Papers by Guillermo Soler García de Oteyza
Revista D Etnologia De Catalunya, 2009
Paper for the MA in World Heritage.
This paper will champion the inclusion of the St. Charles St... more Paper for the MA in World Heritage.
This paper will champion the inclusion of the St. Charles Streetcar Line in New Orleans (USA) into the World Heritage List (WHL) through a comparative analysis. Up to this point, no streetcar line has been included in the WHL or in the tentative lists submitted by most states that anticipate possible future candidacies. And yet, the ICOMOS study over railways as possible World Heritage sites signalled that “perhaps consideration should be given to designating one of the surviving great urban tramways” (Coulls 1999, p. 11). Thus, our comparative analysis –after a brief description of the proposed site, its outstanding universal value (OUV), authenticity and integrity- will be divided into two: first we will argue that the WHL can and in fact should include a streetcar line; then we will compare the proposed streetcar line with other significant ones from around the world.
Dissertation paper for the MA World Heritage Management at the University of Birmingham.
To get... more Dissertation paper for the MA World Heritage Management at the University of Birmingham.
To get inscriptions in the World Heritage List and, to a lesser degree, in the Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative List has become a much sought-after reward for most states, as it provides status and economic revenue. At the same time, states are the real driving forces behind the UNESCO lists, as they control what is selected and what is not to be included in them. This is why it is crucial to know how these internal selection processes work, a matter that has not received enough attention in research and literature. This paper analyzes these processes in Spain, which is one of the leading countries in both lists and, in terms of cultural policy, is a decentralized state in which regions have a prominent role. Catalonia has been specifically chosen as a region with a
distinctive personality. The research, based primarily on in-depth interviews to key participants in the processes (former government officials, civil servants, candidature promoters and experts who act as consultants), shows how neither the Spanish nor the Catalan governments have a proactive policy regarding the UNESCO lists and, at
present, both leave the initiative to the local level. The path to become a Spanish UNESCO candidature consists basically in overcoming successive technical filters, though the final decision has an important political component. The way this final decision is negotiated is of special interest: representatives from all regions plus the central government have to reach a unanimous proposal. The possible competition between regions, the role of communities, the problematic composition of the Tentative List and the difficulties to adopt a more technocratic approach are other issues discussed through the paper.
Books by Guillermo Soler García de Oteyza
Estudis del Patrimoni Etnològic de Catalunya, 4, 2012
A la Barcelona dels anys seixanta, la irrupció de la música
rock va suposar una petita però sorol... more A la Barcelona dels anys seixanta, la irrupció de la música
rock va suposar una petita però sorollosa revolució: hordes
d’adolescents amb una progressiva tendència a oblidar de tallar-
se els cabells se les van empescar per aconseguir una guitarra
elèctrica i muntar un conjunt amb parents, amics i veïns
per reproduir els sons estridents que arribaven de l’estranger.
Només alguns d’aquests grups aconseguiren superar l’estadi
amateur i arribar a enregistrar discos, i encara topant amb
una indústria que no sabia ben bé què fer-ne. Però això no va
impedir que els «conjunts de música moderna» contribuïssin
decisivament a configurar una cultura juvenil i una identitat
generacional que es contraposaven a la grisa realitat social del
Basat en una vintena d’entrevistes als protagonistes, el llibre
repassa la trajectòria de quinze d’aquests conjunts (per ordre
alfabètic: Álex y los Findes, Los Catinos, Los Cheyenes, Els
Dracs, Los Gatos Negros, Los Go-Go, Los Jóvenes, Lone Star,
Los Mustang, Los No, Los Pájaros Locos, Pic-Nic, Los Salvajes,
Los Sirex i Els Tres Tambors) i mira de descriure el context en
què es van moure, així com la seva significació cultural i social.
L’obra és el resultat d’un treball de recerca becat per la Direcció
General de Cultura Popular i Tradicional (abans Centre
de Promoció de la Cultura Popular i Tradicional Catalana) l’any
Journalistic articles by Guillermo Soler García de Oteyza
Diari de Tarragona, 2019
CAT: Dues cròniques publicades al Diari de Tarragona al desembre de 2019 en relació a la catorzen... more CAT: Dues cròniques publicades al Diari de Tarragona al desembre de 2019 en relació a la catorzena sessió del Comitè Intergovernamental per la Salvaguarda del Patrimoni Cultural Immaterial de la Unesco, celebrada a Bogotà.
