each country worked and the actions these prompted. These were clustered using the lens of Bernstein’s pedagogic discourse to construct teacher roles, which provided a view of pedagogy. Through this approach we have begun to identify variations in pedagogy across two countries. All teachers in this study adopted a variety of roles. Of significance was the ease with which competent English teachers moved between roles. The English teachers observed adopted roles consistent with a wider techno-rationalist discourse. There was a greater subject emphasis by Danish teachers, whose work was set predominantly within a democratic humanist discourse, whilst the English teachers placed a greater emphasis on applied skills.
We analyze in this article to what extent beginning teacher education students at the primary sch... more We analyze in this article to what extent beginning teacher education students at the primary school level differ with respect to previous educational pathways, socio-demographic characteristics, academic self-concepts and occupational motivations. In order to overcome methodological problems of most previous empirical studies on teacher recruitment we draw on data from a recent comparative study on teacher recruitment based on two different samples: In both Denmark and Finland we surveyed a representative group of first year teacher education students as well as last year upper-secondary pupils. The nature of the data collected enables us to characterize teacher education students in contrast to a baseline reference group eligible to apply for teacher education and to compare these differences across countries (difference-indifferences estimation). This analytical strategy allows us to overcome problems of most previous studies that use samples of teacher-education students only in order to characterize teacher education students and to estimate differences between beginning teacher students across countries more reliably. Our results clearly show that Finish and Danish beginning teacher education students for the primary school level differ markedly with respect to previous academic pathways, academic self-concepts as well as occupational motivations.
The present article discusses, first, a conception of learning progression which understands pupi... more The present article discusses, first, a conception of learning progression which understands pupils’ (history) learning as a question of their ‘ascending’ to more and more advanced taxonomical levels of reflection – and which has played a major role in history didactics generally as well as in a Danish context in particular. Against this conception the article argues that (history) learning progression should be understood as a many-sided phenomenon to which a number of different forms of knowledge contribute and which cannot adequately be conceived as an increasing command of a sequence of (meta-)levels of reflection but needs a wider understanding of the nature of knowledge.
Med udgangspunkt i Basil Bernsteins teori om viden, kompetence og performance,diskuterer artiklen... more Med udgangspunkt i Basil Bernsteins teori om viden, kompetence og performance,diskuterer artiklen det, den betegner som laereruddannelses vidensgrundlag. Detkonkrete udgangspunkt er bekendtgorelsen for uddannelseselementet Almenundervisningskompetence (fra 2013-reformen), som sammenlignes med det tilsvarendefag i den tidligere laereruddannelse, Almen didaktik. Via denne sammenligningargumenteres der for, at laereruddannelsens vidensgrundlag ikke har bevaegetsig i retning af det ogede fokus pa kompetence, som ligger i uddannelsens aktuelleselvbeskrivelse – men derimod har bevaeget sig i retning af et oget fokus pa performance.Videre argumenteres der for, at det fokus pa generiske kompetencer, somtilstraebes via bevaegelsen mod kompetencer, ikke vil kraeve mindre, men et storrefokus pa domaenespecifi k viden.
Hans Christian Dorf & Niels Rosendal Jensen 1 (2016): A nation at risk?-Danish citizenship policy... more Hans Christian Dorf & Niels Rosendal Jensen 1 (2016): A nation at risk?-Danish citizenship policy under austerity.
Against the background of different admission selectivity, structure and status of teacher educat... more Against the background of different admission selectivity, structure and status of teacher education in Denmark and Finland we analyze to what extent beginning teacher education students differ with respect to previous educational pathways, socio-demographic characteristics, academic self-concepts and occupational motivations. In both Denmark and Finland representative groups of first year teacher education students as well as last year upper-secondary students were surveyed. The collected data enabled us to characterize teacher education students in contrast to a baseline reference group of school students and to compare these differences across countries (difference-in-differences estimation). The results of our study indicate that Danish student teachers lag behind their Finnish peers in the valuation of their math skills. In addition, the average motivational profiles of Danish and Finnish teacher education students differ markedly. Implications of our findings are discussed.
Compare a Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2014
ABSTRACT This article reports the findings of a comparative study of teaching in Denmark and Engl... more ABSTRACT This article reports the findings of a comparative study of teaching in Denmark and England. Its broader aim is to help develop an approach for comparing pedagogy. Lesson observations and interviews identified the range of goals towards which teachers in each country worked and the actions these prompted. These were clustered using the lens of Bernstein’s pedagogic discourse to construct teacher roles, which provided a view of pedagogy. Through this approach we have begun to identify variations in pedagogy across two countries. All teachers in this study adopted a variety of roles. Of significance was the ease with which competent English teachers moved between roles. The English teachers observed adopted roles consistent with a wider techno-rationalist discourse. There was a greater subject emphasis by Danish teachers, whose work was set predominantly within a democratic humanist discourse, whilst the English teachers placed a greater emphasis on applied skills.
Papers by Hans Dorf