Books by Gelindo Cazzolaro
Le tre Vite di Villa San Giuseppe fu Ca' Angaran alle Carubine, 2018
La prima monografia storica sull'edificio di orgine cinquecentesca Villa Angaran Morosini Favero ... more La prima monografia storica sull'edificio di orgine cinquecentesca Villa Angaran Morosini Favero detta "San Giuseppe". Fortemente voluta dallo sventurato conte Giacomo Angaran del Sole, amico dell'architetto Andrea Palladio e destinatario dei Quattro Libri dell'Architettura, la villa fu iniziata nel 1588, restando tuttavia incompiuta per la morte del committente avvenuta nel 1595. Divenuta dimora degli Angaran delle Stelle, la vita è rimasta residenza nobiliare per oltre tre secoli, fino a quando, a inizio '900, è diventata casa per esercizi spirituali, di proprietà dei Padri Gesuiti. Con il nuovo millennio la villa ha iniziato una nuova vita, legata all'acccoglienza delle fasce più deboli e allo sviluppo di cittadinanza, diventando la prima villa iscritta a IRVV (Istituto Regionale Ville Venete) destinata all'inclusione sociale.
The first historical monograph on the 16th century Villa Angaran Morosini Favero, known as "San Giuseppe". Strongly desired by the unfortunate Count Giacomo Angaran del Sole, friend of the architect Andrea Palladio and recipient of the Four Books of Architecture, the villa was begun in 1588, but remained unfinished due to the death of the client in 1595. Having become the home of the Angaran delle Stelle, life remained a noble residence for over three centuries, until, at the beginning of the 20th century, it became a house for spiritual exercises, owned by the Jesuit Fathers. With the new millennium, the villa began a new life, linked to the welcoming of the weaker classes and the development of citizenship, becoming the first villa registered with IRVV (Istituto Regionale Ville Venete) destined for social inclusion.
Books by Gelindo Cazzolaro
The first historical monograph on the 16th century Villa Angaran Morosini Favero, known as "San Giuseppe". Strongly desired by the unfortunate Count Giacomo Angaran del Sole, friend of the architect Andrea Palladio and recipient of the Four Books of Architecture, the villa was begun in 1588, but remained unfinished due to the death of the client in 1595. Having become the home of the Angaran delle Stelle, life remained a noble residence for over three centuries, until, at the beginning of the 20th century, it became a house for spiritual exercises, owned by the Jesuit Fathers. With the new millennium, the villa began a new life, linked to the welcoming of the weaker classes and the development of citizenship, becoming the first villa registered with IRVV (Istituto Regionale Ville Venete) destined for social inclusion.
The first historical monograph on the 16th century Villa Angaran Morosini Favero, known as "San Giuseppe". Strongly desired by the unfortunate Count Giacomo Angaran del Sole, friend of the architect Andrea Palladio and recipient of the Four Books of Architecture, the villa was begun in 1588, but remained unfinished due to the death of the client in 1595. Having become the home of the Angaran delle Stelle, life remained a noble residence for over three centuries, until, at the beginning of the 20th century, it became a house for spiritual exercises, owned by the Jesuit Fathers. With the new millennium, the villa began a new life, linked to the welcoming of the weaker classes and the development of citizenship, becoming the first villa registered with IRVV (Istituto Regionale Ville Venete) destined for social inclusion.