... The Dutch material is the work of the national programme for primary care protocols developed... more ... The Dutch material is the work of the national programme for primary care protocols developed hy the NHG ... 1990: 263, 3077-3084 3 Jackson-Smale, A The Dilemma Project and Computerised Primary Care ... Berlin: Springer, Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, No 44, 129-139. ...
in Folie et justice : relire Foucault eds. Ph. Chevallier, Tim Greacen. ERES 2009. An invited pre... more in Folie et justice : relire Foucault eds. Ph. Chevallier, Tim Greacen. ERES 2009. An invited presentation at an international public conference, Culture psychiatrique-culture juridique : relire Michel Foucault, Folie et justice, at La Villette, Paris in Sepember 2008 organized by Philippe Cheavllier and Tim Greacen. The event which included an intervention by Robert Badinter, was focussed on new security and carceral policies and proposals of the Sarkozy administration in France.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 1999
The paper reports the work and results of Prestige: Guidelines in Healthcare, a large EU project ... more The paper reports the work and results of Prestige: Guidelines in Healthcare, a large EU project designed to applying ICT to assist the application of clinical practice guidelines.
Like all previously published volumes of his lectures, the content of The Government of the Livin... more Like all previously published volumes of his lectures, the content of The Government of the Living defies brief summary. It shows us Foucault in 1980 mapping out a major new phase in his work in terms that complicate our existing understanding of his unfinished project. My review looks in turn at the two parts of the course: an unusually lengthy discussion of method and heuristics, followed by a tightly focused study of early Christian regimes of truth. I suggest that the complex opening theoretical reflections in these lectures go well beyond mapping the course of the immediately following historical analysis. They need to be seen in coordination with other conceptual innovations introduced over the following years, putting a task that Foucault calls here a “history of the power of truth” on his agenda alongside, and in integral connection with the previously defined tasks of a history of governmentality and a history of the subject. A newly published discussion in Berkeley later i...
In the two volumes of his lectures of 1978 and 1979, we see Michel Foucault making a major intell... more In the two volumes of his lectures of 1978 and 1979, we see Michel Foucault making a major intellectual change of direction, moving away from an analysis of power as the formation and production of individuals towards an analysis of governmentality, a concept invented to denote the 'conduct of conducts' of men and women, working through their autonomy rather than through coercion even of a subtle kind. Out of this concept and the extended analysis of political economy which provides the material for its elaboration, Foucault never produced a published work. He broke off this series of investigations to occupy himself up to his death in 1984 with the writing of two books, which were evidently closer to his heart, of a history of the subject passing by way of the Care of the self and the Use of Pleasure (Foucault 1989a 1989b). This however did not prevent this concept of governmentality from meeting with great success in the English-speaking world, in many ways stimulating there an intellectual dynamic more intense than in the case of his published works, which rapidly became classics and were treated as such and with the deference that status entailed, but not with the excitement which met the lectures on governmentality. In 1991, your volume The Foucault Effect (Burchell, Gordon, Miller 1991) set off this dynamic by centring the "effect" in question precisely on this notion of governmentality. But in France Foucault's lectures on the subject were not published until 2004 and without at first arousing great interest. So what accounts for this singular success of Foucault's reflection on governmentality in the Anglo-Saxon world? CG: We had a few advantages in Britain. In the first place, Foucault in his lifetime was more easygoing about foreign translations of his interviews and lectures than he was about their publication or reprinting in France. There may also have been more 1 Translated with minor revisions from Esprit, Novembre 2007, 82-95: 'Comment gouverner les sociétés libérales? L'effet Foucault dans le monde Anglo-Saxon'.
Abstract. This paper reports ongoing work in the project PRESTIGE: Guidelines in Healthcare. An a... more Abstract. This paper reports ongoing work in the project PRESTIGE: Guidelines in Healthcare. An approach has been developed to representing the knowledge content of clinical guideline and protocols, using a declarative model incorporating a lifecycle model of ...
