Papers by Guillaume LAUGEL

Post-combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture Materials
The ever-increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere leading to global warming is one of the m... more The ever-increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere leading to global warming is one of the main problems that mankind has to face in the 21st century. To avoid the fact that sooner or later humanity will directly start to suffer from it, there is an urgent need to reduce the CO2 level by capturing it at the main sources of emissions such as coal-fired power plants and even better by trying to sequestrate it directly from air. Current post-combustion technologies based on strong chemical binding like scrubbing are barely reversible and therefore induce a high energy penalty. Physical binding by adsorption on nanostructured porous materials have become a smart alternative but a loss in selectivity, due to the presence of nitrogen, oxygen and water, has to be overcome. Zeolites and silicates, preferably modified by alkali cations, have been the focus of tremendous attention as low-temperature CO2 sorbents due to their high CO2 capture capacity, low regeneration temperature, relatively good stability and moderate cost. With the rapid development of these promising CO2 sorbent materials, a timely review is warranted. In this chapter, we critically summarize the performance of alkali-silicates, amine-grafted silicates, clays and zeolites. We hope this chapter can inspire and guide researchers from a wide range of backgrounds and help to pave the way for major breakthroughs in both fundamental and industrial studies in the field.

Ces travaux de thèse s’inscrivent dans la recherche de moyens de prévention des risques d’explosi... more Ces travaux de thèse s’inscrivent dans la recherche de moyens de prévention des risques d’explosion et de pollution liés à l’exploitation d’installations industrielles telles que les turbines à gaz. Ces travaux, en collaboration avec la firme General Electric, portent ainsi sur l’élaboration et l’étude de systèmes catalytiques pouvant entrer dans la fabrication ultérieure d’un capteur de gaz. Son principe de fonctionnement est basé sur la combustion catalytique du gaz à détecter. Les combustibles ayant fait l’objet d’une étude correspondent à ceux rencontrés dans une installation de turbines à gaz, à savoir le méthane, le n-butane (GPL), l’isooctane (essence), le n-décane (fioul), le monoxyde de carbone, l’éthanol et l’octanoate de méthyle (biodiesel). Dans ce type d’installation, le seuil minimal de détection du capteur est fixé à 5% de la LIE (Limite Inférieure d’Explosivité) du combustible. Il a donc été nécessaire de tester l’activité des catalyseurs en introduisant les combusti...
Comptes Rendus Chimie - In Press.Proof corrected by the author Available online since jeudi 14 av... more Comptes Rendus Chimie - In Press.Proof corrected by the author Available online since jeudi 14 avril 2016

Ces travaux de these s’inscrivent dans la recherche de moyens de prevention des risques d’explosi... more Ces travaux de these s’inscrivent dans la recherche de moyens de prevention des risques d’explosion et de pollution lies a l’exploitation d’installations industrielles telles que les turbines a gaz. Ces travaux, en collaboration avec la firme General Electric, portent ainsi sur l’elaboration et l’etude de systemes catalytiques pouvant entrer dans la fabrication ulterieure d’un capteur de gaz. Son principe de fonctionnement est base sur la combustion catalytique du gaz a detecter. Les combustibles ayant fait l’objet d’une etude correspondent a ceux rencontres dans une installation de turbines a gaz, a savoir le methane, le n-butane (GPL), l’isooctane (essence), le n-decane (fioul), le monoxyde de carbone, l’ethanol et l’octanoate de methyle (biodiesel). Dans ce type d’installation, le seuil minimal de detection du capteur est fixe a 5% de la LIE (Limite Inferieure d’Explosivite) du combustible. Il a donc ete necessaire de tester l’activite des catalyseurs en introduisant les combusti...

