Papers by Giovanni COPPOLA

Giovanni Coppola, 2022
Although Norman military architecture appears to be much studied in different national contexts, ... more Although Norman military architecture appears to be much studied in different national contexts, it does not receive the
same attention in transnational context. This essay on Norman fortifications in the province of Avellino derives from a twofold critical
need that is to involve the architectural production of a small territory in the southern Apennines and, at the same time, compare it in
a diachronic and synchronic way with examples chosen in other regions of the Norman area. This line of research is the only way to
deal, albeit briefly, with the various issues related to the study of castles in the wide range of plurality and complex configurations that
arise from them, in a crucial phase of European history in which peoples, who would later belong to different nations, were brought
together. Consequently, the architectures, that are the subjects of this research, are not only considered in relation to one another,
but also through each other, framed in global contexts in terms of dynamics of cultural interaction and the transfer of models. This
is aimed at finding points of intersection of transnational processes with local ones and, therefore, at determining an interpretative
model capable of reconstructing the subtle net of relationships and construction knowledge in the contexts of origin and arrival.
Giovanni Coppola, 2021
Il logo di «Napoli nobilissima», ideato da Roberto Pane per il primo numero della terza serie del... more Il logo di «Napoli nobilissima», ideato da Roberto Pane per il primo numero della terza serie della rivista (1961), si basa su un suo disegno tratto dalla statua classica di Nereide con pistrice ora al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli.
Giovanni Coppola, 2022
Beyond the undoubted propensity to defend and consolidate acquired positions by force with the va... more Beyond the undoubted propensity to defend and consolidate acquired positions by force with the value of arms, the ‘Norman Conquest’ represents an extremely significant moment for the study of war strategies and the armaments adopted. Courage and audacity, combined with the value of arms, celebrated the identity of the Normans, profoundly marking the history and civilisation of Western Europe between the 11th and 12th centuries. The reasons for this success are multiple, some related to favorable circumstances, others to the political and military prowess of the commanders. The essay highlights some original war devices employed by the Norman armies against the Byzantines and the Arabs to achieve their goals of conquest.

Annali - Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, 2010
figg. 1, 2 e 5 sono riportate a colori alla fine del volume. 1 Si consulti l'articolato programma... more figg. 1, 2 e 5 sono riportate a colori alla fine del volume. 1 Si consulti l'articolato programma, redatto da Claudia Gnocchi e Vincenzo Matera per conto della Orma Eventi d'Arte, delle manifestazioni federiciane pubblicato a Roma nel 1994 per i tipi della De Luca Edizioni di Roma in cui sono state elencate tutte le pubblicazioni, i convegni, le mostre e le attivita Á di conservazione e valorizzazione delle testimonianze storico-artistiche organizzate sotto l'egida del Comitato nazionale per le celebrazioni dell'VIII centenario della nascita di Federico II. 2 Una rassegna storiografica esaustiva sulla enorme produzione scientifica riferita all'architettura federiciana e Á stata pubblicata da M. D'Onofrio, «Castra, Palatia, Domus: un bilancio degli studi sull'architettura federiciana», Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte, 58, XXVI, (2003), pp. 127-147. 3 Di recente sono stati riproposti e ripubblicati dieci saggi che riguardano le riflessioni di Antonio Cadei sullo schema del castrum e sulle componenti orientali dell'architettura castrale federiciana. A tale proposito, si veda: A. Cadei, La forma del castello. L'imperatore Federico II e la Terrasanta, Citta Á di Castello (PG), Edizioni ZiP, 2006. Sulle difese mediorientali d'eta Á crociata attribuiti all'imperatore svevo si veda

Strategie sostenibili per la valorizzazione del patrimonio edilizio, paesaggistico e culturale delle aree interne, 2019
Lo studio delle fortificazioni a larga scala si è rivelato più volte, negli ultimi decenni, una s... more Lo studio delle fortificazioni a larga scala si è rivelato più volte, negli ultimi decenni, una scelta molto valida nell’affrontare le problematiche legate alla comprensione delle dinamiche insediative medievali, con particolare riferimento al fenomeno castrense. Vengono qui presentati i risultati di un lungo lavoro di ricerca frutto dei risultati di quest’approccio applicato all’intero territorio irpino. Dopo un breve accenno al contesto storico-territoriale, si è voluto offrire un quadro generale dei caratteri storico-architettonici utili per descrivere la situazione castellare irpina nell’arco di tempo in cui le varie dinastie straniere conquistarono il Regnum Siciliae dando vita ad un’architettura militare che va dalla dominazione longobarda (568-774) all’avvento dei Normanni (1130-1194) e degli Svevi (1194-1268), fino a ripercorrere le fasi della venuta prima degli Angioini (1268-1435) e poi degli Aragonesi (1442-1503).