Studies in health technology and informatics, 1997
PRESTIGE is a project for applying telematics to assist the dissemination and application of clin... more PRESTIGE is a project for applying telematics to assist the dissemination and application of clinical practice guidelines and protocols. Previous publications have described PRESTIGE's technical approach, including the use of a generic model for representing the knowledge content of clinical guidelines. This approach offers the possibility of 'plug-and-play' electronic distribution of clinical guidelines produced by multiple authoring bodies for use on multiple healthcare clinical management software platforms. A recent joint workshop held with the Section on Medical Informatics, Stanford University School of Medicine compared the European consensus approach developed in PRESTIGE with a parallel series of projects for computer-assisted protocol-based healthcare undertaken at Stanford and other American centres over the past, which confirmed the convergence and complementarity of our approaches, and holds out prospects of world-wide standardization in healthcare protocol ...
À l'occasion d'une visite aux archives Foucault déposées à la Bibliothèque Bancroft de l'Universi... more À l'occasion d'une visite aux archives Foucault déposées à la Bibliothèque Bancroft de l'Université de Californie à Berkeley 1 , j'ai croisé un entretien avec Foucault réalisé en avril 1978 par Colin Gordon et Paul Patton qui me paraissait à la fois révélateur de l'itinéraire de pensée de Foucault et inédit. Colin et Paul m'ont par la suite confirmé que ce texte n'avait fait l'objet d'aucune publication et nous nous sommes mis d'accord pour contacter le Centre Michel Foucault afin de rendre le document plus accessible par le biais d'une publication. L'un des intérêts de ce texte réside dans l'originalité des commentaires de Foucault à propos de ses ouvrages alors publiés qu'il situe à l'intérieur de son parcours allant de la phénoménologie à la critique du marxisme. Au fil de l'entretien, Foucault discute notamment la réception « subjectiviste » de la phénoménologie en France, clarifie son rapport au structuralisme, L'entretien a été établi à partir de la transcription d'un enregistrement sonore disponible à la Bibliothèque Bancroft sous la cote « BANC Mss 90/136z, 1 :2 ». Quelques mots demeurés inaudibles ont été indiqués. enfin, le caractère spontané de l'entretien a été conservé sans que le style ait été normalisé, ce qui laisse place à certaines répétitions, hésitations ou phrases incomplètes. Je remercie Madame Francine Fruchaud et Monsieur Denys Foucault qui ont autorisé la publication de cet entretien, Colin Gordon et Paul Patton d'avoir accepté de mener ce projet de publication, Messieurs Daniel Defert et Jean-François Bert pour les conseils et encouragements, mon assistant de recherche Martin Boucher pour la transcription, ainsi que Monsieur David Kessler, spécialiste des références à la Bibliothèque Bancroft. L'entretien est précédé d'une introduction rédigée par Colin Gordon qui présente le contexte dans lequel ont eu lieu les échanges. Ce projet a reçu l'appui financier du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada. Considérations sur le marxisme la phénoménologie et le pouvoir Michel Foucault 107 Considérations sur le marxisme la phénoménologie et le pouvoir Michel Foucault
Recent changes in the character of primary care have resulted in general practitioners facing an ... more Recent changes in the character of primary care have resulted in general practitioners facing an increasing volume of information and being subjected to ever greater demands to routinely use that information. Decision support systems have been proposed as tools for helping the doctor cope with these demands, but the combination of diversity, unpredictability and constantly changing knowledge make primary care one of the most challenging areas for the designers of such programmes.
The History of Madness (HM) is Michel Foucault's first major work, his longest single work, a... more The History of Madness (HM) is Michel Foucault's first major work, his longest single work, and the work that established his reputation in France. Foucault distinguishes four distinct components or forms of consciousness of madness: (1) the critical: the normative judgment which distinguishes and sanctions madness in its difference from reason or sanity; (2) the practical: an attitude of collective demarcation and exclusion of the deviant from a group; (3) the enunciative: the act of recognizing individuals as mad and identifying them as such; (4) the analytic: reflection on the nature and forms of manifestation of madness. Foucault thinks that the experience of madness in the Classical Age is characterized by a dissociation between the first two elements, on the one hand, and the latter two on the other
... For one thing, the Annales historians were of a somewhat more wholeheart-edly interdisciplina... more ... For one thing, the Annales historians were of a somewhat more wholeheart-edly interdisciplinarytemper than their British and American colleagues: Lucien Febvre actually ... A recurring topic inFoucault's later writing is the perception that the posing by Kant and others of the ...