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019
By combining experimental spectroscopic, structural and physical characterizations, and extensive... more By combining experimental spectroscopic, structural and physical characterizations, and extensive Density Functional Theory (DFT) simulations, unprecedented insight is gained on the local surface properties of synthetic talc nanoparticles, their structure, morphology and particle size distribution. Basically, the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) chemical shifts profiles of these nano-layered silicates were dissected thoroughly and revealed the existence of bulk and surface contributions in the 1 H and 29 Si spectra. Beyond the fact that a significant knowledge has been acquired on the overall structure of the synthetic talc nanoparticles (mixture of defective and non-defective layers, with defects rejected on the external interfaces), the highlighting of these signals enabled to access the average morphologies and particle sizes of the samples by decomposing the 29 Si NMR profiles into Lorentzian contributions. Finally, the particle size distributions in number were also described in terms of a Log-normal law. These distributions were compared to the particle sizes obtained from X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Brunauer−Emmett−Teller measurements (BET) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) methods. The distributions of gyration radii determined by DLS are shown to match the distributions in size in consistence with the same morphology.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019
The morphology, surface speciation, NMR and IR spectroscopic properties of nanosized layered magn... more The morphology, surface speciation, NMR and IR spectroscopic properties of nanosized layered magnesium silicate isostructural to Talc at equilibrium in an aqueous environment were computed from first principles. The theoretical predictions were successfully compared with experimental results obtained on a commercial magnesium-silicate hydrate (MSH), revealing insight relevant for understanding the catalytic and other surface properties of such materials of promising industrial applications.
Catalysis Science & Technology, 2019
Choosing acido-basic properties of magnesium silicates to tune the transesterification mechanism ... more Choosing acido-basic properties of magnesium silicates to tune the transesterification mechanism in the liquid phase.
Chemical Science, 2018
Biomass-mediated syntheses of ZSM-5 zeolites allowed crossing low Si/Al barrier, inducing high ac... more Biomass-mediated syntheses of ZSM-5 zeolites allowed crossing low Si/Al barrier, inducing high acidity, hence remarkably improving catalyst performance.
Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017
Catalysts with the strongest basic properties are not always the most efficient ones for transest... more Catalysts with the strongest basic properties are not always the most efficient ones for transesterification, a series of magnesium-based materials, exhibiting a large range of acido–basic properties, was investigated.

ChemCatChem, 2017
This study aims to reveal how water adsorbed on a solid influences its catalytic properties for t... more This study aims to reveal how water adsorbed on a solid influences its catalytic properties for transesterification reaction in liquid phase. The reactivity of a commercial magnesium silicate was studied after various thermal pretreatments for the reaction of transesterification of ethyl acetate with methanol. It was observed that the conversion decreases with the increase of the pretreatment temperature, therefore with the release of the water content of the magnesium silicate. Thermogravimetric analysis, DRIFT and 1 H NMR spectroscopies show that physically adsorbed water has little influence on the reactivity, while water incorporated within the catalysts thus desorbing at higher temperatures plays a key role on the conversion. Calorimetry, in situ DRIFT spectroscopy and 1 H NMR indicate that two kinds of active sites exist, that are created from the water coordinated to magnesium located on the edge of the clay-like particles or in the defects present in the silicate layer, respectively. Their role could be to stabilise methanol deprotonated by basic Mg-OH groups, activate ester or help the departure of the alkoxyl moiety.
![Research paper thumbnail of Heterogenization of [Cu(2,2′-bpy)Cl2] and [Cu(1,10-phen)Cl2] on Polyoxometalates: New Catalysts for the Selective Oxidation of Tetralin](
Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2011
Mononuclear Cu(II) bipyridine (1) and phenantroline complexes (2) were synthesized and immobilize... more Mononuclear Cu(II) bipyridine (1) and phenantroline complexes (2) were synthesized and immobilized by different procedures on H 3 PW 12 O 40 polyoxometalate (POM). Characterization by XRD and SEM-EDX were performed to assess the preservation of the Keggin structure and stoichiometry of the complex. The immobilized complexes were tested as heterogeneous catalysts for the partial oxidation of tetralin (1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene) using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant in acetonitrile/water as solvent. [Cu(2,2'-bpy)Cl][H 2 PW 12 O 40 ] and [Cu(1,10-phen)Cl][H 2 PW 12 O 40 ] oxidized tetralin at room temperature, with 16% conversion with (2), to 1-tetralone and 2-tetralone with 83% selectivity. However, the selectivity for 1-tetralone was only 56%. Different preparation methods for the heterogenization of these complexes on the POM Keggin unit were compared and used to enhance the selectivity to 1-tetralone to 75%.
L Actualite Chimique, 2010
Les zeolithes, tres largement produites industriellement, sont la famille de catalyseurs heteroge... more Les zeolithes, tres largement produites industriellement, sont la famille de catalyseurs heterogenes la plus utilisee en petrochimie. En effet, dans le cadre d'une chimie verte, respectueuse de l'environnement, les transformations des hydrocarbures (alkylation, craquage, isomerisation) sont generalement catalysees par ces solides microporeux. La conception a dessein ainsi que l'elaboration maitrisee de ces polymeres inorganiques cristallins a structure parfaitement definie sont au cœur d'une recherche intensive aussi bien fondamentale qu'industrielle. Cette recherche porte sur l'adaptation de la formulation moleculaire, la hierarchisation de la porosite, le controle de la taille des cristaux ou la mise a l'echelle du reacteur.

Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2017
Acid catalysts including Ni, Ag and Fe-loaded zeolites of different structures were prepared eith... more Acid catalysts including Ni, Ag and Fe-loaded zeolites of different structures were prepared either via cationic exchange or impregnation techniques from pristine H-zeolites (BEA, and MFI). Their catalytic activity was evaluated in the liquid-phase FriedeleCrafts acylation of anisole with propanoic acid. It turned out that, whatever the doping procedure was, the zeolite loaded with transition metals led to considerable decrease in propanoic acid conversion, regardless of the nature or the metal content. However, the extent of this detrimental effect followed the order: Ag þ > Ni 2þ > Fe 3þ. Pristine acidic zeolites were not only found to be the most active, but also to be the most selective toward ortho-and para-acylation products. H-ZSM-5 zeolites yielded the highest intrinsic activity, with TOF values of 0.09 h À1. The catalyst activity proved to be essentially attributed to the density and accessibility of Brønsted acid sites, playing a key role in the activation of the reactants. Brønsted sites are proposed to be the most likely catalytic species for performing this FriedeleCrafts acylation.
Topics in Catalysis, 2015
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015
The influence of the basic properties of MgO is not the same for liquid and for gas phase transes... more The influence of the basic properties of MgO is not the same for liquid and for gas phase transesterification.
ChemInform, 2011
ABSTRACT Zeolitic materials are the heterogeneous catalysts that have the highest annual producti... more ABSTRACT Zeolitic materials are the heterogeneous catalysts that have the highest annual production and are used in numerous acid-catalyzed reactions. Nowadays, hydrocarbon transformations, such as cracking, alkylation, and isomerization, are preferably conducted using these environmentally friendly microporous solid acids. In the general shift from homogeneous towards heterogeneous catalysis, zeolites play a key role. The rational design of these inorganic materials with highly crystalline structure is warranted both in academic and in industrial research. A proper chemical composition, a hierarchical porosity, an appropriate crystal size have, therefore, to be combined with a proper shape at the reactor level.
Science of Advanced Materials, 2012
ABSTRACT Sulfated zirconia (SO4 2–/ZrO2, sulfated tin oxide (SO4 2–/SnO2 and Al2O3-doped SO4 2–/S... more ABSTRACT Sulfated zirconia (SO4 2–/ZrO2, sulfated tin oxide (SO4 2–/SnO2 and Al2O3-doped SO4 2–/SnO2 have been prepared by a co-precipitation method followed by sulfation with sulfuric acid and calcination. The addition of Al2O3 to SO4 2–/SnO2 led to an increase of the specific surface area, sulfate content and the total number of Brönsted acid sites, which were determined by home-made H/D exchange technique. In addition, Al2O3-promoted SO4 2–/SnO2appeared more active than both undoped SO4 2–/SnO2 catalyst and conventional SO4 2–/ZrO2 in the esterification of lauric acid with methanol and also in the transesterification reaction of triacetin with methanol. A relationship between these catalysts performance and their Brönsted acidity could be established.
Topics in Catalysis, 2011
ABSTRACT Li-doped MgO was prepared on different preparative routes and with different loadings. T... more ABSTRACT Li-doped MgO was prepared on different preparative routes and with different loadings. The catalytic activity was found to decay for all catalysts for 40h time on stream. A detailed structural analysis of 0.5wt% Li-doped MgO showed heavy losses of Li, reduced surface area and grain growth. A correlation between these factors and the deactivation could not be found. The reaction temperature and the flow rate were found to be the main deactivation parameters. KeywordsLi/MgO–[Li+O−]–Oxidative coupling of methane–OCM–Wet impregnation–Precipitation–Single source precursors–Mixed milling–Deactivation
Papers by Guillaume LAUGEL