In Irpinia, to grasp the extent to which the multiform and varied castellated density still has t... more In Irpinia, to grasp the extent to which the multiform and varied castellated density still has today, it is necessary to look at its hilly and mountainous landscapes or read the toponyms of its villages: from the recent study carried out in the Province of Avellino, there is a list of 78 castles still visible in elevation, a very high figure if you consider that the entire provincial territory is composed of 118 municipalities, for a percentage of almost 70%. The period of study in which this research is based on Irpinia’s fortification (castles, walls, towers and defensive walls) is part of the period in which the various foreign dynasties conquered the Regnum Siciliae giving rise to a military architecture which goes from the Longobard domination (568-774) to the advent of the Normans (1130-1194) and the Swabians (1194-1268), to retrace the phases of the coming first of the Angevins (1268-1435) and then of the Aragons (1442-1503).
Revue archéologique de l'ouest, 1990
A l'aide d'exemples choisis sur les monuments romans de Caen, ce court essai tente de mon... more A l'aide d'exemples choisis sur les monuments romans de Caen, ce court essai tente de montrer en quoi les differents types de signes lapidaires peuvent etre une source de renseignements pour l'etude des XIe-XIIe siecles. Malgre leur fragilite - qui en a fait disparaitre un grand nombre - ces signes graves sur la pierre restent encore nombreux et sont manifestement sous utilises. Il apparait donc urgent d'en constituer des corpus regionaux permettant une vraie protection et une utilisation rationnelle.
... guerra38. Il cronista Falcone di Benevento racconta che nel giugno 1139 Ruggero II con un pot... more ... guerra38. Il cronista Falcone di Benevento racconta che nel giugno 1139 Ruggero II con un potente esercito investe la contea di Ariano, e la sottomette; a quel punto Ruggero d'Ariano ripara nella città di Troia, in Capitanata. Il ...
Giovanni Coppola, 2022
Sono qui brevemente riassunte le principali tecniche costruttive utilizzate tra il XIV e il XV se... more Sono qui brevemente riassunte le principali tecniche costruttive utilizzate tra il XIV e il XV secolo per la costruzione di chiese e cattedrali.
Giovanni Coppola, 2022
Sintetica rassegna sui principali monumenti romanici dell'Italia meridionale.
Papers by Giovanni COPPOLA
same attention in transnational context. This essay on Norman fortifications in the province of Avellino derives from a twofold critical
need that is to involve the architectural production of a small territory in the southern Apennines and, at the same time, compare it in
a diachronic and synchronic way with examples chosen in other regions of the Norman area. This line of research is the only way to
deal, albeit briefly, with the various issues related to the study of castles in the wide range of plurality and complex configurations that
arise from them, in a crucial phase of European history in which peoples, who would later belong to different nations, were brought
together. Consequently, the architectures, that are the subjects of this research, are not only considered in relation to one another,
but also through each other, framed in global contexts in terms of dynamics of cultural interaction and the transfer of models. This
is aimed at finding points of intersection of transnational processes with local ones and, therefore, at determining an interpretative
model capable of reconstructing the subtle net of relationships and construction knowledge in the contexts of origin and arrival.
same attention in transnational context. This essay on Norman fortifications in the province of Avellino derives from a twofold critical
need that is to involve the architectural production of a small territory in the southern Apennines and, at the same time, compare it in
a diachronic and synchronic way with examples chosen in other regions of the Norman area. This line of research is the only way to
deal, albeit briefly, with the various issues related to the study of castles in the wide range of plurality and complex configurations that
arise from them, in a crucial phase of European history in which peoples, who would later belong to different nations, were brought
together. Consequently, the architectures, that are the subjects of this research, are not only considered in relation to one another,
but also through each other, framed in global contexts in terms of dynamics of cultural interaction and the transfer of models. This
is aimed at finding points of intersection of transnational processes with local ones and, therefore, at determining an interpretative
model capable of reconstructing the subtle net of relationships and construction knowledge in the contexts of origin and arrival.