muster on straight historiographic criteria; others (LaCapra, Megill, Pearson) suspect that the v... more muster on straight historiographic criteria; others (LaCapra, Megill, Pearson) suspect that the very attempt is a kind of category mistake, a pedantic misrecognition of the three-headed nature of the beast. For the same and other reasons, my contention that Histoire de la folie has been a largely unread or misread book has been perceived by some respondents as not so much perverse as obtuse. Can the fate of a book be reduced to a catalogue of rectifiable errors? Did not Foucault himself, in his 1972 preface to the second edition, disclaim any such correctional prerogative over the reception of his work? Even where many misreadings can be documented, can their cause or blame (Megill asks) plausibly be laid only on the side of the guilty reader?
... The Dutch material is the work of the national programme for primary care protocols developed... more ... The Dutch material is the work of the national programme for primary care protocols developed hy the NHG ... 1990: 263, 3077-3084 3 Jackson-Smale, A The Dilemma Project and Computerised Primary Care ... Berlin: Springer, Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, No 44, 129-139. ...
in Folie et justice : relire Foucault eds. Ph. Chevallier, Tim Greacen. ERES 2009. An invited pre... more in Folie et justice : relire Foucault eds. Ph. Chevallier, Tim Greacen. ERES 2009. An invited presentation at an international public conference, Culture psychiatrique-culture juridique : relire Michel Foucault, Folie et justice, at La Villette, Paris in Sepember 2008 organized by Philippe Cheavllier and Tim Greacen. The event which included an intervention by Robert Badinter, was focussed on new security and carceral policies and proposals of the Sarkozy administration in France.
Studies in health technology and informatics, 1999
The paper reports the work and results of Prestige: Guidelines in Healthcare, a large EU project ... more The paper reports the work and results of Prestige: Guidelines in Healthcare, a large EU project designed to applying ICT to assist the application of clinical practice guidelines.
Like all previously published volumes of his lectures, the content of The Government of the Livin... more Like all previously published volumes of his lectures, the content of The Government of the Living defies brief summary. It shows us Foucault in 1980 mapping out a major new phase in his work in terms that complicate our existing understanding of his unfinished project. My review looks in turn at the two parts of the course: an unusually lengthy discussion of method and heuristics, followed by a tightly focused study of early Christian regimes of truth. I suggest that the complex opening theoretical reflections in these lectures go well beyond mapping the course of the immediately following historical analysis. They need to be seen in coordination with other conceptual innovations introduced over the following years, putting a task that Foucault calls here a “history of the power of truth” on his agenda alongside, and in integral connection with the previously defined tasks of a history of governmentality and a history of the subject. A newly published discussion in Berkeley later i...
In the two volumes of his lectures of 1978 and 1979, we see Michel Foucault making a major intell... more In the two volumes of his lectures of 1978 and 1979, we see Michel Foucault making a major intellectual change of direction, moving away from an analysis of power as the formation and production of individuals towards an analysis of governmentality, a concept invented to denote the 'conduct of conducts' of men and women, working through their autonomy rather than through coercion even of a subtle kind. Out of this concept and the extended analysis of political economy which provides the material for its elaboration, Foucault never produced a published work. He broke off this series of investigations to occupy himself up to his death in 1984 with the writing of two books, which were evidently closer to his heart, of a history of the subject passing by way of the Care of the self and the Use of Pleasure (Foucault 1989a 1989b). This however did not prevent this concept of governmentality from meeting with great success in the English-speaking world, in many ways stimulating there an intellectual dynamic more intense than in the case of his published works, which rapidly became classics and were treated as such and with the deference that status entailed, but not with the excitement which met the lectures on governmentality. In 1991, your volume The Foucault Effect (Burchell, Gordon, Miller 1991) set off this dynamic by centring the "effect" in question precisely on this notion of governmentality. But in France Foucault's lectures on the subject were not published until 2004 and without at first arousing great interest. So what accounts for this singular success of Foucault's reflection on governmentality in the Anglo-Saxon world? CG: We had a few advantages in Britain. In the first place, Foucault in his lifetime was more easygoing about foreign translations of his interviews and lectures than he was about their publication or reprinting in France. There may also have been more 1 Translated with minor revisions from Esprit, Novembre 2007, 82-95: 'Comment gouverner les sociétés libérales? L'effet Foucault dans le monde Anglo-Saxon'.