CAST: Dos crónicas publicadas en el Diari de Tarragona en diciembre de 2019 en relación con la catorceava sesión del Comité Intergubernamental para la Salvaguarda del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Unesco, celebrada en Bogotá.
EN: Two journalistic reports published in "Diari de Tarragona" on December 2019, related to the 14th Session of UNESCO's ICH Safeguarding Committee, that took place in Bogotá.
Papers by Guillermo Soler García de Oteyza
This paper will champion the inclusion of the St. Charles Streetcar Line in New Orleans (USA) into the World Heritage List (WHL) through a comparative analysis. Up to this point, no streetcar line has been included in the WHL or in the tentative lists submitted by most states that anticipate possible future candidacies. And yet, the ICOMOS study over railways as possible World Heritage sites signalled that “perhaps consideration should be given to designating one of the surviving great urban tramways” (Coulls 1999, p. 11). Thus, our comparative analysis –after a brief description of the proposed site, its outstanding universal value (OUV), authenticity and integrity- will be divided into two: first we will argue that the WHL can and in fact should include a streetcar line; then we will compare the proposed streetcar line with other significant ones from around the world.
To get inscriptions in the World Heritage List and, to a lesser degree, in the Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative List has become a much sought-after reward for most states, as it provides status and economic revenue. At the same time, states are the real driving forces behind the UNESCO lists, as they control what is selected and what is not to be included in them. This is why it is crucial to know how these internal selection processes work, a matter that has not received enough attention in research and literature. This paper analyzes these processes in Spain, which is one of the leading countries in both lists and, in terms of cultural policy, is a decentralized state in which regions have a prominent role. Catalonia has been specifically chosen as a region with a
distinctive personality. The research, based primarily on in-depth interviews to key participants in the processes (former government officials, civil servants, candidature promoters and experts who act as consultants), shows how neither the Spanish nor the Catalan governments have a proactive policy regarding the UNESCO lists and, at
present, both leave the initiative to the local level. The path to become a Spanish UNESCO candidature consists basically in overcoming successive technical filters, though the final decision has an important political component. The way this final decision is negotiated is of special interest: representatives from all regions plus the central government have to reach a unanimous proposal. The possible competition between regions, the role of communities, the problematic composition of the Tentative List and the difficulties to adopt a more technocratic approach are other issues discussed through the paper.
Books by Guillermo Soler García de Oteyza
rock va suposar una petita però sorollosa revolució: hordes
d’adolescents amb una progressiva tendència a oblidar de tallar-
se els cabells se les van empescar per aconseguir una guitarra
elèctrica i muntar un conjunt amb parents, amics i veïns
per reproduir els sons estridents que arribaven de l’estranger.
Només alguns d’aquests grups aconseguiren superar l’estadi
amateur i arribar a enregistrar discos, i encara topant amb
una indústria que no sabia ben bé què fer-ne. Però això no va
impedir que els «conjunts de música moderna» contribuïssin
decisivament a configurar una cultura juvenil i una identitat
generacional que es contraposaven a la grisa realitat social del
Basat en una vintena d’entrevistes als protagonistes, el llibre
repassa la trajectòria de quinze d’aquests conjunts (per ordre
alfabètic: Álex y los Findes, Los Catinos, Los Cheyenes, Els
Dracs, Los Gatos Negros, Los Go-Go, Los Jóvenes, Lone Star,
Los Mustang, Los No, Los Pájaros Locos, Pic-Nic, Los Salvajes,
Los Sirex i Els Tres Tambors) i mira de descriure el context en
què es van moure, així com la seva significació cultural i social.