Abstract. This paper reports ongoing work in the project PRESTIGE: Guidelines in Healthcare. An a... more Abstract. This paper reports ongoing work in the project PRESTIGE: Guidelines in Healthcare. An approach has been developed to representing the knowledge content of clinical guideline and protocols, using a declarative model incorporating a lifecycle model of ...
Studies in health technology and informatics, 1997
PRESTIGE is a project for applying telematics to assist the dissemination and application of clin... more PRESTIGE is a project for applying telematics to assist the dissemination and application of clinical practice guidelines and protocols. Previous publications have described PRESTIGE's technical approach, including the use of a generic model for representing the knowledge content of clinical guidelines. This approach offers the possibility of 'plug-and-play' electronic distribution of clinical guidelines produced by multiple authoring bodies for use on multiple healthcare clinical management software platforms. A recent joint workshop held with the Section on Medical Informatics, Stanford University School of Medicine compared the European consensus approach developed in PRESTIGE with a parallel series of projects for computer-assisted protocol-based healthcare undertaken at Stanford and other American centres over the past, which confirmed the convergence and complementarity of our approaches, and holds out prospects of world-wide standardization in healthcare protocol ...
À l'occasion d'une visite aux archives Foucault déposées à la Bibliothèque Bancroft de l'Universi... more À l'occasion d'une visite aux archives Foucault déposées à la Bibliothèque Bancroft de l'Université de Californie à Berkeley 1 , j'ai croisé un entretien avec Foucault réalisé en avril 1978 par Colin Gordon et Paul Patton qui me paraissait à la fois révélateur de l'itinéraire de pensée de Foucault et inédit. Colin et Paul m'ont par la suite confirmé que ce texte n'avait fait l'objet d'aucune publication et nous nous sommes mis d'accord pour contacter le Centre Michel Foucault afin de rendre le document plus accessible par le biais d'une publication. L'un des intérêts de ce texte réside dans l'originalité des commentaires de Foucault à propos de ses ouvrages alors publiés qu'il situe à l'intérieur de son parcours allant de la phénoménologie à la critique du marxisme. Au fil de l'entretien, Foucault discute notamment la réception « subjectiviste » de la phénoménologie en France, clarifie son rapport au structuralisme, L'entretien a été établi à partir de la transcription d'un enregistrement sonore disponible à la Bibliothèque Bancroft sous la cote « BANC Mss 90/136z, 1 :2 ». Quelques mots demeurés inaudibles ont été indiqués. enfin, le caractère spontané de l'entretien a été conservé sans que le style ait été normalisé, ce qui laisse place à certaines répétitions, hésitations ou phrases incomplètes. Je remercie Madame Francine Fruchaud et Monsieur Denys Foucault qui ont autorisé la publication de cet entretien, Colin Gordon et Paul Patton d'avoir accepté de mener ce projet de publication, Messieurs Daniel Defert et Jean-François Bert pour les conseils et encouragements, mon assistant de recherche Martin Boucher pour la transcription, ainsi que Monsieur David Kessler, spécialiste des références à la Bibliothèque Bancroft. L'entretien est précédé d'une introduction rédigée par Colin Gordon qui présente le contexte dans lequel ont eu lieu les échanges. Ce projet a reçu l'appui financier du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada. Considérations sur le marxisme la phénoménologie et le pouvoir Michel Foucault 107 Considérations sur le marxisme la phénoménologie et le pouvoir Michel Foucault
Recent changes in the character of primary care have resulted in general practitioners facing an ... more Recent changes in the character of primary care have resulted in general practitioners facing an increasing volume of information and being subjected to ever greater demands to routinely use that information. Decision support systems have been proposed as tools for helping the doctor cope with these demands, but the combination of diversity, unpredictability and constantly changing knowledge make primary care one of the most challenging areas for the designers of such programmes.
The History of Madness (HM) is Michel Foucault's first major work, his longest single work, a... more The History of Madness (HM) is Michel Foucault's first major work, his longest single work, and the work that established his reputation in France. Foucault distinguishes four distinct components or forms of consciousness of madness: (1) the critical: the normative judgment which distinguishes and sanctions madness in its difference from reason or sanity; (2) the practical: an attitude of collective demarcation and exclusion of the deviant from a group; (3) the enunciative: the act of recognizing individuals as mad and identifying them as such; (4) the analytic: reflection on the nature and forms of manifestation of madness. Foucault thinks that the experience of madness in the Classical Age is characterized by a dissociation between the first two elements, on the one hand, and the latter two on the other
... For one thing, the Annales historians were of a somewhat more wholeheart-edly interdisciplina... more ... For one thing, the Annales historians were of a somewhat more wholeheart-edly interdisciplinarytemper than their British and American colleagues: Lucien Febvre actually ... A recurring topic inFoucault's later writing is the perception that the posing by Kant and others of the ...
muster on straight historiographic criteria; others (LaCapra, Megill, Pearson) suspect that the v... more muster on straight historiographic criteria; others (LaCapra, Megill, Pearson) suspect that the very attempt is a kind of category mistake, a pedantic misrecognition of the three-headed nature of the beast. For the same and other reasons, my contention that Histoire de la folie has been a largely unread or misread book has been perceived by some respondents as not so much perverse as obtuse. Can the fate of a book be reduced to a catalogue of rectifiable errors? Did not Foucault himself, in his 1972 preface to the second edition, disclaim any such correctional prerogative over the reception of his work? Even where many misreadings can be documented, can their cause or blame (Megill asks) plausibly be laid only on the side of the guilty reader?
Edited by Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon, and Peter Miller
With Two Lectures by and an Interview w... more Edited by Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon, and Peter Miller With Two Lectures by and an Interview with Michel Foucault
Based on Michel Foucault's 1978 and 1979 lectures at the Collège de France on governmental rationalities and his 1977 interview regarding his work on imprisonment, this volume is the long-awaited sequel to Power/Knowledge. In these lectures, Foucault examines the art or activity of government both in its present form and within a historical perspective as well as the different ways governmentality has been made thinkable and practicable.
Foucault's thoughts on political discourse and governmentality are supplemented by the essays of internationally renowned scholars. United by the common influence of Foucault's approach, they explore the many modern manifestations of government: the reason of state, police, liberalism, security, social economy, insurance, solidarity, welfare, risk management, and more. The central theme is that the object and the activity of government are not instinctive and natural things, but things that have been invented and learned.
The Foucault Effect analyzes the thought behind practices of government and argues that criticism represents a true force for change in attitudes and actions, and that extending the limits of some practices allows the invention of others. This unique and extraordinarily useful collection of articles and primary materials will open the way for a whole new set of discussions of the work of Michel Foucault as well as the status of liberalism, social policy, and insurance.
Acknowledgements Preface 1. Governmental Rationality: An Introduction Colin Gordon 2. Politics and the Study of Discourse Michel Foucault 3. Questions of Method Michel Foucault 4. Governmentality Michel Foucault 5. Theatrum Politicum: The Genealogy of Capital - Police and the State of Prosperity Pasquale Pasquino 6. Peculiar Interests: Civil Society and Governing 'The System of Natural Liberty' Graham Burchell 7. Social Economy and the Government of Poverty Giovanna Procacci 8. The Mobilization of Society Jacques Donzelot 9. How Should We Do the History of Statistics? Ian Hacking 10. Insurance and Risk Francois Ewald 11. 'Popular Life' and Insurance Technology Daniel Defert 12. Criminology: The Birth of a Special Knowledge Pasquale Pasquino 13. Pleasure in Work Jacques Donzelot 14. From Dangerousness to Risk Robert Castel Index
Chicago University Press ISBN: 9780226080451 Published July 1991