L’obra és el resultat d’un treball de recerca becat per la Direcció
General de Cultura Popular i Tradicional (abans Centre
de Promoció de la Cultura Popular i Tradicional Catalana) l’any
Journalistic articles by Guillermo Soler García de Oteyza
CAST: Dos crónicas publicadas en el Diari de Tarragona en diciembre de 2019 en relación con la catorceava sesión del Comité Intergubernamental para la Salvaguarda del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Unesco, celebrada en Bogotá.
EN: Two journalistic reports published in "Diari de Tarragona" on December 2019, related to the 14th Session of UNESCO's ICH Safeguarding Committee, that took place in Bogotá.
This paper will champion the inclusion of the St. Charles Streetcar Line in New Orleans (USA) into the World Heritage List (WHL) through a comparative analysis. Up to this point, no streetcar line has been included in the WHL or in the tentative lists submitted by most states that anticipate possible future candidacies. And yet, the ICOMOS study over railways as possible World Heritage sites signalled that “perhaps consideration should be given to designating one of the surviving great urban tramways” (Coulls 1999, p. 11). Thus, our comparative analysis –after a brief description of the proposed site, its outstanding universal value (OUV), authenticity and integrity- will be divided into two: first we will argue that the WHL can and in fact should include a streetcar line; then we will compare the proposed streetcar line with other significant ones from around the world.
To get inscriptions in the World Heritage List and, to a lesser degree, in the Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative List has become a much sought-after reward for most states, as it provides status and economic revenue. At the same time, states are the real driving forces behind the UNESCO lists, as they control what is selected and what is not to be included in them. This is why it is crucial to know how these internal selection processes work, a matter that has not received enough attention in research and literature. This paper analyzes these processes in Spain, which is one of the leading countries in both lists and, in terms of cultural policy, is a decentralized state in which regions have a prominent role. Catalonia has been specifically chosen as a region with a
distinctive personality. The research, based primarily on in-depth interviews to key participants in the processes (former government officials, civil servants, candidature promoters and experts who act as consultants), shows how neither the Spanish nor the Catalan governments have a proactive policy regarding the UNESCO lists and, at
present, both leave the initiative to the local level. The path to become a Spanish UNESCO candidature consists basically in overcoming successive technical filters, though the final decision has an important political component. The way this final decision is negotiated is of special interest: representatives from all regions plus the central government have to reach a unanimous proposal. The possible competition between regions, the role of communities, the problematic composition of the Tentative List and the difficulties to adopt a more technocratic approach are other issues discussed through the paper.
rock va suposar una petita però sorollosa revolució: hordes
d’adolescents amb una progressiva tendència a oblidar de tallar-
se els cabells se les van empescar per aconseguir una guitarra
elèctrica i muntar un conjunt amb parents, amics i veïns
per reproduir els sons estridents que arribaven de l’estranger.
Només alguns d’aquests grups aconseguiren superar l’estadi
amateur i arribar a enregistrar discos, i encara topant amb
una indústria que no sabia ben bé què fer-ne. Però això no va
impedir que els «conjunts de música moderna» contribuïssin
decisivament a configurar una cultura juvenil i una identitat
generacional que es contraposaven a la grisa realitat social del
Basat en una vintena d’entrevistes als protagonistes, el llibre
repassa la trajectòria de quinze d’aquests conjunts (per ordre
alfabètic: Álex y los Findes, Los Catinos, Los Cheyenes, Els
Dracs, Los Gatos Negros, Los Go-Go, Los Jóvenes, Lone Star,
Los Mustang, Los No, Los Pájaros Locos, Pic-Nic, Los Salvajes,
Los Sirex i Els Tres Tambors) i mira de descriure el context en
què es van moure, així com la seva significació cultural i social.
L’obra és el resultat d’un treball de recerca becat per la Direcció
General de Cultura Popular i Tradicional (abans Centre
de Promoció de la Cultura Popular i Tradicional Catalana) l’any
CAST: Dos crónicas publicadas en el Diari de Tarragona en diciembre de 2019 en relación con la catorceava sesión del Comité Intergubernamental para la Salvaguarda del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Unesco, celebrada en Bogotá.
EN: Two journalistic reports published in "Diari de Tarragona" on December 2019, related to the 14th Session of UNESCO's ICH Safeguarding Committee, that took place in Bogotá.