The article offers a series of reflections on the presentation of a phase of work by Michel Fouca... more The article offers a series of reflections on the presentation of a phase of work by Michel Foucault and some of his co-researchers in the volume The Foucault Effect: studies in governmentality , co-edited by the author. These reflections fall into three parts. First, there is a review of some important aspects of Foucault's 'governmentality' lectures that, due to different reasons, were left aside when the book was published. Second, there is the account of important themes that, although presented in the book, have not received so much consideration from the readers. And last, in the axis that occupies the greater part of the article, the author examines Foucault's later discussions of what Gordon calls "the multiple births of politics", in order to show the continuing pertinence of Michel Foucault's enterprise during the 1970s, made possible by this notion of governmentality, at once so strange and so operative. That this is an enterprise of continuing contemporary relevance is indicated not only by the spread of governmentality studies since the appearance of Michel Foucault's lectures at Collège de France, but specially by the dilemmas and "dead-ends" that our political culture has brought us to. In this sense, the article concludes with a sort of research agenda for continuing Foucault's unfinished investigation, one that invites us to deepen our understanding of the relationships between philosophical critique, governmental rationality and political culture, understood as a set of forms of conduct and sociability, modes of life, and styles of subject-formation and truth-telling. Palavras-chave Governmentality -Michel Foucault -Political culture -Demagogy. Colin Gordon é graduado em Filosofia (Universidade de Londres), mestre em Filosofia (Universidade de Oxford) e responsável pela tradução e/ou edição em língua inglesa de vários trabalhos de Michel Foucault sobre o poder e a política. Notadamente, foi o editor da coletânea de ensaios e entrevistas de Michel Foucault intitulada Power/Knowledge (1980) e coeditou, com Graham Burchell e Peter Miller, o volume The Foucault effect: studies on governmentality (1991). Dedica-se principalmente a pensar sobre governo, cultura política e genealogia da política a fim de lançar luzes sobre aspectos do presente.
My aim is to help provide the Remain movement with a deeper background analysis of the players an... more My aim is to help provide the Remain movement with a deeper background analysis of the players and forces behind Brexit – the people, their ideas and interests; of the tactics, strategies, tools and alliances they have been employing; and of the goals and targets they are seeking to attain or capture.
This essay reflects on the UK Brexit referendum, its democratic implications, and what is to be d... more This essay reflects on the UK Brexit referendum, its democratic implications, and what is to be done.
Papers by Colin Gordon
With Two Lectures by and an Interview with Michel Foucault
Based on Michel Foucault's 1978 and 1979 lectures at the Collège de France on governmental rationalities and his 1977 interview regarding his work on imprisonment, this volume is the long-awaited sequel to Power/Knowledge. In these lectures, Foucault examines the art or activity of government both in its present form and within a historical perspective as well as the different ways governmentality has been made thinkable and practicable.
Foucault's thoughts on political discourse and governmentality are supplemented by the essays of internationally renowned scholars. United by the common influence of Foucault's approach, they explore the many modern manifestations of government: the reason of state, police, liberalism, security, social economy, insurance, solidarity, welfare, risk management, and more. The central theme is that the object and the activity of government are not instinctive and natural things, but things that have been invented and learned.
The Foucault Effect analyzes the thought behind practices of government and argues that criticism represents a true force for change in attitudes and actions, and that extending the limits of some practices allows the invention of others. This unique and extraordinarily useful collection of articles and primary materials will open the way for a whole new set of discussions of the work of Michel Foucault as well as the status of liberalism, social policy, and insurance.
1. Governmental Rationality: An Introduction
Colin Gordon
2. Politics and the Study of Discourse
Michel Foucault
3. Questions of Method
Michel Foucault
4. Governmentality
Michel Foucault
5. Theatrum Politicum: The Genealogy of Capital - Police and the State of Prosperity
Pasquale Pasquino
6. Peculiar Interests: Civil Society and Governing 'The System of Natural Liberty'
Graham Burchell
7. Social Economy and the Government of Poverty
Giovanna Procacci
8. The Mobilization of Society
Jacques Donzelot
9. How Should We Do the History of Statistics?
Ian Hacking
10. Insurance and Risk
Francois Ewald
11. 'Popular Life' and Insurance Technology
Daniel Defert
12. Criminology: The Birth of a Special Knowledge
Pasquale Pasquino
13. Pleasure in Work
Jacques Donzelot
14. From Dangerousness to Risk
Robert Castel
Chicago University Press
ISBN: 9780226080451 Published July 1991